
GNUmed measurements related business objects.

Expand source code
"""GNUmed measurements related business objects."""

# FIXME: use UCUM from Regenstrief Institute
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>"
__license__ = "GPL"

import sys
import logging
import decimal
import re as regex
import os.path

if __name__ == '__main__':
        sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
        _ = lambda x:x
        except NameError:
                from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmExceptions
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmBusinessDBObject
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDispatcher
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmHooks
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmCfgINI

from import gmOrganization
from import gmCoding

_log = logging.getLogger('gm.lab')
_cfg = gmCfgINI.gmCfgData()

        None: _('unknown'),
        '': _('empty status'),
        'C': _('C (HL7: Correction, replaces previous final)'),
        'D': _('D (HL7: Deletion)'),
        'F': _('F (HL7: Final)'),
        'I': _('I (HL7: pending, specimen In lab)'),
        'P': _('P (HL7: Preliminary)'),
        'R': _('R (HL7: result entered, not yet verified)'),
        'S': _('S (HL7: partial)'),
        'X': _('X (HL7: cannot obtain results for this observation)'),
        'U': _('U (HL7: mark as final (I/P/R/S -> F, value Unchanged)'),
        'W': _('W (HL7: original Wrong (say, wrong patient))')

URL_test_result_information = ''
URL_test_result_information_search = ""

def _on_test_result_modified():
        """Always relates to the active patient."""
        gmHooks.run_hook_script(hook = 'after_test_result_modified')

gmDispatcher.connect(_on_test_result_modified, 'clin.test_result_mod_db')

_SQL_get_test_orgs = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE %s"

class cTestOrg(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one test org/lab."""
        _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_test_orgs % 'pk_test_org = %s'
        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """UPDATE clin.test_org SET
                                fk_org_unit = %(pk_org_unit)s,
                                contact = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(test_org_contact)s),
                                comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
                                pk = %(pk_test_org)s
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_org)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_org
        _updatable_fields = [
def create_test_org(name=None, comment=None, pk_org_unit=None, link_obj=None):

        _log.debug('creating test org [%s:%s:%s]', name, comment, pk_org_unit)

        if name is None:
                name = 'unassigned lab'

        # get org unit
        if pk_org_unit is None:
                org = gmOrganization.create_org (
                        link_obj = link_obj,
                        organization = name,
                        category = 'Laboratory'
                org_unit = gmOrganization.create_org_unit (
                        link_obj = link_obj,
                        pk_organization = org['pk_org'],
                        unit = name
                pk_org_unit = org_unit['pk_org_unit']

        # test org exists ?
        args = {'pk_unit': pk_org_unit}
        cmd = 'SELECT pk_test_org FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE pk_org_unit = %(pk_unit)s'
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

        if len(rows) == 0:
                cmd = 'INSERT INTO clin.test_org (fk_org_unit) VALUES (%(pk_unit)s) RETURNING pk'
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True)

        test_org = cTestOrg(link_obj = link_obj, aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
        if comment is not None:
                comment = comment.strip()
        test_org['comment'] = comment = link_obj)

        return test_org
def delete_test_org(test_org=None):
        args = {'pk': test_org}
        cmd = """
                DELETE FROM clin.test_org
                        pk = %(pk)s
                        NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.lab_request WHERE fk_test_org = %(pk)s LIMIT 1)
                        NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_type WHERE fk_test_org = %(pk)s LIMIT 1)
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def get_test_orgs(order_by='unit', return_pks=False):
        cmd = 'SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_orgs ORDER BY %s' % order_by
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_org'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cTestOrg(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_org', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]

# test panels / profiles
_SQL_get_test_panels = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_panels WHERE %s"

class cTestPanel(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents a grouping/listing of tests into a panel."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_test_panels % "pk_test_panel = %s"
        _cmds_store_payload = [
                        UPDATE clin.test_panel SET
                                description = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(description)s),
                                comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
                                pk = %(pk_test_panel)s
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_panel)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_panel
        _updatable_fields = [
        def format(self):
                txt = _('Test panel "%s"          [#%s]\n') % (

                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        txt += '\n'
                        txt += gmTools.wrap (
                                text = self._payload[self._idx['comment']],
                                width = 50,
                                initial_indent = ' ',
                                subsequent_indent = ' '
                        txt += '\n'

                txt += '\n'
                txt += _('Includes:\n')
                if len(self.included_loincs) == 0:
                        txt += _('no tests')
                        tts_by_loinc = {}
                        for loinc in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
                                tts_by_loinc[loinc] = []
                        for ttype in self.test_types:
                        for loinc, ttypes in tts_by_loinc.items():
                                # maybe resolve LOINC, too
                                txt += _(' %s: %s\n') % (
                                        '; '.join([ '%(abbrev)s@%(name_org)s [#%(pk_test_type)s]' % tt for tt in ttypes ])

                codes = self.generic_codes
                if len(codes) > 0:
                        txt += '\n'
                        for c in codes:
                                txt += '    %s: %s (%s - %s)\n' % (

                return txt

        def add_code(self, pk_code=None):
                """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
                cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(tp)s, %(code)s)"
                args = {
                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                        'code': pk_code
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
                return True

        def remove_code(self, pk_code=None):
                """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
                cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl WHERE fk_item = %(tp)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
                args = {
                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                        'code': pk_code
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
                return True

        def get_test_types_for_results(self, pk_patient, order_by=None, unique_meta_types=False):
                """Retrieve data about test types on this panel (for which this patient has results)."""

                if order_by is None:
                        order_by = ''
                        order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

                if unique_meta_types:
                        cmd = """
                                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types c_vtt
                                WHERE c_vtt.pk_test_type IN (
                                                SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr1.pk_meta_test_type) c_vtr1.pk_test_type
                                                FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr1
                                                        c_vtr1.pk_test_type IN %%(pks)s
                                                        c_vtr1.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                                        c_vtr1.pk_meta_test_type IS NOT NULL
                                        UNION ALL
                                                SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr2.pk_test_type) c_vtr2.pk_test_type
                                                FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr2
                                                        c_vtr2.pk_test_type IN %%(pks)s
                                                        c_vtr2.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                                        c_vtr2.pk_meta_test_type IS NULL
                                %s""" % order_by
                        cmd = """
                                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types c_vtt
                                WHERE c_vtt.pk_test_type IN (
                                        SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr.pk_test_type) c_vtr.pk_test_type
                                        FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr
                                                c_vtr.pk_test_type = ANY(%%(pks)s)
                                                c_vtr.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                %s""" % order_by

                args = {
                        'pat': pk_patient,
                        'pks': [ tt['pk_test_type'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ]
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

        def add_loinc(self, loinc):
                if self._payload[self._idx['loincs']] is not None:
                        if loinc in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
                        'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel (fk_test_panel, loinc) VALUES (%(pk_pnl)s, %(loinc)s)',
                        'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}

        def remove_loinc(self, loinc):
                if self._payload[self._idx['loincs']] is None:
                if loinc not in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
                        'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s AND loinc = %(loinc)s',
                        'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}

        # properties
        def _get_included_loincs(self):
                return self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]

        def _set_included_loincs(self, loincs):
                queries = []
                # remove those which don't belong
                if len(loincs) == 0:
                        cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s'
                        cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s AND loinc <> ALL(%(loincs)s)'
                queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'loincs': loincs, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}})
                # add those not there yet
                if len(loincs) > 0:
                        for loinc in loincs:
                                cmd = """INSERT INTO clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel (fk_test_panel, loinc)
                                SELECT %(pk_pnl)s, %(loinc)s WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                                        SELECT 1 FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE
                                                fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s
                                                loinc = %(loinc)s
                                queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}})
                return gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)

        included_loincs = property(_get_included_loincs, _set_included_loincs)

        def _get_test_types(self):
                if len(self._payload[self._idx['test_types']]) == 0:
                        return []

                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
                        queries = [{
                                'cmd': _SQL_get_test_types % 'pk_test_type = ANY(%(pks)s) ORDER BY unified_abbrev',
                                'args': {'pks': [ tt['pk_test_type'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ]}
                        get_col_idx = True
                return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_test_type'}) for r in rows ]

        test_types = property(_get_test_types)

        def _get_generic_codes(self):
                if len(self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]) == 0:
                        return []

                cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
                args = {'pks': self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]}
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]

        def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes):
                queries = []
                # remove all codes
                if len(self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]) > 0:
                        queries.append ({
                                'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl WHERE fk_item = %(tp)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
                                'args': {
                                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                                        'codes': self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]
                # add new codes
                for pk_code in pk_codes:
                        queries.append ({
                                'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2test_panel (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(tp)s, %(pk_code)s)',
                                'args': {
                                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                                        'pk_code': pk_code
                if len(queries) == 0:
                # run it all in one transaction
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)

        generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)

        def get_most_recent_results(self, pk_patient=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False, include_missing=False):

                if len(self._payload[self._idx['test_types']]) == 0:
                        return []

                pnl_results = get_most_recent_results_for_panel (
                        pk_patient = pk_patient,
                        pk_panel = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                        order_by = order_by,
                        group_by_meta_type = group_by_meta_type
                if not include_missing:
                        return pnl_results

                loincs_found = [ r['loinc_tt'] for r in pnl_results ]
                loincs_found.extend([ r['loinc_meta'] for r in pnl_results if r['loinc_meta'] not in loincs_found ])
                loincs2consider = set([ tt['loinc'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ])
                loincs_missing = loincs2consider - set(loincs_found)
                return pnl_results

def get_test_panels(order_by=None, loincs=None, return_pks=False):
        where_args = {}
        if loincs is None:
                where_parts = ['true']
                where_parts = ['loincs @> %(loincs)s']
                where_args['loincs'] = list(loincs)

        if order_by is None:
                order_by = u''
                order_by = ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        cmd = (_SQL_get_test_panels % ' AND '.join(where_parts)) + order_by
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': where_args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_panel'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cTestPanel(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_test_panel'}) for r in rows ]

def create_test_panel(description=None):

        args = {'desc': description.strip()}
        cmd = """
                INSERT INTO clin.test_panel (description)
                VALUES (gm.nullify_empty_string(%(desc)s))
                RETURNING pk
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True, get_col_idx = False)

        return cTestPanel(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk'])

def delete_test_panel(pk=None):
        args = {'pk': pk}
        cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.test_panel WHERE pk = %(pk)s"
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
        return True

class cMetaTestType(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one meta test type under which actual test types can be aggregated."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = "SELECT *, xmin FROM clin.meta_test_type WHERE pk = %s"
        _cmds_store_payload = ["""
                UPDATE clin.meta_test_type SET
                        abbrev = %(abbrev)s,
                        name = %(name)s,
                        loinc = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(loinc)s),
                        comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
                        pk = %(pk)s
                        xmin = %(xmin)s
        _updatable_fields = [
        def format(self, with_tests=False, patient=None):
                txt = _('Meta (%s=aggregate) test type              [#%s]\n\n') % (gmTools.u_sum, self._payload[self._idx['pk']])
                txt += _(' Name: %s (%s)\n') % (
                if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is not None:
                        txt += ' LOINC: %s\n' % self._payload[self._idx['loinc']]
                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        txt += _(' Comment: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['comment']]
                if with_tests:
                        ttypes = self.included_test_types
                        if len(ttypes) > 0:
                                txt += _(' Aggregates the following test types:\n')
                        for ttype in ttypes:
                                txt += '  - %s (%s)%s%s%s      [#%s]\n' % (
                                        gmTools.coalesce(ttype['reference_unit'], '', ', %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(ttype['name_org'], '', ' (%s)'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(ttype['loinc'], '', ', LOINC: %s'),
                if patient is not None:
                        txt += '\n'
                        most_recent = self.get_most_recent_result(patient = patient)
                        if most_recent is not None:
                                txt += _(' Most recent (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(most_recent['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(most_recent['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(most_recent['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')
                        oldest = self.get_oldest_result(patient = patient)
                        if oldest is not None:
                                txt += '\n'
                                txt += _(' Oldest (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(oldest['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(oldest['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(oldest['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')
                return txt

        def get_most_recent_result(self, patient=None):
                args = {
                        'pat': patient,
                        'mttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                pk_meta_test_type = %(mttyp)s
                        ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                        LIMIT 1"""
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None

                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None):
                args = {
                        'pat': patient,
                        'mttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                pk_meta_test_type = %(mttyp)s
                        ORDER BY clin_when
                        LIMIT 1"""
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None

                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        def get_temporally_closest_result(self, date, pk_patient):

                args = {
                        'pat': pk_patient,
                        'mtyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']],
                        'mloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc']],
                        'when': date
                SQL = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                clin_when %s %%(when)s
                                ((pk_meta_test_type = %%(mtyp)s) OR (loinc_meta = %%(mloinc)s))
                        ORDER BY clin_when
                        LIMIT 1"""

                # get earlier results by meta type
                earlier_result = None
                cmd = SQL % '<'
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        earlier_result = cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

                # get later results by meta type ?
                later_result = None
                cmd = SQL % '>'
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        later_result = cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

                if earlier_result is None:
                        return later_result
                if later_result is None:
                        return earlier_result

                earlier_ago = date - earlier_result['clin_when']
                later_ago = later_result['clin_when'] - date
                if earlier_ago < later_ago:
                        return earlier_result
                return later_result

        # properties
        def _get_included_test_types(self):
                cmd = _SQL_get_test_types % 'pk_meta_test_type = %(pk_meta)s'
                args = {'pk_meta': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]}
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]

        included_test_types = property(_get_included_test_types)

def create_meta_type(name=None, abbreviation=None, return_existing=False):
        cmd = """
                INSERT INTO clin.meta_test_type (name, abbrev)
                WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                        SELECT 1 FROM clin.meta_test_type
                                name = %(name)s
                                abbrev = %(abbr)s
                 RETURNING *, xmin
        args = {
                'name': name.strip(),
                'abbr': abbreviation.strip()
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True, return_data = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                if not return_existing:
                        return None
                cmd = "SELECT *, xmin FROM clin.meta_test_type WHERE name = %(name)s and %(abbr)s"
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)

        return cMetaTestType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

def delete_meta_type(meta_type=None):
        cmd = """
                DELETE FROM clin.meta_test_type
                        pk = %(pk)s
                        NOT EXISTS (
                                SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_type
                                WHERE fk_meta_test_type = %(pk)s
        args = {'pk': meta_type}
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

def get_meta_test_types(return_pks=False):
        cmd = 'SELECT *, xmin FROM clin.meta_test_type'
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cMetaTestType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]

_SQL_get_test_types = "SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types WHERE %s"

class cMeasurementType(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one test result type."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_test_types % "pk_test_type = %s"

        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """UPDATE clin.test_type SET
                                abbrev = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(abbrev)s),
                                name = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(name)s),
                                loinc = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(loinc)s),
                                comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment_type)s),
                                reference_unit = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(reference_unit)s),
                                fk_test_org = %(pk_test_org)s,
                                fk_meta_test_type = %(pk_meta_test_type)s
                                pk = %(pk_test_type)s
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_type)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_type"""

        _updatable_fields = [
        # properties
        def _get_in_use(self):
                cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_result WHERE fk_type = %(pk_type)s)'
                args = {'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']]}
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
                return rows[0][0]

        in_use = property(_get_in_use)

        def get_most_recent_results(self, patient=None, max_no_of_results=1):
                results = get_most_recent_results_for_test_type (
                        test_type = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        max_no_of_results = max_no_of_results,
                        patient = patient
                if len(results) > 0:
                        return results

                if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is None:
                        return []

                return get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group (
                        loincs = list(self._payload[self._idx['loinc']]),
                        max_no_of_results = max_no_of_results,
                        patient = patient
                        # ?

        def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None):
                result = get_oldest_result (
                        test_type = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        loinc = None,
                        patient = patient
                if result is None:
                        if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is not None:
                                result = get_oldest_result (
                                        test_type = None,
                                        loinc = self._payload[self._idx['loinc']],
                                        patient = patient
                return result

        def _get_test_panels(self):
                if self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panels']] is None:
                        return None

                return [ cTestPanel(aPK_obj = pk) for pk in self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panels']] ]

        test_panels = property(_get_test_panels)

        def get_meta_test_type(self, real_one_only=True):
                if real_one_only is False:
                        return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_fake_meta_type']]:
                        return None
                return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])

        meta_test_type = property(get_meta_test_type)

        def get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self, unit, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information.

                - needs <unit>
                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit = %(unit)s
                (val_normal_min IS NOT NULL)
                (val_normal_max IS NOT NULL)
                (val_normal_range IS NOT NULL)
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': unit,
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                r = rows[0]
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r})

        def get_temporally_closest_target_range(self, unit, patient, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have target range information.

                - needs <unit>
                - needs <patient> (as target will be per-patient)
                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit = %(unit)s
        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                (val_target_min IS NOT NULL)
                (val_target_max IS NOT NULL)
                (val_target_range IS NOT NULL)
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': unit,
                        'pat': patient,
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                r = rows[0]
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r})

        def get_temporally_closest_unit(self, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the unit of the closest test result.

                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT val_unit FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit IS NOT NULL
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                return rows[0]['val_unit']

        temporally_closest_unit = property(get_temporally_closest_unit)

        def format(self, patient=None):
                tt = ''
                tt += _('Test type "%s" (%s)          [#%s]\n') % (
                tt += '\n'
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['loinc']], '', ' LOINC: %s\n')
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['reference_unit']], '', _(' Reference unit: %s\n'))
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment_type']], '', _(' Comment: %s\n'))

                tt += '\n'
                tt += _('Lab details:\n')
                tt += _(' Name: %s\n') % gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['name_org']], '')
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['contact_org']], '', _(' Contact: %s\n'))
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment_org']], '', _(' Comment: %s\n'))

                if self._payload[self._idx['is_fake_meta_type']] is False:
                        tt += '\n'
                        tt += _('Aggregated under meta type:\n')
                        tt += _(' Name: %s - %s             [#%s]\n') % (
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['loinc_meta']], '', ' LOINC: %s\n')
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']], '', _(' Comment: %s\n'))

                panels = self.test_panels
                if panels is not None:
                        tt += '\n'
                        tt += _('Listed in test panels:\n')
                        for panel in panels:
                                tt += _(' Panel "%s"             [#%s]\n') % (

                if patient is not None:
                        tt += '\n'
                        results = self.get_most_recent_results(patient = patient, max_no_of_results = 1)
                        if len(results) > 0:
                                result = results[0]
                                tt += _(' Most recent (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')
                        result = self.get_oldest_result(patient = patient)
                        if result is not None:
                                tt += '\n'
                                tt += _(' Oldest (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')

                return tt

def get_measurement_types(order_by=None, loincs=None, return_pks=False):
        args = {}
        where_parts = []
        if loincs is not None:
                if len(loincs) > 0:
                        where_parts.append('loinc = ANY(%(loincs)s)')
                        args['loincs'] = loincs
        if len(where_parts) == 0:
        WHERE_clause = ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        cmd = (_SQL_get_test_types % WHERE_clause) + gmTools.coalesce(order_by, '', ' ORDER BY %s')
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_type'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]

def find_measurement_type(lab=None, abbrev=None, name=None, link_obj=None):

                if (abbrev is None) and (name is None):
                        raise ValueError('must have <abbrev> and/or <name> set')

                where_snippets = []

                if lab is None:
                        where_snippets.append('pk_test_org IS NULL')
                                where_snippets.append('pk_test_org = %(lab)s')
                        except (TypeError, ValueError):
                                where_snippets.append('pk_test_org = (SELECT pk_test_org FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE unit = %(lab)s)')

                if abbrev is not None:
                        where_snippets.append('abbrev = %(abbrev)s')

                if name is not None:
                        where_snippets.append('name = %(name)s')

                where_clause = ' and '.join(where_snippets)
                cmd = "select * from clin.v_test_types where %s" % where_clause
                args = {'lab': lab, 'abbrev': abbrev, 'name': name}

                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)

                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None

                tt = cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': rows[0], 'idx': idx})
                return tt

def delete_measurement_type(measurement_type=None):
        cmd = 'delete from clin.test_type where pk = %(pk)s'
        args = {'pk': measurement_type}
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

def create_measurement_type(lab=None, abbrev=None, unit=None, name=None, link_obj=None):
        """Create or get test type."""

        ttype = find_measurement_type(lab = lab, abbrev = abbrev, name = name, link_obj = link_obj)
        # found ?
        if ttype is not None:
                return ttype

        _log.debug('creating test type [%s:%s:%s:%s]', lab, abbrev, name, unit)

        # not found, so create it
#       if unit is None:
#               _log.error('need <unit> to create test type: %s:%s:%s:%s' % (lab, abbrev, name, unit))
#               raise ValueError('need <unit> to create test type')

        # make query
        cols = []
        val_snippets = []
        vals = {}

        # lab
        if lab is None:
                lab = create_test_org(link_obj = link_obj)['pk_test_org']

                vals['lab'] = int(lab)
        except Exception:
                vals['lab'] = lab
                val_snippets.append('(SELECT pk_test_org FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE unit = %(lab)s)')

        # code
        vals['abbrev'] = abbrev

        # unit
        if unit is not None:
                vals['unit'] = unit

        # name
        if name is not None:
                vals['name'] = name

        col_clause = ', '.join(cols)
        val_clause = ', '.join(val_snippets)
        queries = [
                {'cmd': 'insert into clin.test_type (%s) values (%s)' % (col_clause, val_clause), 'args': vals},
                {'cmd': "select * from clin.v_test_types where pk_test_type = currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('clin.test_type', 'pk'))"}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = queries, get_col_idx = True, return_data = True)
        ttype = cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': rows[0], 'idx': idx})

        return ttype

class cTestResult(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one test result."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_test_results where pk_test_result = %s"

        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """UPDATE clin.test_result SET
                                clin_when = %(clin_when)s,
                                narrative = nullif(trim(%(comment)s), ''),
                                val_num = %(val_num)s,
                                val_alpha = nullif(trim(%(val_alpha)s), ''),
                                val_unit = nullif(trim(%(val_unit)s), ''),
                                val_normal_min = %(val_normal_min)s,
                                val_normal_max = %(val_normal_max)s,
                                val_normal_range = nullif(trim(%(val_normal_range)s), ''),
                                val_target_min = %(val_target_min)s,
                                val_target_max = %(val_target_max)s,
                                val_target_range = nullif(trim(%(val_target_range)s), ''),
                                abnormality_indicator = nullif(trim(%(abnormality_indicator)s), ''),
                                norm_ref_group = nullif(trim(%(norm_ref_group)s), ''),
                                note_test_org = nullif(trim(%(note_test_org)s), ''),
                                material = nullif(trim(%(material)s), ''),
                                material_detail = nullif(trim(%(material_detail)s), ''),
                                status = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(status)s),
                                val_grouping = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(val_grouping)s),
                                source_data = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(source_data)s),
                                fk_intended_reviewer = %(pk_intended_reviewer)s,
                                fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s,
                                fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s,
                                fk_type = %(pk_test_type)s,
                                fk_request = %(pk_request)s
                                pk = %(pk_test_result)s AND
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_result)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_result
#               , u"""select xmin_test_result from clin.v_test_results where pk_test_result = %(pk_test_result)s"""

        _updatable_fields = [

        def format_concisely(self, date_format='%Y %b %d', with_notes=True):
                range_info = gmTools.coalesce (
                review = gmTools.bool2subst (
                        ' ' + gmTools.u_writing_hand,
                        ' ' + gmTools.u_writing_hand
                txt = '%s %s: %s%s%s%s%s%s' % (
                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']], '', ' %s'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']], '', ' %s'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(range_info, '', ' (%s)'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['status']], '', ' [%s]')[:2],
                if with_notes:
                        txt += '\n'
                        if self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']] is not None:
                                txt += ' ' + _('Lab comment: %s\n') % _('\n Lab comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']].split('\n'))
                        if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                                txt += ' ' + _('Praxis comment: %s\n') % _('\n Praxis comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment']].split('\n'))

                return txt.strip('\n')

        def format(self, with_review=True, with_evaluation=True, with_ranges=True, with_episode=True, with_type_details=True, with_source_data=False, date_format='%Y %b %d %H:%M'):

                # FIXME: add battery, request details

                # header
                tt = _('Result from %s             \n') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (

                # basics
                tt += ' ' + _('Type: "%(name)s" (%(abbr)s)  [#%(pk_type)s]\n') % ({
                        'name': self._payload[self._idx['name_tt']],
                        'abbr': self._payload[self._idx['abbrev_tt']],
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']]
                if self.is_long_text:
                        sso = gmTools.u_superscript_one
                        sso = ''
                tt += ' ' + _('%(sso)sResult: %(val)s%(unit)s%(ind)s  [#%(pk_result)s]\n') % ({
                        'sso': sso,
                        'val': self._payload[self._idx['unified_val']],
                        'unit': gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']], '', ' %s'),
                        'ind': gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']], '', ' (%s)'),
                        'pk_result': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_result']]

                if self._payload[self._idx['status']] is not None:
                                stat = HL7_RESULT_STATI[self._payload[self._idx['status']]]
                        except KeyError:
                                stat = self._payload[self._idx['status']]
                        tt += ' ' + _('Status: %s\n') % stat
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_grouping']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Grouping: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['val_grouping']]

                if with_evaluation:
                        norm_eval = None
                        if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is not None:
                                # 1) normal range
                                # lowered ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]):
                                                percent = (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] * 100) / self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                percent = None
                                        if percent is not None:
                                                if percent < 6:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f %% of the normal lower limit') % percent
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f %% of the normal lower limit') % percent
                                # raised ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]):
                                                x_times = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] / self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                x_times = None
                                        if x_times is not None:
                                                if x_times < 10:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f times the normal upper limit') % x_times
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f times the normal upper limit') % x_times
                                if norm_eval is not None:
                                        tt += '  = %s\n' % norm_eval
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # this idea was shot down on the list
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # bandwidth of deviation
        #                       if None not in [self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]]:
        #                               normal_width = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
        #                               deviation_from_normal_range = None
        #                               # below ?
        #                               if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_normal_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]
        #                               # above ?
        #                               elif self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_normal_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
        #                               if deviation_from_normal_range is None:
        #                                       try:
        #                                               times_deviation = deviation_from_normal_range / normal_width
        #                                       except ZeroDivisionError:
        #                                               times_deviation = None
        #                                       if times_deviation is not None:
        #                                               if times_deviation < 10:
        #                                                       tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.1f times of the normal range') % times_deviation
        #                                               else:
        #                                                       tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.0f times of the normal range') % times_deviation
        #                       #-------------------------------------

                                # 2) clinical target range
                                norm_eval = None
                                # lowered ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]):
                                                percent = (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] * 100) / self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                percent = None
                                        if percent is not None:
                                                if percent < 6:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f %% of the target lower limit') % percent
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f %% of the target lower limit') % percent
                                # raised ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]):
                                                x_times = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] / self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                x_times = None
                                        if x_times is not None:
                                                if x_times < 10:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f times the target upper limit') % x_times
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f times the target upper limit') % x_times
                                if norm_eval is not None:
                                        tt += ' = %s\n' % norm_eval
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # this idea was shot down on the list
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # bandwidth of deviation
        #                       if None not in [self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]]:
        #                               normal_width = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
        #                               deviation_from_target_range = None
        #                               # below ?
        #                               if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_target_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]
        #                               # above ?
        #                               elif self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_target_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
        #                               if deviation_from_target_range is None:
        #                                       try:
        #                                               times_deviation = deviation_from_target_range / normal_width
        #                                       except ZeroDivisionError:
        #                                               times_deviation = None
        #                               if times_deviation is not None:
        #                                       if times_deviation < 10:
        #                                               tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.1f times of the target range') % times_deviation
        #                                       else:
        #                                               tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.0f times of the target range') % times_deviation
        #                       #-------------------------------------

                tmp = ('%s%s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['name_test_org']], ''),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['contact_test_org']], '', ' (%s)'),
                if tmp != '':
                        tt += ' ' + _('Source: %s\n') % tmp
                tt += '\n'
                if self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + gmTools.u_superscript_one + _('Lab comment: %s\n') % _('\n Lab comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']].split('\n'))
                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + gmTools.u_superscript_one + _('Praxis comment: %s\n') % _('\n Praxis comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment']].split('\n'))

                if with_ranges:
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self.formatted_normal_range, '', ' ' + _('Standard normal range: %s\n'))
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self.formatted_clinical_range, '', ' ' + _('Clinical target range: %s\n'))
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['norm_ref_group']], '', ' ' + _('Reference group: %s\n'))

                # metadata
                if with_episode:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Episode: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['episode']]
                        if self._payload[self._idx['health_issue']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Issue: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['health_issue']]
                if self._payload[self._idx['material']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Material: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['material']]
                if self._payload[self._idx['material_detail']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Details: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['material_detail']]
                tt += '\n'

                if with_review:
                        if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                                review = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                                review = _('not yet')
                        tt += _('Signed (%(sig_hand)s): %(reviewed)s\n') % ({
                                'sig_hand': gmTools.u_writing_hand,
                                'reviewed': review
                        tt += ' ' + _('Responsible clinician: %s\n') % gmTools.bool2subst (
                        if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Last reviewer: %(reviewer)s\n') % ({
                                        'reviewer': gmTools.bool2subst (
                                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['last_reviewer']], '?')
                                tt += ' ' + _(' Technically abnormal: %(abnormal)s\n') % ({
                                        'abnormal': gmTools.bool2subst (
                                tt += ' ' + _(' Clinically relevant: %(relevant)s\n') % ({
                                        'relevant': gmTools.bool2subst (
                        if self._payload[self._idx['review_comment']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _(' Comment: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['review_comment']].strip()
                        tt += '\n'

                # type
                if with_type_details:
                        has_details = None not in [self._payload[self._idx['comment_tt']], self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']], self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']]]
                        if has_details:
                                tt += _('Test type details:\n')
                        if self._payload[self._idx['comment_tt']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Type comment: %s\n') % _('\n Type comment:').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment_tt']].split('\n'))
                        if self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Aggregated (%s) under: %s (%s)  [#%s]\n') % (
                        if self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Group comment: %s\n') % _('\n Group comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']].split('\n'))
                        if has_details:
                                tt += '\n'

                if with_source_data:
                        if self._payload[self._idx['source_data']] is not None:
                                tt += _('Source data:\n')
                                tt += ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['source_data']]
                                tt += '\n\n'

                if with_review:
                        tt += _('Revisions: %(row_ver)s, last %(mod_when)s by %(mod_by)s.') % ({
                                'row_ver': self._payload[self._idx['row_version']],
                                'mod_when': gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['modified_when']],date_format),
                                'mod_by': self._payload[self._idx['modified_by']]

                return tt

        def _get_has_normal_min_or_max(self):
                return (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None

        has_normal_min_or_max = property(_get_has_normal_min_or_max)

        def _get_normal_min_max(self):
                has_range_info = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
                if has_range_info is False:
                        return None

                return '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')

        normal_min_max = property(_get_normal_min_max)

        def _get_formatted_normal_range(self):
                has_numerical_range = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
                if has_numerical_range:
                        numerical_range = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')
                        numerical_range = ''
                textual_range = gmTools.coalesce (
                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                ' / %s',
                range_info = '%s%s' % (numerical_range, textual_range)
                if range_info == '':
                        return None
                return range_info

        formatted_normal_range = property(_get_formatted_normal_range)

        def _get_has_clinical_min_or_max(self):
                return (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None

        has_clinical_min_or_max = property(_get_has_clinical_min_or_max)

        def _get_clinical_min_max(self):
                has_range_info = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
                if has_range_info is False:
                        return None

                return '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')

        clinical_min_max = property(_get_clinical_min_max)

        def _get_formatted_clinical_range(self):
                has_numerical_range = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
                if has_numerical_range:
                        numerical_range = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')
                        numerical_range = ''
                textual_range = gmTools.coalesce (
                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                ' / %s',
                range_info = '%s%s' % (numerical_range, textual_range)
                if range_info == '':
                        return None
                return range_info

        formatted_clinical_range = property(_get_formatted_clinical_range)

        def _get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information."""
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None:
                        return self
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None:
                        return self
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']] is not None:
                        return self
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * from clin.v_test_results
                                pk_type = %(pk_type)s
                                val_unit = %(unit)s
                                        (val_normal_min IS NOT NULL)
                                        (val_normal_max IS NOT NULL)
                                        (val_normal_range IS NOT NULL)
                        ORDER BY
                                        WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                                        ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
                        LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']],
                        'clin_when': self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']]
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        temporally_closest_normal_range = property(_get_temporally_closest_normal_range)

        def _get_formatted_range(self):

                has_normal_min_or_max = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
                if has_normal_min_or_max:
                        normal_min_max = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')

                has_clinical_min_or_max = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
                if has_clinical_min_or_max:
                        clinical_min_max = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')

                if has_clinical_min_or_max:
                        return _('Target: %(clin_min_max)s%(clin_range)s') % ({
                                'clin_min_max': clinical_min_max,
                                'clin_range': gmTools.coalesce (
                                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                                ' / %s',

                if has_normal_min_or_max:
                        return _('Norm: %(norm_min_max)s%(norm_range)s') % ({
                                'norm_min_max': normal_min_max,
                                'norm_range': gmTools.coalesce (
                                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                                ' / %s',

                if self._payload[self._idx['val_target_range']] is not None:
                        return _('Target: %s') % self._payload[self._idx['val_target_range']],

                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']] is not None:
                        return _('Norm: %s') % self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']]

                return None

        formatted_range = property(_get_formatted_range)

        def _get_test_type(self):
                return cMeasurementType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']])

        test_type = property(_get_test_type)

        def _get_is_considered_elevated(self):
                # 1) the user is right (review)
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                        return False
                # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
                indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
                if indicator is not None:
                        indicator = indicator.strip()
                        if indicator != '':
                                if indicator.strip('+') == '':
                                        return True
                                if indicator.strip('-') == '':
                                        return False
                # 3) non-numerical value ?
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                        return None
                # 4) the target range is right
                target_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
                if target_max is not None:
                        if target_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                # 4) the normal range is right
                normal_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
                if normal_max is not None:
                        if normal_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                return None

        is_considered_elevated = property(_get_is_considered_elevated)

        def _get_is_considered_lowered(self):
                # 1) the user is right (review)
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                        return False
                # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
                indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
                if indicator is not None:
                        indicator = indicator.strip()
                        if indicator != '':
                                if indicator.strip('+') == '':
                                        return False
                                if indicator.strip('-') == '':
                                        return True
                # 3) non-numerical value ?
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                        return None
                # 4) the target range is right
                target_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
                if target_min is not None:
                        if target_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                # 4) the normal range is right
                normal_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
                if normal_min is not None:
                        if normal_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                return None

        is_considered_lowered = property(_get_is_considered_lowered)

        def _get_is_considered_abnormal(self):
                if self.is_considered_lowered is True:
                        return True
                if self.is_considered_elevated is True:
                        return True
                if (self.is_considered_lowered is False) and (self.is_considered_elevated is False):
                        return False
                return self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']]

        is_considered_abnormal = property(_get_is_considered_abnormal)

        def _set_reference_range(self, ref_range):
                """Parse reference range from string.

                        Note: does NOT save the result.
                ref_range = ref_range.strip().replace(' ', '')

                is_range = regex.match(r'-{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*--{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                if is_range is not None:
                        min_val = regex.match(r'-{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*-', ref_range, regex.UNICODE).group(0).rstrip('-')
                        success, min_val = gmTools.input2decimal(min_val)
                        max_val = ('--{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE).group(0))[1:]
                        success, max_val = gmTools.input2decimal(max_val)
                        self['val_normal_min'] = min_val
                        self['val_normal_max'] = max_val

                if ref_range.startswith('<'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'<\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                max_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, max_val = gmTools.input2decimal(max_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = 0
                                self['val_normal_max'] = max_val

                if ref_range.startswith('<-'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'<-\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                max_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, max_val = gmTools.input2decimal(max_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = None
                                self['val_normal_max'] = max_val

                if ref_range.startswith('>'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'>\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                min_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, min_val = gmTools.input2decimal(min_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = min_val
                                self['val_normal_max'] = None

                if ref_range.startswith('>-'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'>-\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                min_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, min_val = gmTools.input2decimal(min_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = min_val
                                self['val_normal_max'] = 0

                self['val_normal_range'] = ref_range

        reference_range = property(lambda x:x, _set_reference_range)

        def _get_formatted_abnormality_indicator(self):
                # 1) the user is right
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                        return ''
                # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
                indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
                if indicator is not None:
                        indicator = indicator.strip()
                        if indicator != '':
                                return indicator
                # 3) non-numerical value ? then we can't know more
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                        return None
                # 4) the target range is right
                target_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
                if target_min is not None:
                        if target_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '-'
                target_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
                if target_max is not None:
                        if target_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '+'
                # 4) the normal range is right
                normal_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
                if normal_min is not None:
                        if normal_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '-'
                normal_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
                if normal_max is not None:
                        if normal_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '+'
                # reviewed, abnormal, but no indicator available
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is True:
                        return gmTools.u_plus_minus

                return None

        formatted_abnormality_indicator = property(_get_formatted_abnormality_indicator)

        def _get_is_long_text(self):
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']] is None:
                        return False
                lines = gmTools.strip_empty_lines(text = self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']], eol = '\n', return_list = True)
                if len(lines) > 4:
                        return True
                return False

        is_long_text = property(_get_is_long_text)

        def _get_estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha(self):
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']] is None:
                        return None
                val = self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']].lstrip()
                if val[0] == '<':
                        factor = decimal.Decimal(0.5)
                        val = val[1:]
                elif val[0] == '>':
                        factor = 2
                        val = val[1:]
                        return None
                success, val = gmTools.input2decimal(initial = val)
                if not success:
                        return None
                return val * factor

        estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha = property(_get_estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha)

        def set_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None, make_me_responsible=False):

                # FIXME: this is not concurrency safe
                if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                        self.__change_existing_review (
                                technically_abnormal = technically_abnormal,
                                clinically_relevant = clinically_relevant,
                                comment = comment
                        # do not sign off unreviewed results if
                        # NOTHING AT ALL is known about them
                        if technically_abnormal is None:
                                if clinically_relevant is None:
                                        comment = gmTools.none_if(comment, '', strip_string = True)
                                        if comment is None:
                                                if make_me_responsible is False:
                                                        return True
                        self.__set_new_review (
                                technically_abnormal = technically_abnormal,
                                clinically_relevant = clinically_relevant,
                                comment = comment

                if make_me_responsible is True:
                        cmd = "SELECT pk FROM dem.staff WHERE db_user = current_user"
                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
                        self['pk_intended_reviewer'] = rows[0][0]


        def get_adjacent_results(self, desired_earlier_results=1, desired_later_results=1, max_offset=None):

                if desired_earlier_results < 1:
                        raise ValueError('<desired_earlier_results> must be > 0')

                if desired_later_results < 1:
                        raise ValueError('<desired_later_results> must be > 0')

                args = {
                        'pat': self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']],
                        'ttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'tloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc_tt']],
                        'mtyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']],
                        'mloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc_meta']],
                        'when': self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']],
                        'offset': max_offset
                WHERE = '((pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s) OR (loinc_tt = %(tloinc)s))'
                WHERE_meta = '((pk_meta_test_type = %(mtyp)s) OR (loinc_meta = %(mloinc)s))'
                if max_offset is not None:
                        WHERE = WHERE + ' AND (clin_when BETWEEN (%(when)s - %(offset)s) AND (%(when)s + %(offset)s))'
                        WHERE_meta = WHERE_meta + ' AND (clin_when BETWEEN (%(when)s - %(offset)s) AND (%(when)s + %(offset)s))'

                SQL = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                clin_when %s %%(when)s
                        ORDER BY clin_when
                        LIMIT %s"""

                # get earlier results
                earlier_results = []
                # by type
                cmd = SQL % ('<', WHERE, desired_earlier_results)
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        earlier_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])
                # by meta type ?
                missing_results = desired_earlier_results - len(earlier_results)
                if  missing_results > 0:
                        cmd = SQL % ('<', WHERE_meta, missing_results)
                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                        if len(rows) > 0:
                                earlier_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])

                # get later results
                later_results = []
                # by type
                cmd = SQL % ('>', WHERE, desired_later_results)
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        later_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])
                # by meta type ?
                missing_results = desired_later_results - len(later_results)
                if  missing_results > 0:
                        cmd = SQL % ('>', WHERE_meta, missing_results)
                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                        if len(rows) > 0:
                                later_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])

                return earlier_results, later_results

        # internal API
        def __set_new_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None):
                """Add a review to a row.

                        - if technically abnormal is not provided/None it will be set
                          to True if the lab's indicator has a meaningful value
                        - if clinically relevant is not provided/None it is set to
                          whatever technically abnormal is
                if technically_abnormal is None:
                        technically_abnormal = False
                        if self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']] is not None:
                                if self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']].strip() != '':
                                        technically_abnormal = True

                if clinically_relevant is None:
                        clinically_relevant = technically_abnormal

                cmd = """
INSERT INTO clin.reviewed_test_results (
                args = {
                        'pk': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_result']],
                        'abnormal': technically_abnormal,
                        'relevant': clinically_relevant,
                        'cmt': comment

                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

        def __change_existing_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None):
                """Change a review on a row.

                        - if technically abnormal/clinically relevant are
                          None they are not set
                args = {
                        'pk_result': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_result']],
                        'abnormal': technically_abnormal,
                        'relevant': clinically_relevant,
                        'cmt': comment

                set_parts = [
                        'fk_reviewer = (SELECT pk FROM dem.staff WHERE db_user = current_user)',
                        'comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(cmt)s)'

                if technically_abnormal is not None:
                        set_parts.append('is_technically_abnormal = %(abnormal)s')

                if clinically_relevant is not None:
                        set_parts.append('clinically_relevant = %(relevant)s')

                cmd = """
UPDATE clin.reviewed_test_results SET
        fk_reviewed_row = %%(pk_result)s
""" % ',\n      '.join(set_parts)

                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

def get_test_results(pk_patient=None, encounters=None, episodes=None, order_by=None, return_pks=False):

        where_parts = []

        if pk_patient is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_patient = %(pat)s')
                args = {'pat': pk_patient}
#       if tests is not None:
#               where_parts.append(u'pk_test_type = ANY(%(tests)s)')
#               args['tests'] = tests
        if encounters is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_encounter = ANY(%(encs)s)')
                args['encs'] = encounters
        if episodes is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_episode = ANY(%(epis)s)')
                args['epis'] = episodes
        if order_by is None:
                order_by = ''
                order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                WHERE %s
        """ % (
                ' AND '.join(where_parts),
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_result'] for r in rows ]
        tests = [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
        return tests

def get_most_recent_results_for_panel(pk_patient=None, pk_panel=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False):

        if order_by is None:
                order_by = ''
                order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        args = {
                'pat': pk_patient,
                'pk_pnl': pk_panel

        if group_by_meta_type:
                # return most recent results in panel grouped by
                # meta test type if any, non-grouped results are
                # returned ungrouped :-)
                cmd = """
                        SELECT c_vtr.*
                        FROM (
                                -- max(clin_when) per test_type-in-panel for patient
                                        MAX(clin_when) AS max_clin_when
                                FROM clin.v_test_results
                                        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                        pk_meta_test_type IS DISTINCT FROM NULL
                                        pk_test_type IN (
                                                (SELECT c_vtt4tp.pk_test_type FROM clin.v_test_types4test_panel c_vtt4tp WHERE c_vtt4tp.pk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s)
                                GROUP BY pk_meta_test_type
                        ) AS latest_results
                                INNER JOIN clin.v_test_results c_vtr ON
                                        c_vtr.pk_meta_test_type = latest_results.pk_meta_test_type
                                        c_vtr.clin_when = latest_results.max_clin_when

                UNION ALL

                SELECT c_vtr.*
                FROM (
                        -- max(clin_when) per test_type-in-panel for patient
                                MAX(clin_when) AS max_clin_when
                        FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                pk_meta_test_type IS NULL
                                pk_test_type IN (
                                        (SELECT c_vtt4tp.pk_test_type FROM clin.v_test_types4test_panel c_vtt4tp WHERE c_vtt4tp.pk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s)
                        GROUP BY pk_test_type
                ) AS latest_results
                        INNER JOIN clin.v_test_results c_vtr ON
                                c_vtr.pk_test_type = latest_results.pk_test_type
                                c_vtr.clin_when = latest_results.max_clin_when
                # return most recent results in panel regardless of whether
                # distinct test types in this panel are grouped under the
                # same meta test type
                cmd = """
                        SELECT c_vtr.*
                        FROM (
                                -- max(clin_when) per test_type-in-panel for patient
                                        MAX(clin_when) AS max_clin_when
                                FROM clin.v_test_results
                                        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                        pk_test_type IN (
                                                (SELECT c_vtt4tp.pk_test_type FROM clin.v_test_types4test_panel c_vtt4tp WHERE c_vtt4tp.pk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s)
                                GROUP BY pk_test_type
                        ) AS latest_results
                                -- this INNER join makes certain we do not expand
                                -- the row selection beyond the patient's rows
                                -- which we constrained to inside the SELECT
                                -- producing "latest_results"
                                INNER JOIN clin.v_test_results c_vtr ON
                                        c_vtr.pk_test_type = latest_results.pk_test_type
                                        c_vtr.clin_when = latest_results.max_clin_when
        cmd += order_by
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_result_at_timestamp(timestamp=None, test_type=None, loinc=None, tolerance_interval=None, patient=None):

        if None not in [test_type, loinc]:
                raise ValueError('either <test_type> or <loinc> must be None')

        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'ttyp': test_type,
                'loinc': loinc,
                'ts': timestamp,
                'intv': tolerance_interval

        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        if test_type is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s')           # consider: pk_meta_test_type = %(pkmtt)s / self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']]
        elif loinc is not None:
                where_parts.append('((loinc_tt = ANY(%(loinc)s)) OR (loinc_meta = ANY(%(loinc)s)))')
                args['loinc'] = loinc

        if tolerance_interval is None:
                where_parts.append('clin_when = %(ts)s')
                where_parts.append('clin_when between (%(ts)s - %(intv)s::interval) AND (%(ts)s + %(intv)s::interval)')

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY
                        abs(extract(epoch from age(clin_when, %%(ts)s)))
                LIMIT 1""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts)

        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None

        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

def get_results_for_day(timestamp=None, patient=None, order_by=None):

        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'ts': timestamp

        where_parts = [
                'pk_patient = %(pat)s',
                "date_trunc('day'::text, clin_when) = date_trunc('day'::text, %(ts)s)"

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
        """ % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_results_for_issue(pk_health_issue=None, order_by=None):
        args = {'pk_issue': pk_health_issue}
        where_parts = ['pk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s']
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                WHERE %s
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
        """ % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_results_for_episode(pk_episode=None):
        args = {'pk_epi': pk_episode}
        where_parts = ['pk_episode = %(pk_epi)s']
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                WHERE %s
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
        """ % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group(loincs=None, max_no_of_results=1, patient=None, max_age=None, consider_indirect_matches=False):
        """Get N most recent results *among* a list of tests selected by LOINC.

                1) get test types with LOINC (or meta type LOINC) in the group of <loincs>
                2) from these get the test results for <patient> within the given <max_age>
                3) from these return "the N=<max_no_of_results> most recent ones" or "None"

                <loinc> must be a list or tuple or set, NOT a single string
                <max_age> must be a string holding a PG interval or else a pydt interval
        assert (max_no_of_results > 0), '<max_no_of_results> must be >0'

        args = {'pat': patient, 'loincs': loincs}
        if max_age is None:
                max_age_cond = ''
                max_age_cond = 'AND clin_when > (now() - %(max_age)s::interval)'
                args['max_age'] = max_age
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM (
                        SELECT DISTINCT ON (pk_test_result) *
                        FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                unified_loinc = ANY(%%(loincs)s)
                ) AS distinct_results
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
                LIMIT %s""" % (
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) > 0:
                return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

        if not consider_indirect_matches:
                return []

        cmd = """
        -- get the test results
        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr
                -- for this <patient>
                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                -- not having *any* LOINC (if the result did have a LOINC and had not been caught by the by-LOINC search it does not apply)
                unified_loinc IS NULL
                -- with these meta test types (= results for the explicit equivalance group)
                c_vtr.pk_meta_test_type IN (
                        -- get the meta test types for those types
                        SELECT pk_meta_test_type
                        FROM clin.v_test_types
                                pk_meta_test_type IS NOT NULL
                                (-- retrieve test types which have .LOINC in <loincs>
                                        (loinc IN %%(loincs)s)
                                        (loinc_meta IN  %%(loincs)s)
                                -- but no result for <patient>
                                pk_test_type NOT IN (
                                        select pk_test_type from clin.v_test_results WHERE pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                ) %s
        -- return the N most resent result
        ORDER BY clin_when DESC
        LIMIT %s
        """ % (
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_most_recent_results_for_test_type(test_type=None, max_no_of_results=1, patient=None):
        """Get N most recent results for *one* defined test type."""

        assert (test_type is not None), '<test_type> must not be None'
        assert (max_no_of_results > 0), '<max_no_of_results> must be > 0'

        args = {'pat': patient, 'ttyp': test_type}
        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        where_parts.append('pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s')           # ?consider: pk_meta_test_type = %(pkmtt)s / self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']]
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                LIMIT %s""" % (
                        ' AND '.join(where_parts),
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

_SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types = """
-- return the one most recent result for each of a list of test types
-- without regard to whether they belong to a meta test type
                MAX(clin_when) OVER relevant_tests AS max_clin_when
        WINDOW relevant_tests AS (PARTITION BY pk_patient, pk_test_type)
) AS windowed_tests
        clin_when = max_clin_when

_SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types_without_meta_type = """
-- return the one most recent result for each of a list of test types
-- none of which may belong to a meta test type
                MAX(clin_when) OVER relevant_tests AS max_clin_when
                pk_meta_test_type IS NULL
        WINDOW relevant_tests AS (PARTITION BY pk_patient, pk_test_type)
) AS windowed_tests
        clin_when = max_clin_when

_SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types_by_meta_type = """
-- return the one most recent result for each of a list of meta test types
-- derived from a list of test types
                MAX(clin_when) OVER relevant_tests AS max_clin_when
                pk_meta_test_type IS NOT NULL
        WINDOW relevant_tests AS (PARTITION BY pk_patient, pk_meta_test_type)
) AS windowed_tests
        clin_when = max_clin_when

def get_most_recent_result_for_test_types(pk_test_types=None, pk_patient=None, return_pks=False, consider_meta_type=False, order_by=None):
        """Return the one most recent result for *each* of a list of test types.

                If <pk_test_types> is not given, most recent results for *each*
                test type the patient has any results for is returned.
        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        args = {'pat': pk_patient}

        if pk_test_types is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_test_type = ANY(%(ttyps)s)')
                args['ttyps'] = pk_test_types

        order_by = 'ORDER BY clin_when DESC' if order_by is None else 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        if consider_meta_type:
                cmd = 'SELECT * FROM ((%s) UNION ALL (%s)) AS result_union %s' % (
                        _SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types_without_meta_type % ' AND '.join(where_parts),
                        _SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types_by_meta_type % ' AND '.join(where_parts),
                cmd = _SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types % (
                        ' AND '.join(where_parts),
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_result'] for r in rows ]

        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_most_recent_results_for_patient(no_of_results=1, patient=None):
        """Get N most recent results for a given patient."""

        if no_of_results < 1:
                raise ValueError('<no_of_results> must be > 0')

        args = {'pat': patient}
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                        pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                LIMIT %s""" % no_of_results
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

def get_oldest_result(test_type=None, loinc=None, patient=None):

        if None not in [test_type, loinc]:
                raise ValueError('either <test_type> or <loinc> must be None')

        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'ttyp': test_type,
                'loinc': loinc

        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        if test_type is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s')           # consider: pk_meta_test_type = %(pkmtt)s / self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']]
        elif loinc is not None:
                where_parts.append('((loinc_tt = ANY(%(loinc)s)) OR (loinc_meta = ANY(%(loinc)s)))')
                args['loinc'] = loinc

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY clin_when
                LIMIT 1""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None

        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

def delete_test_result(result=None):
                pk = int(result)
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                pk = result['pk_test_result']

        cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.test_result WHERE pk = %(pk)s'
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': pk}}])

def create_test_result(encounter=None, episode=None, type=None, intended_reviewer=None, val_num=None, val_alpha=None, unit=None, link_obj=None):

        cmd1 = """
                INSERT INTO clin.test_result (
                ) VALUES (
        cmd2 = "SELECT * from clin.v_test_results WHERE pk_test_result = currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('clin.test_result', 'pk'))"
        args = {
                'enc': encounter,
                'epi': episode,
                'type': type,
                'rev': intended_reviewer,
                'v_num': val_num,
                'v_alpha': val_alpha,
                'unit': unit
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries (
                link_obj = link_obj,
                queries = [
                        {'cmd': cmd1, 'args': args},
                        {'cmd': cmd2}
                return_data = True,
                get_col_idx = True
        tr = cTestResult(row = {
                'pk_field': 'pk_test_result',
                'idx': idx,
                'data': rows[0]
        return tr

def format_test_results(results=None, output_format='latex'):

        _log.debug('formatting test results into [%s]', output_format)

        if output_format == 'latex':
                return __format_test_results_latex(results = results)

        msg = _('unknown test results output format [%s]') % output_format
        return msg

def __tests2latex_minipage(results=None, width='1.5cm', show_time=False, show_range=True):

        if len(results) == 0:
                return '\\begin{minipage}{%s} \\end{minipage}' % width

        lines = []
        for t in results:

                tmp = ''

                if show_time:
                        tmp += '{\\tiny (%s)} ' % t['clin_when'].strftime('%H:%M')

                tmp += '%.8s' % t['unified_val']

                tmp = ''

                if show_range:
                        has_range = (
                                t['unified_target_range'] is not None
                                t['unified_target_min'] is not None
                                t['unified_target_max'] is not None
                        if has_range:
                                if t['unified_target_range'] is not None:
                                        tmp += '{\\tiny %s}' % t['unified_target_range']
                                        tmp += '{\\tiny %s%s}' % (
                                                gmTools.coalesce(t['unified_target_min'], '- ', '%s - '),
                                                gmTools.coalesce(t['unified_target_max'], '', '%s')

        return '\\begin{minipage}{%s} \\begin{flushright} %s \\end{flushright} \\end{minipage}' % (width, ' \\\\ '.join(lines))

def __tests2latex_cell(results=None, show_time=False, show_range=True):

        if len(results) == 0:
                return ''

        lines = []
        for t in results:

                tmp = ''

                if show_time:
                        tmp += '\\tiny %s ' % t['clin_when'].strftime('%H:%M')

                tmp += '\\normalsize %.8s' % t['unified_val']

                tmp = '\\tiny %s' % gmTools.coalesce(t['val_unit'], '', '%s ')

                if not show_range:

                has_range = (
                        t['unified_target_range'] is not None
                        t['unified_target_min'] is not None
                        t['unified_target_max'] is not None

                if not has_range:

                if t['unified_target_range'] is not None:
                        tmp += '[%s]' % t['unified_target_range']
                        tmp += '[%s%s]' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(t['unified_target_min'], '--', '%s--'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(t['unified_target_max'], '', '%s')

        return ' \\\\ '.join(lines)

def __format_test_results_latex(results=None):

        if len(results) == 0:
                return '\\noindent %s' % _('No test results to format.')

        # discover the columns and rows
        dates = {}
        tests = {}
        grid = {}
        for result in results:
#               row_label = u'%s \\ \\tiny (%s)}' % (result['unified_abbrev'], result['unified_name'])
                row_label = result['unified_abbrev']
                tests[row_label] = None
                col_label = '{\\scriptsize %s}' % result['clin_when'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                dates[col_label] = None
                except KeyError:
                        grid[row_label] = {}
                except KeyError:
                        grid[row_label][col_label] = [result]

        col_labels = sorted(dates, reverse = True)
        del dates
        row_labels = sorted(tests)
        del tests

        col_def = len(col_labels) * '>{\\raggedleft}p{1.7cm}|'

        # format them
        tex = """\\noindent %s

\\noindent \\begin{tabular}{|l|%s}
 & %s \\tabularnewline

%%s \\tabularnewline


\\end{tabular}""" % (
                _('Test results'),
                ' & '.join(col_labels)

        rows = []

        # loop over rows
        for rl in row_labels:
                cells = [rl]
                # loop over cols per row
                for cl in col_labels:
                                # get tests for this (row/col) position
                                tests = grid[rl][cl]
                        except KeyError:
                                # none there, so insert empty cell
                                cells.append(' ')

                        cells.append (
                                __tests2latex_cell (
                                        results = tests,
                                        show_time = (len(tests) > 1),
                                        show_range = True

                rows.append(' & '.join(cells))

        return tex % ' \\tabularnewline\n \\hline\n'.join(rows)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# GNUmed test results export for Gnuplot plotting
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# There is one (gnuplot) index per test type. Two blank
# lines will separate indices.
# The first line of each index contains test type abbreviation
# and test type name which can be used as title for plots:
#  set key ... autotitle columnheader)
# Each index contains one test result per line.
# Columns in each line:
#   1 - clin_when at full precision:
#        set timefmt "%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H:%%M"
#        timecolumn(1, "%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H:%%M")
#   2 - value
#   3 - unit
#   4 - unified (target or normal) range: lower bound
#   5 - unified (target or normal) range: upper bound
#   6 - normal range: lower bound
#   7 - normal range: upper bound
#   8 - target range: lower bound
#   9 - target range: upper bound
#  10 - clin_when formatted into string (say, as x-axis tic label)
# If the timestamp of consecutive test results is on one and the
# same day one blank line is inserted such that a discontinuous
# line can be plotted if desired.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# the file
#  <%s.conf>
# will contain various gnuplot settings specific to this plot,
# such as <ylabel>, <y2label>, <title>,
# there will also be settings suitable for stacked multiplots
# -------------------------------------------------------------

def export_results_for_gnuplot(results=None, filename=None, show_year=True, patient=None):

        sandbox_dir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir, 'gplot')
        if not gmTools.mkdir(sandbox_dir):
                sandbox_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'gm2gpl-')
        _log.debug('sandbox directory: [%s]', sandbox_dir)
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm2gpl-', suffix = '.dat', tmp_dir = sandbox_dir)

        # sort results into groups by test type
        results_grouped_by_test_type = {}
        for r in results:
                except KeyError:
                        results_grouped_by_test_type[r['unified_name']] = [r]

        conf_name = '%s.conf' % filename
        gplot_conf = open(conf_name, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
        gplot_conf.write('# settings for stacked multiplot layouts:\n')
        sub_title = _('plotted %s (GNUmed v%s)') % (
                gmDateTime.pydt_now_here().strftime('%Y %b %d %H:%M'),
                _cfg.get(option = 'client_version')
        if patient is None:
                plot_title = sub_title
                plot_title = '%s - %s\\n{/*0.8 %s}' % (
                        patient.get_description_gender(with_nickname = False).strip(),
                        patient.get_formatted_dob(format = '%Y %b %d', none_string = _('unknown DOB'), honor_estimation = True),
        gplot_conf.write('multiplot_title = "%s"\n' % plot_title)
        gplot_conf.write('multiplot_no_of_tests = %s    # number of index blocks (resp. test types)\n' % len(results_grouped_by_test_type))
        gplot_conf.write('array multiplot_y_labels[multiplot_no_of_tests]       # list for ylabels suitable for stacked multiplots\n')
        gplot_conf.write('# settings for individual plots, stacked or not:\n')

        gplot_data = open(filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
        gplot_data.write(GPLOT_DATAFILE_HEADER % filename)

        test_type_groups = list(results_grouped_by_test_type)
        for test_type_idx in range(len(test_type_groups)):
                test_type = test_type_groups[test_type_idx]
                if len(results_grouped_by_test_type[test_type]) == 0:
                first_result = results_grouped_by_test_type[test_type][0]
                if test_type_idx == 0:
                        gplot_conf.write('set title "%s" enhanced\n' % plot_title)
                        gplot_conf.write('set ylabel "%s"\n' % first_result['unified_name'])
                elif test_type_idx == 1:
                        gplot_conf.write('set y2label "%s"\n' % first_result['unified_name'])
                gplot_conf.write('multiplot_y_labels[%s] = "%s (%s)"\n' % (test_type_idx + 1, first_result['unified_name'], first_result['unified_abbrev']))
                title = '%s (%s)' % (
                gplot_data.write('\n\n"%s" "%s"\n' % (title, title))
                prev_date = None
                prev_year = None
                for result in sorted(results_grouped_by_test_type[test_type], key=lambda result:result['clin_when']):
                        curr_date = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf8', gmDateTime.acc_days)
                        if curr_date == prev_date:
                                gplot_data.write('# %s\n\n' % _('blank line inserted to allow for discontinued-line style drawing of same-day values:'))
                        if show_year:
                                if result['clin_when'].year == prev_year:
                                        when_template = '%b %d %H:%M'
                                        when_template = '%b %d %H:%M (%Y)'
                                prev_year = result['clin_when'].year
                                when_template = '%b %d'
                        val = result['val_num']
                        if val is None:
                                val = result.estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha
                        if val is None:
                                continue                # skip distinctly non-numericable values
                        gplot_data.write ('%s %s "%s" %s %s %s %s %s %s "%s"\n' % (
                                gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M', 'utf8', gmDateTime.acc_minutes),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_unit'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['unified_target_min'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['unified_target_max'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_normal_min'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_normal_max'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_target_min'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_target_max'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                                        format = when_template,
                                        accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes
                        prev_date = curr_date

        return filename

class cLabRequest(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one lab request."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = """
                select *, xmin_lab_request from v_lab_requests
                where pk_request=%s"""
        _cmds_lock_rows_for_update = [
                """select 1 from lab_request where pk=%(pk_request)s and xmin=%(xmin_lab_request)s for update"""
        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """update lab_request set
                        where pk=%(pk_request)s""",
                """select xmin_lab_request from v_lab_requests where pk_request=%(pk_request)s"""
        _updatable_fields = [
        def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, row=None):
                """Instantiate lab request.

                The aPK_obj can be either a dict with the keys "req_id"
                and "lab" or a simple primary key.
                # instantiate from row data ?
                if aPK_obj is None:
                        gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, row=row)
                pk = aPK_obj
                # instantiate from "req_id" and "lab" ?
                if type(aPK_obj) == dict:
                        # sanity check
                        except Exception:
                                _log.exception('[%s:??]: faulty <aPK_obj> structure: [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj), sys.exc_info())
                                raise gmExceptions.ConstructorError('[%s:??]: cannot derive PK from [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj))
                        # generate query
                        where_snippets = []
                        if type(aPK_obj['lab']) == int:
#                       where_clause = ' and '.join(where_snippets)
#                       cmd = "select pk_request from v_lab_requests where %s" % where_clause
#                       # get pk
#                       data = gmPG2.run_ro_query('historica', cmd, None, aPK_obj)
#                       if data is None:
#                               raise gmExceptions.ConstructorError('[%s:??]: error getting lab request for [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj))
#                       if len(data) == 0:
#                               raise gmExceptions.NoSuchClinItemError('[%s:??]: no lab request for [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj))
#                       pk = data[0][0]
                # instantiate class
                gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk)
#       #--------------------------------------------------------
#       def get_patient(self):
#               cmd = """
#                       select vpi.pk_patient, vbp.title, vbp.firstnames, vbp.lastnames, vbp.dob
#                       from v_pat_items vpi, v_active_persons vbp
#                       where
#                               vpi.pk_item=%s
#                                       and
#                               vbp.pk_identity=vpi.pk_patient"""
#               pat = gmPG2.run_ro_query('historica', cmd, None, self._payload[self._idx['pk_item']])
#               if pat is None:
#                       _log.error('cannot get patient for lab request [%s]' % self._payload[self._idx['pk_item']])
#                       return None
#               if len(pat) == 0:
#                       _log.error('no patient associated with lab request [%s]' % self._payload[self._idx['pk_item']])
#                       return None
#               return pat[0]

# convenience functions
def create_lab_request(lab=None, req_id=None, pat_id=None, encounter_id=None, episode_id=None):
        """Create or get lab request.

                returns tuple (status, value):
                        (True, lab request instance)
                        (False, error message)
                        (None, housekeeping_todo primary key)
#       req = None
#       aPK_obj = {
#               'lab': lab,
#               'req_id': req_id
#       }
#       try:
#               req = cLabRequest (aPK_obj)
#       except gmExceptions.NoSuchClinItemError as msg:
#     '%s: will try to create lab request' % str(msg))
#       except gmExceptions.ConstructorError as msg:
#               _log.exception(str(msg), sys.exc_info(), verbose=0)
#               return (False, msg)
        # found
#       if req is not None:
#               db_pat = req.get_patient()
#               db_pat = None
#               if db_pat is None:
#                       _log.error('cannot cross-check patient on lab request')
#                       return (None, '')
#               # yes but ambiguous
#               if pat_id != db_pat[0]:
#                       _log.error('lab request found for [%s:%s] but patient mismatch: expected [%s], in DB [%s]' % (lab, req_id, pat_id, db_pat))
#                       me = '$RCSfile:,v $ $Revision: 1.81 $'
#                       to = 'user'
#                       prob = _('The lab request already exists but belongs to a different patient.')
#                       sol = _('Verify which patient this lab request really belongs to.')
#                       ctxt = _('lab [%s], request ID [%s], expected link with patient [%s], currently linked to patient [%s]') % (lab, req_id, pat_id, db_pat)
#                       cat = 'lab'
#                       status, data = gmPG2.add_housekeeping_todo(me, to, prob, sol, ctxt, cat)
#                       return (None, None)
#               return (True, req)
#       # not found
#       queries = []
#       if type(lab) is int:
#               cmd = "insert into lab_request (fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_test_org, request_id) values (%s, %s, %s, %s)"
#       else:
#               cmd = "insert into lab_request (fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_test_org, request_id) values (%s, %s, (select pk from test_org where internal_OBSOLETE_name=%s), %s)"
#       queries.append((cmd, [encounter_id, episode_id, str(lab), req_id]))
#       cmd = "select currval('lab_request_pk_seq')"
#       queries.append((cmd, []))
#       # insert new
#       result, err = (None, 'error')
#       #result, err = gmPG2.run_commit('historica', queries, True)
#       if result is None:
#               return (False, err)
#       try:
#               req = cLabRequest(aPK_obj=result[0][0])
#       except gmExceptions.ConstructorError as msg:
#               _log.exception(str(msg), sys.exc_info(), verbose=0)
#               return (False, msg)
#       return (True, req)
def get_pending_requests(limit=250):
        lim = limit + 1
        cmd = "select pk from lab_request where is_pending is true limit %s" % lim
        rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = cmd)
        if rows is None:
                _log.error('error retrieving pending lab requests')
                return (None, None)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return (False, [])
        # more than LIMIT rows ?
        if len(rows) == lim:
                too_many = True
                # but deliver only LIMIT rows so that our assumption holds true...
                rows = rows[:limit]
                too_many = False
        requests = []
        for row in rows:
                except gmExceptions.ConstructorError:
                        _log.exception('skipping pending lab request [%s]' % row[0], sys.exc_info(), verbose=0)
        return (too_many, requests)

def get_next_request_ID(lab=None, incrementor_func=None):
        """Get logically next request ID for given lab.

        - incrementor_func:
          - if not supplied the next ID is guessed
          - if supplied it is applied to the most recently used ID
        if type(lab) == int:
                lab_snippet = 'vlr.fk_test_org=%s'
                lab_snippet = 'vlr.lab_name=%s'
                lab = str(lab)
        cmd =  """
                select request_id
                from lab_request lr0
                where lr0.clin_when = (
                        select max(vlr.sampled_when)
                        from v_lab_requests vlr
                        where %s
                )""" % lab_snippet
        rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(cmd, None, lab)
        if rows is None:
                _log.warning('error getting most recently used request ID for lab [%s]' % lab)
                return ''
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return ''
        most_recent = rows[0][0]
        # apply supplied incrementor
        if incrementor_func is not None:
                        next = incrementor_func(most_recent)
                except TypeError:
                        _log.error('cannot call incrementor function [%s]' % str(incrementor_func))
                        return most_recent
                return next
        # try to be smart ourselves
        for pos in range(len(most_recent)):
                header = most_recent[:pos]
                trailer = most_recent[pos:]
                        return '%s%s' % (header, str(int(trailer) + 1))
                except ValueError:
                        header = most_recent[:-1]
                        trailer = most_recent[-1:]
                        return '%s%s' % (header, chr(ord(trailer) + 1))

def calculate_bmi(mass=None, height=None, age=None):
        """Calculate BMI.

        mass: kg
        height: cm
        age: not yet used

                (True/False, data)
                True: data = (bmi, lower_normal, upper_normal)
                False: data = error message
        converted, mass = gmTools.input2decimal(mass)
        if not converted:
                return False, 'mass: cannot convert <%s> to Decimal' % mass

        converted, height = gmTools.input2decimal(height)
        if not converted:
                return False, 'height: cannot convert <%s> to Decimal' % height

        approx_surface = (height / decimal.Decimal(100))**2
        bmi = mass / approx_surface

        print(mass, height, '->', approx_surface, '->', bmi)

        lower_normal_mass = 20.0 * approx_surface
        upper_normal_mass = 25.0 * approx_surface

        return True, (bmi, lower_normal_mass, upper_normal_mass)

# main - unit testing
if __name__ == '__main__':

        if len(sys.argv) < 2:

        if sys.argv[1] != 'test':

        import time

        del _
        from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N

        def test_create_test_result():
                tr = create_test_result (
                        encounter = 1,
                        episode = 1,
                        type = 1,
                        intended_reviewer = 1,
                        val_num = '12',
                        unit = 'mg/dl'
                return tr
        def test_delete_test_result():
                tr = test_create_test_result()
        def test_result():
                r = cTestResult(aPK_obj=6)
                #print r
                #print r.reference_ranges
                #print r.formatted_range
                #print r.temporally_closest_normal_range
        def test_request():
#                       lab_req = cLabRequest(aPK_obj=1)
#                       lab_req = cLabRequest(req_id='EML#SC937-0176-CEC#11', lab=2)
                        data = {
                                'req_id': 'EML#SC937-0176-CEC#11',
                                'lab': 'Enterprise Main Lab'
                        lab_req = cLabRequest(aPK_obj=data)
                except gmExceptions.ConstructorError as msg:
                        print("no such lab request:", msg)
                fields = lab_req.get_fields()
                for field in fields:
                        print(field, ':', lab_req[field])
                print("updatable:", lab_req.get_updatable_fields())
        def test_unreviewed():
                #data = get_unreviewed_results()
                data = []
                for result in data:
        def test_pending():
                data = get_pending_requests()
                for result in data:
        def test_create_measurement_type():
                print(create_measurement_type (
                        lab = None,
                        abbrev = 'tBZ2',
                        unit = 'mg%',
                        name = 'BZ (test 2)'
        def test_meta_test_type():
                mtt = cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = 1)
        def test_test_type():
                tt = cMeasurementType(aPK_obj = 1)
        def test_format_test_results():
                results = [
#                       cTestResult(aPK_obj=4)
                print(format_test_results(results = results))
        def test_calculate_bmi():
                done, data = calculate_bmi(mass = sys.argv[2], height = sys.argv[3])
                bmi, low, high = data
                print("BMI:", bmi)
                print("low:", low, "kg")
                print("hi :", high, "kg")

        def test_test_panel():
                tp = cTestPanel(aPK_obj = 2)

        def test_get_most_recent_results_for_panel():
                tp = cTestPanel(aPK_obj = 1)
                #print tp.included_loincs
                #tp = cTestPanel(aPK_obj = 3)
                #most_recent = tp.get_most_recent_results(pk_patient = 12, group_by_meta_type = False)
                #most_recent = tp.get_most_recent_results(pk_patient = 138, group_by_meta_type = False)
                #print len(most_recent)
                most_recent = tp.get_most_recent_results(pk_patient = 12, group_by_meta_type = True, include_missing = True)
                #most_recent = tp.get_most_recent_results(pk_patient = 138, group_by_meta_type = True)
                print('found:', len(most_recent))

                for t in most_recent:
                        if t['pk_meta_test_type'] is None:

        def test_get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group():
                most_recent = get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group (
                        #loincs = [u'pseudo LOINC [C-reactive protein (EML)::9] (v21->v22 test panel conversion)'],
                        #loincs = ['8867-4'],
                        loincs = ['2160-0', '14682-9', '40264-4', '40248-7'],
                        max_no_of_results = 6,
                        patient = 201,
                        consider_indirect_matches = False
                for t in most_recent:
                        print(t['loinc_tt'], t['loinc_meta'], t['unified_loinc'])
                        if t['pk_meta_test_type'] is None:
                                print("---- standalone ----")
                                print("---- meta ----")


                most_recent = get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group (
                        #loincs = [u'pseudo LOINC [C-reactive protein (EML)::9] (v21->v22 test panel conversion)'],
                        #loincs = ['8867-4'],
                        loincs = ['2160-0', '14682-9', '40264-4', '40248-7'],
                        max_no_of_results = 2,
                        patient = 201,
                        consider_indirect_matches = False
                        #consider_indirect_matches = True
                for t in most_recent:
                        if t['pk_meta_test_type'] is None:
                                print("---- standalone ----")
                                print("---- meta ----")

        def test_export_result_for_gnuplot():

                results = get_test_results(pk_patient = 12)
                export_results_for_gnuplot(results=results, filename='test.gpl', show_year=True, patient=None)


        #print(GPLOT_DATAFILE_HEADER % 'test')

        gmPG2.request_login_params(setup_pool = True)




def calculate_bmi(mass=None, height=None, age=None)

Calculate BMI.

mass: kg height: cm age: not yet used

returns: (True/False, data) True: data = (bmi, lower_normal, upper_normal) False: data = error message

Expand source code
def calculate_bmi(mass=None, height=None, age=None):
        """Calculate BMI.

        mass: kg
        height: cm
        age: not yet used

                (True/False, data)
                True: data = (bmi, lower_normal, upper_normal)
                False: data = error message
        converted, mass = gmTools.input2decimal(mass)
        if not converted:
                return False, 'mass: cannot convert <%s> to Decimal' % mass

        converted, height = gmTools.input2decimal(height)
        if not converted:
                return False, 'height: cannot convert <%s> to Decimal' % height

        approx_surface = (height / decimal.Decimal(100))**2
        bmi = mass / approx_surface

        print(mass, height, '->', approx_surface, '->', bmi)

        lower_normal_mass = 20.0 * approx_surface
        upper_normal_mass = 25.0 * approx_surface

        return True, (bmi, lower_normal_mass, upper_normal_mass)
def create_lab_request(lab=None, req_id=None, pat_id=None, encounter_id=None, episode_id=None)

Create or get lab request.

returns tuple (status, value): (True, lab request instance) (False, error message) (None, housekeeping_todo primary key)

Expand source code
def create_lab_request(lab=None, req_id=None, pat_id=None, encounter_id=None, episode_id=None):
        """Create or get lab request.

                returns tuple (status, value):
                        (True, lab request instance)
                        (False, error message)
                        (None, housekeeping_todo primary key)
#       req = None
#       aPK_obj = {
#               'lab': lab,
#               'req_id': req_id
#       }
#       try:
#               req = cLabRequest (aPK_obj)
#       except gmExceptions.NoSuchClinItemError as msg:
#     '%s: will try to create lab request' % str(msg))
#       except gmExceptions.ConstructorError as msg:
#               _log.exception(str(msg), sys.exc_info(), verbose=0)
#               return (False, msg)
        # found
def create_measurement_type(lab=None, abbrev=None, unit=None, name=None, link_obj=None)

Create or get test type.

Expand source code
def create_measurement_type(lab=None, abbrev=None, unit=None, name=None, link_obj=None):
        """Create or get test type."""

        ttype = find_measurement_type(lab = lab, abbrev = abbrev, name = name, link_obj = link_obj)
        # found ?
        if ttype is not None:
                return ttype

        _log.debug('creating test type [%s:%s:%s:%s]', lab, abbrev, name, unit)

        # not found, so create it
#       if unit is None:
#               _log.error('need <unit> to create test type: %s:%s:%s:%s' % (lab, abbrev, name, unit))
#               raise ValueError('need <unit> to create test type')

        # make query
        cols = []
        val_snippets = []
        vals = {}

        # lab
        if lab is None:
                lab = create_test_org(link_obj = link_obj)['pk_test_org']

                vals['lab'] = int(lab)
        except Exception:
                vals['lab'] = lab
                val_snippets.append('(SELECT pk_test_org FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE unit = %(lab)s)')

        # code
        vals['abbrev'] = abbrev

        # unit
        if unit is not None:
                vals['unit'] = unit

        # name
        if name is not None:
                vals['name'] = name

        col_clause = ', '.join(cols)
        val_clause = ', '.join(val_snippets)
        queries = [
                {'cmd': 'insert into clin.test_type (%s) values (%s)' % (col_clause, val_clause), 'args': vals},
                {'cmd': "select * from clin.v_test_types where pk_test_type = currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('clin.test_type', 'pk'))"}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = queries, get_col_idx = True, return_data = True)
        ttype = cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': rows[0], 'idx': idx})

        return ttype
def create_meta_type(name=None, abbreviation=None, return_existing=False)
Expand source code
def create_meta_type(name=None, abbreviation=None, return_existing=False):
        cmd = """
                INSERT INTO clin.meta_test_type (name, abbrev)
                WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                        SELECT 1 FROM clin.meta_test_type
                                name = %(name)s
                                abbrev = %(abbr)s
                 RETURNING *, xmin
        args = {
                'name': name.strip(),
                'abbr': abbreviation.strip()
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True, return_data = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                if not return_existing:
                        return None
                cmd = "SELECT *, xmin FROM clin.meta_test_type WHERE name = %(name)s and %(abbr)s"
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)

        return cMetaTestType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})
def create_test_org(name=None, comment=None, pk_org_unit=None, link_obj=None)
Expand source code
def create_test_org(name=None, comment=None, pk_org_unit=None, link_obj=None):

        _log.debug('creating test org [%s:%s:%s]', name, comment, pk_org_unit)

        if name is None:
                name = 'unassigned lab'

        # get org unit
        if pk_org_unit is None:
                org = gmOrganization.create_org (
                        link_obj = link_obj,
                        organization = name,
                        category = 'Laboratory'
                org_unit = gmOrganization.create_org_unit (
                        link_obj = link_obj,
                        pk_organization = org['pk_org'],
                        unit = name
                pk_org_unit = org_unit['pk_org_unit']

        # test org exists ?
        args = {'pk_unit': pk_org_unit}
        cmd = 'SELECT pk_test_org FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE pk_org_unit = %(pk_unit)s'
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

        if len(rows) == 0:
                cmd = 'INSERT INTO clin.test_org (fk_org_unit) VALUES (%(pk_unit)s) RETURNING pk'
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True)

        test_org = cTestOrg(link_obj = link_obj, aPK_obj = rows[0][0])
        if comment is not None:
                comment = comment.strip()
        test_org['comment'] = comment = link_obj)

        return test_org
def create_test_panel(description=None)
Expand source code
def create_test_panel(description=None):

        args = {'desc': description.strip()}
        cmd = """
                INSERT INTO clin.test_panel (description)
                VALUES (gm.nullify_empty_string(%(desc)s))
                RETURNING pk
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], return_data = True, get_col_idx = False)

        return cTestPanel(aPK_obj = rows[0]['pk'])
def create_test_result(encounter=None, episode=None, type=None, intended_reviewer=None, val_num=None, val_alpha=None, unit=None, link_obj=None)
Expand source code
def create_test_result(encounter=None, episode=None, type=None, intended_reviewer=None, val_num=None, val_alpha=None, unit=None, link_obj=None):

        cmd1 = """
                INSERT INTO clin.test_result (
                ) VALUES (
        cmd2 = "SELECT * from clin.v_test_results WHERE pk_test_result = currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('clin.test_result', 'pk'))"
        args = {
                'enc': encounter,
                'epi': episode,
                'type': type,
                'rev': intended_reviewer,
                'v_num': val_num,
                'v_alpha': val_alpha,
                'unit': unit
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries (
                link_obj = link_obj,
                queries = [
                        {'cmd': cmd1, 'args': args},
                        {'cmd': cmd2}
                return_data = True,
                get_col_idx = True
        tr = cTestResult(row = {
                'pk_field': 'pk_test_result',
                'idx': idx,
                'data': rows[0]
        return tr
def delete_measurement_type(measurement_type=None)
Expand source code
def delete_measurement_type(measurement_type=None):
        cmd = 'delete from clin.test_type where pk = %(pk)s'
        args = {'pk': measurement_type}
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def delete_meta_type(meta_type=None)
Expand source code
def delete_meta_type(meta_type=None):
        cmd = """
                DELETE FROM clin.meta_test_type
                        pk = %(pk)s
                        NOT EXISTS (
                                SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_type
                                WHERE fk_meta_test_type = %(pk)s
        args = {'pk': meta_type}
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def delete_test_org(test_org=None)
Expand source code
def delete_test_org(test_org=None):
        args = {'pk': test_org}
        cmd = """
                DELETE FROM clin.test_org
                        pk = %(pk)s
                        NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.lab_request WHERE fk_test_org = %(pk)s LIMIT 1)
                        NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_type WHERE fk_test_org = %(pk)s LIMIT 1)
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
def delete_test_panel(pk=None)
Expand source code
def delete_test_panel(pk=None):
        args = {'pk': pk}
        cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.test_panel WHERE pk = %(pk)s"
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
        return True
def delete_test_result(result=None)
Expand source code
def delete_test_result(result=None):
                pk = int(result)
        except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                pk = result['pk_test_result']

        cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.test_result WHERE pk = %(pk)s'
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'pk': pk}}])
def export_results_for_gnuplot(results=None, filename=None, show_year=True, patient=None)
Expand source code
def export_results_for_gnuplot(results=None, filename=None, show_year=True, patient=None):

        sandbox_dir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().tmp_dir, 'gplot')
        if not gmTools.mkdir(sandbox_dir):
                sandbox_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'gm2gpl-')
        _log.debug('sandbox directory: [%s]', sandbox_dir)
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'gm2gpl-', suffix = '.dat', tmp_dir = sandbox_dir)

        # sort results into groups by test type
        results_grouped_by_test_type = {}
        for r in results:
                except KeyError:
                        results_grouped_by_test_type[r['unified_name']] = [r]

        conf_name = '%s.conf' % filename
        gplot_conf = open(conf_name, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
        gplot_conf.write('# settings for stacked multiplot layouts:\n')
        sub_title = _('plotted %s (GNUmed v%s)') % (
                gmDateTime.pydt_now_here().strftime('%Y %b %d %H:%M'),
                _cfg.get(option = 'client_version')
        if patient is None:
                plot_title = sub_title
                plot_title = '%s - %s\\n{/*0.8 %s}' % (
                        patient.get_description_gender(with_nickname = False).strip(),
                        patient.get_formatted_dob(format = '%Y %b %d', none_string = _('unknown DOB'), honor_estimation = True),
        gplot_conf.write('multiplot_title = "%s"\n' % plot_title)
        gplot_conf.write('multiplot_no_of_tests = %s    # number of index blocks (resp. test types)\n' % len(results_grouped_by_test_type))
        gplot_conf.write('array multiplot_y_labels[multiplot_no_of_tests]       # list for ylabels suitable for stacked multiplots\n')
        gplot_conf.write('# settings for individual plots, stacked or not:\n')

        gplot_data = open(filename, mode = 'wt', encoding = 'utf8')
        gplot_data.write(GPLOT_DATAFILE_HEADER % filename)

        test_type_groups = list(results_grouped_by_test_type)
        for test_type_idx in range(len(test_type_groups)):
                test_type = test_type_groups[test_type_idx]
                if len(results_grouped_by_test_type[test_type]) == 0:
                first_result = results_grouped_by_test_type[test_type][0]
                if test_type_idx == 0:
                        gplot_conf.write('set title "%s" enhanced\n' % plot_title)
                        gplot_conf.write('set ylabel "%s"\n' % first_result['unified_name'])
                elif test_type_idx == 1:
                        gplot_conf.write('set y2label "%s"\n' % first_result['unified_name'])
                gplot_conf.write('multiplot_y_labels[%s] = "%s (%s)"\n' % (test_type_idx + 1, first_result['unified_name'], first_result['unified_abbrev']))
                title = '%s (%s)' % (
                gplot_data.write('\n\n"%s" "%s"\n' % (title, title))
                prev_date = None
                prev_year = None
                for result in sorted(results_grouped_by_test_type[test_type], key=lambda result:result['clin_when']):
                        curr_date = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y-%m-%d', 'utf8', gmDateTime.acc_days)
                        if curr_date == prev_date:
                                gplot_data.write('# %s\n\n' % _('blank line inserted to allow for discontinued-line style drawing of same-day values:'))
                        if show_year:
                                if result['clin_when'].year == prev_year:
                                        when_template = '%b %d %H:%M'
                                        when_template = '%b %d %H:%M (%Y)'
                                prev_year = result['clin_when'].year
                                when_template = '%b %d'
                        val = result['val_num']
                        if val is None:
                                val = result.estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha
                        if val is None:
                                continue                # skip distinctly non-numericable values
                        gplot_data.write ('%s %s "%s" %s %s %s %s %s %s "%s"\n' % (
                                gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M', 'utf8', gmDateTime.acc_minutes),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_unit'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['unified_target_min'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['unified_target_max'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_normal_min'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_normal_max'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_target_min'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(result['val_target_max'], '"<?>"'),
                                gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                                        format = when_template,
                                        accuracy = gmDateTime.acc_minutes
                        prev_date = curr_date

        return filename
def find_measurement_type(lab=None, abbrev=None, name=None, link_obj=None)
Expand source code
def find_measurement_type(lab=None, abbrev=None, name=None, link_obj=None):

                if (abbrev is None) and (name is None):
                        raise ValueError('must have <abbrev> and/or <name> set')

                where_snippets = []

                if lab is None:
                        where_snippets.append('pk_test_org IS NULL')
                                where_snippets.append('pk_test_org = %(lab)s')
                        except (TypeError, ValueError):
                                where_snippets.append('pk_test_org = (SELECT pk_test_org FROM clin.v_test_orgs WHERE unit = %(lab)s)')

                if abbrev is not None:
                        where_snippets.append('abbrev = %(abbrev)s')

                if name is not None:
                        where_snippets.append('name = %(name)s')

                where_clause = ' and '.join(where_snippets)
                cmd = "select * from clin.v_test_types where %s" % where_clause
                args = {'lab': lab, 'abbrev': abbrev, 'name': name}

                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(link_obj = link_obj, queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)

                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None

                tt = cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': rows[0], 'idx': idx})
                return tt
def format_test_results(results=None, output_format='latex')
Expand source code
def format_test_results(results=None, output_format='latex'):

        _log.debug('formatting test results into [%s]', output_format)

        if output_format == 'latex':
                return __format_test_results_latex(results = results)

        msg = _('unknown test results output format [%s]') % output_format
        return msg
def get_measurement_types(order_by=None, loincs=None, return_pks=False)
Expand source code
def get_measurement_types(order_by=None, loincs=None, return_pks=False):
        args = {}
        where_parts = []
        if loincs is not None:
                if len(loincs) > 0:
                        where_parts.append('loinc = ANY(%(loincs)s)')
                        args['loincs'] = loincs
        if len(where_parts) == 0:
        WHERE_clause = ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        cmd = (_SQL_get_test_types % WHERE_clause) + gmTools.coalesce(order_by, '', ' ORDER BY %s')
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_type'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]
def get_meta_test_types(return_pks=False)
Expand source code
def get_meta_test_types(return_pks=False):
        cmd = 'SELECT *, xmin FROM clin.meta_test_type'
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cMetaTestType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]
def get_most_recent_result_for_test_types(pk_test_types=None, pk_patient=None, return_pks=False, consider_meta_type=False, order_by=None)

Return the one most recent result for each of a list of test types.

If is not given, most recent results for each test type the patient has any results for is returned.

Expand source code
def get_most_recent_result_for_test_types(pk_test_types=None, pk_patient=None, return_pks=False, consider_meta_type=False, order_by=None):
        """Return the one most recent result for *each* of a list of test types.

                If <pk_test_types> is not given, most recent results for *each*
                test type the patient has any results for is returned.
        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        args = {'pat': pk_patient}

        if pk_test_types is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_test_type = ANY(%(ttyps)s)')
                args['ttyps'] = pk_test_types

        order_by = 'ORDER BY clin_when DESC' if order_by is None else 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        if consider_meta_type:
                cmd = 'SELECT * FROM ((%s) UNION ALL (%s)) AS result_union %s' % (
                        _SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types_without_meta_type % ' AND '.join(where_parts),
                        _SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types_by_meta_type % ' AND '.join(where_parts),
                cmd = _SQL_most_recent_result_for_test_types % (
                        ' AND '.join(where_parts),
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_result'] for r in rows ]

        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_most_recent_results_for_panel(pk_patient=None, pk_panel=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False)
Expand source code
def get_most_recent_results_for_panel(pk_patient=None, pk_panel=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False):

        if order_by is None:
                order_by = ''
                order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        args = {
                'pat': pk_patient,
                'pk_pnl': pk_panel

        if group_by_meta_type:
                # return most recent results in panel grouped by
                # meta test type if any, non-grouped results are
                # returned ungrouped :-)
                cmd = """
                        SELECT c_vtr.*
                        FROM (
                                -- max(clin_when) per test_type-in-panel for patient
                                        MAX(clin_when) AS max_clin_when
                                FROM clin.v_test_results
                                        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                        pk_meta_test_type IS DISTINCT FROM NULL
                                        pk_test_type IN (
                                                (SELECT c_vtt4tp.pk_test_type FROM clin.v_test_types4test_panel c_vtt4tp WHERE c_vtt4tp.pk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s)
                                GROUP BY pk_meta_test_type
                        ) AS latest_results
                                INNER JOIN clin.v_test_results c_vtr ON
                                        c_vtr.pk_meta_test_type = latest_results.pk_meta_test_type
                                        c_vtr.clin_when = latest_results.max_clin_when

                UNION ALL

                SELECT c_vtr.*
                FROM (
                        -- max(clin_when) per test_type-in-panel for patient
                                MAX(clin_when) AS max_clin_when
                        FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                pk_meta_test_type IS NULL
                                pk_test_type IN (
                                        (SELECT c_vtt4tp.pk_test_type FROM clin.v_test_types4test_panel c_vtt4tp WHERE c_vtt4tp.pk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s)
                        GROUP BY pk_test_type
                ) AS latest_results
                        INNER JOIN clin.v_test_results c_vtr ON
                                c_vtr.pk_test_type = latest_results.pk_test_type
                                c_vtr.clin_when = latest_results.max_clin_when
                # return most recent results in panel regardless of whether
                # distinct test types in this panel are grouped under the
                # same meta test type
                cmd = """
                        SELECT c_vtr.*
                        FROM (
                                -- max(clin_when) per test_type-in-panel for patient
                                        MAX(clin_when) AS max_clin_when
                                FROM clin.v_test_results
                                        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                        pk_test_type IN (
                                                (SELECT c_vtt4tp.pk_test_type FROM clin.v_test_types4test_panel c_vtt4tp WHERE c_vtt4tp.pk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s)
                                GROUP BY pk_test_type
                        ) AS latest_results
                                -- this INNER join makes certain we do not expand
                                -- the row selection beyond the patient's rows
                                -- which we constrained to inside the SELECT
                                -- producing "latest_results"
                                INNER JOIN clin.v_test_results c_vtr ON
                                        c_vtr.pk_test_type = latest_results.pk_test_type
                                        c_vtr.clin_when = latest_results.max_clin_when
        cmd += order_by
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_most_recent_results_for_patient(no_of_results=1, patient=None)

Get N most recent results for a given patient.

Expand source code
def get_most_recent_results_for_patient(no_of_results=1, patient=None):
        """Get N most recent results for a given patient."""

        if no_of_results < 1:
                raise ValueError('<no_of_results> must be > 0')

        args = {'pat': patient}
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                        pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                LIMIT %s""" % no_of_results
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_most_recent_results_for_test_type(test_type=None, max_no_of_results=1, patient=None)

Get N most recent results for one defined test type.

Expand source code
def get_most_recent_results_for_test_type(test_type=None, max_no_of_results=1, patient=None):
        """Get N most recent results for *one* defined test type."""

        assert (test_type is not None), '<test_type> must not be None'
        assert (max_no_of_results > 0), '<max_no_of_results> must be > 0'

        args = {'pat': patient, 'ttyp': test_type}
        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        where_parts.append('pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s')           # ?consider: pk_meta_test_type = %(pkmtt)s / self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']]
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                LIMIT %s""" % (
                        ' AND '.join(where_parts),
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group(loincs=None, max_no_of_results=1, patient=None, max_age=None, consider_indirect_matches=False)

Get N most recent results among a list of tests selected by LOINC.

1) get test types with LOINC (or meta type LOINC) in the group of 2) from these get the test results for within the given 3) from these return "the N= most recent ones" or "None"

must be a list or tuple or set, NOT a single string must be a string holding a PG interval or else a pydt interval

Expand source code
def get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group(loincs=None, max_no_of_results=1, patient=None, max_age=None, consider_indirect_matches=False):
        """Get N most recent results *among* a list of tests selected by LOINC.

                1) get test types with LOINC (or meta type LOINC) in the group of <loincs>
                2) from these get the test results for <patient> within the given <max_age>
                3) from these return "the N=<max_no_of_results> most recent ones" or "None"

                <loinc> must be a list or tuple or set, NOT a single string
                <max_age> must be a string holding a PG interval or else a pydt interval
        assert (max_no_of_results > 0), '<max_no_of_results> must be >0'

        args = {'pat': patient, 'loincs': loincs}
        if max_age is None:
                max_age_cond = ''
                max_age_cond = 'AND clin_when > (now() - %(max_age)s::interval)'
                args['max_age'] = max_age
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM (
                        SELECT DISTINCT ON (pk_test_result) *
                        FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                unified_loinc = ANY(%%(loincs)s)
                ) AS distinct_results
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
                LIMIT %s""" % (
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) > 0:
                return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

        if not consider_indirect_matches:
                return []

        cmd = """
        -- get the test results
        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr
                -- for this <patient>
                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                -- not having *any* LOINC (if the result did have a LOINC and had not been caught by the by-LOINC search it does not apply)
                unified_loinc IS NULL
                -- with these meta test types (= results for the explicit equivalance group)
                c_vtr.pk_meta_test_type IN (
                        -- get the meta test types for those types
                        SELECT pk_meta_test_type
                        FROM clin.v_test_types
                                pk_meta_test_type IS NOT NULL
                                (-- retrieve test types which have .LOINC in <loincs>
                                        (loinc IN %%(loincs)s)
                                        (loinc_meta IN  %%(loincs)s)
                                -- but no result for <patient>
                                pk_test_type NOT IN (
                                        select pk_test_type from clin.v_test_results WHERE pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                ) %s
        -- return the N most resent result
        ORDER BY clin_when DESC
        LIMIT %s
        """ % (
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_next_request_ID(lab=None, incrementor_func=None)

Get logically next request ID for given lab.

  • incrementor_func:
  • if not supplied the next ID is guessed
  • if supplied it is applied to the most recently used ID
Expand source code
def get_next_request_ID(lab=None, incrementor_func=None):
        """Get logically next request ID for given lab.

        - incrementor_func:
          - if not supplied the next ID is guessed
          - if supplied it is applied to the most recently used ID
        if type(lab) == int:
                lab_snippet = 'vlr.fk_test_org=%s'
                lab_snippet = 'vlr.lab_name=%s'
                lab = str(lab)
        cmd =  """
                select request_id
                from lab_request lr0
                where lr0.clin_when = (
                        select max(vlr.sampled_when)
                        from v_lab_requests vlr
                        where %s
                )""" % lab_snippet
        rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(cmd, None, lab)
        if rows is None:
                _log.warning('error getting most recently used request ID for lab [%s]' % lab)
                return ''
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return ''
        most_recent = rows[0][0]
        # apply supplied incrementor
        if incrementor_func is not None:
                        next = incrementor_func(most_recent)
                except TypeError:
                        _log.error('cannot call incrementor function [%s]' % str(incrementor_func))
                        return most_recent
                return next
        # try to be smart ourselves
        for pos in range(len(most_recent)):
                header = most_recent[:pos]
                trailer = most_recent[pos:]
                        return '%s%s' % (header, str(int(trailer) + 1))
                except ValueError:
                        header = most_recent[:-1]
                        trailer = most_recent[-1:]
                        return '%s%s' % (header, chr(ord(trailer) + 1))
def get_oldest_result(test_type=None, loinc=None, patient=None)
Expand source code
def get_oldest_result(test_type=None, loinc=None, patient=None):

        if None not in [test_type, loinc]:
                raise ValueError('either <test_type> or <loinc> must be None')

        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'ttyp': test_type,
                'loinc': loinc

        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        if test_type is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s')           # consider: pk_meta_test_type = %(pkmtt)s / self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']]
        elif loinc is not None:
                where_parts.append('((loinc_tt = ANY(%(loinc)s)) OR (loinc_meta = ANY(%(loinc)s)))')
                args['loinc'] = loinc

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY clin_when
                LIMIT 1""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None

        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})
def get_pending_requests(limit=250)
Expand source code
def get_pending_requests(limit=250):
        lim = limit + 1
        cmd = "select pk from lab_request where is_pending is true limit %s" % lim
        rows = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = cmd)
        if rows is None:
                _log.error('error retrieving pending lab requests')
                return (None, None)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return (False, [])
        # more than LIMIT rows ?
        if len(rows) == lim:
                too_many = True
                # but deliver only LIMIT rows so that our assumption holds true...
                rows = rows[:limit]
                too_many = False
        requests = []
        for row in rows:
                except gmExceptions.ConstructorError:
                        _log.exception('skipping pending lab request [%s]' % row[0], sys.exc_info(), verbose=0)
        return (too_many, requests)
def get_result_at_timestamp(timestamp=None, test_type=None, loinc=None, tolerance_interval=None, patient=None)
Expand source code
def get_result_at_timestamp(timestamp=None, test_type=None, loinc=None, tolerance_interval=None, patient=None):

        if None not in [test_type, loinc]:
                raise ValueError('either <test_type> or <loinc> must be None')

        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'ttyp': test_type,
                'loinc': loinc,
                'ts': timestamp,
                'intv': tolerance_interval

        where_parts = ['pk_patient = %(pat)s']
        if test_type is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s')           # consider: pk_meta_test_type = %(pkmtt)s / self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']]
        elif loinc is not None:
                where_parts.append('((loinc_tt = ANY(%(loinc)s)) OR (loinc_meta = ANY(%(loinc)s)))')
                args['loinc'] = loinc

        if tolerance_interval is None:
                where_parts.append('clin_when = %(ts)s')
                where_parts.append('clin_when between (%(ts)s - %(intv)s::interval) AND (%(ts)s + %(intv)s::interval)')

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY
                        abs(extract(epoch from age(clin_when, %%(ts)s)))
                LIMIT 1""" % ' AND '.join(where_parts)

        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None

        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})
def get_results_for_day(timestamp=None, patient=None, order_by=None)
Expand source code
def get_results_for_day(timestamp=None, patient=None, order_by=None):

        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'ts': timestamp

        where_parts = [
                'pk_patient = %(pat)s',
                "date_trunc('day'::text, clin_when) = date_trunc('day'::text, %(ts)s)"

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
        """ % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_results_for_episode(pk_episode=None)
Expand source code
def get_results_for_episode(pk_episode=None):
        args = {'pk_epi': pk_episode}
        where_parts = ['pk_episode = %(pk_epi)s']
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                WHERE %s
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
        """ % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_results_for_issue(pk_health_issue=None, order_by=None)
Expand source code
def get_results_for_issue(pk_health_issue=None, order_by=None):
        args = {'pk_issue': pk_health_issue}
        where_parts = ['pk_health_issue = %(pk_issue)s']
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                WHERE %s
                ORDER BY
                        clin_when DESC
        """ % ' AND '.join(where_parts)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def get_test_orgs(order_by='unit', return_pks=False)
Expand source code
def get_test_orgs(order_by='unit', return_pks=False):
        cmd = 'SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_orgs ORDER BY %s' % order_by
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_org'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cTestOrg(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_org', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]
def get_test_panels(order_by=None, loincs=None, return_pks=False)
Expand source code
def get_test_panels(order_by=None, loincs=None, return_pks=False):
        where_args = {}
        if loincs is None:
                where_parts = ['true']
                where_parts = ['loincs @> %(loincs)s']
                where_args['loincs'] = list(loincs)

        if order_by is None:
                order_by = u''
                order_by = ' ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        cmd = (_SQL_get_test_panels % ' AND '.join(where_parts)) + order_by
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': where_args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_panel'] for r in rows ]
        return [ cTestPanel(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_test_panel'}) for r in rows ]
def get_test_results(pk_patient=None, encounters=None, episodes=None, order_by=None, return_pks=False)
Expand source code
def get_test_results(pk_patient=None, encounters=None, episodes=None, order_by=None, return_pks=False):

        where_parts = []

        if pk_patient is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_patient = %(pat)s')
                args = {'pat': pk_patient}
#       if tests is not None:
#               where_parts.append(u'pk_test_type = ANY(%(tests)s)')
#               args['tests'] = tests
        if encounters is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_encounter = ANY(%(encs)s)')
                args['encs'] = encounters
        if episodes is not None:
                where_parts.append('pk_episode = ANY(%(epis)s)')
                args['epis'] = episodes
        if order_by is None:
                order_by = ''
                order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                WHERE %s
        """ % (
                ' AND '.join(where_parts),
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if return_pks:
                return [ r['pk_test_result'] for r in rows ]
        tests = [ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
        return tests


class cLabRequest (aPK_obj=None, row=None)

Represents one lab request.

Instantiate lab request.

The aPK_obj can be either a dict with the keys "req_id" and "lab" or a simple primary key.

Expand source code
class cLabRequest(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one lab request."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = """
                select *, xmin_lab_request from v_lab_requests
                where pk_request=%s"""
        _cmds_lock_rows_for_update = [
                """select 1 from lab_request where pk=%(pk_request)s and xmin=%(xmin_lab_request)s for update"""
        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """update lab_request set
                        where pk=%(pk_request)s""",
                """select xmin_lab_request from v_lab_requests where pk_request=%(pk_request)s"""
        _updatable_fields = [
        def __init__(self, aPK_obj=None, row=None):
                """Instantiate lab request.

                The aPK_obj can be either a dict with the keys "req_id"
                and "lab" or a simple primary key.
                # instantiate from row data ?
                if aPK_obj is None:
                        gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, row=row)
                pk = aPK_obj
                # instantiate from "req_id" and "lab" ?
                if type(aPK_obj) == dict:
                        # sanity check
                        except Exception:
                                _log.exception('[%s:??]: faulty <aPK_obj> structure: [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj), sys.exc_info())
                                raise gmExceptions.ConstructorError('[%s:??]: cannot derive PK from [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj))
                        # generate query
                        where_snippets = []
                        if type(aPK_obj['lab']) == int:
#                       where_clause = ' and '.join(where_snippets)
#                       cmd = "select pk_request from v_lab_requests where %s" % where_clause
#                       # get pk
#                       data = gmPG2.run_ro_query('historica', cmd, None, aPK_obj)
#                       if data is None:
#                               raise gmExceptions.ConstructorError('[%s:??]: error getting lab request for [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj))
#                       if len(data) == 0:
#                               raise gmExceptions.NoSuchClinItemError('[%s:??]: no lab request for [%s]' % (self.__class__.__name__, aPK_obj))
#                       pk = data[0][0]
                # instantiate class
                gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject.__init__(self, aPK_obj=pk)


Inherited members

class cMeasurementType (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)

Represents one test result type.

Call init from child classes like so:

    super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)


retrieve data from backend
  • a simple value the primary key WHERE condition must be a simple column
  • a dictionary of values the primary key WHERE condition must be a subselect consuming the dict and producing the single-value primary key
must hold the fields
  • idx: a dict mapping field names to position
  • data: the field values in a list (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
  • pk_field: the name of the primary key field OR
  • pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
  • for example:
    row = {
            'data': rows[0],
            'idx': idx,
            'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)',
            'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val}
    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
    objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cMeasurementType(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one test result type."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_test_types % "pk_test_type = %s"

        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """UPDATE clin.test_type SET
                                abbrev = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(abbrev)s),
                                name = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(name)s),
                                loinc = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(loinc)s),
                                comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment_type)s),
                                reference_unit = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(reference_unit)s),
                                fk_test_org = %(pk_test_org)s,
                                fk_meta_test_type = %(pk_meta_test_type)s
                                pk = %(pk_test_type)s
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_type)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_type"""

        _updatable_fields = [
        # properties
        def _get_in_use(self):
                cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_result WHERE fk_type = %(pk_type)s)'
                args = {'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']]}
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
                return rows[0][0]

        in_use = property(_get_in_use)

        def get_most_recent_results(self, patient=None, max_no_of_results=1):
                results = get_most_recent_results_for_test_type (
                        test_type = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        max_no_of_results = max_no_of_results,
                        patient = patient
                if len(results) > 0:
                        return results

                if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is None:
                        return []

                return get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group (
                        loincs = list(self._payload[self._idx['loinc']]),
                        max_no_of_results = max_no_of_results,
                        patient = patient
                        # ?

        def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None):
                result = get_oldest_result (
                        test_type = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        loinc = None,
                        patient = patient
                if result is None:
                        if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is not None:
                                result = get_oldest_result (
                                        test_type = None,
                                        loinc = self._payload[self._idx['loinc']],
                                        patient = patient
                return result

        def _get_test_panels(self):
                if self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panels']] is None:
                        return None

                return [ cTestPanel(aPK_obj = pk) for pk in self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panels']] ]

        test_panels = property(_get_test_panels)

        def get_meta_test_type(self, real_one_only=True):
                if real_one_only is False:
                        return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_fake_meta_type']]:
                        return None
                return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])

        meta_test_type = property(get_meta_test_type)

        def get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self, unit, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information.

                - needs <unit>
                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit = %(unit)s
                (val_normal_min IS NOT NULL)
                (val_normal_max IS NOT NULL)
                (val_normal_range IS NOT NULL)
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': unit,
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                r = rows[0]
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r})

        def get_temporally_closest_target_range(self, unit, patient, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have target range information.

                - needs <unit>
                - needs <patient> (as target will be per-patient)
                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit = %(unit)s
        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                (val_target_min IS NOT NULL)
                (val_target_max IS NOT NULL)
                (val_target_range IS NOT NULL)
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': unit,
                        'pat': patient,
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                r = rows[0]
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r})

        def get_temporally_closest_unit(self, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the unit of the closest test result.

                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT val_unit FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit IS NOT NULL
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                return rows[0]['val_unit']

        temporally_closest_unit = property(get_temporally_closest_unit)

        def format(self, patient=None):
                tt = ''
                tt += _('Test type "%s" (%s)          [#%s]\n') % (
                tt += '\n'
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['loinc']], '', ' LOINC: %s\n')
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['reference_unit']], '', _(' Reference unit: %s\n'))
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment_type']], '', _(' Comment: %s\n'))

                tt += '\n'
                tt += _('Lab details:\n')
                tt += _(' Name: %s\n') % gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['name_org']], '')
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['contact_org']], '', _(' Contact: %s\n'))
                tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment_org']], '', _(' Comment: %s\n'))

                if self._payload[self._idx['is_fake_meta_type']] is False:
                        tt += '\n'
                        tt += _('Aggregated under meta type:\n')
                        tt += _(' Name: %s - %s             [#%s]\n') % (
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['loinc_meta']], '', ' LOINC: %s\n')
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']], '', _(' Comment: %s\n'))

                panels = self.test_panels
                if panels is not None:
                        tt += '\n'
                        tt += _('Listed in test panels:\n')
                        for panel in panels:
                                tt += _(' Panel "%s"             [#%s]\n') % (

                if patient is not None:
                        tt += '\n'
                        results = self.get_most_recent_results(patient = patient, max_no_of_results = 1)
                        if len(results) > 0:
                                result = results[0]
                                tt += _(' Most recent (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')
                        result = self.get_oldest_result(patient = patient)
                        if result is not None:
                                tt += '\n'
                                tt += _(' Oldest (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(result['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(result['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')

                return tt


Instance variables

var in_use
Expand source code
def _get_in_use(self):
        cmd = 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM clin.test_result WHERE fk_type = %(pk_type)s)'
        args = {'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']]}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
        return rows[0][0]
var meta_test_type
Expand source code
def get_meta_test_type(self, real_one_only=True):
        if real_one_only is False:
                return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])
        if self._payload[self._idx['is_fake_meta_type']]:
                return None
        return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])
var temporally_closest_unit

Returns the unit of the closest test result.

  • if is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
Expand source code
        def get_temporally_closest_unit(self, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the unit of the closest test result.

                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT val_unit FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit IS NOT NULL
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                return rows[0]['val_unit']
var test_panels
Expand source code
def _get_test_panels(self):
        if self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panels']] is None:
                return None

        return [ cTestPanel(aPK_obj = pk) for pk in self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panels']] ]


def get_meta_test_type(self, real_one_only=True)
Expand source code
def get_meta_test_type(self, real_one_only=True):
        if real_one_only is False:
                return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])
        if self._payload[self._idx['is_fake_meta_type']]:
                return None
        return cMetaTestType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']])
def get_most_recent_results(self, patient=None, max_no_of_results=1)
Expand source code
def get_most_recent_results(self, patient=None, max_no_of_results=1):
        results = get_most_recent_results_for_test_type (
                test_type = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                max_no_of_results = max_no_of_results,
                patient = patient
        if len(results) > 0:
                return results

        if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is None:
                return []

        return get_most_recent_results_in_loinc_group (
                loincs = list(self._payload[self._idx['loinc']]),
                max_no_of_results = max_no_of_results,
                patient = patient
                # ?
def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None)
Expand source code
def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None):
        result = get_oldest_result (
                test_type = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                loinc = None,
                patient = patient
        if result is None:
                if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is not None:
                        result = get_oldest_result (
                                test_type = None,
                                loinc = self._payload[self._idx['loinc']],
                                patient = patient
        return result
def get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self, unit, timestamp=None)

Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information.

  • needs
  • if is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
Expand source code
        def get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self, unit, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information.

                - needs <unit>
                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit = %(unit)s
                (val_normal_min IS NOT NULL)
                (val_normal_max IS NOT NULL)
                (val_normal_range IS NOT NULL)
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': unit,
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                r = rows[0]
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r})
def get_temporally_closest_target_range(self, unit, patient, timestamp=None)

Returns the closest test result which does have target range information.

  • needs
  • needs (as target will be per-patient)
  • if is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
Expand source code
        def get_temporally_closest_target_range(self, unit, patient, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have target range information.

                - needs <unit>
                - needs <patient> (as target will be per-patient)
                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit = %(unit)s
        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                (val_target_min IS NOT NULL)
                (val_target_max IS NOT NULL)
                (val_target_range IS NOT NULL)
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': unit,
                        'pat': patient,
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                r = rows[0]
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r})
def get_temporally_closest_unit(self, timestamp=None)

Returns the unit of the closest test result.

  • if is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
Expand source code
        def get_temporally_closest_unit(self, timestamp=None):
                """Returns the unit of the closest test result.

                - if <timestamp> is None it will assume now() and thus return the most recent
                if timestamp is None:
                        timestamp = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
                cmd = """
SELECT val_unit FROM clin.v_test_results
        pk_test_type = %(pk_type)s
        val_unit IS NOT NULL
                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'clin_when': timestamp
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                return rows[0]['val_unit']

Inherited members

class cMetaTestType (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)

Represents one meta test type under which actual test types can be aggregated.

Call init from child classes like so:

    super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)


retrieve data from backend
  • a simple value the primary key WHERE condition must be a simple column
  • a dictionary of values the primary key WHERE condition must be a subselect consuming the dict and producing the single-value primary key
must hold the fields
  • idx: a dict mapping field names to position
  • data: the field values in a list (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
  • pk_field: the name of the primary key field OR
  • pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
  • for example:
    row = {
            'data': rows[0],
            'idx': idx,
            'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)',
            'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val}
    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
    objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cMetaTestType(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one meta test type under which actual test types can be aggregated."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = "SELECT *, xmin FROM clin.meta_test_type WHERE pk = %s"
        _cmds_store_payload = ["""
                UPDATE clin.meta_test_type SET
                        abbrev = %(abbrev)s,
                        name = %(name)s,
                        loinc = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(loinc)s),
                        comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
                        pk = %(pk)s
                        xmin = %(xmin)s
        _updatable_fields = [
        def format(self, with_tests=False, patient=None):
                txt = _('Meta (%s=aggregate) test type              [#%s]\n\n') % (gmTools.u_sum, self._payload[self._idx['pk']])
                txt += _(' Name: %s (%s)\n') % (
                if self._payload[self._idx['loinc']] is not None:
                        txt += ' LOINC: %s\n' % self._payload[self._idx['loinc']]
                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        txt += _(' Comment: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['comment']]
                if with_tests:
                        ttypes = self.included_test_types
                        if len(ttypes) > 0:
                                txt += _(' Aggregates the following test types:\n')
                        for ttype in ttypes:
                                txt += '  - %s (%s)%s%s%s      [#%s]\n' % (
                                        gmTools.coalesce(ttype['reference_unit'], '', ', %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(ttype['name_org'], '', ' (%s)'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(ttype['loinc'], '', ', LOINC: %s'),
                if patient is not None:
                        txt += '\n'
                        most_recent = self.get_most_recent_result(patient = patient)
                        if most_recent is not None:
                                txt += _(' Most recent (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(most_recent['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(most_recent['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(most_recent['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')
                        oldest = self.get_oldest_result(patient = patient)
                        if oldest is not None:
                                txt += '\n'
                                txt += _(' Oldest (%s): %s%s%s') % (
                                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(oldest['clin_when'], '%Y %b %d'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(oldest['val_unit'], '', ' %s'),
                                        gmTools.coalesce(oldest['abnormality_indicator'], '', ' (%s)')
                return txt

        def get_most_recent_result(self, patient=None):
                args = {
                        'pat': patient,
                        'mttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                pk_meta_test_type = %(mttyp)s
                        ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                        LIMIT 1"""
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None

                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None):
                args = {
                        'pat': patient,
                        'mttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %(pat)s
                                pk_meta_test_type = %(mttyp)s
                        ORDER BY clin_when
                        LIMIT 1"""
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None

                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        def get_temporally_closest_result(self, date, pk_patient):

                args = {
                        'pat': pk_patient,
                        'mtyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']],
                        'mloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc']],
                        'when': date
                SQL = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                clin_when %s %%(when)s
                                ((pk_meta_test_type = %%(mtyp)s) OR (loinc_meta = %%(mloinc)s))
                        ORDER BY clin_when
                        LIMIT 1"""

                # get earlier results by meta type
                earlier_result = None
                cmd = SQL % '<'
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        earlier_result = cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

                # get later results by meta type ?
                later_result = None
                cmd = SQL % '>'
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        later_result = cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

                if earlier_result is None:
                        return later_result
                if later_result is None:
                        return earlier_result

                earlier_ago = date - earlier_result['clin_when']
                later_ago = later_result['clin_when'] - date
                if earlier_ago < later_ago:
                        return earlier_result
                return later_result

        # properties
        def _get_included_test_types(self):
                cmd = _SQL_get_test_types % 'pk_meta_test_type = %(pk_meta)s'
                args = {'pk_meta': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]}
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]

        included_test_types = property(_get_included_test_types)


Instance variables

var included_test_types
Expand source code
def _get_included_test_types(self):
        cmd = _SQL_get_test_types % 'pk_meta_test_type = %(pk_meta)s'
        args = {'pk_meta': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'data': r, 'idx': idx}) for r in rows ]


def get_most_recent_result(self, patient=None)
Expand source code
def get_most_recent_result(self, patient=None):
        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'mttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                        pk_meta_test_type = %(mttyp)s
                ORDER BY clin_when DESC
                LIMIT 1"""
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None

        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})
def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None)
Expand source code
def get_oldest_result(self, patient=None):
        args = {
                'pat': patient,
                'mttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']]
        cmd = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                        pk_patient = %(pat)s
                        pk_meta_test_type = %(mttyp)s
                ORDER BY clin_when
                LIMIT 1"""
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None

        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})
def get_temporally_closest_result(self, date, pk_patient)
Expand source code
def get_temporally_closest_result(self, date, pk_patient):

        args = {
                'pat': pk_patient,
                'mtyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk']],
                'mloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc']],
                'when': date
        SQL = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                        pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                        clin_when %s %%(when)s
                        ((pk_meta_test_type = %%(mtyp)s) OR (loinc_meta = %%(mloinc)s))
                ORDER BY clin_when
                LIMIT 1"""

        # get earlier results by meta type
        earlier_result = None
        cmd = SQL % '<'
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) > 0:
                earlier_result = cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        # get later results by meta type ?
        later_result = None
        cmd = SQL % '>'
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) > 0:
                later_result = cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        if earlier_result is None:
                return later_result
        if later_result is None:
                return earlier_result

        earlier_ago = date - earlier_result['clin_when']
        later_ago = later_result['clin_when'] - date
        if earlier_ago < later_ago:
                return earlier_result
        return later_result

Inherited members

class cTestOrg (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)

Represents one test org/lab.

Call init from child classes like so:

    super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)


retrieve data from backend
  • a simple value the primary key WHERE condition must be a simple column
  • a dictionary of values the primary key WHERE condition must be a subselect consuming the dict and producing the single-value primary key
must hold the fields
  • idx: a dict mapping field names to position
  • data: the field values in a list (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
  • pk_field: the name of the primary key field OR
  • pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
  • for example:
    row = {
            'data': rows[0],
            'idx': idx,
            'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)',
            'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val}
    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
    objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cTestOrg(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one test org/lab."""
        _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_test_orgs % 'pk_test_org = %s'
        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """UPDATE clin.test_org SET
                                fk_org_unit = %(pk_org_unit)s,
                                contact = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(test_org_contact)s),
                                comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
                                pk = %(pk_test_org)s
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_org)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_org
        _updatable_fields = [


Inherited members

class cTestPanel (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)

Represents a grouping/listing of tests into a panel.

Call init from child classes like so:

    super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)


retrieve data from backend
  • a simple value the primary key WHERE condition must be a simple column
  • a dictionary of values the primary key WHERE condition must be a subselect consuming the dict and producing the single-value primary key
must hold the fields
  • idx: a dict mapping field names to position
  • data: the field values in a list (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
  • pk_field: the name of the primary key field OR
  • pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
  • for example:
    row = {
            'data': rows[0],
            'idx': idx,
            'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)',
            'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val}
    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
    objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cTestPanel(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents a grouping/listing of tests into a panel."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = _SQL_get_test_panels % "pk_test_panel = %s"
        _cmds_store_payload = [
                        UPDATE clin.test_panel SET
                                description = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(description)s),
                                comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(comment)s)
                                pk = %(pk_test_panel)s
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_panel)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_panel
        _updatable_fields = [
        def format(self):
                txt = _('Test panel "%s"          [#%s]\n') % (

                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        txt += '\n'
                        txt += gmTools.wrap (
                                text = self._payload[self._idx['comment']],
                                width = 50,
                                initial_indent = ' ',
                                subsequent_indent = ' '
                        txt += '\n'

                txt += '\n'
                txt += _('Includes:\n')
                if len(self.included_loincs) == 0:
                        txt += _('no tests')
                        tts_by_loinc = {}
                        for loinc in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
                                tts_by_loinc[loinc] = []
                        for ttype in self.test_types:
                        for loinc, ttypes in tts_by_loinc.items():
                                # maybe resolve LOINC, too
                                txt += _(' %s: %s\n') % (
                                        '; '.join([ '%(abbrev)s@%(name_org)s [#%(pk_test_type)s]' % tt for tt in ttypes ])

                codes = self.generic_codes
                if len(codes) > 0:
                        txt += '\n'
                        for c in codes:
                                txt += '    %s: %s (%s - %s)\n' % (

                return txt

        def add_code(self, pk_code=None):
                """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
                cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(tp)s, %(code)s)"
                args = {
                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                        'code': pk_code
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
                return True

        def remove_code(self, pk_code=None):
                """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
                cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl WHERE fk_item = %(tp)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
                args = {
                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                        'code': pk_code
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
                return True

        def get_test_types_for_results(self, pk_patient, order_by=None, unique_meta_types=False):
                """Retrieve data about test types on this panel (for which this patient has results)."""

                if order_by is None:
                        order_by = ''
                        order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

                if unique_meta_types:
                        cmd = """
                                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types c_vtt
                                WHERE c_vtt.pk_test_type IN (
                                                SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr1.pk_meta_test_type) c_vtr1.pk_test_type
                                                FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr1
                                                        c_vtr1.pk_test_type IN %%(pks)s
                                                        c_vtr1.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                                        c_vtr1.pk_meta_test_type IS NOT NULL
                                        UNION ALL
                                                SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr2.pk_test_type) c_vtr2.pk_test_type
                                                FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr2
                                                        c_vtr2.pk_test_type IN %%(pks)s
                                                        c_vtr2.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                                        c_vtr2.pk_meta_test_type IS NULL
                                %s""" % order_by
                        cmd = """
                                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types c_vtt
                                WHERE c_vtt.pk_test_type IN (
                                        SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr.pk_test_type) c_vtr.pk_test_type
                                        FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr
                                                c_vtr.pk_test_type = ANY(%%(pks)s)
                                                c_vtr.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                %s""" % order_by

                args = {
                        'pat': pk_patient,
                        'pks': [ tt['pk_test_type'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ]
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]

        def add_loinc(self, loinc):
                if self._payload[self._idx['loincs']] is not None:
                        if loinc in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
                        'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel (fk_test_panel, loinc) VALUES (%(pk_pnl)s, %(loinc)s)',
                        'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}

        def remove_loinc(self, loinc):
                if self._payload[self._idx['loincs']] is None:
                if loinc not in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
                        'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s AND loinc = %(loinc)s',
                        'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}

        # properties
        def _get_included_loincs(self):
                return self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]

        def _set_included_loincs(self, loincs):
                queries = []
                # remove those which don't belong
                if len(loincs) == 0:
                        cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s'
                        cmd = 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s AND loinc <> ALL(%(loincs)s)'
                queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'loincs': loincs, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}})
                # add those not there yet
                if len(loincs) > 0:
                        for loinc in loincs:
                                cmd = """INSERT INTO clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel (fk_test_panel, loinc)
                                SELECT %(pk_pnl)s, %(loinc)s WHERE NOT EXISTS (
                                        SELECT 1 FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE
                                                fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s
                                                loinc = %(loinc)s
                                queries.append({'cmd': cmd, 'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}})
                return gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)

        included_loincs = property(_get_included_loincs, _set_included_loincs)

        def _get_test_types(self):
                if len(self._payload[self._idx['test_types']]) == 0:
                        return []

                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
                        queries = [{
                                'cmd': _SQL_get_test_types % 'pk_test_type = ANY(%(pks)s) ORDER BY unified_abbrev',
                                'args': {'pks': [ tt['pk_test_type'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ]}
                        get_col_idx = True
                return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_test_type'}) for r in rows ]

        test_types = property(_get_test_types)

        def _get_generic_codes(self):
                if len(self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]) == 0:
                        return []

                cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
                args = {'pks': self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]}
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]

        def _set_generic_codes(self, pk_codes):
                queries = []
                # remove all codes
                if len(self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]) > 0:
                        queries.append ({
                                'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl WHERE fk_item = %(tp)s AND fk_generic_code = ANY(%(codes)s)',
                                'args': {
                                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                                        'codes': self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]
                # add new codes
                for pk_code in pk_codes:
                        queries.append ({
                                'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2test_panel (fk_item, fk_generic_code) VALUES (%(tp)s, %(pk_code)s)',
                                'args': {
                                        'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                                        'pk_code': pk_code
                if len(queries) == 0:
                # run it all in one transaction
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)

        generic_codes = property(_get_generic_codes, _set_generic_codes)

        def get_most_recent_results(self, pk_patient=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False, include_missing=False):

                if len(self._payload[self._idx['test_types']]) == 0:
                        return []

                pnl_results = get_most_recent_results_for_panel (
                        pk_patient = pk_patient,
                        pk_panel = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                        order_by = order_by,
                        group_by_meta_type = group_by_meta_type
                if not include_missing:
                        return pnl_results

                loincs_found = [ r['loinc_tt'] for r in pnl_results ]
                loincs_found.extend([ r['loinc_meta'] for r in pnl_results if r['loinc_meta'] not in loincs_found ])
                loincs2consider = set([ tt['loinc'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ])
                loincs_missing = loincs2consider - set(loincs_found)
                return pnl_results


Instance variables

var generic_codes
Expand source code
def _get_generic_codes(self):
        if len(self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]) == 0:
                return []

        cmd = gmCoding._SQL_get_generic_linked_codes % 'pk_generic_code = ANY(%(pks)s)'
        args = {'pks': self._payload[self._idx['pk_generic_codes']]}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ gmCoding.cGenericLinkedCode(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_lnk_code2item'}) for r in rows ]
var included_loincs
Expand source code
def _get_included_loincs(self):
        return self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]
var test_types
Expand source code
def _get_test_types(self):
        if len(self._payload[self._idx['test_types']]) == 0:
                return []

        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries (
                queries = [{
                        'cmd': _SQL_get_test_types % 'pk_test_type = ANY(%(pks)s) ORDER BY unified_abbrev',
                        'args': {'pks': [ tt['pk_test_type'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ]}
                get_col_idx = True
        return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'pk_test_type'}) for r in rows ]


def add_code(self, pk_code=None)

must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)

Expand source code
def add_code(self, pk_code=None):
        """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
        cmd = "INSERT INTO clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl (fk_item, fk_generic_code) values (%(tp)s, %(code)s)"
        args = {
                'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                'code': pk_code
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
        return True
def add_loinc(self, loinc)
Expand source code
def add_loinc(self, loinc):
        if self._payload[self._idx['loincs']] is not None:
                if loinc in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
                'cmd': 'INSERT INTO clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel (fk_test_panel, loinc) VALUES (%(pk_pnl)s, %(loinc)s)',
                'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}
def get_most_recent_results(self, pk_patient=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False, include_missing=False)
Expand source code
def get_most_recent_results(self, pk_patient=None, order_by=None, group_by_meta_type=False, include_missing=False):

        if len(self._payload[self._idx['test_types']]) == 0:
                return []

        pnl_results = get_most_recent_results_for_panel (
                pk_patient = pk_patient,
                pk_panel = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                order_by = order_by,
                group_by_meta_type = group_by_meta_type
        if not include_missing:
                return pnl_results

        loincs_found = [ r['loinc_tt'] for r in pnl_results ]
        loincs_found.extend([ r['loinc_meta'] for r in pnl_results if r['loinc_meta'] not in loincs_found ])
        loincs2consider = set([ tt['loinc'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ])
        loincs_missing = loincs2consider - set(loincs_found)
        return pnl_results
def get_test_types_for_results(self, pk_patient, order_by=None, unique_meta_types=False)

Retrieve data about test types on this panel (for which this patient has results).

Expand source code
def get_test_types_for_results(self, pk_patient, order_by=None, unique_meta_types=False):
        """Retrieve data about test types on this panel (for which this patient has results)."""

        if order_by is None:
                order_by = ''
                order_by = 'ORDER BY %s' % order_by

        if unique_meta_types:
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types c_vtt
                        WHERE c_vtt.pk_test_type IN (
                                        SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr1.pk_meta_test_type) c_vtr1.pk_test_type
                                        FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr1
                                                c_vtr1.pk_test_type IN %%(pks)s
                                                c_vtr1.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                                c_vtr1.pk_meta_test_type IS NOT NULL
                                UNION ALL
                                        SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr2.pk_test_type) c_vtr2.pk_test_type
                                        FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr2
                                                c_vtr2.pk_test_type IN %%(pks)s
                                                c_vtr2.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                                c_vtr2.pk_meta_test_type IS NULL
                        %s""" % order_by
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_types c_vtt
                        WHERE c_vtt.pk_test_type IN (
                                SELECT DISTINCT ON (c_vtr.pk_test_type) c_vtr.pk_test_type
                                FROM clin.v_test_results c_vtr
                                        c_vtr.pk_test_type = ANY(%%(pks)s)
                                        c_vtr.pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                        %s""" % order_by

        args = {
                'pat': pk_patient,
                'pks': [ tt['pk_test_type'] for tt in self._payload[self._idx['test_types']] ]
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        return [ cMeasurementType(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_type', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ]
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None)

must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)

Expand source code
def remove_code(self, pk_code=None):
        """<pk_code> must be a value from ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system (clin.lnk_code2item_root.fk_generic_code)"""
        cmd = "DELETE FROM clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl WHERE fk_item = %(tp)s AND fk_generic_code = %(code)s"
        args = {
                'tp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']],
                'code': pk_code
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])
        return True
def remove_loinc(self, loinc)
Expand source code
def remove_loinc(self, loinc):
        if self._payload[self._idx['loincs']] is None:
        if loinc not in self._payload[self._idx['loincs']]:
        gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{
                'cmd': 'DELETE FROM clin.lnk_loinc2test_panel WHERE fk_test_panel = %(pk_pnl)s AND loinc = %(loinc)s',
                'args': {'loinc': loinc, 'pk_pnl': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_panel']]}

Inherited members

class cTestResult (aPK_obj: int | dict = None, row: dict = None, link_obj=None)

Represents one test result.

Call init from child classes like so:

    super().__init__(aPK_obj = aPK_obj, row = row, link_obj = link_obj)


retrieve data from backend
  • a simple value the primary key WHERE condition must be a simple column
  • a dictionary of values the primary key WHERE condition must be a subselect consuming the dict and producing the single-value primary key
must hold the fields
  • idx: a dict mapping field names to position
  • data: the field values in a list (as returned by cursor.fetchone() in the DB-API)
  • pk_field: the name of the primary key field OR
  • pk_obj: a dictionary suitable for passed to cursor.execute and holding the primary key values, used for composite PKs
  • for example:
    row = {
            'data': rows[0],
            'idx': idx,
            'pk_field': 'pk_XXX (the PK column name)',
            'pk_obj': {'pk_col1': pk_col1_val, 'pk_col2': pk_col2_val}
    rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
    objects = [ cChildClass(row = {'data': r, 'idx': idx, 'pk_field': 'the PK column name'}) for r in rows ]
Expand source code
class cTestResult(gmBusinessDBObject.cBusinessDBObject):
        """Represents one test result."""

        _cmd_fetch_payload = "select * from clin.v_test_results where pk_test_result = %s"

        _cmds_store_payload = [
                """UPDATE clin.test_result SET
                                clin_when = %(clin_when)s,
                                narrative = nullif(trim(%(comment)s), ''),
                                val_num = %(val_num)s,
                                val_alpha = nullif(trim(%(val_alpha)s), ''),
                                val_unit = nullif(trim(%(val_unit)s), ''),
                                val_normal_min = %(val_normal_min)s,
                                val_normal_max = %(val_normal_max)s,
                                val_normal_range = nullif(trim(%(val_normal_range)s), ''),
                                val_target_min = %(val_target_min)s,
                                val_target_max = %(val_target_max)s,
                                val_target_range = nullif(trim(%(val_target_range)s), ''),
                                abnormality_indicator = nullif(trim(%(abnormality_indicator)s), ''),
                                norm_ref_group = nullif(trim(%(norm_ref_group)s), ''),
                                note_test_org = nullif(trim(%(note_test_org)s), ''),
                                material = nullif(trim(%(material)s), ''),
                                material_detail = nullif(trim(%(material_detail)s), ''),
                                status = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(status)s),
                                val_grouping = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(val_grouping)s),
                                source_data = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(source_data)s),
                                fk_intended_reviewer = %(pk_intended_reviewer)s,
                                fk_encounter = %(pk_encounter)s,
                                fk_episode = %(pk_episode)s,
                                fk_type = %(pk_test_type)s,
                                fk_request = %(pk_request)s
                                pk = %(pk_test_result)s AND
                                xmin = %(xmin_test_result)s
                                xmin AS xmin_test_result
#               , u"""select xmin_test_result from clin.v_test_results where pk_test_result = %(pk_test_result)s"""

        _updatable_fields = [

        def format_concisely(self, date_format='%Y %b %d', with_notes=True):
                range_info = gmTools.coalesce (
                review = gmTools.bool2subst (
                        ' ' + gmTools.u_writing_hand,
                        ' ' + gmTools.u_writing_hand
                txt = '%s %s: %s%s%s%s%s%s' % (
                        gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']], '', ' %s'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']], '', ' %s'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(range_info, '', ' (%s)'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['status']], '', ' [%s]')[:2],
                if with_notes:
                        txt += '\n'
                        if self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']] is not None:
                                txt += ' ' + _('Lab comment: %s\n') % _('\n Lab comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']].split('\n'))
                        if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                                txt += ' ' + _('Praxis comment: %s\n') % _('\n Praxis comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment']].split('\n'))

                return txt.strip('\n')

        def format(self, with_review=True, with_evaluation=True, with_ranges=True, with_episode=True, with_type_details=True, with_source_data=False, date_format='%Y %b %d %H:%M'):

                # FIXME: add battery, request details

                # header
                tt = _('Result from %s             \n') % gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (

                # basics
                tt += ' ' + _('Type: "%(name)s" (%(abbr)s)  [#%(pk_type)s]\n') % ({
                        'name': self._payload[self._idx['name_tt']],
                        'abbr': self._payload[self._idx['abbrev_tt']],
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']]
                if self.is_long_text:
                        sso = gmTools.u_superscript_one
                        sso = ''
                tt += ' ' + _('%(sso)sResult: %(val)s%(unit)s%(ind)s  [#%(pk_result)s]\n') % ({
                        'sso': sso,
                        'val': self._payload[self._idx['unified_val']],
                        'unit': gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']], '', ' %s'),
                        'ind': gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']], '', ' (%s)'),
                        'pk_result': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_result']]

                if self._payload[self._idx['status']] is not None:
                                stat = HL7_RESULT_STATI[self._payload[self._idx['status']]]
                        except KeyError:
                                stat = self._payload[self._idx['status']]
                        tt += ' ' + _('Status: %s\n') % stat
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_grouping']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Grouping: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['val_grouping']]

                if with_evaluation:
                        norm_eval = None
                        if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is not None:
                                # 1) normal range
                                # lowered ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]):
                                                percent = (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] * 100) / self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                percent = None
                                        if percent is not None:
                                                if percent < 6:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f %% of the normal lower limit') % percent
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f %% of the normal lower limit') % percent
                                # raised ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]):
                                                x_times = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] / self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                x_times = None
                                        if x_times is not None:
                                                if x_times < 10:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f times the normal upper limit') % x_times
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f times the normal upper limit') % x_times
                                if norm_eval is not None:
                                        tt += '  = %s\n' % norm_eval
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # this idea was shot down on the list
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # bandwidth of deviation
        #                       if None not in [self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]]:
        #                               normal_width = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
        #                               deviation_from_normal_range = None
        #                               # below ?
        #                               if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_normal_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]
        #                               # above ?
        #                               elif self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_normal_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
        #                               if deviation_from_normal_range is None:
        #                                       try:
        #                                               times_deviation = deviation_from_normal_range / normal_width
        #                                       except ZeroDivisionError:
        #                                               times_deviation = None
        #                                       if times_deviation is not None:
        #                                               if times_deviation < 10:
        #                                                       tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.1f times of the normal range') % times_deviation
        #                                               else:
        #                                                       tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.0f times of the normal range') % times_deviation
        #                       #-------------------------------------

                                # 2) clinical target range
                                norm_eval = None
                                # lowered ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]):
                                                percent = (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] * 100) / self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                percent = None
                                        if percent is not None:
                                                if percent < 6:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f %% of the target lower limit') % percent
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f %% of the target lower limit') % percent
                                # raised ?
                                if (self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None) and (self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]):
                                                x_times = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] / self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
                                        except ZeroDivisionError:
                                                x_times = None
                                        if x_times is not None:
                                                if x_times < 10:
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.1f times the target upper limit') % x_times
                                                        norm_eval = _('%.0f times the target upper limit') % x_times
                                if norm_eval is not None:
                                        tt += ' = %s\n' % norm_eval
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # this idea was shot down on the list
        #                       #-------------------------------------
        #                       # bandwidth of deviation
        #                       if None not in [self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]]:
        #                               normal_width = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
        #                               deviation_from_target_range = None
        #                               # below ?
        #                               if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] < self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_target_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]
        #                               # above ?
        #                               elif self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] > self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]:
        #                                       deviation_from_target_range = self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] - self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
        #                               if deviation_from_target_range is None:
        #                                       try:
        #                                               times_deviation = deviation_from_target_range / normal_width
        #                                       except ZeroDivisionError:
        #                                               times_deviation = None
        #                               if times_deviation is not None:
        #                                       if times_deviation < 10:
        #                                               tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.1f times of the target range') % times_deviation
        #                                       else:
        #                                               tt += u'  (%s)\n' % _(u'deviates by %.0f times of the target range') % times_deviation
        #                       #-------------------------------------

                tmp = ('%s%s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['name_test_org']], ''),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['contact_test_org']], '', ' (%s)'),
                if tmp != '':
                        tt += ' ' + _('Source: %s\n') % tmp
                tt += '\n'
                if self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + gmTools.u_superscript_one + _('Lab comment: %s\n') % _('\n Lab comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']].split('\n'))
                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + gmTools.u_superscript_one + _('Praxis comment: %s\n') % _('\n Praxis comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment']].split('\n'))

                if with_ranges:
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self.formatted_normal_range, '', ' ' + _('Standard normal range: %s\n'))
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self.formatted_clinical_range, '', ' ' + _('Clinical target range: %s\n'))
                        tt += gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['norm_ref_group']], '', ' ' + _('Reference group: %s\n'))

                # metadata
                if with_episode:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Episode: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['episode']]
                        if self._payload[self._idx['health_issue']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Issue: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['health_issue']]
                if self._payload[self._idx['material']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Material: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['material']]
                if self._payload[self._idx['material_detail']] is not None:
                        tt += ' ' + _('Details: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['material_detail']]
                tt += '\n'

                if with_review:
                        if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                                review = gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                                review = _('not yet')
                        tt += _('Signed (%(sig_hand)s): %(reviewed)s\n') % ({
                                'sig_hand': gmTools.u_writing_hand,
                                'reviewed': review
                        tt += ' ' + _('Responsible clinician: %s\n') % gmTools.bool2subst (
                        if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Last reviewer: %(reviewer)s\n') % ({
                                        'reviewer': gmTools.bool2subst (
                                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['last_reviewer']], '?')
                                tt += ' ' + _(' Technically abnormal: %(abnormal)s\n') % ({
                                        'abnormal': gmTools.bool2subst (
                                tt += ' ' + _(' Clinically relevant: %(relevant)s\n') % ({
                                        'relevant': gmTools.bool2subst (
                        if self._payload[self._idx['review_comment']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _(' Comment: %s\n') % self._payload[self._idx['review_comment']].strip()
                        tt += '\n'

                # type
                if with_type_details:
                        has_details = None not in [self._payload[self._idx['comment_tt']], self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']], self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']]]
                        if has_details:
                                tt += _('Test type details:\n')
                        if self._payload[self._idx['comment_tt']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Type comment: %s\n') % _('\n Type comment:').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment_tt']].split('\n'))
                        if self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Aggregated (%s) under: %s (%s)  [#%s]\n') % (
                        if self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']] is not None:
                                tt += ' ' + _('Group comment: %s\n') % _('\n Group comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment_meta']].split('\n'))
                        if has_details:
                                tt += '\n'

                if with_source_data:
                        if self._payload[self._idx['source_data']] is not None:
                                tt += _('Source data:\n')
                                tt += ' ' + self._payload[self._idx['source_data']]
                                tt += '\n\n'

                if with_review:
                        tt += _('Revisions: %(row_ver)s, last %(mod_when)s by %(mod_by)s.') % ({
                                'row_ver': self._payload[self._idx['row_version']],
                                'mod_when': gmDateTime.pydt_strftime(self._payload[self._idx['modified_when']],date_format),
                                'mod_by': self._payload[self._idx['modified_by']]

                return tt

        def _get_has_normal_min_or_max(self):
                return (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None

        has_normal_min_or_max = property(_get_has_normal_min_or_max)

        def _get_normal_min_max(self):
                has_range_info = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
                if has_range_info is False:
                        return None

                return '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')

        normal_min_max = property(_get_normal_min_max)

        def _get_formatted_normal_range(self):
                has_numerical_range = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
                if has_numerical_range:
                        numerical_range = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')
                        numerical_range = ''
                textual_range = gmTools.coalesce (
                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                ' / %s',
                range_info = '%s%s' % (numerical_range, textual_range)
                if range_info == '':
                        return None
                return range_info

        formatted_normal_range = property(_get_formatted_normal_range)

        def _get_has_clinical_min_or_max(self):
                return (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None

        has_clinical_min_or_max = property(_get_has_clinical_min_or_max)

        def _get_clinical_min_max(self):
                has_range_info = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
                if has_range_info is False:
                        return None

                return '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')

        clinical_min_max = property(_get_clinical_min_max)

        def _get_formatted_clinical_range(self):
                has_numerical_range = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
                if has_numerical_range:
                        numerical_range = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')
                        numerical_range = ''
                textual_range = gmTools.coalesce (
                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                ' / %s',
                range_info = '%s%s' % (numerical_range, textual_range)
                if range_info == '':
                        return None
                return range_info

        formatted_clinical_range = property(_get_formatted_clinical_range)

        def _get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self):
                """Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information."""
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None:
                        return self
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None:
                        return self
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']] is not None:
                        return self
                cmd = """
                        SELECT * from clin.v_test_results
                                pk_type = %(pk_type)s
                                val_unit = %(unit)s
                                        (val_normal_min IS NOT NULL)
                                        (val_normal_max IS NOT NULL)
                                        (val_normal_range IS NOT NULL)
                        ORDER BY
                                        WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                                        ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
                        LIMIT 1"""
                args = {
                        'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'unit': self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']],
                        'clin_when': self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']]
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) == 0:
                        return None
                return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})

        temporally_closest_normal_range = property(_get_temporally_closest_normal_range)

        def _get_formatted_range(self):

                has_normal_min_or_max = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
                if has_normal_min_or_max:
                        normal_min_max = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')

                has_clinical_min_or_max = (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
                ) or (
                        self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
                if has_clinical_min_or_max:
                        clinical_min_max = '%s - %s' % (
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')

                if has_clinical_min_or_max:
                        return _('Target: %(clin_min_max)s%(clin_range)s') % ({
                                'clin_min_max': clinical_min_max,
                                'clin_range': gmTools.coalesce (
                                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                                ' / %s',

                if has_normal_min_or_max:
                        return _('Norm: %(norm_min_max)s%(norm_range)s') % ({
                                'norm_min_max': normal_min_max,
                                'norm_range': gmTools.coalesce (
                                        gmTools.bool2subst (
                                                ' / %s',

                if self._payload[self._idx['val_target_range']] is not None:
                        return _('Target: %s') % self._payload[self._idx['val_target_range']],

                if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']] is not None:
                        return _('Norm: %s') % self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']]

                return None

        formatted_range = property(_get_formatted_range)

        def _get_test_type(self):
                return cMeasurementType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']])

        test_type = property(_get_test_type)

        def _get_is_considered_elevated(self):
                # 1) the user is right (review)
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                        return False
                # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
                indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
                if indicator is not None:
                        indicator = indicator.strip()
                        if indicator != '':
                                if indicator.strip('+') == '':
                                        return True
                                if indicator.strip('-') == '':
                                        return False
                # 3) non-numerical value ?
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                        return None
                # 4) the target range is right
                target_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
                if target_max is not None:
                        if target_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                # 4) the normal range is right
                normal_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
                if normal_max is not None:
                        if normal_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                return None

        is_considered_elevated = property(_get_is_considered_elevated)

        def _get_is_considered_lowered(self):
                # 1) the user is right (review)
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                        return False
                # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
                indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
                if indicator is not None:
                        indicator = indicator.strip()
                        if indicator != '':
                                if indicator.strip('+') == '':
                                        return False
                                if indicator.strip('-') == '':
                                        return True
                # 3) non-numerical value ?
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                        return None
                # 4) the target range is right
                target_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
                if target_min is not None:
                        if target_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                # 4) the normal range is right
                normal_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
                if normal_min is not None:
                        if normal_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return True
                return None

        is_considered_lowered = property(_get_is_considered_lowered)

        def _get_is_considered_abnormal(self):
                if self.is_considered_lowered is True:
                        return True
                if self.is_considered_elevated is True:
                        return True
                if (self.is_considered_lowered is False) and (self.is_considered_elevated is False):
                        return False
                return self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']]

        is_considered_abnormal = property(_get_is_considered_abnormal)

        def _set_reference_range(self, ref_range):
                """Parse reference range from string.

                        Note: does NOT save the result.
                ref_range = ref_range.strip().replace(' ', '')

                is_range = regex.match(r'-{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*--{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                if is_range is not None:
                        min_val = regex.match(r'-{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*-', ref_range, regex.UNICODE).group(0).rstrip('-')
                        success, min_val = gmTools.input2decimal(min_val)
                        max_val = ('--{0,1}\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE).group(0))[1:]
                        success, max_val = gmTools.input2decimal(max_val)
                        self['val_normal_min'] = min_val
                        self['val_normal_max'] = max_val

                if ref_range.startswith('<'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'<\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                max_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, max_val = gmTools.input2decimal(max_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = 0
                                self['val_normal_max'] = max_val

                if ref_range.startswith('<-'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'<-\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                max_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, max_val = gmTools.input2decimal(max_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = None
                                self['val_normal_max'] = max_val

                if ref_range.startswith('>'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'>\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                min_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, min_val = gmTools.input2decimal(min_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = min_val
                                self['val_normal_max'] = None

                if ref_range.startswith('>-'):
                        is_range = regex.match(r'>-\d+[.,]{0,1}\d*$', ref_range, regex.UNICODE)
                        if is_range is not None:
                                min_val = ref_range[1:]
                                success, min_val = gmTools.input2decimal(min_val)
                                self['val_normal_min'] = min_val
                                self['val_normal_max'] = 0

                self['val_normal_range'] = ref_range

        reference_range = property(lambda x:x, _set_reference_range)

        def _get_formatted_abnormality_indicator(self):
                # 1) the user is right
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                        return ''
                # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
                indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
                if indicator is not None:
                        indicator = indicator.strip()
                        if indicator != '':
                                return indicator
                # 3) non-numerical value ? then we can't know more
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                        return None
                # 4) the target range is right
                target_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
                if target_min is not None:
                        if target_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '-'
                target_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
                if target_max is not None:
                        if target_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '+'
                # 4) the normal range is right
                normal_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
                if normal_min is not None:
                        if normal_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '-'
                normal_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
                if normal_max is not None:
                        if normal_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                                return '+'
                # reviewed, abnormal, but no indicator available
                if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is True:
                        return gmTools.u_plus_minus

                return None

        formatted_abnormality_indicator = property(_get_formatted_abnormality_indicator)

        def _get_is_long_text(self):
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']] is None:
                        return False
                lines = gmTools.strip_empty_lines(text = self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']], eol = '\n', return_list = True)
                if len(lines) > 4:
                        return True
                return False

        is_long_text = property(_get_is_long_text)

        def _get_estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha(self):
                if self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']] is None:
                        return None
                val = self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']].lstrip()
                if val[0] == '<':
                        factor = decimal.Decimal(0.5)
                        val = val[1:]
                elif val[0] == '>':
                        factor = 2
                        val = val[1:]
                        return None
                success, val = gmTools.input2decimal(initial = val)
                if not success:
                        return None
                return val * factor

        estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha = property(_get_estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha)

        def set_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None, make_me_responsible=False):

                # FIXME: this is not concurrency safe
                if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                        self.__change_existing_review (
                                technically_abnormal = technically_abnormal,
                                clinically_relevant = clinically_relevant,
                                comment = comment
                        # do not sign off unreviewed results if
                        # NOTHING AT ALL is known about them
                        if technically_abnormal is None:
                                if clinically_relevant is None:
                                        comment = gmTools.none_if(comment, '', strip_string = True)
                                        if comment is None:
                                                if make_me_responsible is False:
                                                        return True
                        self.__set_new_review (
                                technically_abnormal = technically_abnormal,
                                clinically_relevant = clinically_relevant,
                                comment = comment

                if make_me_responsible is True:
                        cmd = "SELECT pk FROM dem.staff WHERE db_user = current_user"
                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
                        self['pk_intended_reviewer'] = rows[0][0]


        def get_adjacent_results(self, desired_earlier_results=1, desired_later_results=1, max_offset=None):

                if desired_earlier_results < 1:
                        raise ValueError('<desired_earlier_results> must be > 0')

                if desired_later_results < 1:
                        raise ValueError('<desired_later_results> must be > 0')

                args = {
                        'pat': self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']],
                        'ttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                        'tloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc_tt']],
                        'mtyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']],
                        'mloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc_meta']],
                        'when': self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']],
                        'offset': max_offset
                WHERE = '((pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s) OR (loinc_tt = %(tloinc)s))'
                WHERE_meta = '((pk_meta_test_type = %(mtyp)s) OR (loinc_meta = %(mloinc)s))'
                if max_offset is not None:
                        WHERE = WHERE + ' AND (clin_when BETWEEN (%(when)s - %(offset)s) AND (%(when)s + %(offset)s))'
                        WHERE_meta = WHERE_meta + ' AND (clin_when BETWEEN (%(when)s - %(offset)s) AND (%(when)s + %(offset)s))'

                SQL = """
                        SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                                pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                                clin_when %s %%(when)s
                        ORDER BY clin_when
                        LIMIT %s"""

                # get earlier results
                earlier_results = []
                # by type
                cmd = SQL % ('<', WHERE, desired_earlier_results)
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        earlier_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])
                # by meta type ?
                missing_results = desired_earlier_results - len(earlier_results)
                if  missing_results > 0:
                        cmd = SQL % ('<', WHERE_meta, missing_results)
                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                        if len(rows) > 0:
                                earlier_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])

                # get later results
                later_results = []
                # by type
                cmd = SQL % ('>', WHERE, desired_later_results)
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        later_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])
                # by meta type ?
                missing_results = desired_later_results - len(later_results)
                if  missing_results > 0:
                        cmd = SQL % ('>', WHERE_meta, missing_results)
                        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                        if len(rows) > 0:
                                later_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])

                return earlier_results, later_results

        # internal API
        def __set_new_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None):
                """Add a review to a row.

                        - if technically abnormal is not provided/None it will be set
                          to True if the lab's indicator has a meaningful value
                        - if clinically relevant is not provided/None it is set to
                          whatever technically abnormal is
                if technically_abnormal is None:
                        technically_abnormal = False
                        if self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']] is not None:
                                if self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']].strip() != '':
                                        technically_abnormal = True

                if clinically_relevant is None:
                        clinically_relevant = technically_abnormal

                cmd = """
INSERT INTO clin.reviewed_test_results (
                args = {
                        'pk': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_result']],
                        'abnormal': technically_abnormal,
                        'relevant': clinically_relevant,
                        'cmt': comment

                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])

        def __change_existing_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None):
                """Change a review on a row.

                        - if technically abnormal/clinically relevant are
                          None they are not set
                args = {
                        'pk_result': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_result']],
                        'abnormal': technically_abnormal,
                        'relevant': clinically_relevant,
                        'cmt': comment

                set_parts = [
                        'fk_reviewer = (SELECT pk FROM dem.staff WHERE db_user = current_user)',
                        'comment = gm.nullify_empty_string(%(cmt)s)'

                if technically_abnormal is not None:
                        set_parts.append('is_technically_abnormal = %(abnormal)s')

                if clinically_relevant is not None:
                        set_parts.append('clinically_relevant = %(relevant)s')

                cmd = """
UPDATE clin.reviewed_test_results SET
        fk_reviewed_row = %%(pk_result)s
""" % ',\n      '.join(set_parts)

                gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}])


Instance variables

var clinical_min_max
Expand source code
def _get_clinical_min_max(self):
        has_range_info = (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
        if has_range_info is False:
                return None

        return '%s - %s' % (
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')
var estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha
Expand source code
def _get_estimate_numeric_value_from_alpha(self):
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']] is None:
                return None
        val = self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']].lstrip()
        if val[0] == '<':
                factor = decimal.Decimal(0.5)
                val = val[1:]
        elif val[0] == '>':
                factor = 2
                val = val[1:]
                return None
        success, val = gmTools.input2decimal(initial = val)
        if not success:
                return None
        return val * factor
var formatted_abnormality_indicator
Expand source code
def _get_formatted_abnormality_indicator(self):
        # 1) the user is right
        if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                return ''
        # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
        indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
        if indicator is not None:
                indicator = indicator.strip()
                if indicator != '':
                        return indicator
        # 3) non-numerical value ? then we can't know more
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                return None
        # 4) the target range is right
        target_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
        if target_min is not None:
                if target_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return '-'
        target_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
        if target_max is not None:
                if target_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return '+'
        # 4) the normal range is right
        normal_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
        if normal_min is not None:
                if normal_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return '-'
        normal_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
        if normal_max is not None:
                if normal_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return '+'
        # reviewed, abnormal, but no indicator available
        if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is True:
                return gmTools.u_plus_minus

        return None
var formatted_clinical_range
Expand source code
def _get_formatted_clinical_range(self):
        has_numerical_range = (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
        if has_numerical_range:
                numerical_range = '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')
                numerical_range = ''
        textual_range = gmTools.coalesce (
                gmTools.bool2subst (
                        ' / %s',
        range_info = '%s%s' % (numerical_range, textual_range)
        if range_info == '':
                return None
        return range_info
var formatted_normal_range
Expand source code
def _get_formatted_normal_range(self):
        has_numerical_range = (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
        if has_numerical_range:
                numerical_range = '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')
                numerical_range = ''
        textual_range = gmTools.coalesce (
                gmTools.bool2subst (
                        ' / %s',
        range_info = '%s%s' % (numerical_range, textual_range)
        if range_info == '':
                return None
        return range_info
var formatted_range
Expand source code
def _get_formatted_range(self):

        has_normal_min_or_max = (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
        if has_normal_min_or_max:
                normal_min_max = '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')

        has_clinical_min_or_max = (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
        if has_clinical_min_or_max:
                clinical_min_max = '%s - %s' % (
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']], '?'),
                        gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']], '?')

        if has_clinical_min_or_max:
                return _('Target: %(clin_min_max)s%(clin_range)s') % ({
                        'clin_min_max': clinical_min_max,
                        'clin_range': gmTools.coalesce (
                                gmTools.bool2subst (
                                        ' / %s',

        if has_normal_min_or_max:
                return _('Norm: %(norm_min_max)s%(norm_range)s') % ({
                        'norm_min_max': normal_min_max,
                        'norm_range': gmTools.coalesce (
                                gmTools.bool2subst (
                                        ' / %s',

        if self._payload[self._idx['val_target_range']] is not None:
                return _('Target: %s') % self._payload[self._idx['val_target_range']],

        if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']] is not None:
                return _('Norm: %s') % self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']]

        return None
var has_clinical_min_or_max
Expand source code
def _get_has_clinical_min_or_max(self):
        return (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']] is not None
var has_normal_min_or_max
Expand source code
def _get_has_normal_min_or_max(self):
        return (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
var is_considered_abnormal
Expand source code
def _get_is_considered_abnormal(self):
        if self.is_considered_lowered is True:
                return True
        if self.is_considered_elevated is True:
                return True
        if (self.is_considered_lowered is False) and (self.is_considered_elevated is False):
                return False
        return self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']]
var is_considered_elevated
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def _get_is_considered_elevated(self):
        # 1) the user is right (review)
        if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                return False
        # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
        indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
        if indicator is not None:
                indicator = indicator.strip()
                if indicator != '':
                        if indicator.strip('+') == '':
                                return True
                        if indicator.strip('-') == '':
                                return False
        # 3) non-numerical value ?
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                return None
        # 4) the target range is right
        target_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_max']]
        if target_max is not None:
                if target_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return True
        # 4) the normal range is right
        normal_max = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']]
        if normal_max is not None:
                if normal_max < self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return True
        return None
var is_considered_lowered
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def _get_is_considered_lowered(self):
        # 1) the user is right (review)
        if self._payload[self._idx['is_technically_abnormal']] is False:
                return False
        # 2) the lab is right (result.abnormality_indicator)
        indicator = self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']]
        if indicator is not None:
                indicator = indicator.strip()
                if indicator != '':
                        if indicator.strip('+') == '':
                                return False
                        if indicator.strip('-') == '':
                                return True
        # 3) non-numerical value ?
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_num']] is None:
                return None
        # 4) the target range is right
        target_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_target_min']]
        if target_min is not None:
                if target_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return True
        # 4) the normal range is right
        normal_min = self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']]
        if normal_min is not None:
                if normal_min > self._payload[self._idx['val_num']]:
                        return True
        return None
var is_long_text
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def _get_is_long_text(self):
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']] is None:
                return False
        lines = gmTools.strip_empty_lines(text = self._payload[self._idx['val_alpha']], eol = '\n', return_list = True)
        if len(lines) > 4:
                return True
        return False
var normal_min_max
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def _get_normal_min_max(self):
        has_range_info = (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None
        ) or (
                self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None
        if has_range_info is False:
                return None

        return '%s - %s' % (
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']], '?'),
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']], '?')
var reference_range
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reference_range = property(lambda x:x, _set_reference_range)
var temporally_closest_normal_range

Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information.

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def _get_temporally_closest_normal_range(self):
        """Returns the closest test result which does have normal range information."""
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_min']] is not None:
                return self
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_max']] is not None:
                return self
        if self._payload[self._idx['val_normal_range']] is not None:
                return self
        cmd = """
                SELECT * from clin.v_test_results
                        pk_type = %(pk_type)s
                        val_unit = %(unit)s
                                (val_normal_min IS NOT NULL)
                                (val_normal_max IS NOT NULL)
                                (val_normal_range IS NOT NULL)
                ORDER BY
                                WHEN clin_when > %(clin_when)s THEN clin_when - %(clin_when)s
                                ELSE %(clin_when)s - clin_when
                LIMIT 1"""
        args = {
                'pk_type': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                'unit': self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']],
                'clin_when': self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']]
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) == 0:
                return None
        return cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': rows[0]})
var test_type
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def _get_test_type(self):
        return cMeasurementType(aPK_obj = self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']])


def format_concisely(self, date_format='%Y %b %d', with_notes=True)
Expand source code
def format_concisely(self, date_format='%Y %b %d', with_notes=True):
        range_info = gmTools.coalesce (
        review = gmTools.bool2subst (
                ' ' + gmTools.u_writing_hand,
                ' ' + gmTools.u_writing_hand
        txt = '%s %s: %s%s%s%s%s%s' % (
                gmDateTime.pydt_strftime (
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['val_unit']], '', ' %s'),
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['abnormality_indicator']], '', ' %s'),
                gmTools.coalesce(range_info, '', ' (%s)'),
                gmTools.coalesce(self._payload[self._idx['status']], '', ' [%s]')[:2],
        if with_notes:
                txt += '\n'
                if self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']] is not None:
                        txt += ' ' + _('Lab comment: %s\n') % _('\n Lab comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['note_test_org']].split('\n'))
                if self._payload[self._idx['comment']] is not None:
                        txt += ' ' + _('Praxis comment: %s\n') % _('\n Praxis comment: ').join(self._payload[self._idx['comment']].split('\n'))

        return txt.strip('\n')
def get_adjacent_results(self, desired_earlier_results=1, desired_later_results=1, max_offset=None)
Expand source code
def get_adjacent_results(self, desired_earlier_results=1, desired_later_results=1, max_offset=None):

        if desired_earlier_results < 1:
                raise ValueError('<desired_earlier_results> must be > 0')

        if desired_later_results < 1:
                raise ValueError('<desired_later_results> must be > 0')

        args = {
                'pat': self._payload[self._idx['pk_patient']],
                'ttyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_test_type']],
                'tloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc_tt']],
                'mtyp': self._payload[self._idx['pk_meta_test_type']],
                'mloinc': self._payload[self._idx['loinc_meta']],
                'when': self._payload[self._idx['clin_when']],
                'offset': max_offset
        WHERE = '((pk_test_type = %(ttyp)s) OR (loinc_tt = %(tloinc)s))'
        WHERE_meta = '((pk_meta_test_type = %(mtyp)s) OR (loinc_meta = %(mloinc)s))'
        if max_offset is not None:
                WHERE = WHERE + ' AND (clin_when BETWEEN (%(when)s - %(offset)s) AND (%(when)s + %(offset)s))'
                WHERE_meta = WHERE_meta + ' AND (clin_when BETWEEN (%(when)s - %(offset)s) AND (%(when)s + %(offset)s))'

        SQL = """
                SELECT * FROM clin.v_test_results
                        pk_patient = %%(pat)s
                        clin_when %s %%(when)s
                ORDER BY clin_when
                LIMIT %s"""

        # get earlier results
        earlier_results = []
        # by type
        cmd = SQL % ('<', WHERE, desired_earlier_results)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) > 0:
                earlier_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])
        # by meta type ?
        missing_results = desired_earlier_results - len(earlier_results)
        if  missing_results > 0:
                cmd = SQL % ('<', WHERE_meta, missing_results)
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        earlier_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])

        # get later results
        later_results = []
        # by type
        cmd = SQL % ('>', WHERE, desired_later_results)
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
        if len(rows) > 0:
                later_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])
        # by meta type ?
        missing_results = desired_later_results - len(later_results)
        if  missing_results > 0:
                cmd = SQL % ('>', WHERE_meta, missing_results)
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}], get_col_idx = True)
                if len(rows) > 0:
                        later_results.extend([ cTestResult(row = {'pk_field': 'pk_test_result', 'idx': idx, 'data': r}) for r in rows ])

        return earlier_results, later_results
def set_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None, make_me_responsible=False)
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def set_review(self, technically_abnormal=None, clinically_relevant=None, comment=None, make_me_responsible=False):

        # FIXME: this is not concurrency safe
        if self._payload[self._idx['reviewed']]:
                self.__change_existing_review (
                        technically_abnormal = technically_abnormal,
                        clinically_relevant = clinically_relevant,
                        comment = comment
                # do not sign off unreviewed results if
                # NOTHING AT ALL is known about them
                if technically_abnormal is None:
                        if clinically_relevant is None:
                                comment = gmTools.none_if(comment, '', strip_string = True)
                                if comment is None:
                                        if make_me_responsible is False:
                                                return True
                self.__set_new_review (
                        technically_abnormal = technically_abnormal,
                        clinically_relevant = clinically_relevant,
                        comment = comment

        if make_me_responsible is True:
                cmd = "SELECT pk FROM dem.staff WHERE db_user = current_user"
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': cmd}])
                self['pk_intended_reviewer'] = rows[0][0]


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