
GNUmed data mining middleware.

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"""GNUmed data mining middleware."""
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later"
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>"

import sys
import logging

# setup translation
if __name__ == '__main__':
        sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
        # we are the main script, setup a fake _() for now,
        # such that it can be used in module level definitions
        _ = lambda x:x
        # we are being imported from elsewhere, say, mypy or some such
                # do we already have _() ?
        except NameError:
                # no, setup i18n handling
                from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDispatcher

_log = logging.getLogger('gm.reports')

def report_exists(name=None):
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{
                'cmd': 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM cfg.report_query WHERE label = %(name)s)',
                'args': {'name': name}
        return rows[0][0]

def save_report_definition(name=None, query=None, overwrite=False):
        if not overwrite:
                if report_exists(name=name):
                        return False

        args = {'name': name, 'query': query}
        queries = [
                {'cmd': 'DELETE FROM cfg.report_query WHERE label = %(name)s', 'args': args},
                {'cmd': 'INSERT INTO cfg.report_query (label, cmd) VALUES (%(name)s, %(query)s)', 'args': args}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
        return True

def delete_report_definition(name=None):
        queries = [{
                'cmd': 'DELETE FROM cfg.report_query WHERE label = %(name)s',
                'args': {'name': name}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries=queries)
        return True

def run_report_query(query=None, limit=None, pk_identity=None):
        """Returns (status, hint, cols, rows)"""

        if limit is None:
                limit = ''
                limit = 'LIMIT %s' % limit

        # does user want to insert current patient ID ?
        if query.find(PATIENT_ID_TOKEN) == -1:
                wrapper_query = """
                        SELECT * FROM (
                        ) AS user_query
                """ % limit
                # she does, but is it possible ?
                if pk_identity is None:
                        gmDispatcher.send('statustext', msg = _('Query needs active patient.'), beep = True)
                        cols = [_('Error')]
                        rows = [
                                [_('Active patient query')],
                                [_('This query requires a patient to be active in the client.')],
                                [_('Please activate the patient you are interested')],
                                [_('in and re-run the query.')]
                        return (False, 'pk_identity', cols, rows)

                query = query.replace(PATIENT_ID_TOKEN, str(pk_identity))
                wrapper_query = """
                        SELECT %s AS pk_patient, * FROM (
                        ) AS user_query
                """ % (pk_identity, limit)

        wrapped_query = wrapper_query % query
        _log.debug('running report query:')

                # read-only for safety reasons
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': wrapped_query}], get_col_idx = True)
        except Exception:
                _log.exception('report query failed')
                gmDispatcher.send('statustext', msg = _('The query failed.'), beep = True)
                cols = [_('Error')]
                t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                rows = [
                        [_('The query failed.')],
                for line in str(v).split('\n'):
                for line in query.split('\n'):
                return (False, 'query failed', cols, rows)

        # swap (col_name, col_idx) to (col_idx, col_name)
        # and sort them according to position-in-query
        cols = [ (value, key) for key, value in idx.items() ]
        cols = [ pair[1] for pair in cols ]

        return (True, None, cols, rows)

if __name__ == '__main__':

        if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'test':

                # setup a real translation
                del _
                from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N

                test_report = 'test suite report'
                test_query = 'select 1 as test_suite_report_result'

                print("delete (should work):", delete_report_definition(name = test_report))
                print("check (should return False):", report_exists(name = test_report))
                print("save (should work):", save_report_definition(name = test_report, query = test_query))
                print("save (should fail):", save_report_definition(name = test_report, query = test_query, overwrite = False))
                print("save (should work):", save_report_definition(name = test_report, query = test_query, overwrite = True))
                print("delete (should work):", delete_report_definition(name = test_report))
                print("check (should return False):", report_exists(name = test_report))


def delete_report_definition(name=None)
Expand source code
def delete_report_definition(name=None):
        queries = [{
                'cmd': 'DELETE FROM cfg.report_query WHERE label = %(name)s',
                'args': {'name': name}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries=queries)
        return True
def report_exists(name=None)
Expand source code
def report_exists(name=None):
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{
                'cmd': 'SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM cfg.report_query WHERE label = %(name)s)',
                'args': {'name': name}
        return rows[0][0]
def run_report_query(query=None, limit=None, pk_identity=None)

Returns (status, hint, cols, rows)

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def run_report_query(query=None, limit=None, pk_identity=None):
        """Returns (status, hint, cols, rows)"""

        if limit is None:
                limit = ''
                limit = 'LIMIT %s' % limit

        # does user want to insert current patient ID ?
        if query.find(PATIENT_ID_TOKEN) == -1:
                wrapper_query = """
                        SELECT * FROM (
                        ) AS user_query
                """ % limit
                # she does, but is it possible ?
                if pk_identity is None:
                        gmDispatcher.send('statustext', msg = _('Query needs active patient.'), beep = True)
                        cols = [_('Error')]
                        rows = [
                                [_('Active patient query')],
                                [_('This query requires a patient to be active in the client.')],
                                [_('Please activate the patient you are interested')],
                                [_('in and re-run the query.')]
                        return (False, 'pk_identity', cols, rows)

                query = query.replace(PATIENT_ID_TOKEN, str(pk_identity))
                wrapper_query = """
                        SELECT %s AS pk_patient, * FROM (
                        ) AS user_query
                """ % (pk_identity, limit)

        wrapped_query = wrapper_query % query
        _log.debug('running report query:')

                # read-only for safety reasons
                rows, idx = gmPG2.run_ro_queries(queries = [{'cmd': wrapped_query}], get_col_idx = True)
        except Exception:
                _log.exception('report query failed')
                gmDispatcher.send('statustext', msg = _('The query failed.'), beep = True)
                cols = [_('Error')]
                t, v = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                rows = [
                        [_('The query failed.')],
                for line in str(v).split('\n'):
                for line in query.split('\n'):
                return (False, 'query failed', cols, rows)

        # swap (col_name, col_idx) to (col_idx, col_name)
        # and sort them according to position-in-query
        cols = [ (value, key) for key, value in idx.items() ]
        cols = [ pair[1] for pair in cols ]

        return (True, None, cols, rows)
def save_report_definition(name=None, query=None, overwrite=False)
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def save_report_definition(name=None, query=None, overwrite=False):
        if not overwrite:
                if report_exists(name=name):
                        return False

        args = {'name': name, 'query': query}
        queries = [
                {'cmd': 'DELETE FROM cfg.report_query WHERE label = %(name)s', 'args': args},
                {'cmd': 'INSERT INTO cfg.report_query (label, cmd) VALUES (%(name)s, %(query)s)', 'args': args}
        rows, idx = gmPG2.run_rw_queries(queries = queries)
        return True