
GNUmed DICOM handling middleware

Expand source code
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""GNUmed DICOM handling middleware"""
__license__ = "GPL v2 or later"
__author__ = "K.Hilbert <>"

# stdlib
import os
import sys
import re as regex
import logging
import http.client              # exception names used by httplib2
import socket
import httplib2
import json
import shutil
import time
import datetime as pydt
from urllib.parse import urlencode

# 3rd party
from packaging import version

# GNUmed modules
if __name__ == '__main__':
        sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmTools
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmShellAPI
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmMimeLib
from Gnumed.pycommon import gmDateTime

_log = logging.getLogger('gm.dicom')

_map_gender_gm2dcm = {
        'm': 'M',
        'f': 'F',
        'tm': 'M',
        'tf': 'F',
        'h': 'O'

class cOrthancServer:
        """Interface for the REST API of an Orthanc DICOM server.
        # REST API access to Orthanc DICOM servers

#       def __init__(self):
#               self.__server_identification = None
#               self.__user = None
#               self.__password = None
#               self.__conn = None
#               self.__server_url = None

        def connect(self, host, port, user, password, expected_minimal_version=None, expected_name=None, expected_aet=None) -> bool:
                except Exception:
                        _log.error('invalid port [%s]', port)
                        return False
                if (host is None) or (host.strip() == ''):
                        host = 'localhost'
                        self.__server_url = str('http://%s:%s' % (host, port))
                except Exception:
                        _log.exception('cannot create server url from: host [%s] and port [%s]', host, port)
                        return False

                self.__user = user
                self.__password = password
      'connecting as [%s] to Orthanc server at [%s]', self.__user, self.__server_url)
                cache_dir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().user_tmp_dir, '.orthanc2gm-cache')
                gmTools.mkdir(cache_dir, 0o700)
                gmTools.create_directory_description_file(directory = cache_dir, readme = 'this directory caches Orthanc REST data, mainly DICOM files')
                _log.debug('using cache directory: %s', cache_dir)
                self.__conn = httplib2.Http(cache = cache_dir)
                self.__conn.add_credentials(self.__user, self.__password)
                _log.debug('connected to server: %s', self.server_identification)
                self.connect_error = ''
                if self.server_identification is False:
                        self.connect_error += 'retrieving server identification failed'
                        return False

                if expected_minimal_version is not None:
                        if version.parse(self.server_identification['Version']) < version.parse(expected_minimal_version):
                                _log.error('server too old, needed [%s]', expected_minimal_version)
                                self.connect_error += 'server too old, needed version [%s]' % expected_minimal_version
                                return False

                if expected_name is not None:
                        if self.server_identification['Name'] != expected_name:
                                _log.error('wrong server name, expected [%s]', expected_name)
                                self.connect_error += 'wrong server name, expected [%s]' % expected_name
                                return False

                if expected_aet is not None:
                        if self.server_identification['DicomAet'] != expected_name:
                                _log.error('wrong server AET, expected [%s]', expected_aet)
                                self.connect_error += 'wrong server AET, expected [%s]' % expected_aet
                                return False

                return True

        def _get_server_identification(self):
                        return self.__server_identification             # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition

                except AttributeError:
                system_data = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/system' % self.__server_url)
                if system_data is False:
                        _log.error('unable to get server identification')
                        return False

                _log.debug('server: %s', system_data)
                self.__server_identification = system_data
                self.__initial_orthanc_encoding = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/tools/default-encoding' % self.__server_url)
                _log.debug('initial Orthanc encoding: %s', self.__initial_orthanc_encoding)
                # check time skew
                tolerance = 60 # seconds
                client_now_as_utc = pydt.datetime.utcnow()
                start = time.time()
                orthanc_now_str = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/tools/now' % self.__server_url)              # 20180208T165832
                end = time.time()
                query_duration = end - start
                orthanc_now_unknown_tz = pydt.datetime.strptime(orthanc_now_str, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
                _log.debug('GNUmed "now" (UTC): %s', client_now_as_utc)
                _log.debug('Orthanc "now" (UTC): %s', orthanc_now_unknown_tz)
                _log.debug('wire roundtrip (seconds): %s', query_duration)
                _log.debug('maximum skew tolerance (seconds): %s', tolerance)
                if query_duration > tolerance:
              'useless to check GNUmed/Orthanc time skew, wire roundtrip (%s) > tolerance (%s)', query_duration, tolerance)
                        if orthanc_now_unknown_tz > client_now_as_utc:
                                real_skew = orthanc_now_unknown_tz - client_now_as_utc
                                real_skew = client_now_as_utc - orthanc_now_unknown_tz
              'GNUmed/Orthanc time skew: %s', real_skew)
                        if real_skew > pydt.timedelta(seconds = tolerance):
                                _log.error('GNUmed/Orthanc time skew > tolerance (may be due to timezone differences on Orthanc < v1.3.2)')
                return self.__server_identification

        server_identification = property(_get_server_identification)

        def _get_as_external_id_issuer(self):
                # fixed type :: user level instance name :: DICOM AET
                return 'Orthanc::%(Name)s::%(DicomAet)s' % self.__server_identification

        as_external_id_issuer = property(_get_as_external_id_issuer)

        def _get_url_browse_patients(self):
                if self.__user is None:
                        return self.__server_url
                return self.__server_url.replace('http://', 'http://%s@' % self.__user)

        url_browse_patients = property(_get_url_browse_patients)

        def get_url_browse_patient(self, patient_id):
                # http://localhost:8042/#patient?uuid=0da01e38-cf792452-65c1e6af-b77faf5a-b637a05b
                return '%s/#patient?uuid=%s' % (self.url_browse_patients, patient_id)

        def get_url_browse_study(self, study_id):
                # http://localhost:8042/#study?uuid=0da01e38-cf792452-65c1e6af-b77faf5a-b637a05b
                return '%s/#study?uuid=%s' % (self.url_browse_patients, study_id)

        # download API
        def get_matching_patients(self, person) -> list:
                """Fetch matching patients from an Orthanc DICOM server.

                Matches are searched for via stored "external ID" and
                via generically generated ID. The external IDs are
                fetched from the patient store, must be of type
                "PACS" and must be marked as issued by the
                instantiated PACS <self.>

                        person: a gmPerson.cPerson instance

                        A list of Orthanc patient UIDs.
      'searching for Orthanc patients matching %s', person)
                pacs_ids = person.get_external_ids(id_type = 'PACS', issuer = self.as_external_id_issuer)
                if len(pacs_ids) > 1:
                        _log.error('GNUmed patient has more than one ID for this PACS: %s', pacs_ids)
                        _log.error('the stored-in-GNUmed PACS ID is expected to be unique _per PACS_')
                        return []

                pacs_ids2search_by = []
                pacs_ids2search_by.extend([ pacs_id['value'] for pacs_id in pacs_ids ])
                pacs_ids2search_by.extend(person.suggest_external_ids(target = 'PACS'))
                matching_pats = []
                for pacs_id in pacs_ids2search_by:
                        _log.debug('using PACS ID [%s]', pacs_id)
                        pats = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = pacs_id, fuzzy = False)
                        if len(pats) > 1:
                                _log.warning('more than one Orthanc patient matches PACS ID: %s', pacs_id)
                if not matching_pats:
                        _log.debug('no matching patient found in PACS')
                return matching_pats

        def get_patients_by_external_id(self, external_id=None, fuzzy=False):
                """Search for instances by patient ID."""
      'external ID >>>%s<<< fuzzy [%s]', external_id, fuzzy)
                search_term = external_id.strip().strip('*').strip()
                if fuzzy:
                        search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data = {
                        'Level': 'Patient',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True,
                        'Query': {'PatientID': search_term}
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                # paranoia
                for match in matches:
                        self.protect_patient(orthanc_id = match['ID'])
                return matches

        def get_patients_by_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy:bool=False) -> list:
                """Search for patients by name.

                        List of patients matching the search term(s).
      'name parts %s, gender [%s], dob [%s], fuzzy: [%s]', name_parts, gender, dob, fuzzy)
                if len(name_parts) > 1:
                        return self.get_patients_by_name_parts(name_parts = name_parts, gender = gender, dob = dob, fuzzy = fuzzy)

                search_term = name_parts[0].strip().strip('*').strip()
                if search_term == '':
                        _log.debug('search term empty')
                        return []

                if fuzzy:
                        search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data:dict = {
                        'Level': 'Patient',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True
                search_data['Query'] = {'PatientName': search_term}
                if gender:
                        gender = _map_gender_gm2dcm[gender.casefold()]
                        if gender:
                                search_data['Query']['PatientSex'] = gender
                if dob:
                        search_data['Query']['PatientBirthDate'] = dob.strftime('%Y%m%d')
      'server-side C-FIND SCU over REST search, mogrified search data: %s', search_data)
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                return matches

        def get_patients_by_name_parts(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False):
                # fuzzy: allow partial/substring matches (but not across name part boundaries ',' or '^')
                matching_patients = []
                clean_parts = []
                for part in name_parts:
                        if part.strip() == '':
      'client-side patient search, scrubbed search terms: %s', clean_parts)
                pat_ids = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients' % self.__server_url)
                if pat_ids is False:
                        _log.error('cannot retrieve patients')
                        return []

                for pat_id in pat_ids:
                        orthanc_pat = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, pat_id))
                        if orthanc_pat is False:
                                _log.error('cannot retrieve patient')
                        orthanc_name = orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientName'].casefold().strip()
                        if not fuzzy:
                                orthanc_name = orthanc_name.replace(' ', ',').replace('^', ',').split(',')
                        parts_in_orthanc_name = 0
                        for part in clean_parts:
                                if part in orthanc_name:
                                        parts_in_orthanc_name += 1
                        if parts_in_orthanc_name == len(clean_parts):
                                _log.debug('name match: "%s" contains all of %s', orthanc_name, clean_parts)
                                if gender is not None:
                                        gender = _map_gender_gm2dcm[gender.casefold()]
                                        if gender is not None:
                                                if orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'].casefold() != gender:
                                                        _log.debug('gender mismatch: dicom=[%s] gnumed=[%s], skipping', orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'], gender)
                                if dob is not None:
                                        if orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'] != dob.strftime('%Y%m%d'):
                                                _log.debug('dob mismatch: dicom=[%s] gnumed=[%s], skipping', orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'], dob)
                                _log.debug('name mismatch: "%s" does not contain all of %s', orthanc_name, clean_parts)
                return matching_patients

        def search_studies_by_patient_name(self, name:str) -> list:
                """Search for studies with the given patient name snippet.

                A study (even at the Orthanc DB metadata level) will
                contain the original patient name (unless manually
                modified) in contrast to the (artificial Orthanc DB
                metadata level) patient record. The latter contains
                the first patient name that had been associated with
                the given patient ID.

                        name: name snippet to search for

                        The list of matching *studies* (not *patient*).
                _log.debug('search term [%s]', name)
                search_term = name.strip().strip('*').strip()
                if search_term == '':
                        _log.warning('search term empty')
                        return []

                search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data = {
                        'Level': 'Study',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True,
                        'Query': {'PatientName': search_term}
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                return matches

        def search_studies_by_patient_id(self, patient_id:str) -> list:
                """Search for studies with the given patient ID snippet.

                This relates to the external world patient ID as
                stored in DICOM instances, not the Orthanc DB
                metadata level patient UID.

                        patient_id: patient ID snippet to search for

                        The list of matching *studies* (not *patient*).
                _log.debug('search term >>>%s<<<', patient_id)
                search_term = patient_id.strip().strip('*').strip()
                search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data = {
                        'Level': 'Study',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True,
                        'Query': {'PatientID': search_term}
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                return matches

        def get_studies_list_by_patient_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False):
                return self.get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list (
                        orthanc_patients = self.get_patients_by_name(name_parts = name_parts, gender = gender, dob = dob, fuzzy = fuzzy)

        def get_studies_list_by_external_id(self, external_id=None):
                return self.get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list (
                        orthanc_patients = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = external_id)

        def get_study_as_zip(self, study_id=None, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
      'exporting study [%s] into [%s]', study_id, filename)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/studies/%s/archive' % (self.__server_url, str(study_id)), allow_cached = True))
                return filename

        def get_study_as_zip_with_dicomdir(self, study_id=None, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
      'exporting study [%s] into [%s]', study_id, filename)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/studies/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(study_id)), allow_cached = True))
                return filename

        def get_studies_as_zip(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
                if study_ids is None:
              'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s/archive' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id)), allow_cached = True))
                        return filename

        def _manual_get_studies_with_dicomdir(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, target_dir=None, filename=None, create_zip=False):

                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip', tmp_dir = target_dir)

                # all studies
                if study_ids is None:
              'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        url = '%s/patients/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id))
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = url, allow_cached = True))
                        if create_zip:
                                return filename
                        if target_dir is None:
                                target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                                return False
                        return target_dir

                # a selection of studies
                dicomdir_cmd = 'gm-create_dicomdir'             # args: 1) name of DICOMDIR to create 2) base directory where to start recursing for DICOM files
                found, external_cmd = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(dicomdir_cmd)
                if not found:
                        _log.error('[%s] not found', dicomdir_cmd)
                        return False

                if create_zip:
                        sandbox_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
              'exporting studies [%s] into [%s] (sandbox [%s])', study_ids, filename, sandbox_dir)
                        sandbox_dir = target_dir
              'exporting studies [%s] into [%s]', study_ids, sandbox_dir)
                _log.debug('sandbox dir: %s', sandbox_dir)
                idx = 0
                for study_id in study_ids:
                        study_zip_name = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'dcm-', suffix = '.zip')
                        # getting with DICOMDIR returns DICOMDIR compatible subdirs and filenames
                        study_zip_name = self.get_study_as_zip_with_dicomdir(study_id = study_id, filename = study_zip_name)
                        # non-beautiful per-study dir name required by subsequent DICOMDIR generation
                        idx += 1
                        study_unzip_dir = os.path.join(sandbox_dir, 'STUDY%s' % idx)
                        _log.debug('study [%s] -> %s -> %s', study_id, study_zip_name, study_unzip_dir)
                        # need to extract into per-study subdir because get-with-dicomdir
                        # returns identical-across-studies subdirs / filenames
                        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(study_zip_name, target_dir = study_unzip_dir, remove_archive = True):
                                return False

                # create DICOMDIR across all studies,
                # we simply ignore the already existing per-study DICOMDIR files
                target_dicomdir_name = os.path.join(sandbox_dir, 'DICOMDIR')
                gmTools.remove_file(target_dicomdir_name, log_error = False)    # better safe than sorry
                _log.debug('generating [%s]', target_dicomdir_name)
                cmd = '%(cmd)s %(DICOMDIR)s %(startdir)s' % {
                        'cmd': external_cmd,
                        'DICOMDIR': target_dicomdir_name,
                        'startdir': sandbox_dir
                success = gmShellAPI.run_command_in_shell (
                        command = cmd,
                        blocking = True
                if not success:
                        _log.error('problem running [gm-create_dicomdir]')
                        return False
                # paranoia
                except Exception:
                        _log.error('[%s] not generated, aborting', target_dicomdir_name)
                        return False

                # return path to extracted studies
                if not create_zip:
                        return sandbox_dir

                # else return ZIP of all studies
                studies_zip = shutil.make_archive (
                        root_dir = gmTools.parent_dir(sandbox_dir),
                        base_dir = gmTools.dirname_stem(sandbox_dir),
                        logger = _log
                _log.debug('archived all studies with one DICOMDIR into: %s', studies_zip)
                # studies can be _large_ so attempt to get rid of intermediate files
                return studies_zip

        def get_studies_with_dicomdir(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, target_dir=None, filename=None, create_zip=False):

                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip', tmp_dir = target_dir)

                # all studies
                if study_ids is None:
                        if patient_id is None:
                                raise ValueError('<patient_id> must be defined if <study_ids> is None')
              'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        url = '%s/patients/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id))
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = url, allow_cached = True))
                        if create_zip:
                                return filename
                        if target_dir is None:
                                target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                                return False
                        return target_dir

                # selection of studies
      'exporting %s studies into [%s]', len(study_ids), filename)
                _log.debug('studies: %s', study_ids)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                #  You have to make a POST request against URI "/tools/create-media", with a
                #  JSON body that contains the array of the resources of interest (as Orthanc
                #  identifiers). Here is a sample command-line:
                #  curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/tools/create-media -d '["8c4663df-c3e66066-9e20a8fc-dd14d1e5-251d3d84","2cd4848d-02f0005f-812ffef6-a210bbcf-3f01a00a","6eeded74-75005003-c3ae9738-d4a06a4f-6beedeb8","8a622020-c058291c-7693b63f-bc67aa2e-0a02e69c"]' -v > /tmp/
                #  (this will not create duplicates but will also not check for single-patient-ness)
                url = '%s/tools/create-media-extended' % self.__server_url
                        downloaded = self.__run_POST(url = url, data = study_ids, output_file = f)
                        if not downloaded:
                                _log.error('this Orthanc version probably does not support "create-media-extended"')
                except TypeError:
                        _log.exception('cannot retrieve multiple studies as one archive with DICOMDIR, probably not supported by this Orthanc version')
                        return False
                # retry with old URL
                if not downloaded:
                        url = '%s/tools/create-media' % self.__server_url
                        _log.debug('retrying: %s', url)
                                downloaded = self.__run_POST(url = url, data = study_ids, output_file = f)
                                if not downloaded:
                                        return False
                        except TypeError:
                                _log.exception('cannot retrieve multiple studies as one archive with DICOMDIR, probably not supported by this Orthanc version')
                                return False
                if create_zip:
                        return filename
                if target_dir is None:
                        target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                        _log.debug('exporting studies into [%s]', target_dir)
                if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                        return False
                return target_dir

        def get_instance_dicom_tags(self, instance_id, simplified=True):
                _log.debug('retrieving DICOM tags for instance [%s]', instance_id)
                if simplified:
                        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/simplified-tags' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/tags' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                return self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = True)

        def get_instance_preview(self, instance_id, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.png')
                _log.debug('exporting preview for instance [%s] into [%s]', instance_id, filename)
                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/preview' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = True))
                except Exception:
                        _log.exception('cannot retrieve instance')
                        filename = None
                return filename

        def get_instance(self, instance_id:str, filename:str=None, allow_cached:bool=True) -> str:
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')

                _log.debug('exporting instance [%s] into [%s]', instance_id, filename)
                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/dicom/data' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = allow_cached))
                return filename

        # server-side API
        def get_patient(self, orthanc_id:str):
                patient_data_url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                patient_data, status = self.__run_GET(patient_data_url, also_return_status = True)
                if patient_data is False:
                        if status == 404:
                                _log.debug('no such patient: %s', orthanc_id)
                                return {}

                        _log.error('cannot retrieve patient data for [%s]', orthanc_id)
                        return False

                return patient_data

        def protect_patient(self, orthanc_id:str):
                url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 1:
                        _log.debug('patient already protected: %s', orthanc_id)
                        return True
                _log.warning('patient [%s] not protected against recycling, enabling protection now', orthanc_id)
                self.__run_PUT(url = url, data = '1')
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 1:
                        return True
                _log.error('cannot protect patient [%s] against recycling', orthanc_id)
                return False

        def unprotect_patient(self, orthanc_id):
                url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 0:
                        return True
      'patient [%s] protected against recycling, disabling protection now', orthanc_id)
                self.__run_PUT(url = url, data = '0')
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 0:
                        return True
                _log.error('cannot unprotect patient [%s] against recycling', orthanc_id)
                return False

        def patient_is_protected(self, orthanc_id):
                url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                return (self.__run_GET(url) == 1)

        def verify_patient_data(self, orthanc_id):
      'verifying DICOM data of patient [%s]', orthanc_id)
                bad_data = []
                instances_url = '%s/patients/%s/instances' % (self.__server_url, orthanc_id)
                instances = self.__run_GET(instances_url)
                for instance in instances:
                        instance_id = instance['ID']
                        attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                        attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = True)
                        for attachment in attachments:
                                verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
                                # False, success = "{}"
                                #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #986): cannot POST: http://localhost:8042/instances/5a8206f4-24619e76-6650d9cd-792cdf25-039e96e6/attachments/dicom-as-json/verify-md5
                                #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #987): response: {'status': '400', 'content-length': '0'}
                                if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is not False:
                                _log.error('bad MD5 of DICOM file at url [%s]: patient=%s, attachment_type=%s', verify_url, orthanc_id, attachment)
                                bad_data.append({'patient': orthanc_id, 'instance': instance_id, 'type': attachment, 'orthanc': '%s [%s]' % (self.server_identification, self.__server_url)})

                return bad_data

        def modify_patient_id(self, old_patient_id, new_patient_id):
                """Modify the patient ID stored in Orthanc.

                This changes all DICOM files of the patient,
                identified via (DICOM level) old_patient_id, to
                contain the new_patient_id. It will update the
                associated Orthanc metadata DB entries accordingly.
                if old_patient_id == new_patient_id:
                        return True

                modify_data = {
                        'Replace': {
                                'PatientID': new_patient_id
                                #,u'0010,0021': / "GNUmed vX.X.X"
                                #,u'0010,1002': series of (old) patient IDs
                        , 'Force': True
                        # "Keep" doesn't seem to do what it suggests ATM
                        #, u'Keep': True
                orth_pat_defs = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = old_patient_id)
                all_modified = True
                for orth_pat_def in orth_pat_defs:
              'modifying Orthanc patient [%s]: DICOM ID [%s] -> [%s]', orth_pat_def['ID'], old_patient_id, new_patient_id)
                        old_pat_data = self.get_patient(orth_pat_def['ID'])
                        _log.debug('to be modified: %s', old_pat_data)
                        if self.patient_is_protected(orth_pat_def['ID']):
                                _log.debug('patient protected: %s, unprotecting for modification', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                if not self.unprotect_patient(orth_pat_def['ID']):
                                        _log.error('cannot unlock patient [%s], skipping', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                        all_modified = False
                                was_protected = True
                                was_protected = False
                        pat_url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, orth_pat_def['ID'])
                        modify_url = '%s/modify' % pat_url
                        result = self.__run_POST(modify_url, data = modify_data)
                        _log.debug('modify result: %s', result)
                        if result is False:
                                _log.error('cannot modify patient [%s]', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                all_modified = False
                        newly_created_orthanc_patient_id = result['ID']
              'newly created Orthanc patient ID: %s', newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)
                        mod_pat_data = self.get_patient(newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)
                        _log.debug('modified pat: %s', mod_pat_data)
                        _log.debug('deleting archived patient: %s', self.__run_DELETE(pat_url))
                        if was_protected:
                                if not self.protect_patient(newly_created_orthanc_patient_id):
                                        _log.error('cannot re-lock (new) patient [%s]', newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)

                return all_modified

        # upload API
        def upload_dicom_file(self, filename:str, check_mime_type:bool=False) -> bool:
                """Update a DICOM file.

                Will silently ignore DICOMDIR files (which are application/dicom but
                Orthanc does not process them).

                        filename: DICOM file to upload
                        check_mime_type: whether to check the file for being application/dicom, and to fail if not

      'processing: %s', filename)
                if gmTools.fname_stem(filename) == 'DICOMDIR':
                        _log.debug('ignoring, no use uploading DICOMDIR files to Orthanc')
                        return True

                if check_mime_type:
                        mimetype = gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename)
                        if mimetype != 'application/dicom':
                                _log.error('not considered a DICOM (application/dicom) file: %s, not uploading', mimetype)
                                return False

                        f = open(filename, 'rb')
                except Exception:
                        _log.exception('failed to open file')
                        return False

                dcm_data =
                upload_url = '%s/instances' % self.__server_url
                uploaded = self.__run_POST(upload_url, data = dcm_data, content_type = 'application/dicom')
                if uploaded is False:
                        _log.error('upload failed')
                        return False

                # typically a 404 following the upload of a DICOM file w/o identifiers
                if uploaded == []:
                        _log.error('upload failed')
                        return False

                # paranoia, as is our custom
                verified = self.verify_instance (
                        instance_id = uploaded['ID'],
                        filename = filename,
                        attempt_download = True
                return verified

        def verify_instance(self, instance_id:str, filename:str=None, attempt_download:bool=False) -> bool:

                _BINARY_ATTACHMENTS = ['dicom']

                _log.debug('verifying instance [%s] against file [%s]', instance_id, filename)
                is_valid = True

                attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = False)
                if not attachments:
                        _log.error('cannot retrieve instance attachment list')
                        return False

                for attachment in attachments:
                        md5_orthanc = None
                        # 1) verify MD5 inside Orthanc, if available (checks Orthanc storage corruption)
                        available_fields_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/%s' % (self.__server_url, instance_id, attachment)
                        available_fields = self.__run_GET(available_fields_url, allow_cached = False)
                        if 'md5' in available_fields:
                                md5_url = '%s/md5' % available_fields_url
                                md5_orthanc = self.__run_GET(md5_url)
                                verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
                                if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is False:
                                        _log.error('MD5 verification failed, instance [%s], attachment=%s, url [%s]', instance_id, attachment, verify_url)
                                        _log.error('potentially Orthanc storage corruption')
                                        is_valid = False
                                        _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> Orthanc storage: match')
                                _log.debug('MD5 of instance attachment not available in Orthanc, cannot verify backend storage status')
                        # 2) verify instance attachment can be downloaded
                        md5_downloaded = None
                        if attempt_download:
                                attachment_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename()
                                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/%s/data' % (self.__server_url, instance_id, attachment)
                                attachment_data = self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = False)
                                if isinstance(attachment_data, bytes):
                                        attachment_file = open(attachment_filename, 'wb')
                                        attachment_file = open(attachment_filename, 'wt')
                                        attachment_data = '%s' % attachment_data
                                del attachment_data
                                _log.debug('download: Orthanc -> localhost: success')
                                if attachment not in _BINARY_ATTACHMENTS:
                              'attachment of type [%s] not binary, cannot verify MD5 of download or local file against MD5 in Orthanc, skipping', attachment)
                                md5_downloaded = gmTools.file2md5(attachment_filename)
                                _log.debug('not downloading instance for verification')
                        # 3) verify MD5 of downloaded instance against Orthanc, if possible
                        if md5_downloaded and md5_orthanc:
                                if md5_downloaded == md5_orthanc:
                                        _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> localhost: match')
                                        _log.error('MD5 mismatch: Orthanc DB <-> localhost')
                                        _log.error('download: %s', md5_downloaded)
                                        _log.error('Orthanc : %s', md5_orthanc)
                                        is_valid = False
                        if filename:
                                md5_local = gmTools.file2md5(filename)
                                _log.debug('local file not available for verification')
                                md5_local = None
                        # 4) verify MD5 of download against local file
                        if md5_downloaded and md5_local:
                                if md5_downloaded == md5_local:
                                        _log.debug('MD5: downloaded <-> pre-existing: match')
                                        _log.error('MD5 mismatch: downloaded <-> pre-existing')
                                        _log.error('download: %s', md5_downloaded)
                                        _log.error('locally : %s', md5_local)
                                        is_valid = False
                        # 5) verify MD5 of local file against Orthanc
                        if md5_local and md5_orthanc:
                                if md5_local == md5_orthanc:
                                        _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> pre-existing: match')
                                        _log.error('MD5 mismatch: Orthanc DB <-> pre-existing')
                                        _log.error('locally : %s', md5_local)
                                        _log.error('Orthanc : %s', md5_orthanc)
                                        is_valid = False
                        # 6) consider comparing the raw pixel data or comparing the output of exiftool etc

                _log.debug('verified: %s', is_valid)
                return is_valid

        def upload_dicom_files(self, files=None, check_mime_type=False):
                uploaded = []
                not_uploaded = []
                for filename in files:
                        success = self.upload_dicom_file(filename, check_mime_type = check_mime_type)
                        if success:

                if len(not_uploaded) > 0:
                        _log.error('not all files uploaded')
                return (uploaded, not_uploaded)

        def upload_from_directory(self, directory=None, recursive=False, check_mime_type=False, ignore_other_files=True):

                def _on_error(exc):
                        _log.error('DICOM (?) file not accessible: %s', exc.filename)

                _log.debug('uploading DICOM files from [%s]', directory)
                if not recursive:
                        files2try = os.listdir(directory)
                        _log.debug('found %s files', len(files2try))
                        if ignore_other_files:
                                files2try = [ f for f in files2try if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(f) == 'application/dicom' ]
                                _log.debug('DICOM files therein: %s', len(files2try))
                        return self.upload_dicom_files(files = files2try, check_mime_type = check_mime_type)

                _log.debug('recursing for DICOM files')
                uploaded = []
                not_uploaded = []
                for curr_root, curr_root_subdirs, curr_root_files in os.walk(directory, onerror = _on_error):
                        _log.debug('recursing into [%s]', curr_root)
                        files2try = [ os.path.join(curr_root, f) for f in curr_root_files ]
                        _log.debug('found %s files', len(files2try))
                        if ignore_other_files:
                                files2try = [ f for f in files2try if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(f) == 'application/dicom' ]
                                _log.debug('DICOM files therein: %s', len(files2try))
                        up, not_up = self.upload_dicom_files (
                                files = files2try,
                                check_mime_type = check_mime_type

                return (uploaded, not_uploaded)

        def upload_by_DICOMDIR(self, DICOMDIR=None):

        # helper functions
        def get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list(self, orthanc_patients=None):

                study_keys2hide =  ['ModifiedFrom', 'Type', 'ID', 'ParentPatient', 'Series']
                series_keys2hide = ['ModifiedFrom', 'Type', 'ID', 'ParentStudy',   'Instances']

                studies_by_patient = []

                # loop over patients
                for pat in orthanc_patients:
                        pat_dict = {
                                'orthanc_id': pat['ID'],
                                'name': None,
                                'external_id': None,
                                'date_of_birth': None,
                                'gender': None,
                                'studies': []
                                pat_dict['name'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientName'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                pat_dict['external_id'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientID'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                pat_dict['date_of_birth'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                pat_dict['gender'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                        for key in pat_dict:
                                if pat_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                        pat_dict[key] = None
                                pat_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(pat_dict[key])

                        # loop over studies of patient
                        orth_studies = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s/studies' % (self.__server_url, pat['ID']))
                        if orth_studies is False:
                                _log.error('cannot retrieve studies')
                                return []
                        for orth_study in orth_studies:
                                study_dict = {
                                        'orthanc_id': orth_study['ID'],
                                        'date': None,
                                        'time': None,
                                        'description': None,
                                        'referring_doc': None,
                                        'requesting_doc': None,
                                        'requesting_org': None,
                                        'performing_doc': None,
                                        'operator_name': None,
                                        'radiographer_code': None,
                                        'radiology_org': None,
                                        'radiology_dept': None,
                                        'radiology_org_addr': None,
                                        'station_name': None,
                                        'series': []
                                        study_dict['date'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyDate'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['time'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyTime'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['description'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyDescription'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['referring_doc'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['ReferringPhysicianName'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['requesting_doc'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['RequestingPhysician'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['requesting_org'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['RequestingService'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionAddress'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['radiology_org'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionName'].strip()
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['radiology_org'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                        study_dict['radiology_org'] = None
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['radiology_dept'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionalDepartmentName'].strip()
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['radiology_dept'] in study_dict['radiology_org']:
                                                        study_dict['radiology_dept'] = None
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['radiology_dept'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                        study_dict['radiology_dept'] = None
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['station_name'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StationName'].strip()
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_org']:
                                                        study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                        study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                        if study_dict['radiology_dept'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_dept']:
                                                        study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                except KeyError:
                                for key in study_dict:
                                        if study_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                                study_dict[key] = None
                                        study_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(study_dict[key])
                                study_dict['all_tags'] = {}
                                except KeyError:
                                        orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags'] = pat['MainDicomTags']
                                for key in orth_study:
                                        if key == 'MainDicomTags':
                                                for mkey in orth_study['MainDicomTags']:
                                                        study_dict['all_tags'][mkey] = orth_study['MainDicomTags'][mkey].strip()
                                        if key == 'PatientMainDicomTags':
                                                for pkey in orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags']:
                                                        study_dict['all_tags'][pkey] = orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags'][pkey].strip()
                                        study_dict['all_tags'][key] = orth_study[key]
                                _log.debug('study: %s', list(study_dict['all_tags']))
                                for key in study_keys2hide:
                                        try: del study_dict['all_tags'][key]
                                        except KeyError: pass

                                # loop over series in study
                                for orth_series_id in orth_study['Series']:
                                        orth_series = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/series/%s' % (self.__server_url, orth_series_id))
                                        ordered_slices = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/series/%s/ordered-slices' % (self.__server_url, orth_series_id))
                                        if ordered_slices is False:
                                                slices = orth_series['Instances']
                                                slices = [ s[0] for s in ordered_slices['SlicesShort'] ]
                                        if orth_series is False:
                                                _log.error('cannot retrieve series')
                                                return []
                                        series_dict = {
                                                'orthanc_id': orth_series['ID'],
                                                'instances': slices,
                                                'modality': None,
                                                'date': None,
                                                'time': None,
                                                'description': None,
                                                'body_part': None,
                                                'protocol': None,
                                                'performed_procedure_step_description': None,
                                                'acquisition_device_processing_description': None,
                                                'operator_name': None,
                                                'radiographer_code': None,
                                                'performing_doc': None
                                                series_dict['modality'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['Modality'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['date'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesDate'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesDescription'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['time'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesTime'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['body_part'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['BodyPartExamined'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['protocol'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['ProtocolName'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['PerformedProcedureStepDescription'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['operator_name'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['OperatorsName'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['radiographer_code'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['RadiographersCode'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['performing_doc'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['PerformingPhysicianName'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                        for key in series_dict:
                                                if series_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                                        series_dict[key] = None
                                        if series_dict['description'] == series_dict['protocol']:
                                                _log.debug('<series description> matches <series protocol>, ignoring protocol')
                                                series_dict['protocol'] = None
                                        if series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] in [series_dict['description'], series_dict['protocol']]:
                                                series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] is not None:
                                                # weed out "numeric" only
                                                if regex.match ('[.,/\|\-\s\d]+', series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'], flags = regex.UNICODE):
                                                        series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] in [series_dict['description'], series_dict['protocol']]:
                                                series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] is not None:
                                                # weed out "numeric" only
                                                if regex.match ('[.,/\|\-\s\d]+', series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'], flags = regex.UNICODE):
                                                        series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['date'] == study_dict['date']:
                                                _log.debug('<series date> matches <study date>, ignoring date')
                                                series_dict['date'] = None
                                        if series_dict['time'] == study_dict['time']:
                                                _log.debug('<series time> matches <study time>, ignoring time')
                                                series_dict['time'] = None
                                        for key in series_dict:
                                                series_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(series_dict[key])
                                        series_dict['all_tags'] = {}
                                        for key in orth_series:
                                                if key == 'MainDicomTags':
                                                        for mkey in orth_series['MainDicomTags']:
                                                                series_dict['all_tags'][mkey] = orth_series['MainDicomTags'][mkey].strip()
                                                series_dict['all_tags'][key] = orth_series[key]
                                        _log.debug('series: %s', list(series_dict['all_tags']))
                                        for key in series_keys2hide:
                                                try: del series_dict['all_tags'][key]
                                                except KeyError: pass
                                        study_dict['operator_name'] = series_dict['operator_name']                      # will collapse all operators into that of the last series
                                        study_dict['radiographer_code'] = series_dict['radiographer_code']      # will collapse all into that of the last series
                                        study_dict['performing_doc'] = series_dict['performing_doc']            # will collapse all into that of the last series

                return studies_by_patient

        # generic REST helpers
        def run_GET(self, url=None, data=None, allow_cached=False):
                url = '%s/%s' % (self.__server_url, url)
                return self.__run_GET(url = url, data = data, allow_cached = allow_cached)

        def __run_GET(self, url=None, data=None, allow_cached=False, also_return_status=False):
                if data is None:
                        data = {}
                headers = {}
                if not allow_cached:
                        headers['cache-control'] = 'no-cache'
                params = ''
                if data:
                        params = '?' + urlencode(data)
                url_with_params = url + params
                #_log.debug('URL with parameters: >>>%s<<<', url_with_params)
                        response, content = self.__conn.request(url_with_params, 'GET', headers = headers)
                except (OverflowError, socket.error, http.client.ResponseNotReady, http.client.InvalidURL, http.client.RemoteDisconnected, httplib2.ServerNotFoundError):
                        # http.client.RemoteDisconnected: observed during GET while Orthanc was shutting down for backup
                        _log.exception('exception in GET')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url_with_params)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        if also_return_status:
                                return (False, -1)
                        return False

                if response.status not in [ 200 ]:
                        _log.error('GET returned non-OK status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url_with_params)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        if also_return_status:
                                return (False, response.status)
                        return False

                #_log.debug('response: %s', response)
                #_log.debug('type(content): %s', type(content))
                content_type = response['content-type'].strip()
                if content_type.startswith('text/plain'):
                        # utf8 ?
                        # urldecode ?
                        # latin1 = Orthanc default = tools/default-encoding ?
                        # ascii ?
                        content = content.decode('utf8')
                elif content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                                content = json.loads(content)
                        except Exception:
                                _log.exception('failed to json.loads(content) despite application/json indicated, returning content and hoping for the best')
                                mime_type, charset_def = content_type.split(';')
                                charset = charset_def.strip().split('=')[1]
                                #content = content.decode('utf8')
                                content = content.decode(charset)
                        _log.error('content: <%s>, not <text/plain> or <application/json> -- returning raw content', content_type)
                if also_return_status:
                        return (content, response.status)

                return content

        def __run_POST(self, url=None, data=None, content_type=None, output_file=None):
                body = data
                headers = {'content-type' : content_type}
                if isinstance(data, str):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
                elif isinstance(data, bytes):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
                        body = json.dumps(data)
                        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'

                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'POST', body = body, headers = headers)
                        except BrokenPipeError:
                                _log.debug('retrying after BrokenPipeError')
                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'POST', body = body, headers = headers)
                except (socket.error, http.client.ResponseNotReady, OverflowError):
                        _log.exception('exception in POST')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        return False

                if response.status == 404:
                        _log.debug('no data, response: %s', response)
                        if output_file is None:
                                return []
                        return False

                if response.status not in [ 200, 302 ]:
                        _log.error('POST returned non-OK (not 200,302) status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        return False

                        content = json.loads(content)
                except Exception:
                if output_file is None:
                        return content

                return True

        def __run_PUT(self, url=None, data=None, content_type=None):

                body = data
                headers = {'content-type' : content_type}
                if isinstance(data, str):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
                elif isinstance(data, bytes):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
                        body = json.dumps(data)
                        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'

                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'PUT', body = body, headers = headers)
                        except BrokenPipeError:
                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'PUT', body = body, headers = headers)
                except (socket.error, http.client.ResponseNotReady, OverflowError):
                        _log.exception('exception in PUT')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        return False

                if response.status == 404:
                        _log.debug('no data, response: %s', response)
                        return []
                if response.status not in [ 200, 302 ]:
                        _log.error('PUT returned non-OK status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        return False

                if response['content-type'].startswith('text/plain'):
                        # utf8 ?
                        # urldecode ?
                        # latin1 = Orthanc default = tools/default-encoding ?
                        # ascii ?
                        return content.decode('utf8')

                if response['content-type'].startswith('application/json'):
                                return json.loads(content)
                        except Exception:
                                return content

                return content

        def __run_DELETE(self, url=None):
                        response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'DELETE')
                except (http.client.ResponseNotReady, socket.error, OverflowError):
                        _log.exception('exception in DELETE')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        return False

                if response.status not in [ 200 ]:
                        _log.error('DELETE returned non-OK status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        return False

                if response['content-type'].startswith('text/plain'):
                        # utf8 ?
                        # urldecode ?
                        # latin1 = Orthanc default = tools/default-encoding ?
                        # ascii ?
                        return content.decode('utf8')

                if response['content-type'].startswith('application/json'):
                                return json.loads(content)
                        except Exception:
                                return content

                return content

        def _get_server_url(self):
                return self.__server_url

        server_url = property(_get_server_url)

def cleanup_dicom_string(dicom_str:str) -> str:
        if not isinstance(dicom_str, str):
                return dicom_str

        dicom_str = regex.sub('\^+', ' ', dicom_str.strip('^'))
        #dicom_str = dicom_str.replace('\r\n', ' [CR] ')
        return dicom_str

def dicomize_file(filename:str=None, title:str=None, person=None, dcm_name:str=None, verbose:bool=False, dcm_template_file:str=None, dcm_transfer_series:bool=True, content_date=None) -> str:
        """Encapsulate a file inside a DCM file.

        Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

        Works for PDF documents and images which are/can be converted to JPG.

                filename: the file to encapsulate
                title: document title, defaults to filename
                person: a GNUmed person instance from which to derive demographics, None -> derive from *dcm_template_file*
                dcm_name: filename for the resulting DICOM file, None -> auto-create name
                verbose: passed to external converter
                dcm_template_file: DICOM file from which to derive patient demographics and study ID, None -> *person* must be defined
                dcm_transfer_series: only applies if *dcm_template_file* given
                        True = derive series from *dcm_template_file*,
                        False = only derive study from *dcm_template_file* and create a new series
                content_date: date/time to use for study/series/instance, as needed; None -> use now()

                DICOM file name or None on failure.
        assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
        assert (not ((person is None) and (dcm_template_file is None))), '<person> or <dcm_template_file> must not be None'

        # already DCM ?
        if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename) == 'application/dicom':
                _log.error('already a DICOM file: %s', filename)
                if dcm_name is None:
                        return filename

                return shutil.copy2(filename, dcm_name)

        dcm_fname = dicomize_pdf (
                pdf_name = filename,
                title = title,
                person = person,
                dcm_name = dcm_name,
                verbose = verbose,
                dcm_template_file = dcm_template_file,
                dcm_transfer_series = dcm_transfer_series,
                content_date = content_date
        if dcm_fname is not None:
                return dcm_fname

        _log.debug('does not seem to be a PDF: %s', filename)
        converted_fname = gmMimeLib.convert_file(filename = filename, target_mime = 'image/jpeg')
        if converted_fname is None:
                _log.error('cannot convert to JPG: %s', filename)
                return None

        dcm_name = dicomize_jpg (
                jpg_name = converted_fname,
                title = title,
                person = person,
                dcm_name = dcm_name,
                verbose = verbose,
                dcm_template_file = dcm_template_file,
                dcm_transfer_series = dcm_transfer_series,
                content_date = content_date
        return dcm_name

def dicomize_pdf(pdf_name:str=None, title:str=None, person=None, dcm_name:str=None, verbose:bool=False, dcm_template_file:str=None, dcm_transfer_series:bool=True, content_date=None) -> str:
        """Encapsulate a PDF file inside a DCM file.

        Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

                pdf_name: the PDF file to encapsulate
                title: document title, None -> *pdf_name*, also used as study/series description
                person: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_name: see *dicomize_file()*
                verbose: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_template_file: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_transfer_series: see *dicomize_file()*
                content_date: see *dicomize_file()*

                DICOM file name or None on failure.
        assert (pdf_name is not None), '<pdf_name> must not be None'
        assert (not ((person is None) and (dcm_template_file is None))), '<person> or <dcm_template_file> must not be None'

        if dcm_name is None:
                dcm_name = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')
        _log.debug('%s -> %s', pdf_name, dcm_name)
        if title is None:
                title = gmTools.fname_stem(pdf_name)
        if content_date is None:
                content_date = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
        cmd_line = [
                '--title', title,
                '--key', '0008,1030=%s' % title,                                                        # StudyDescription
                '--key', '0008,103E=%s' % title,                                                        # SeriesDescription
                '--key', '0008,0021=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),      # SeriesDate
                '--key', '0008,0023=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),      # ContentDate
                '--key', '0008,0031=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'),# SeriesTime
                '--key', '0008,0033=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0')     # ContentTime
        if dcm_template_file is None:
                # StudyDate
                cmd_line.append('0008,0020=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
                # StudyTime
                cmd_line.append('0008,0030=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'))
                # PatientName
                name = person.active_name
                cmd_line.append(person.suggest_external_id(target = 'PACS'))
                cmd_line.append(('%s^%s' % (name['lastnames'], name['firstnames'])).replace(' ', '^'))
                if person['dob']:
                        cmd_line.append(person.get_formatted_dob(format = '%Y%m%d', honor_estimation = False))
                if person['gender']:
                _log.debug('DCM template file: %s', dcm_template_file)
                if dcm_transfer_series:
        if verbose:
        success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = cmd_line, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
        if success:
                return dcm_name

        return None

def dicomize_jpg(jpg_name:str=None, title:str=None, person=None, dcm_name:str=None, verbose:bool=False, dcm_template_file:str=None, dcm_transfer_series:bool=True, content_date=None) -> str:
        """Encapsulate a JPG file inside a DCM file.

        Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

                jpg_name: the JPG file to encapsulate
                title: document title, None -> *jpg_name*, used as study/series description
                person: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_name: see *dicomize_file()*
                verbose: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_template_file: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_transfer_series: see *dicomize_file()*
                content_date: see *dicomize_file()*

                DICOM file name or None on failure.
        assert (jpg_name is not None), '<jpg_name> must not be None'
        assert (not ((person is None) and (dcm_template_file is None))), 'both <person> and <dcm_template_file> are None, but one is needed'

        if dcm_name is None:
                dcm_name = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')
        _log.debug('%s -> %s', jpg_name, dcm_name)
        if title is None:
                title = gmTools.fname_stem(jpg_name)
        if content_date is None:
                content_date = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
        cmd_line = [
                '--keep-appn',                                                                                                  # carry over EXIF data
                '--insist-on-jfif',                                                                                             # process valid JFIF only
                '--key', '0008,1030=%s' % title,                                                                # StudyDescription
                '--key', '0008,103E=%s' % title,                                                                # SeriesDescription
                '--key', '0008,0021=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),              # SeriesDate
                '--key', '0008,0031=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'),    # SeriesTime
                '--key', '0008,0023=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),              # ContentDate
                '--key', '0008,0033=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0')             # ContentTime
        if dcm_template_file is None:
                # StudyDate
                cmd_line.append('0008,0020=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
                # StudyTime
                cmd_line.append('0008,0030=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'))
                # PatientName
                name = person.active_name
                cmd_line.append('0010,0010=%s' % ('%s^%s' % (
                ).replace(' ', '^'))
                # PatientID
                cmd_line.append('0010,0020=%s' % person.suggest_external_id(target = 'PACS'))
                # DOB
                cmd_line.append('0010,0030=%s' % person.get_formatted_dob(format = '%Y%m%d', honor_estimation = False))
                # gender
                if person['gender']:
                        cmd_line.append('0010,0040=%s' % _map_gender_gm2dcm[person['gender']])
                _log.debug('DCM template file: %s', dcm_template_file)
                if dcm_transfer_series:
        if verbose:
        success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = cmd_line, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
        if success:
                return dcm_name

        return None

def run_file2dicom_tool(fname:str=None, dcm_template:str=None) -> str:
        """Convert a file into DICOM format.

        This offers a primitive text user interface.

                fname: the file to convert, must be image or PDF
                dcm_template: a DCM file to use as template for study/series data, optional

                name of the new DICOM file, or None
        if dcm_template is None:
                from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
                gmPG2.request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
                from import gmPersonSearch
                pat = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
                if pat is None:
                        return None

                pat = None

        dt = None
        while dt is None:
                iso = input('enter date (ISO - YYYY-MM-DD): ')
                        dt = pydt.datetime.fromisoformat(iso)
                except ValueError:
                        if iso.strip() == '':
                                return None
                        dt = None

        desc = input('enter description (ASCII): ')
        if desc.strip() == '':
                desc = None

        print('patient:', pat)
        print('DCM template:', dcm_template)
        print('file to convert:', fname)
        print('series date:', dt)
        print('description:', desc)
        input('hit <ENTER> to convert')
        dcm = dicomize_file (
                filename = fname,
                person = pat,
                dcm_name = fname + '.dcm',
                verbose = True,
                content_date = dt,
                title = desc,
                dcm_template_file = dcm_template
        print('DCM file:', dcm)

# main
if __name__ == "__main__":

        if len(sys.argv) == 1:

        if sys.argv[1] != 'test':
                fname = sys.argv[1]
                try: dcm_template = sys.argv[2]
                except IndexError: dcm_template = None
                run_file2dicom_tool(fname, dcm_template)

        def orthanc_console(host, port):
                print('Please enter patient name parts, separated by SPACE.')
                while True:
                        entered_name = gmTools.prompted_input(prompt = "\nEnter person search term or leave blank to exit")
                        if entered_name in ['exit', 'quit', 'bye', None]:
                                print("user cancelled patient search")

                        pats = orthanc.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = entered_name)
                        if len(pats) > 0:
                                print('Patients found:')
                                for pat in pats:
                                        print(' -> ', pat)

                        pats = orthanc.get_patients_by_name(name_parts = entered_name.split(), fuzzy = True)
                        print('Patients found:')
                        for pat in pats:
                                print(' -> ', pat)
                                print('  verifying ...')
                                bad_data = orthanc.verify_patient_data(pat['ID'])
                                print('  bad data:')
                                for bad in bad_data:
                                        print('  -> ', bad)


                        pats = orthanc.get_studies_list_by_patient_name(name_parts = entered_name.split(), fuzzy = True)
                        print('Patients found from studies list:')
                        for pat in pats:
                                print(' -> ', pat['name'])
                                for study in pat['studies']:
                                        print(' ', gmTools.format_dict_like(study, relevant_keys = ['orthanc_id', 'date', 'time'], template = 'study [%%(orthanc_id)s] at %%(date)s %%(time)s contains %s series' % len(study['series'])))
#                                       for series in study['series']:
#                                               print (
#                                                       u'  ',
#                                                       gmTools.format_dict_like (
#                                                               series,
#                                                               relevant_keys = ['orthanc_id', 'date', 'time', 'modality', 'instances', 'body_part', 'protocol', 'description', 'station'],
#                                                               template = u'series [%(orthanc_id)s] at %(date)s %(time)s: "%(description)s" %(modality)s@%(station)s (%(protocol)s) of body part "%(body_part)s" holds images:\n%(instances)s'
#                                                       )
#                                               )
#                                       print(orthanc.get_studies_with_dicomdir(study_ids = [study['orthanc_id']], filename = '' % study['orthanc_id'], create_zip = True))
                                #print(orthanc.get_study_as_zip(study_id = study['orthanc_id'], filename = '' % study['orthanc_id']))
                                #print(orthanc.get_studies_as_zip_with_dicomdir(study_ids = [ s['orthanc_id'] for s in pat['studies'] ], filename = '' % pat['orthanc_id']))

        def run_console():
                orthanc_console(host, port)

        def test_modify_patient_id():
                print('Please enter patient name parts, separated by SPACE.')
                entered_name = gmTools.prompted_input(prompt = "\nEnter person search term or leave blank to exit")
                if entered_name in ['exit', 'quit', 'bye', None]:
                        print("user cancelled patient search")

                pats = orthanc.get_patients_by_name(name_parts = entered_name.split(), fuzzy = True)
                if len(pats) == 0:
                        print('no patient found')

                pat = pats[0]
                print('test patient:')
                old_id = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientID']
                new_id = old_id + '-1'
                print('setting [%s] to [%s]:' % (old_id, new_id), orthanc.modify_patient_id(old_id, new_id))

        def test_upload_file():
                orthanc.upload_dicom_file(filename = sys.argv[4], check_mime_type = True)

        def test_upload_files():
                orthanc.upload_from_directory(directory = sys.argv[4], recursive = True, check_mime_type = False, ignore_other_files = True)

        def test_get_instance_preview():

        def test_get_instance_tags():
                instance_id = 'f4f07d22-0d8265ef-112ea4e9-dc140e13-350c06d1'
                for key, value in orthanc.get_instance_dicom_tags(instance_id, simplified = False).items():
                        print(key, ':', value)
                #print(orthanc.get_instance_dicom_tags(instance_id, simplified = True))

        def test_pdf2dcm():
                #print(pdf2dcm(filename = filename, patient_id = 'ID::abcABC', dob = '19900101'))
                #from import gmPerson
                #pers = gmPerson.cPerson(12)
                from import gmPersonSearch
                pers = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
                if pers is None:

                        print(dicomize_pdf(pdf_name = sys.argv[2], person = pers, dcm_name = None, verbose = True, dcm_template_file = sys.argv[3]))#, title = 'test'))
                except IndexError:
                        print(dicomize_pdf(pdf_name = sys.argv[2], person = pers, dcm_name = None, verbose = True))#, title = 'test'))

        def test_img2dcm():
                from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
                gmPG2.request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
                #print(pdf2dcm(filename = filename, patient_id = 'ID::abcABC', dob = '19900101'))
                #from import gmPerson
                #pers = gmPerson.cPerson(12)
                from import gmPersonSearch
                pers = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
                if pers is None:

                dt = None
                while dt is None:
                        iso = input('enter date: ')
                                dt = pydt.datetime.fromisoformat(iso)
                        except ValueError:
                                if iso.strip() == '':

                input('enter to continue')

                        print(dicomize_jpg(jpg_name = sys.argv[2], person = pers, dcm_name = sys.argv[2]+'.dcm', verbose = True, dcm_template_file = sys.argv[3]))#, title = 'test'))
                except IndexError:
                        print(dicomize_jpg (
                                jpg_name = sys.argv[2],
                                person = pers,
                                dcm_name = sys.argv[2]+'.dcm',
                                verbose = True,
                                content_date = dt
                        ))#, title = 'test'))

        def test_file2dcm():
                from import gmPersonSearch
                person = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
                if person is None:
                        print(dicomize_file(filename = sys.argv[2], person = person, dcm_name = sys.argv[2]+'.dcm', verbose = True, dcm_template_file = sys.argv[3], title = sys.argv[4]))
                except IndexError:
                        print(dicomize_file(filename = sys.argv[2], person = person, dcm_name = sys.argv[2]+'.dcm', verbose = True, title = sys.argv[3]))
                except IndexError:
                        print(dicomize_file(filename = sys.argv[2], person = person, dcm_name = sys.argv[2]+'.dcm', verbose = True))

        def test_patient():

                orthanc_id = '89729867-a08815a6-37c59f5a-f1f6ea57-6c1e17cb'
                instances_url = 'patients/%s/instances' % orthanc_id
                #new_patient_id = 'xxx'
                instances = orthanc.run_GET(instances_url)
                for instance in instances:
                        instance_id = instance['ID']
                        tags = orthanc.get_instance_dicom_tags(instance_id, simplified = False)
                        if tags['0010,0030']['Value'] != '19810416':
                        #orthanc.modify_patient_id_of_instance(instance_id, new_patient_id)
                        for key, value in tags.items():
                                print(key, ':', value)
#                       instance_id = instance['ID']
#                       attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
#                       attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = True)
#                       for attachment in attachments:
#                               verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
#                               # False, success = "{}"
#                               #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #986): cannot POST: http://localhost:8042/instances/5a8206f4-24619e76-6650d9cd-792cdf25-039e96e6/attachments/dicom-as-json/verify-md5
#                               #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #987): response: {'status': '400', 'content-length': '0'}
#                               if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is not False:
#                                       continue
#                               _log.error('bad MD5 of DICOM file at url [%s]: patient=%s, attachment_type=%s', verify_url, orthanc_id, attachment)
#                               bad_data.append({'patient': orthanc_id, 'instance': instance_id, 'type': attachment, 'orthanc': '%s [%s]' % (self.server_identification, self.__server_url)})

        def test_verify_instance():
                # u'Path': u'/instances/1440110e-9cd02a98-0b1c0452-087d35db-3fd5eb05'
                #instance_id = '1440110e-9cd02a98-0b1c0452-087d35db-3fd5eb05'
                #instance_id = '5a8206f4-24619e76-6650d9cd-792cdf25-039e96e6'
                instance_id = '7e99fa76-3699ab68-7fd9d2de-c621b331-b4fe7394'
                print('verifying [%s]' % instance_id)
                result = orthanc.verify_instance (
                        instance_id = instance_id
#                       , filename = None
                        , attempt_download = True

        def _connect():
                global host
                        host = sys.argv[2]
                except IndexError:
                        host = None
                global port
                        port = sys.argv[3]
                except IndexError:
                        port = '8042'

                global orthanc
                orthanc = cOrthancServer()
                if not orthanc.connect(host, port, user = None, password = None, expected_minimal_version = '1'):               #, expected_aet = 'another AET'
                        print('error connecting to server:', orthanc.connect_error)
                print('Connected to Orthanc server "%s" (AET [%s] - version [%s] - DB [%s])' % (




def cleanup_dicom_string(dicom_str: str) ‑> str
Expand source code
def cleanup_dicom_string(dicom_str:str) -> str:
        if not isinstance(dicom_str, str):
                return dicom_str

        dicom_str = regex.sub('\^+', ' ', dicom_str.strip('^'))
        #dicom_str = dicom_str.replace('\r\n', ' [CR] ')
        return dicom_str
def dicomize_file(filename: str = None, title: str = None, person=None, dcm_name: str = None, verbose: bool = False, dcm_template_file: str = None, dcm_transfer_series: bool = True, content_date=None) ‑> str

Encapsulate a file inside a DCM file.

Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

Works for PDF documents and images which are/can be converted to JPG.


the file to encapsulate
document title, defaults to filename
a GNUmed person instance from which to derive demographics, None -> derive from dcm_template_file
filename for the resulting DICOM file, None -> auto-create name
passed to external converter
DICOM file from which to derive patient demographics and study ID, None -> person must be defined
only applies if dcm_template_file given True = derive series from dcm_template_file, False = only derive study from dcm_template_file and create a new series
date/time to use for study/series/instance, as needed; None -> use now()


DICOM file name or None on failure.

Expand source code
def dicomize_file(filename:str=None, title:str=None, person=None, dcm_name:str=None, verbose:bool=False, dcm_template_file:str=None, dcm_transfer_series:bool=True, content_date=None) -> str:
        """Encapsulate a file inside a DCM file.

        Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

        Works for PDF documents and images which are/can be converted to JPG.

                filename: the file to encapsulate
                title: document title, defaults to filename
                person: a GNUmed person instance from which to derive demographics, None -> derive from *dcm_template_file*
                dcm_name: filename for the resulting DICOM file, None -> auto-create name
                verbose: passed to external converter
                dcm_template_file: DICOM file from which to derive patient demographics and study ID, None -> *person* must be defined
                dcm_transfer_series: only applies if *dcm_template_file* given
                        True = derive series from *dcm_template_file*,
                        False = only derive study from *dcm_template_file* and create a new series
                content_date: date/time to use for study/series/instance, as needed; None -> use now()

                DICOM file name or None on failure.
        assert (filename is not None), '<filename> must not be None'
        assert (not ((person is None) and (dcm_template_file is None))), '<person> or <dcm_template_file> must not be None'

        # already DCM ?
        if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename) == 'application/dicom':
                _log.error('already a DICOM file: %s', filename)
                if dcm_name is None:
                        return filename

                return shutil.copy2(filename, dcm_name)

        dcm_fname = dicomize_pdf (
                pdf_name = filename,
                title = title,
                person = person,
                dcm_name = dcm_name,
                verbose = verbose,
                dcm_template_file = dcm_template_file,
                dcm_transfer_series = dcm_transfer_series,
                content_date = content_date
        if dcm_fname is not None:
                return dcm_fname

        _log.debug('does not seem to be a PDF: %s', filename)
        converted_fname = gmMimeLib.convert_file(filename = filename, target_mime = 'image/jpeg')
        if converted_fname is None:
                _log.error('cannot convert to JPG: %s', filename)
                return None

        dcm_name = dicomize_jpg (
                jpg_name = converted_fname,
                title = title,
                person = person,
                dcm_name = dcm_name,
                verbose = verbose,
                dcm_template_file = dcm_template_file,
                dcm_transfer_series = dcm_transfer_series,
                content_date = content_date
        return dcm_name
def dicomize_jpg(jpg_name: str = None, title: str = None, person=None, dcm_name: str = None, verbose: bool = False, dcm_template_file: str = None, dcm_transfer_series: bool = True, content_date=None) ‑> str

Encapsulate a JPG file inside a DCM file.

Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.


the JPG file to encapsulate
document title, None -> jpg_name, used as study/series description
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()


DICOM file name or None on failure.

Expand source code
def dicomize_jpg(jpg_name:str=None, title:str=None, person=None, dcm_name:str=None, verbose:bool=False, dcm_template_file:str=None, dcm_transfer_series:bool=True, content_date=None) -> str:
        """Encapsulate a JPG file inside a DCM file.

        Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

                jpg_name: the JPG file to encapsulate
                title: document title, None -> *jpg_name*, used as study/series description
                person: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_name: see *dicomize_file()*
                verbose: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_template_file: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_transfer_series: see *dicomize_file()*
                content_date: see *dicomize_file()*

                DICOM file name or None on failure.
        assert (jpg_name is not None), '<jpg_name> must not be None'
        assert (not ((person is None) and (dcm_template_file is None))), 'both <person> and <dcm_template_file> are None, but one is needed'

        if dcm_name is None:
                dcm_name = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')
        _log.debug('%s -> %s', jpg_name, dcm_name)
        if title is None:
                title = gmTools.fname_stem(jpg_name)
        if content_date is None:
                content_date = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
        cmd_line = [
                '--keep-appn',                                                                                                  # carry over EXIF data
                '--insist-on-jfif',                                                                                             # process valid JFIF only
                '--key', '0008,1030=%s' % title,                                                                # StudyDescription
                '--key', '0008,103E=%s' % title,                                                                # SeriesDescription
                '--key', '0008,0021=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),              # SeriesDate
                '--key', '0008,0031=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'),    # SeriesTime
                '--key', '0008,0023=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),              # ContentDate
                '--key', '0008,0033=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0')             # ContentTime
        if dcm_template_file is None:
                # StudyDate
                cmd_line.append('0008,0020=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
                # StudyTime
                cmd_line.append('0008,0030=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'))
                # PatientName
                name = person.active_name
                cmd_line.append('0010,0010=%s' % ('%s^%s' % (
                ).replace(' ', '^'))
                # PatientID
                cmd_line.append('0010,0020=%s' % person.suggest_external_id(target = 'PACS'))
                # DOB
                cmd_line.append('0010,0030=%s' % person.get_formatted_dob(format = '%Y%m%d', honor_estimation = False))
                # gender
                if person['gender']:
                        cmd_line.append('0010,0040=%s' % _map_gender_gm2dcm[person['gender']])
                _log.debug('DCM template file: %s', dcm_template_file)
                if dcm_transfer_series:
        if verbose:
        success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = cmd_line, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
        if success:
                return dcm_name

        return None
def dicomize_pdf(pdf_name: str = None, title: str = None, person=None, dcm_name: str = None, verbose: bool = False, dcm_template_file: str = None, dcm_transfer_series: bool = True, content_date=None) ‑> str

Encapsulate a PDF file inside a DCM file.

Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.


the PDF file to encapsulate
document title, None -> pdf_name, also used as study/series description
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()
see dicomize_file()


DICOM file name or None on failure.

Expand source code
def dicomize_pdf(pdf_name:str=None, title:str=None, person=None, dcm_name:str=None, verbose:bool=False, dcm_template_file:str=None, dcm_transfer_series:bool=True, content_date=None) -> str:
        """Encapsulate a PDF file inside a DCM file.

        Dates and times of the instance are set to 'now'.

                pdf_name: the PDF file to encapsulate
                title: document title, None -> *pdf_name*, also used as study/series description
                person: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_name: see *dicomize_file()*
                verbose: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_template_file: see *dicomize_file()*
                dcm_transfer_series: see *dicomize_file()*
                content_date: see *dicomize_file()*

                DICOM file name or None on failure.
        assert (pdf_name is not None), '<pdf_name> must not be None'
        assert (not ((person is None) and (dcm_template_file is None))), '<person> or <dcm_template_file> must not be None'

        if dcm_name is None:
                dcm_name = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')
        _log.debug('%s -> %s', pdf_name, dcm_name)
        if title is None:
                title = gmTools.fname_stem(pdf_name)
        if content_date is None:
                content_date = gmDateTime.pydt_now_here()
        cmd_line = [
                '--title', title,
                '--key', '0008,1030=%s' % title,                                                        # StudyDescription
                '--key', '0008,103E=%s' % title,                                                        # SeriesDescription
                '--key', '0008,0021=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),      # SeriesDate
                '--key', '0008,0023=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'),      # ContentDate
                '--key', '0008,0031=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'),# SeriesTime
                '--key', '0008,0033=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0')     # ContentTime
        if dcm_template_file is None:
                # StudyDate
                cmd_line.append('0008,0020=%s' % content_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
                # StudyTime
                cmd_line.append('0008,0030=%s' % content_date.strftime('%H%M%s.0'))
                # PatientName
                name = person.active_name
                cmd_line.append(person.suggest_external_id(target = 'PACS'))
                cmd_line.append(('%s^%s' % (name['lastnames'], name['firstnames'])).replace(' ', '^'))
                if person['dob']:
                        cmd_line.append(person.get_formatted_dob(format = '%Y%m%d', honor_estimation = False))
                if person['gender']:
                _log.debug('DCM template file: %s', dcm_template_file)
                if dcm_transfer_series:
        if verbose:
        success, exit_code, stdout = gmShellAPI.run_process(cmd_line = cmd_line, encoding = 'utf8', verbose = verbose)
        if success:
                return dcm_name

        return None
def run_file2dicom_tool(fname: str = None, dcm_template: str = None) ‑> str

Convert a file into DICOM format.

This offers a primitive text user interface.


the file to convert, must be image or PDF
a DCM file to use as template for study/series data, optional


name of the new DICOM file, or None

Expand source code
def run_file2dicom_tool(fname:str=None, dcm_template:str=None) -> str:
        """Convert a file into DICOM format.

        This offers a primitive text user interface.

                fname: the file to convert, must be image or PDF
                dcm_template: a DCM file to use as template for study/series data, optional

                name of the new DICOM file, or None
        if dcm_template is None:
                from Gnumed.pycommon import gmPG2
                gmPG2.request_login_params(setup_pool = True)
                from import gmPersonSearch
                pat = gmPersonSearch.ask_for_patient()
                if pat is None:
                        return None

                pat = None

        dt = None
        while dt is None:
                iso = input('enter date (ISO - YYYY-MM-DD): ')
                        dt = pydt.datetime.fromisoformat(iso)
                except ValueError:
                        if iso.strip() == '':
                                return None
                        dt = None

        desc = input('enter description (ASCII): ')
        if desc.strip() == '':
                desc = None

        print('patient:', pat)
        print('DCM template:', dcm_template)
        print('file to convert:', fname)
        print('series date:', dt)
        print('description:', desc)
        input('hit <ENTER> to convert')
        dcm = dicomize_file (
                filename = fname,
                person = pat,
                dcm_name = fname + '.dcm',
                verbose = True,
                content_date = dt,
                title = desc,
                dcm_template_file = dcm_template
        print('DCM file:', dcm)


class cOrthancServer

Interface for the REST API of an Orthanc DICOM server.

Expand source code
class cOrthancServer:
        """Interface for the REST API of an Orthanc DICOM server.
        # REST API access to Orthanc DICOM servers

#       def __init__(self):
#               self.__server_identification = None
#               self.__user = None
#               self.__password = None
#               self.__conn = None
#               self.__server_url = None

        def connect(self, host, port, user, password, expected_minimal_version=None, expected_name=None, expected_aet=None) -> bool:
                except Exception:
                        _log.error('invalid port [%s]', port)
                        return False
                if (host is None) or (host.strip() == ''):
                        host = 'localhost'
                        self.__server_url = str('http://%s:%s' % (host, port))
                except Exception:
                        _log.exception('cannot create server url from: host [%s] and port [%s]', host, port)
                        return False

                self.__user = user
                self.__password = password
      'connecting as [%s] to Orthanc server at [%s]', self.__user, self.__server_url)
                cache_dir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().user_tmp_dir, '.orthanc2gm-cache')
                gmTools.mkdir(cache_dir, 0o700)
                gmTools.create_directory_description_file(directory = cache_dir, readme = 'this directory caches Orthanc REST data, mainly DICOM files')
                _log.debug('using cache directory: %s', cache_dir)
                self.__conn = httplib2.Http(cache = cache_dir)
                self.__conn.add_credentials(self.__user, self.__password)
                _log.debug('connected to server: %s', self.server_identification)
                self.connect_error = ''
                if self.server_identification is False:
                        self.connect_error += 'retrieving server identification failed'
                        return False

                if expected_minimal_version is not None:
                        if version.parse(self.server_identification['Version']) < version.parse(expected_minimal_version):
                                _log.error('server too old, needed [%s]', expected_minimal_version)
                                self.connect_error += 'server too old, needed version [%s]' % expected_minimal_version
                                return False

                if expected_name is not None:
                        if self.server_identification['Name'] != expected_name:
                                _log.error('wrong server name, expected [%s]', expected_name)
                                self.connect_error += 'wrong server name, expected [%s]' % expected_name
                                return False

                if expected_aet is not None:
                        if self.server_identification['DicomAet'] != expected_name:
                                _log.error('wrong server AET, expected [%s]', expected_aet)
                                self.connect_error += 'wrong server AET, expected [%s]' % expected_aet
                                return False

                return True

        def _get_server_identification(self):
                        return self.__server_identification             # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition

                except AttributeError:
                system_data = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/system' % self.__server_url)
                if system_data is False:
                        _log.error('unable to get server identification')
                        return False

                _log.debug('server: %s', system_data)
                self.__server_identification = system_data
                self.__initial_orthanc_encoding = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/tools/default-encoding' % self.__server_url)
                _log.debug('initial Orthanc encoding: %s', self.__initial_orthanc_encoding)
                # check time skew
                tolerance = 60 # seconds
                client_now_as_utc = pydt.datetime.utcnow()
                start = time.time()
                orthanc_now_str = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/tools/now' % self.__server_url)              # 20180208T165832
                end = time.time()
                query_duration = end - start
                orthanc_now_unknown_tz = pydt.datetime.strptime(orthanc_now_str, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
                _log.debug('GNUmed "now" (UTC): %s', client_now_as_utc)
                _log.debug('Orthanc "now" (UTC): %s', orthanc_now_unknown_tz)
                _log.debug('wire roundtrip (seconds): %s', query_duration)
                _log.debug('maximum skew tolerance (seconds): %s', tolerance)
                if query_duration > tolerance:
              'useless to check GNUmed/Orthanc time skew, wire roundtrip (%s) > tolerance (%s)', query_duration, tolerance)
                        if orthanc_now_unknown_tz > client_now_as_utc:
                                real_skew = orthanc_now_unknown_tz - client_now_as_utc
                                real_skew = client_now_as_utc - orthanc_now_unknown_tz
              'GNUmed/Orthanc time skew: %s', real_skew)
                        if real_skew > pydt.timedelta(seconds = tolerance):
                                _log.error('GNUmed/Orthanc time skew > tolerance (may be due to timezone differences on Orthanc < v1.3.2)')
                return self.__server_identification

        server_identification = property(_get_server_identification)

        def _get_as_external_id_issuer(self):
                # fixed type :: user level instance name :: DICOM AET
                return 'Orthanc::%(Name)s::%(DicomAet)s' % self.__server_identification

        as_external_id_issuer = property(_get_as_external_id_issuer)

        def _get_url_browse_patients(self):
                if self.__user is None:
                        return self.__server_url
                return self.__server_url.replace('http://', 'http://%s@' % self.__user)

        url_browse_patients = property(_get_url_browse_patients)

        def get_url_browse_patient(self, patient_id):
                # http://localhost:8042/#patient?uuid=0da01e38-cf792452-65c1e6af-b77faf5a-b637a05b
                return '%s/#patient?uuid=%s' % (self.url_browse_patients, patient_id)

        def get_url_browse_study(self, study_id):
                # http://localhost:8042/#study?uuid=0da01e38-cf792452-65c1e6af-b77faf5a-b637a05b
                return '%s/#study?uuid=%s' % (self.url_browse_patients, study_id)

        # download API
        def get_matching_patients(self, person) -> list:
                """Fetch matching patients from an Orthanc DICOM server.

                Matches are searched for via stored "external ID" and
                via generically generated ID. The external IDs are
                fetched from the patient store, must be of type
                "PACS" and must be marked as issued by the
                instantiated PACS <self.>

                        person: a gmPerson.cPerson instance

                        A list of Orthanc patient UIDs.
      'searching for Orthanc patients matching %s', person)
                pacs_ids = person.get_external_ids(id_type = 'PACS', issuer = self.as_external_id_issuer)
                if len(pacs_ids) > 1:
                        _log.error('GNUmed patient has more than one ID for this PACS: %s', pacs_ids)
                        _log.error('the stored-in-GNUmed PACS ID is expected to be unique _per PACS_')
                        return []

                pacs_ids2search_by = []
                pacs_ids2search_by.extend([ pacs_id['value'] for pacs_id in pacs_ids ])
                pacs_ids2search_by.extend(person.suggest_external_ids(target = 'PACS'))
                matching_pats = []
                for pacs_id in pacs_ids2search_by:
                        _log.debug('using PACS ID [%s]', pacs_id)
                        pats = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = pacs_id, fuzzy = False)
                        if len(pats) > 1:
                                _log.warning('more than one Orthanc patient matches PACS ID: %s', pacs_id)
                if not matching_pats:
                        _log.debug('no matching patient found in PACS')
                return matching_pats

        def get_patients_by_external_id(self, external_id=None, fuzzy=False):
                """Search for instances by patient ID."""
      'external ID >>>%s<<< fuzzy [%s]', external_id, fuzzy)
                search_term = external_id.strip().strip('*').strip()
                if fuzzy:
                        search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data = {
                        'Level': 'Patient',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True,
                        'Query': {'PatientID': search_term}
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                # paranoia
                for match in matches:
                        self.protect_patient(orthanc_id = match['ID'])
                return matches

        def get_patients_by_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy:bool=False) -> list:
                """Search for patients by name.

                        List of patients matching the search term(s).
      'name parts %s, gender [%s], dob [%s], fuzzy: [%s]', name_parts, gender, dob, fuzzy)
                if len(name_parts) > 1:
                        return self.get_patients_by_name_parts(name_parts = name_parts, gender = gender, dob = dob, fuzzy = fuzzy)

                search_term = name_parts[0].strip().strip('*').strip()
                if search_term == '':
                        _log.debug('search term empty')
                        return []

                if fuzzy:
                        search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data:dict = {
                        'Level': 'Patient',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True
                search_data['Query'] = {'PatientName': search_term}
                if gender:
                        gender = _map_gender_gm2dcm[gender.casefold()]
                        if gender:
                                search_data['Query']['PatientSex'] = gender
                if dob:
                        search_data['Query']['PatientBirthDate'] = dob.strftime('%Y%m%d')
      'server-side C-FIND SCU over REST search, mogrified search data: %s', search_data)
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                return matches

        def get_patients_by_name_parts(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False):
                # fuzzy: allow partial/substring matches (but not across name part boundaries ',' or '^')
                matching_patients = []
                clean_parts = []
                for part in name_parts:
                        if part.strip() == '':
      'client-side patient search, scrubbed search terms: %s', clean_parts)
                pat_ids = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients' % self.__server_url)
                if pat_ids is False:
                        _log.error('cannot retrieve patients')
                        return []

                for pat_id in pat_ids:
                        orthanc_pat = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, pat_id))
                        if orthanc_pat is False:
                                _log.error('cannot retrieve patient')
                        orthanc_name = orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientName'].casefold().strip()
                        if not fuzzy:
                                orthanc_name = orthanc_name.replace(' ', ',').replace('^', ',').split(',')
                        parts_in_orthanc_name = 0
                        for part in clean_parts:
                                if part in orthanc_name:
                                        parts_in_orthanc_name += 1
                        if parts_in_orthanc_name == len(clean_parts):
                                _log.debug('name match: "%s" contains all of %s', orthanc_name, clean_parts)
                                if gender is not None:
                                        gender = _map_gender_gm2dcm[gender.casefold()]
                                        if gender is not None:
                                                if orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'].casefold() != gender:
                                                        _log.debug('gender mismatch: dicom=[%s] gnumed=[%s], skipping', orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'], gender)
                                if dob is not None:
                                        if orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'] != dob.strftime('%Y%m%d'):
                                                _log.debug('dob mismatch: dicom=[%s] gnumed=[%s], skipping', orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'], dob)
                                _log.debug('name mismatch: "%s" does not contain all of %s', orthanc_name, clean_parts)
                return matching_patients

        def search_studies_by_patient_name(self, name:str) -> list:
                """Search for studies with the given patient name snippet.

                A study (even at the Orthanc DB metadata level) will
                contain the original patient name (unless manually
                modified) in contrast to the (artificial Orthanc DB
                metadata level) patient record. The latter contains
                the first patient name that had been associated with
                the given patient ID.

                        name: name snippet to search for

                        The list of matching *studies* (not *patient*).
                _log.debug('search term [%s]', name)
                search_term = name.strip().strip('*').strip()
                if search_term == '':
                        _log.warning('search term empty')
                        return []

                search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data = {
                        'Level': 'Study',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True,
                        'Query': {'PatientName': search_term}
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                return matches

        def search_studies_by_patient_id(self, patient_id:str) -> list:
                """Search for studies with the given patient ID snippet.

                This relates to the external world patient ID as
                stored in DICOM instances, not the Orthanc DB
                metadata level patient UID.

                        patient_id: patient ID snippet to search for

                        The list of matching *studies* (not *patient*).
                _log.debug('search term >>>%s<<<', patient_id)
                search_term = patient_id.strip().strip('*').strip()
                search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
                search_data = {
                        'Level': 'Study',
                        'CaseSensitive': False,
                        'Expand': True,
                        'Query': {'PatientID': search_term}
                matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
                return matches

        def get_studies_list_by_patient_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False):
                return self.get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list (
                        orthanc_patients = self.get_patients_by_name(name_parts = name_parts, gender = gender, dob = dob, fuzzy = fuzzy)

        def get_studies_list_by_external_id(self, external_id=None):
                return self.get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list (
                        orthanc_patients = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = external_id)

        def get_study_as_zip(self, study_id=None, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
      'exporting study [%s] into [%s]', study_id, filename)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/studies/%s/archive' % (self.__server_url, str(study_id)), allow_cached = True))
                return filename

        def get_study_as_zip_with_dicomdir(self, study_id=None, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
      'exporting study [%s] into [%s]', study_id, filename)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/studies/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(study_id)), allow_cached = True))
                return filename

        def get_studies_as_zip(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
                if study_ids is None:
              'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s/archive' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id)), allow_cached = True))
                        return filename

        def _manual_get_studies_with_dicomdir(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, target_dir=None, filename=None, create_zip=False):

                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip', tmp_dir = target_dir)

                # all studies
                if study_ids is None:
              'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        url = '%s/patients/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id))
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = url, allow_cached = True))
                        if create_zip:
                                return filename
                        if target_dir is None:
                                target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                                return False
                        return target_dir

                # a selection of studies
                dicomdir_cmd = 'gm-create_dicomdir'             # args: 1) name of DICOMDIR to create 2) base directory where to start recursing for DICOM files
                found, external_cmd = gmShellAPI.detect_external_binary(dicomdir_cmd)
                if not found:
                        _log.error('[%s] not found', dicomdir_cmd)
                        return False

                if create_zip:
                        sandbox_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
              'exporting studies [%s] into [%s] (sandbox [%s])', study_ids, filename, sandbox_dir)
                        sandbox_dir = target_dir
              'exporting studies [%s] into [%s]', study_ids, sandbox_dir)
                _log.debug('sandbox dir: %s', sandbox_dir)
                idx = 0
                for study_id in study_ids:
                        study_zip_name = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = 'dcm-', suffix = '.zip')
                        # getting with DICOMDIR returns DICOMDIR compatible subdirs and filenames
                        study_zip_name = self.get_study_as_zip_with_dicomdir(study_id = study_id, filename = study_zip_name)
                        # non-beautiful per-study dir name required by subsequent DICOMDIR generation
                        idx += 1
                        study_unzip_dir = os.path.join(sandbox_dir, 'STUDY%s' % idx)
                        _log.debug('study [%s] -> %s -> %s', study_id, study_zip_name, study_unzip_dir)
                        # need to extract into per-study subdir because get-with-dicomdir
                        # returns identical-across-studies subdirs / filenames
                        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(study_zip_name, target_dir = study_unzip_dir, remove_archive = True):
                                return False

                # create DICOMDIR across all studies,
                # we simply ignore the already existing per-study DICOMDIR files
                target_dicomdir_name = os.path.join(sandbox_dir, 'DICOMDIR')
                gmTools.remove_file(target_dicomdir_name, log_error = False)    # better safe than sorry
                _log.debug('generating [%s]', target_dicomdir_name)
                cmd = '%(cmd)s %(DICOMDIR)s %(startdir)s' % {
                        'cmd': external_cmd,
                        'DICOMDIR': target_dicomdir_name,
                        'startdir': sandbox_dir
                success = gmShellAPI.run_command_in_shell (
                        command = cmd,
                        blocking = True
                if not success:
                        _log.error('problem running [gm-create_dicomdir]')
                        return False
                # paranoia
                except Exception:
                        _log.error('[%s] not generated, aborting', target_dicomdir_name)
                        return False

                # return path to extracted studies
                if not create_zip:
                        return sandbox_dir

                # else return ZIP of all studies
                studies_zip = shutil.make_archive (
                        root_dir = gmTools.parent_dir(sandbox_dir),
                        base_dir = gmTools.dirname_stem(sandbox_dir),
                        logger = _log
                _log.debug('archived all studies with one DICOMDIR into: %s', studies_zip)
                # studies can be _large_ so attempt to get rid of intermediate files
                return studies_zip

        def get_studies_with_dicomdir(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, target_dir=None, filename=None, create_zip=False):

                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip', tmp_dir = target_dir)

                # all studies
                if study_ids is None:
                        if patient_id is None:
                                raise ValueError('<patient_id> must be defined if <study_ids> is None')
              'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        url = '%s/patients/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id))
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = url, allow_cached = True))
                        if create_zip:
                                return filename
                        if target_dir is None:
                                target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                                return False
                        return target_dir

                # selection of studies
      'exporting %s studies into [%s]', len(study_ids), filename)
                _log.debug('studies: %s', study_ids)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                #  You have to make a POST request against URI "/tools/create-media", with a
                #  JSON body that contains the array of the resources of interest (as Orthanc
                #  identifiers). Here is a sample command-line:
                #  curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/tools/create-media -d '["8c4663df-c3e66066-9e20a8fc-dd14d1e5-251d3d84","2cd4848d-02f0005f-812ffef6-a210bbcf-3f01a00a","6eeded74-75005003-c3ae9738-d4a06a4f-6beedeb8","8a622020-c058291c-7693b63f-bc67aa2e-0a02e69c"]' -v > /tmp/
                #  (this will not create duplicates but will also not check for single-patient-ness)
                url = '%s/tools/create-media-extended' % self.__server_url
                        downloaded = self.__run_POST(url = url, data = study_ids, output_file = f)
                        if not downloaded:
                                _log.error('this Orthanc version probably does not support "create-media-extended"')
                except TypeError:
                        _log.exception('cannot retrieve multiple studies as one archive with DICOMDIR, probably not supported by this Orthanc version')
                        return False
                # retry with old URL
                if not downloaded:
                        url = '%s/tools/create-media' % self.__server_url
                        _log.debug('retrying: %s', url)
                                downloaded = self.__run_POST(url = url, data = study_ids, output_file = f)
                                if not downloaded:
                                        return False
                        except TypeError:
                                _log.exception('cannot retrieve multiple studies as one archive with DICOMDIR, probably not supported by this Orthanc version')
                                return False
                if create_zip:
                        return filename
                if target_dir is None:
                        target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                        _log.debug('exporting studies into [%s]', target_dir)
                if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                        return False
                return target_dir

        def get_instance_dicom_tags(self, instance_id, simplified=True):
                _log.debug('retrieving DICOM tags for instance [%s]', instance_id)
                if simplified:
                        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/simplified-tags' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/tags' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                return self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = True)

        def get_instance_preview(self, instance_id, filename=None):
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.png')
                _log.debug('exporting preview for instance [%s] into [%s]', instance_id, filename)
                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/preview' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = True))
                except Exception:
                        _log.exception('cannot retrieve instance')
                        filename = None
                return filename

        def get_instance(self, instance_id:str, filename:str=None, allow_cached:bool=True) -> str:
                if filename is None:
                        filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')

                _log.debug('exporting instance [%s] into [%s]', instance_id, filename)
                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/dicom/data' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = allow_cached))
                return filename

        # server-side API
        def get_patient(self, orthanc_id:str):
                patient_data_url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                patient_data, status = self.__run_GET(patient_data_url, also_return_status = True)
                if patient_data is False:
                        if status == 404:
                                _log.debug('no such patient: %s', orthanc_id)
                                return {}

                        _log.error('cannot retrieve patient data for [%s]', orthanc_id)
                        return False

                return patient_data

        def protect_patient(self, orthanc_id:str):
                url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 1:
                        _log.debug('patient already protected: %s', orthanc_id)
                        return True
                _log.warning('patient [%s] not protected against recycling, enabling protection now', orthanc_id)
                self.__run_PUT(url = url, data = '1')
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 1:
                        return True
                _log.error('cannot protect patient [%s] against recycling', orthanc_id)
                return False

        def unprotect_patient(self, orthanc_id):
                url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 0:
                        return True
      'patient [%s] protected against recycling, disabling protection now', orthanc_id)
                self.__run_PUT(url = url, data = '0')
                if self.__run_GET(url) == 0:
                        return True
                _log.error('cannot unprotect patient [%s] against recycling', orthanc_id)
                return False

        def patient_is_protected(self, orthanc_id):
                url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
                return (self.__run_GET(url) == 1)

        def verify_patient_data(self, orthanc_id):
      'verifying DICOM data of patient [%s]', orthanc_id)
                bad_data = []
                instances_url = '%s/patients/%s/instances' % (self.__server_url, orthanc_id)
                instances = self.__run_GET(instances_url)
                for instance in instances:
                        instance_id = instance['ID']
                        attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                        attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = True)
                        for attachment in attachments:
                                verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
                                # False, success = "{}"
                                #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #986): cannot POST: http://localhost:8042/instances/5a8206f4-24619e76-6650d9cd-792cdf25-039e96e6/attachments/dicom-as-json/verify-md5
                                #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #987): response: {'status': '400', 'content-length': '0'}
                                if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is not False:
                                _log.error('bad MD5 of DICOM file at url [%s]: patient=%s, attachment_type=%s', verify_url, orthanc_id, attachment)
                                bad_data.append({'patient': orthanc_id, 'instance': instance_id, 'type': attachment, 'orthanc': '%s [%s]' % (self.server_identification, self.__server_url)})

                return bad_data

        def modify_patient_id(self, old_patient_id, new_patient_id):
                """Modify the patient ID stored in Orthanc.

                This changes all DICOM files of the patient,
                identified via (DICOM level) old_patient_id, to
                contain the new_patient_id. It will update the
                associated Orthanc metadata DB entries accordingly.
                if old_patient_id == new_patient_id:
                        return True

                modify_data = {
                        'Replace': {
                                'PatientID': new_patient_id
                                #,u'0010,0021': / "GNUmed vX.X.X"
                                #,u'0010,1002': series of (old) patient IDs
                        , 'Force': True
                        # "Keep" doesn't seem to do what it suggests ATM
                        #, u'Keep': True
                orth_pat_defs = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = old_patient_id)
                all_modified = True
                for orth_pat_def in orth_pat_defs:
              'modifying Orthanc patient [%s]: DICOM ID [%s] -> [%s]', orth_pat_def['ID'], old_patient_id, new_patient_id)
                        old_pat_data = self.get_patient(orth_pat_def['ID'])
                        _log.debug('to be modified: %s', old_pat_data)
                        if self.patient_is_protected(orth_pat_def['ID']):
                                _log.debug('patient protected: %s, unprotecting for modification', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                if not self.unprotect_patient(orth_pat_def['ID']):
                                        _log.error('cannot unlock patient [%s], skipping', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                        all_modified = False
                                was_protected = True
                                was_protected = False
                        pat_url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, orth_pat_def['ID'])
                        modify_url = '%s/modify' % pat_url
                        result = self.__run_POST(modify_url, data = modify_data)
                        _log.debug('modify result: %s', result)
                        if result is False:
                                _log.error('cannot modify patient [%s]', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                all_modified = False
                        newly_created_orthanc_patient_id = result['ID']
              'newly created Orthanc patient ID: %s', newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)
                        mod_pat_data = self.get_patient(newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)
                        _log.debug('modified pat: %s', mod_pat_data)
                        _log.debug('deleting archived patient: %s', self.__run_DELETE(pat_url))
                        if was_protected:
                                if not self.protect_patient(newly_created_orthanc_patient_id):
                                        _log.error('cannot re-lock (new) patient [%s]', newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)

                return all_modified

        # upload API
        def upload_dicom_file(self, filename:str, check_mime_type:bool=False) -> bool:
                """Update a DICOM file.

                Will silently ignore DICOMDIR files (which are application/dicom but
                Orthanc does not process them).

                        filename: DICOM file to upload
                        check_mime_type: whether to check the file for being application/dicom, and to fail if not

      'processing: %s', filename)
                if gmTools.fname_stem(filename) == 'DICOMDIR':
                        _log.debug('ignoring, no use uploading DICOMDIR files to Orthanc')
                        return True

                if check_mime_type:
                        mimetype = gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename)
                        if mimetype != 'application/dicom':
                                _log.error('not considered a DICOM (application/dicom) file: %s, not uploading', mimetype)
                                return False

                        f = open(filename, 'rb')
                except Exception:
                        _log.exception('failed to open file')
                        return False

                dcm_data =
                upload_url = '%s/instances' % self.__server_url
                uploaded = self.__run_POST(upload_url, data = dcm_data, content_type = 'application/dicom')
                if uploaded is False:
                        _log.error('upload failed')
                        return False

                # typically a 404 following the upload of a DICOM file w/o identifiers
                if uploaded == []:
                        _log.error('upload failed')
                        return False

                # paranoia, as is our custom
                verified = self.verify_instance (
                        instance_id = uploaded['ID'],
                        filename = filename,
                        attempt_download = True
                return verified

        def verify_instance(self, instance_id:str, filename:str=None, attempt_download:bool=False) -> bool:

                _BINARY_ATTACHMENTS = ['dicom']

                _log.debug('verifying instance [%s] against file [%s]', instance_id, filename)
                is_valid = True

                attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = False)
                if not attachments:
                        _log.error('cannot retrieve instance attachment list')
                        return False

                for attachment in attachments:
                        md5_orthanc = None
                        # 1) verify MD5 inside Orthanc, if available (checks Orthanc storage corruption)
                        available_fields_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/%s' % (self.__server_url, instance_id, attachment)
                        available_fields = self.__run_GET(available_fields_url, allow_cached = False)
                        if 'md5' in available_fields:
                                md5_url = '%s/md5' % available_fields_url
                                md5_orthanc = self.__run_GET(md5_url)
                                verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
                                if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is False:
                                        _log.error('MD5 verification failed, instance [%s], attachment=%s, url [%s]', instance_id, attachment, verify_url)
                                        _log.error('potentially Orthanc storage corruption')
                                        is_valid = False
                                        _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> Orthanc storage: match')
                                _log.debug('MD5 of instance attachment not available in Orthanc, cannot verify backend storage status')
                        # 2) verify instance attachment can be downloaded
                        md5_downloaded = None
                        if attempt_download:
                                attachment_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename()
                                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/%s/data' % (self.__server_url, instance_id, attachment)
                                attachment_data = self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = False)
                                if isinstance(attachment_data, bytes):
                                        attachment_file = open(attachment_filename, 'wb')
                                        attachment_file = open(attachment_filename, 'wt')
                                        attachment_data = '%s' % attachment_data
                                del attachment_data
                                _log.debug('download: Orthanc -> localhost: success')
                                if attachment not in _BINARY_ATTACHMENTS:
                              'attachment of type [%s] not binary, cannot verify MD5 of download or local file against MD5 in Orthanc, skipping', attachment)
                                md5_downloaded = gmTools.file2md5(attachment_filename)
                                _log.debug('not downloading instance for verification')
                        # 3) verify MD5 of downloaded instance against Orthanc, if possible
                        if md5_downloaded and md5_orthanc:
                                if md5_downloaded == md5_orthanc:
                                        _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> localhost: match')
                                        _log.error('MD5 mismatch: Orthanc DB <-> localhost')
                                        _log.error('download: %s', md5_downloaded)
                                        _log.error('Orthanc : %s', md5_orthanc)
                                        is_valid = False
                        if filename:
                                md5_local = gmTools.file2md5(filename)
                                _log.debug('local file not available for verification')
                                md5_local = None
                        # 4) verify MD5 of download against local file
                        if md5_downloaded and md5_local:
                                if md5_downloaded == md5_local:
                                        _log.debug('MD5: downloaded <-> pre-existing: match')
                                        _log.error('MD5 mismatch: downloaded <-> pre-existing')
                                        _log.error('download: %s', md5_downloaded)
                                        _log.error('locally : %s', md5_local)
                                        is_valid = False
                        # 5) verify MD5 of local file against Orthanc
                        if md5_local and md5_orthanc:
                                if md5_local == md5_orthanc:
                                        _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> pre-existing: match')
                                        _log.error('MD5 mismatch: Orthanc DB <-> pre-existing')
                                        _log.error('locally : %s', md5_local)
                                        _log.error('Orthanc : %s', md5_orthanc)
                                        is_valid = False
                        # 6) consider comparing the raw pixel data or comparing the output of exiftool etc

                _log.debug('verified: %s', is_valid)
                return is_valid

        def upload_dicom_files(self, files=None, check_mime_type=False):
                uploaded = []
                not_uploaded = []
                for filename in files:
                        success = self.upload_dicom_file(filename, check_mime_type = check_mime_type)
                        if success:

                if len(not_uploaded) > 0:
                        _log.error('not all files uploaded')
                return (uploaded, not_uploaded)

        def upload_from_directory(self, directory=None, recursive=False, check_mime_type=False, ignore_other_files=True):

                def _on_error(exc):
                        _log.error('DICOM (?) file not accessible: %s', exc.filename)

                _log.debug('uploading DICOM files from [%s]', directory)
                if not recursive:
                        files2try = os.listdir(directory)
                        _log.debug('found %s files', len(files2try))
                        if ignore_other_files:
                                files2try = [ f for f in files2try if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(f) == 'application/dicom' ]
                                _log.debug('DICOM files therein: %s', len(files2try))
                        return self.upload_dicom_files(files = files2try, check_mime_type = check_mime_type)

                _log.debug('recursing for DICOM files')
                uploaded = []
                not_uploaded = []
                for curr_root, curr_root_subdirs, curr_root_files in os.walk(directory, onerror = _on_error):
                        _log.debug('recursing into [%s]', curr_root)
                        files2try = [ os.path.join(curr_root, f) for f in curr_root_files ]
                        _log.debug('found %s files', len(files2try))
                        if ignore_other_files:
                                files2try = [ f for f in files2try if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(f) == 'application/dicom' ]
                                _log.debug('DICOM files therein: %s', len(files2try))
                        up, not_up = self.upload_dicom_files (
                                files = files2try,
                                check_mime_type = check_mime_type

                return (uploaded, not_uploaded)

        def upload_by_DICOMDIR(self, DICOMDIR=None):

        # helper functions
        def get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list(self, orthanc_patients=None):

                study_keys2hide =  ['ModifiedFrom', 'Type', 'ID', 'ParentPatient', 'Series']
                series_keys2hide = ['ModifiedFrom', 'Type', 'ID', 'ParentStudy',   'Instances']

                studies_by_patient = []

                # loop over patients
                for pat in orthanc_patients:
                        pat_dict = {
                                'orthanc_id': pat['ID'],
                                'name': None,
                                'external_id': None,
                                'date_of_birth': None,
                                'gender': None,
                                'studies': []
                                pat_dict['name'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientName'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                pat_dict['external_id'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientID'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                pat_dict['date_of_birth'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                pat_dict['gender'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                        for key in pat_dict:
                                if pat_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                        pat_dict[key] = None
                                pat_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(pat_dict[key])

                        # loop over studies of patient
                        orth_studies = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s/studies' % (self.__server_url, pat['ID']))
                        if orth_studies is False:
                                _log.error('cannot retrieve studies')
                                return []
                        for orth_study in orth_studies:
                                study_dict = {
                                        'orthanc_id': orth_study['ID'],
                                        'date': None,
                                        'time': None,
                                        'description': None,
                                        'referring_doc': None,
                                        'requesting_doc': None,
                                        'requesting_org': None,
                                        'performing_doc': None,
                                        'operator_name': None,
                                        'radiographer_code': None,
                                        'radiology_org': None,
                                        'radiology_dept': None,
                                        'radiology_org_addr': None,
                                        'station_name': None,
                                        'series': []
                                        study_dict['date'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyDate'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['time'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyTime'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['description'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyDescription'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['referring_doc'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['ReferringPhysicianName'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['requesting_doc'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['RequestingPhysician'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['requesting_org'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['RequestingService'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionAddress'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['radiology_org'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionName'].strip()
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['radiology_org'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                        study_dict['radiology_org'] = None
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['radiology_dept'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionalDepartmentName'].strip()
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['radiology_dept'] in study_dict['radiology_org']:
                                                        study_dict['radiology_dept'] = None
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['radiology_dept'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                        study_dict['radiology_dept'] = None
                                except KeyError:
                                        study_dict['station_name'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StationName'].strip()
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_org']:
                                                        study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                        study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                        if study_dict['radiology_dept'] is not None:
                                                if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_dept']:
                                                        study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                except KeyError:
                                for key in study_dict:
                                        if study_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                                study_dict[key] = None
                                        study_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(study_dict[key])
                                study_dict['all_tags'] = {}
                                except KeyError:
                                        orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags'] = pat['MainDicomTags']
                                for key in orth_study:
                                        if key == 'MainDicomTags':
                                                for mkey in orth_study['MainDicomTags']:
                                                        study_dict['all_tags'][mkey] = orth_study['MainDicomTags'][mkey].strip()
                                        if key == 'PatientMainDicomTags':
                                                for pkey in orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags']:
                                                        study_dict['all_tags'][pkey] = orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags'][pkey].strip()
                                        study_dict['all_tags'][key] = orth_study[key]
                                _log.debug('study: %s', list(study_dict['all_tags']))
                                for key in study_keys2hide:
                                        try: del study_dict['all_tags'][key]
                                        except KeyError: pass

                                # loop over series in study
                                for orth_series_id in orth_study['Series']:
                                        orth_series = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/series/%s' % (self.__server_url, orth_series_id))
                                        ordered_slices = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/series/%s/ordered-slices' % (self.__server_url, orth_series_id))
                                        if ordered_slices is False:
                                                slices = orth_series['Instances']
                                                slices = [ s[0] for s in ordered_slices['SlicesShort'] ]
                                        if orth_series is False:
                                                _log.error('cannot retrieve series')
                                                return []
                                        series_dict = {
                                                'orthanc_id': orth_series['ID'],
                                                'instances': slices,
                                                'modality': None,
                                                'date': None,
                                                'time': None,
                                                'description': None,
                                                'body_part': None,
                                                'protocol': None,
                                                'performed_procedure_step_description': None,
                                                'acquisition_device_processing_description': None,
                                                'operator_name': None,
                                                'radiographer_code': None,
                                                'performing_doc': None
                                                series_dict['modality'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['Modality'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['date'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesDate'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesDescription'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['time'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesTime'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['body_part'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['BodyPartExamined'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['protocol'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['ProtocolName'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['PerformedProcedureStepDescription'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['operator_name'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['OperatorsName'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['radiographer_code'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['RadiographersCode'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                                series_dict['performing_doc'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['PerformingPhysicianName'].strip()
                                        except KeyError:
                                        for key in series_dict:
                                                if series_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                                        series_dict[key] = None
                                        if series_dict['description'] == series_dict['protocol']:
                                                _log.debug('<series description> matches <series protocol>, ignoring protocol')
                                                series_dict['protocol'] = None
                                        if series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] in [series_dict['description'], series_dict['protocol']]:
                                                series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] is not None:
                                                # weed out "numeric" only
                                                if regex.match ('[.,/\|\-\s\d]+', series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'], flags = regex.UNICODE):
                                                        series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] in [series_dict['description'], series_dict['protocol']]:
                                                series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] is not None:
                                                # weed out "numeric" only
                                                if regex.match ('[.,/\|\-\s\d]+', series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'], flags = regex.UNICODE):
                                                        series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = None
                                        if series_dict['date'] == study_dict['date']:
                                                _log.debug('<series date> matches <study date>, ignoring date')
                                                series_dict['date'] = None
                                        if series_dict['time'] == study_dict['time']:
                                                _log.debug('<series time> matches <study time>, ignoring time')
                                                series_dict['time'] = None
                                        for key in series_dict:
                                                series_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(series_dict[key])
                                        series_dict['all_tags'] = {}
                                        for key in orth_series:
                                                if key == 'MainDicomTags':
                                                        for mkey in orth_series['MainDicomTags']:
                                                                series_dict['all_tags'][mkey] = orth_series['MainDicomTags'][mkey].strip()
                                                series_dict['all_tags'][key] = orth_series[key]
                                        _log.debug('series: %s', list(series_dict['all_tags']))
                                        for key in series_keys2hide:
                                                try: del series_dict['all_tags'][key]
                                                except KeyError: pass
                                        study_dict['operator_name'] = series_dict['operator_name']                      # will collapse all operators into that of the last series
                                        study_dict['radiographer_code'] = series_dict['radiographer_code']      # will collapse all into that of the last series
                                        study_dict['performing_doc'] = series_dict['performing_doc']            # will collapse all into that of the last series

                return studies_by_patient

        # generic REST helpers
        def run_GET(self, url=None, data=None, allow_cached=False):
                url = '%s/%s' % (self.__server_url, url)
                return self.__run_GET(url = url, data = data, allow_cached = allow_cached)

        def __run_GET(self, url=None, data=None, allow_cached=False, also_return_status=False):
                if data is None:
                        data = {}
                headers = {}
                if not allow_cached:
                        headers['cache-control'] = 'no-cache'
                params = ''
                if data:
                        params = '?' + urlencode(data)
                url_with_params = url + params
                #_log.debug('URL with parameters: >>>%s<<<', url_with_params)
                        response, content = self.__conn.request(url_with_params, 'GET', headers = headers)
                except (OverflowError, socket.error, http.client.ResponseNotReady, http.client.InvalidURL, http.client.RemoteDisconnected, httplib2.ServerNotFoundError):
                        # http.client.RemoteDisconnected: observed during GET while Orthanc was shutting down for backup
                        _log.exception('exception in GET')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url_with_params)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        if also_return_status:
                                return (False, -1)
                        return False

                if response.status not in [ 200 ]:
                        _log.error('GET returned non-OK status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url_with_params)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        if also_return_status:
                                return (False, response.status)
                        return False

                #_log.debug('response: %s', response)
                #_log.debug('type(content): %s', type(content))
                content_type = response['content-type'].strip()
                if content_type.startswith('text/plain'):
                        # utf8 ?
                        # urldecode ?
                        # latin1 = Orthanc default = tools/default-encoding ?
                        # ascii ?
                        content = content.decode('utf8')
                elif content_type.startswith('application/json'):
                                content = json.loads(content)
                        except Exception:
                                _log.exception('failed to json.loads(content) despite application/json indicated, returning content and hoping for the best')
                                mime_type, charset_def = content_type.split(';')
                                charset = charset_def.strip().split('=')[1]
                                #content = content.decode('utf8')
                                content = content.decode(charset)
                        _log.error('content: <%s>, not <text/plain> or <application/json> -- returning raw content', content_type)
                if also_return_status:
                        return (content, response.status)

                return content

        def __run_POST(self, url=None, data=None, content_type=None, output_file=None):
                body = data
                headers = {'content-type' : content_type}
                if isinstance(data, str):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
                elif isinstance(data, bytes):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
                        body = json.dumps(data)
                        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'

                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'POST', body = body, headers = headers)
                        except BrokenPipeError:
                                _log.debug('retrying after BrokenPipeError')
                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'POST', body = body, headers = headers)
                except (socket.error, http.client.ResponseNotReady, OverflowError):
                        _log.exception('exception in POST')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        return False

                if response.status == 404:
                        _log.debug('no data, response: %s', response)
                        if output_file is None:
                                return []
                        return False

                if response.status not in [ 200, 302 ]:
                        _log.error('POST returned non-OK (not 200,302) status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        return False

                        content = json.loads(content)
                except Exception:
                if output_file is None:
                        return content

                return True

        def __run_PUT(self, url=None, data=None, content_type=None):

                body = data
                headers = {'content-type' : content_type}
                if isinstance(data, str):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
                elif isinstance(data, bytes):
                        if content_type is None:
                                headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
                        body = json.dumps(data)
                        headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'

                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'PUT', body = body, headers = headers)
                        except BrokenPipeError:
                                response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'PUT', body = body, headers = headers)
                except (socket.error, http.client.ResponseNotReady, OverflowError):
                        _log.exception('exception in PUT')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        return False

                if response.status == 404:
                        _log.debug('no data, response: %s', response)
                        return []
                if response.status not in [ 200, 302 ]:
                        _log.error('PUT returned non-OK status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.debug(' headers: %s', headers)
                        _log.debug(' body: %s', body[:16])
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        return False

                if response['content-type'].startswith('text/plain'):
                        # utf8 ?
                        # urldecode ?
                        # latin1 = Orthanc default = tools/default-encoding ?
                        # ascii ?
                        return content.decode('utf8')

                if response['content-type'].startswith('application/json'):
                                return json.loads(content)
                        except Exception:
                                return content

                return content

        def __run_DELETE(self, url=None):
                        response, content = self.__conn.request(url, 'DELETE')
                except (http.client.ResponseNotReady, socket.error, OverflowError):
                        _log.exception('exception in DELETE')
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        return False

                if response.status not in [ 200 ]:
                        _log.error('DELETE returned non-OK status: %s', response.status)
                        _log.debug(' url: %s', url)
                        _log.error(' response: %s', response)
                        _log.debug(' content: %s', content)
                        return False

                if response['content-type'].startswith('text/plain'):
                        # utf8 ?
                        # urldecode ?
                        # latin1 = Orthanc default = tools/default-encoding ?
                        # ascii ?
                        return content.decode('utf8')

                if response['content-type'].startswith('application/json'):
                                return json.loads(content)
                        except Exception:
                                return content

                return content

        def _get_server_url(self):
                return self.__server_url

        server_url = property(_get_server_url)

Instance variables

var as_external_id_issuer
Expand source code
def _get_as_external_id_issuer(self):
        # fixed type :: user level instance name :: DICOM AET
        return 'Orthanc::%(Name)s::%(DicomAet)s' % self.__server_identification
var server_identification
Expand source code
def _get_server_identification(self):
                return self.__server_identification             # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition

        except AttributeError:
        system_data = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/system' % self.__server_url)
        if system_data is False:
                _log.error('unable to get server identification')
                return False

        _log.debug('server: %s', system_data)
        self.__server_identification = system_data
        self.__initial_orthanc_encoding = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/tools/default-encoding' % self.__server_url)
        _log.debug('initial Orthanc encoding: %s', self.__initial_orthanc_encoding)
        # check time skew
        tolerance = 60 # seconds
        client_now_as_utc = pydt.datetime.utcnow()
        start = time.time()
        orthanc_now_str = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/tools/now' % self.__server_url)              # 20180208T165832
        end = time.time()
        query_duration = end - start
        orthanc_now_unknown_tz = pydt.datetime.strptime(orthanc_now_str, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')
        _log.debug('GNUmed "now" (UTC): %s', client_now_as_utc)
        _log.debug('Orthanc "now" (UTC): %s', orthanc_now_unknown_tz)
        _log.debug('wire roundtrip (seconds): %s', query_duration)
        _log.debug('maximum skew tolerance (seconds): %s', tolerance)
        if query_duration > tolerance:
      'useless to check GNUmed/Orthanc time skew, wire roundtrip (%s) > tolerance (%s)', query_duration, tolerance)
                if orthanc_now_unknown_tz > client_now_as_utc:
                        real_skew = orthanc_now_unknown_tz - client_now_as_utc
                        real_skew = client_now_as_utc - orthanc_now_unknown_tz
      'GNUmed/Orthanc time skew: %s', real_skew)
                if real_skew > pydt.timedelta(seconds = tolerance):
                        _log.error('GNUmed/Orthanc time skew > tolerance (may be due to timezone differences on Orthanc < v1.3.2)')
        return self.__server_identification
var server_url
Expand source code
def _get_server_url(self):
        return self.__server_url
var url_browse_patients
Expand source code
def _get_url_browse_patients(self):
        if self.__user is None:
                return self.__server_url
        return self.__server_url.replace('http://', 'http://%s@' % self.__user)


def connect(self, host, port, user, password, expected_minimal_version=None, expected_name=None, expected_aet=None) ‑> bool
Expand source code
def connect(self, host, port, user, password, expected_minimal_version=None, expected_name=None, expected_aet=None) -> bool:
        except Exception:
                _log.error('invalid port [%s]', port)
                return False
        if (host is None) or (host.strip() == ''):
                host = 'localhost'
                self.__server_url = str('http://%s:%s' % (host, port))
        except Exception:
                _log.exception('cannot create server url from: host [%s] and port [%s]', host, port)
                return False

        self.__user = user
        self.__password = password'connecting as [%s] to Orthanc server at [%s]', self.__user, self.__server_url)
        cache_dir = os.path.join(gmTools.gmPaths().user_tmp_dir, '.orthanc2gm-cache')
        gmTools.mkdir(cache_dir, 0o700)
        gmTools.create_directory_description_file(directory = cache_dir, readme = 'this directory caches Orthanc REST data, mainly DICOM files')
        _log.debug('using cache directory: %s', cache_dir)
        self.__conn = httplib2.Http(cache = cache_dir)
        self.__conn.add_credentials(self.__user, self.__password)
        _log.debug('connected to server: %s', self.server_identification)
        self.connect_error = ''
        if self.server_identification is False:
                self.connect_error += 'retrieving server identification failed'
                return False

        if expected_minimal_version is not None:
                if version.parse(self.server_identification['Version']) < version.parse(expected_minimal_version):
                        _log.error('server too old, needed [%s]', expected_minimal_version)
                        self.connect_error += 'server too old, needed version [%s]' % expected_minimal_version
                        return False

        if expected_name is not None:
                if self.server_identification['Name'] != expected_name:
                        _log.error('wrong server name, expected [%s]', expected_name)
                        self.connect_error += 'wrong server name, expected [%s]' % expected_name
                        return False

        if expected_aet is not None:
                if self.server_identification['DicomAet'] != expected_name:
                        _log.error('wrong server AET, expected [%s]', expected_aet)
                        self.connect_error += 'wrong server AET, expected [%s]' % expected_aet
                        return False

        return True
def get_instance(self, instance_id: str, filename: str = None, allow_cached: bool = True) ‑> str
Expand source code
def get_instance(self, instance_id:str, filename:str=None, allow_cached:bool=True) -> str:
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.dcm')

        _log.debug('exporting instance [%s] into [%s]', instance_id, filename)
        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/dicom/data' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = allow_cached))
        return filename
def get_instance_dicom_tags(self, instance_id, simplified=True)
Expand source code
def get_instance_dicom_tags(self, instance_id, simplified=True):
        _log.debug('retrieving DICOM tags for instance [%s]', instance_id)
        if simplified:
                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/simplified-tags' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                download_url = '%s/instances/%s/tags' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
        return self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = True)
def get_instance_preview(self, instance_id, filename=None)
Expand source code
def get_instance_preview(self, instance_id, filename=None):
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(suffix = '.png')
        _log.debug('exporting preview for instance [%s] into [%s]', instance_id, filename)
        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/preview' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = True))
        except Exception:
                _log.exception('cannot retrieve instance')
                filename = None
        return filename
def get_matching_patients(self, person) ‑> list

Fetch matching patients from an Orthanc DICOM server.

Matches are searched for via stored "external ID" and via generically generated ID. The external IDs are fetched from the patient store, must be of type "PACS" and must be marked as issued by the instantiated PACS


a gmPerson.cPerson instance


A list of Orthanc patient UIDs.

Expand source code
def get_matching_patients(self, person) -> list:
        """Fetch matching patients from an Orthanc DICOM server.

        Matches are searched for via stored "external ID" and
        via generically generated ID. The external IDs are
        fetched from the patient store, must be of type
        "PACS" and must be marked as issued by the
        instantiated PACS <self.>

                person: a gmPerson.cPerson instance

                A list of Orthanc patient UIDs.
        """'searching for Orthanc patients matching %s', person)
        pacs_ids = person.get_external_ids(id_type = 'PACS', issuer = self.as_external_id_issuer)
        if len(pacs_ids) > 1:
                _log.error('GNUmed patient has more than one ID for this PACS: %s', pacs_ids)
                _log.error('the stored-in-GNUmed PACS ID is expected to be unique _per PACS_')
                return []

        pacs_ids2search_by = []
        pacs_ids2search_by.extend([ pacs_id['value'] for pacs_id in pacs_ids ])
        pacs_ids2search_by.extend(person.suggest_external_ids(target = 'PACS'))
        matching_pats = []
        for pacs_id in pacs_ids2search_by:
                _log.debug('using PACS ID [%s]', pacs_id)
                pats = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = pacs_id, fuzzy = False)
                if len(pats) > 1:
                        _log.warning('more than one Orthanc patient matches PACS ID: %s', pacs_id)
        if not matching_pats:
                _log.debug('no matching patient found in PACS')
        return matching_pats
def get_patient(self, orthanc_id: str)
Expand source code
def get_patient(self, orthanc_id:str):
        patient_data_url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
        patient_data, status = self.__run_GET(patient_data_url, also_return_status = True)
        if patient_data is False:
                if status == 404:
                        _log.debug('no such patient: %s', orthanc_id)
                        return {}

                _log.error('cannot retrieve patient data for [%s]', orthanc_id)
                return False

        return patient_data
def get_patients_by_external_id(self, external_id=None, fuzzy=False)

Search for instances by patient ID.

Expand source code
def get_patients_by_external_id(self, external_id=None, fuzzy=False):
        """Search for instances by patient ID."""'external ID >>>%s<<< fuzzy [%s]', external_id, fuzzy)
        search_term = external_id.strip().strip('*').strip()
        if fuzzy:
                search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
        search_data = {
                'Level': 'Patient',
                'CaseSensitive': False,
                'Expand': True,
                'Query': {'PatientID': search_term}
        matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
        # paranoia
        for match in matches:
                self.protect_patient(orthanc_id = match['ID'])
        return matches
def get_patients_by_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy: bool = False) ‑> list

Search for patients by name.


List of patients matching the search term(s).

Expand source code
def get_patients_by_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy:bool=False) -> list:
        """Search for patients by name.

                List of patients matching the search term(s).
        """'name parts %s, gender [%s], dob [%s], fuzzy: [%s]', name_parts, gender, dob, fuzzy)
        if len(name_parts) > 1:
                return self.get_patients_by_name_parts(name_parts = name_parts, gender = gender, dob = dob, fuzzy = fuzzy)

        search_term = name_parts[0].strip().strip('*').strip()
        if search_term == '':
                _log.debug('search term empty')
                return []

        if fuzzy:
                search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
        search_data:dict = {
                'Level': 'Patient',
                'CaseSensitive': False,
                'Expand': True
        search_data['Query'] = {'PatientName': search_term}
        if gender:
                gender = _map_gender_gm2dcm[gender.casefold()]
                if gender:
                        search_data['Query']['PatientSex'] = gender
        if dob:
                search_data['Query']['PatientBirthDate'] = dob.strftime('%Y%m%d')'server-side C-FIND SCU over REST search, mogrified search data: %s', search_data)
        matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
        return matches
def get_patients_by_name_parts(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False)
Expand source code
def get_patients_by_name_parts(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False):
        # fuzzy: allow partial/substring matches (but not across name part boundaries ',' or '^')
        matching_patients = []
        clean_parts = []
        for part in name_parts:
                if part.strip() == '':
                clean_parts.append(part.casefold().strip())'client-side patient search, scrubbed search terms: %s', clean_parts)
        pat_ids = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients' % self.__server_url)
        if pat_ids is False:
                _log.error('cannot retrieve patients')
                return []

        for pat_id in pat_ids:
                orthanc_pat = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, pat_id))
                if orthanc_pat is False:
                        _log.error('cannot retrieve patient')
                orthanc_name = orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientName'].casefold().strip()
                if not fuzzy:
                        orthanc_name = orthanc_name.replace(' ', ',').replace('^', ',').split(',')
                parts_in_orthanc_name = 0
                for part in clean_parts:
                        if part in orthanc_name:
                                parts_in_orthanc_name += 1
                if parts_in_orthanc_name == len(clean_parts):
                        _log.debug('name match: "%s" contains all of %s', orthanc_name, clean_parts)
                        if gender is not None:
                                gender = _map_gender_gm2dcm[gender.casefold()]
                                if gender is not None:
                                        if orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'].casefold() != gender:
                                                _log.debug('gender mismatch: dicom=[%s] gnumed=[%s], skipping', orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'], gender)
                        if dob is not None:
                                if orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'] != dob.strftime('%Y%m%d'):
                                        _log.debug('dob mismatch: dicom=[%s] gnumed=[%s], skipping', orthanc_pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'], dob)
                        _log.debug('name mismatch: "%s" does not contain all of %s', orthanc_name, clean_parts)
        return matching_patients
def get_studies_as_zip(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, filename=None)
Expand source code
def get_studies_as_zip(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, filename=None):
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')
        if study_ids is None:
      'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s/archive' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id)), allow_cached = True))
                return filename
def get_studies_list_by_external_id(self, external_id=None)
Expand source code
def get_studies_list_by_external_id(self, external_id=None):
        return self.get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list (
                orthanc_patients = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = external_id)
def get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list(self, orthanc_patients=None)
Expand source code
def get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list(self, orthanc_patients=None):

        study_keys2hide =  ['ModifiedFrom', 'Type', 'ID', 'ParentPatient', 'Series']
        series_keys2hide = ['ModifiedFrom', 'Type', 'ID', 'ParentStudy',   'Instances']

        studies_by_patient = []

        # loop over patients
        for pat in orthanc_patients:
                pat_dict = {
                        'orthanc_id': pat['ID'],
                        'name': None,
                        'external_id': None,
                        'date_of_birth': None,
                        'gender': None,
                        'studies': []
                        pat_dict['name'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientName'].strip()
                except KeyError:
                        pat_dict['external_id'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientID'].strip()
                except KeyError:
                        pat_dict['date_of_birth'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientBirthDate'].strip()
                except KeyError:
                        pat_dict['gender'] = pat['MainDicomTags']['PatientSex'].strip()
                except KeyError:
                for key in pat_dict:
                        if pat_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                pat_dict[key] = None
                        pat_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(pat_dict[key])

                # loop over studies of patient
                orth_studies = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/patients/%s/studies' % (self.__server_url, pat['ID']))
                if orth_studies is False:
                        _log.error('cannot retrieve studies')
                        return []
                for orth_study in orth_studies:
                        study_dict = {
                                'orthanc_id': orth_study['ID'],
                                'date': None,
                                'time': None,
                                'description': None,
                                'referring_doc': None,
                                'requesting_doc': None,
                                'requesting_org': None,
                                'performing_doc': None,
                                'operator_name': None,
                                'radiographer_code': None,
                                'radiology_org': None,
                                'radiology_dept': None,
                                'radiology_org_addr': None,
                                'station_name': None,
                                'series': []
                                study_dict['date'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyDate'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['time'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyTime'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['description'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StudyDescription'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['referring_doc'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['ReferringPhysicianName'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['requesting_doc'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['RequestingPhysician'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['requesting_org'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['RequestingService'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionAddress'].strip()
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['radiology_org'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionName'].strip()
                                if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                        if study_dict['radiology_org'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                study_dict['radiology_org'] = None
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['radiology_dept'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['InstitutionalDepartmentName'].strip()
                                if study_dict['radiology_org'] is not None:
                                        if study_dict['radiology_dept'] in study_dict['radiology_org']:
                                                study_dict['radiology_dept'] = None
                                if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                        if study_dict['radiology_dept'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                study_dict['radiology_dept'] = None
                        except KeyError:
                                study_dict['station_name'] = orth_study['MainDicomTags']['StationName'].strip()
                                if study_dict['radiology_org'] is not None:
                                        if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_org']:
                                                study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                if study_dict['radiology_org_addr'] is not None:
                                        if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_org_addr']:
                                                study_dict['station_name'] = None
                                if study_dict['radiology_dept'] is not None:
                                        if study_dict['station_name'] in study_dict['radiology_dept']:
                                                study_dict['station_name'] = None
                        except KeyError:
                        for key in study_dict:
                                if study_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                        study_dict[key] = None
                                study_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(study_dict[key])
                        study_dict['all_tags'] = {}
                        except KeyError:
                                orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags'] = pat['MainDicomTags']
                        for key in orth_study:
                                if key == 'MainDicomTags':
                                        for mkey in orth_study['MainDicomTags']:
                                                study_dict['all_tags'][mkey] = orth_study['MainDicomTags'][mkey].strip()
                                if key == 'PatientMainDicomTags':
                                        for pkey in orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags']:
                                                study_dict['all_tags'][pkey] = orth_study['PatientMainDicomTags'][pkey].strip()
                                study_dict['all_tags'][key] = orth_study[key]
                        _log.debug('study: %s', list(study_dict['all_tags']))
                        for key in study_keys2hide:
                                try: del study_dict['all_tags'][key]
                                except KeyError: pass

                        # loop over series in study
                        for orth_series_id in orth_study['Series']:
                                orth_series = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/series/%s' % (self.__server_url, orth_series_id))
                                ordered_slices = self.__run_GET(url = '%s/series/%s/ordered-slices' % (self.__server_url, orth_series_id))
                                if ordered_slices is False:
                                        slices = orth_series['Instances']
                                        slices = [ s[0] for s in ordered_slices['SlicesShort'] ]
                                if orth_series is False:
                                        _log.error('cannot retrieve series')
                                        return []
                                series_dict = {
                                        'orthanc_id': orth_series['ID'],
                                        'instances': slices,
                                        'modality': None,
                                        'date': None,
                                        'time': None,
                                        'description': None,
                                        'body_part': None,
                                        'protocol': None,
                                        'performed_procedure_step_description': None,
                                        'acquisition_device_processing_description': None,
                                        'operator_name': None,
                                        'radiographer_code': None,
                                        'performing_doc': None
                                        series_dict['modality'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['Modality'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['date'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesDate'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesDescription'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['time'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['SeriesTime'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['body_part'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['BodyPartExamined'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['protocol'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['ProtocolName'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['PerformedProcedureStepDescription'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['AcquisitionDeviceProcessingDescription'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['operator_name'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['OperatorsName'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['radiographer_code'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['RadiographersCode'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                        series_dict['performing_doc'] = orth_series['MainDicomTags']['PerformingPhysicianName'].strip()
                                except KeyError:
                                for key in series_dict:
                                        if series_dict[key] in ['unknown', '(null)', '']:
                                                series_dict[key] = None
                                if series_dict['description'] == series_dict['protocol']:
                                        _log.debug('<series description> matches <series protocol>, ignoring protocol')
                                        series_dict['protocol'] = None
                                if series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] in [series_dict['description'], series_dict['protocol']]:
                                        series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = None
                                if series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] is not None:
                                        # weed out "numeric" only
                                        if regex.match ('[.,/\|\-\s\d]+', series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'], flags = regex.UNICODE):
                                                series_dict['performed_procedure_step_description'] = None
                                if series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] in [series_dict['description'], series_dict['protocol']]:
                                        series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = None
                                if series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] is not None:
                                        # weed out "numeric" only
                                        if regex.match ('[.,/\|\-\s\d]+', series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'], flags = regex.UNICODE):
                                                series_dict['acquisition_device_processing_description'] = None
                                if series_dict['date'] == study_dict['date']:
                                        _log.debug('<series date> matches <study date>, ignoring date')
                                        series_dict['date'] = None
                                if series_dict['time'] == study_dict['time']:
                                        _log.debug('<series time> matches <study time>, ignoring time')
                                        series_dict['time'] = None
                                for key in series_dict:
                                        series_dict[key] = cleanup_dicom_string(series_dict[key])
                                series_dict['all_tags'] = {}
                                for key in orth_series:
                                        if key == 'MainDicomTags':
                                                for mkey in orth_series['MainDicomTags']:
                                                        series_dict['all_tags'][mkey] = orth_series['MainDicomTags'][mkey].strip()
                                        series_dict['all_tags'][key] = orth_series[key]
                                _log.debug('series: %s', list(series_dict['all_tags']))
                                for key in series_keys2hide:
                                        try: del series_dict['all_tags'][key]
                                        except KeyError: pass
                                study_dict['operator_name'] = series_dict['operator_name']                      # will collapse all operators into that of the last series
                                study_dict['radiographer_code'] = series_dict['radiographer_code']      # will collapse all into that of the last series
                                study_dict['performing_doc'] = series_dict['performing_doc']            # will collapse all into that of the last series

        return studies_by_patient
def get_studies_list_by_patient_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False)
Expand source code
def get_studies_list_by_patient_name(self, name_parts=None, gender=None, dob=None, fuzzy=False):
        return self.get_studies_list_by_orthanc_patient_list (
                orthanc_patients = self.get_patients_by_name(name_parts = name_parts, gender = gender, dob = dob, fuzzy = fuzzy)
def get_studies_with_dicomdir(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, target_dir=None, filename=None, create_zip=False)
Expand source code
def get_studies_with_dicomdir(self, study_ids=None, patient_id=None, target_dir=None, filename=None, create_zip=False):

        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip', tmp_dir = target_dir)

        # all studies
        if study_ids is None:
                if patient_id is None:
                        raise ValueError('<patient_id> must be defined if <study_ids> is None')
      'exporting all studies of patient [%s] into [%s]', patient_id, filename)
                f = open(filename, 'wb')
                url = '%s/patients/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(patient_id))
                f.write(self.__run_GET(url = url, allow_cached = True))
                if create_zip:
                        return filename
                if target_dir is None:
                        target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                        return False
                return target_dir

        # selection of studies'exporting %s studies into [%s]', len(study_ids), filename)
        _log.debug('studies: %s', study_ids)
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
        #  You have to make a POST request against URI "/tools/create-media", with a
        #  JSON body that contains the array of the resources of interest (as Orthanc
        #  identifiers). Here is a sample command-line:
        #  curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/tools/create-media -d '["8c4663df-c3e66066-9e20a8fc-dd14d1e5-251d3d84","2cd4848d-02f0005f-812ffef6-a210bbcf-3f01a00a","6eeded74-75005003-c3ae9738-d4a06a4f-6beedeb8","8a622020-c058291c-7693b63f-bc67aa2e-0a02e69c"]' -v > /tmp/
        #  (this will not create duplicates but will also not check for single-patient-ness)
        url = '%s/tools/create-media-extended' % self.__server_url
                downloaded = self.__run_POST(url = url, data = study_ids, output_file = f)
                if not downloaded:
                        _log.error('this Orthanc version probably does not support "create-media-extended"')
        except TypeError:
                _log.exception('cannot retrieve multiple studies as one archive with DICOMDIR, probably not supported by this Orthanc version')
                return False
        # retry with old URL
        if not downloaded:
                url = '%s/tools/create-media' % self.__server_url
                _log.debug('retrying: %s', url)
                        downloaded = self.__run_POST(url = url, data = study_ids, output_file = f)
                        if not downloaded:
                                return False
                except TypeError:
                        _log.exception('cannot retrieve multiple studies as one archive with DICOMDIR, probably not supported by this Orthanc version')
                        return False
        if create_zip:
                return filename
        if target_dir is None:
                target_dir = gmTools.mk_sandbox_dir(prefix = 'dcm-')
                _log.debug('exporting studies into [%s]', target_dir)
        if not gmTools.unzip_archive(filename, target_dir = target_dir, remove_archive = True):
                return False
        return target_dir
def get_study_as_zip(self, study_id=None, filename=None)
Expand source code
def get_study_as_zip(self, study_id=None, filename=None):
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')'exporting study [%s] into [%s]', study_id, filename)
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/studies/%s/archive' % (self.__server_url, str(study_id)), allow_cached = True))
        return filename
def get_study_as_zip_with_dicomdir(self, study_id=None, filename=None)
Expand source code
def get_study_as_zip_with_dicomdir(self, study_id=None, filename=None):
        if filename is None:
                filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename(prefix = r'DCM-', suffix = r'.zip')'exporting study [%s] into [%s]', study_id, filename)
        f = open(filename, 'wb')
        f.write(self.__run_GET(url = '%s/studies/%s/media' % (self.__server_url, str(study_id)), allow_cached = True))
        return filename
def get_url_browse_patient(self, patient_id)
Expand source code
def get_url_browse_patient(self, patient_id):
        # http://localhost:8042/#patient?uuid=0da01e38-cf792452-65c1e6af-b77faf5a-b637a05b
        return '%s/#patient?uuid=%s' % (self.url_browse_patients, patient_id)
def get_url_browse_study(self, study_id)
Expand source code
def get_url_browse_study(self, study_id):
        # http://localhost:8042/#study?uuid=0da01e38-cf792452-65c1e6af-b77faf5a-b637a05b
        return '%s/#study?uuid=%s' % (self.url_browse_patients, study_id)
def modify_patient_id(self, old_patient_id, new_patient_id)

Modify the patient ID stored in Orthanc.

This changes all DICOM files of the patient, identified via (DICOM level) old_patient_id, to contain the new_patient_id. It will update the associated Orthanc metadata DB entries accordingly.

Expand source code
def modify_patient_id(self, old_patient_id, new_patient_id):
        """Modify the patient ID stored in Orthanc.

        This changes all DICOM files of the patient,
        identified via (DICOM level) old_patient_id, to
        contain the new_patient_id. It will update the
        associated Orthanc metadata DB entries accordingly.
        if old_patient_id == new_patient_id:
                return True

        modify_data = {
                'Replace': {
                        'PatientID': new_patient_id
                        #,u'0010,0021': / "GNUmed vX.X.X"
                        #,u'0010,1002': series of (old) patient IDs
                , 'Force': True
                # "Keep" doesn't seem to do what it suggests ATM
                #, u'Keep': True
        orth_pat_defs = self.get_patients_by_external_id(external_id = old_patient_id)
        all_modified = True
        for orth_pat_def in orth_pat_defs:
      'modifying Orthanc patient [%s]: DICOM ID [%s] -> [%s]', orth_pat_def['ID'], old_patient_id, new_patient_id)
                old_pat_data = self.get_patient(orth_pat_def['ID'])
                _log.debug('to be modified: %s', old_pat_data)
                if self.patient_is_protected(orth_pat_def['ID']):
                        _log.debug('patient protected: %s, unprotecting for modification', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                        if not self.unprotect_patient(orth_pat_def['ID']):
                                _log.error('cannot unlock patient [%s], skipping', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                                all_modified = False
                        was_protected = True
                        was_protected = False
                pat_url = '%s/patients/%s' % (self.__server_url, orth_pat_def['ID'])
                modify_url = '%s/modify' % pat_url
                result = self.__run_POST(modify_url, data = modify_data)
                _log.debug('modify result: %s', result)
                if result is False:
                        _log.error('cannot modify patient [%s]', orth_pat_def['ID'])
                        all_modified = False
                newly_created_orthanc_patient_id = result['ID']
      'newly created Orthanc patient ID: %s', newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)
                mod_pat_data = self.get_patient(newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)
                _log.debug('modified pat: %s', mod_pat_data)
                _log.debug('deleting archived patient: %s', self.__run_DELETE(pat_url))
                if was_protected:
                        if not self.protect_patient(newly_created_orthanc_patient_id):
                                _log.error('cannot re-lock (new) patient [%s]', newly_created_orthanc_patient_id)

        return all_modified
def patient_is_protected(self, orthanc_id)
Expand source code
def patient_is_protected(self, orthanc_id):
        url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
        return (self.__run_GET(url) == 1)
def protect_patient(self, orthanc_id: str)
Expand source code
def protect_patient(self, orthanc_id:str):
        url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
        if self.__run_GET(url) == 1:
                _log.debug('patient already protected: %s', orthanc_id)
                return True
        _log.warning('patient [%s] not protected against recycling, enabling protection now', orthanc_id)
        self.__run_PUT(url = url, data = '1')
        if self.__run_GET(url) == 1:
                return True
        _log.error('cannot protect patient [%s] against recycling', orthanc_id)
        return False
def run_GET(self, url=None, data=None, allow_cached=False)
Expand source code
def run_GET(self, url=None, data=None, allow_cached=False):
        url = '%s/%s' % (self.__server_url, url)
        return self.__run_GET(url = url, data = data, allow_cached = allow_cached)
def search_studies_by_patient_id(self, patient_id: str) ‑> list

Search for studies with the given patient ID snippet.

This relates to the external world patient ID as stored in DICOM instances, not the Orthanc DB metadata level patient UID.


patient ID snippet to search for


The list of matching studies (not patient).

Expand source code
def search_studies_by_patient_id(self, patient_id:str) -> list:
        """Search for studies with the given patient ID snippet.

        This relates to the external world patient ID as
        stored in DICOM instances, not the Orthanc DB
        metadata level patient UID.

                patient_id: patient ID snippet to search for

                The list of matching *studies* (not *patient*).
        _log.debug('search term >>>%s<<<', patient_id)
        search_term = patient_id.strip().strip('*').strip()
        search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
        search_data = {
                'Level': 'Study',
                'CaseSensitive': False,
                'Expand': True,
                'Query': {'PatientID': search_term}
        matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
        return matches
def search_studies_by_patient_name(self, name: str) ‑> list

Search for studies with the given patient name snippet.

A study (even at the Orthanc DB metadata level) will contain the original patient name (unless manually modified) in contrast to the (artificial Orthanc DB metadata level) patient record. The latter contains the first patient name that had been associated with the given patient ID.


name snippet to search for


The list of matching studies (not patient).

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def search_studies_by_patient_name(self, name:str) -> list:
        """Search for studies with the given patient name snippet.

        A study (even at the Orthanc DB metadata level) will
        contain the original patient name (unless manually
        modified) in contrast to the (artificial Orthanc DB
        metadata level) patient record. The latter contains
        the first patient name that had been associated with
        the given patient ID.

                name: name snippet to search for

                The list of matching *studies* (not *patient*).
        _log.debug('search term [%s]', name)
        search_term = name.strip().strip('*').strip()
        if search_term == '':
                _log.warning('search term empty')
                return []

        search_term = '*%s*' % search_term
        search_data = {
                'Level': 'Study',
                'CaseSensitive': False,
                'Expand': True,
                'Query': {'PatientName': search_term}
        matches = self.__run_POST(url = '%s/tools/find' % self.__server_url, data = search_data)
        return matches
def unprotect_patient(self, orthanc_id)
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def unprotect_patient(self, orthanc_id):
        url = '%s/patients/%s/protected' % (self.__server_url, str(orthanc_id))
        if self.__run_GET(url) == 0:
                return True'patient [%s] protected against recycling, disabling protection now', orthanc_id)
        self.__run_PUT(url = url, data = '0')
        if self.__run_GET(url) == 0:
                return True
        _log.error('cannot unprotect patient [%s] against recycling', orthanc_id)
        return False
def upload_by_DICOMDIR(self, DICOMDIR=None)
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def upload_by_DICOMDIR(self, DICOMDIR=None):
def upload_dicom_file(self, filename: str, check_mime_type: bool = False) ‑> bool

Update a DICOM file.

Will silently ignore DICOMDIR files (which are application/dicom but Orthanc does not process them).


DICOM file to upload
whether to check the file for being application/dicom, and to fail if not



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def upload_dicom_file(self, filename:str, check_mime_type:bool=False) -> bool:
        """Update a DICOM file.

        Will silently ignore DICOMDIR files (which are application/dicom but
        Orthanc does not process them).

                filename: DICOM file to upload
                check_mime_type: whether to check the file for being application/dicom, and to fail if not

        """'processing: %s', filename)
        if gmTools.fname_stem(filename) == 'DICOMDIR':
                _log.debug('ignoring, no use uploading DICOMDIR files to Orthanc')
                return True

        if check_mime_type:
                mimetype = gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(filename)
                if mimetype != 'application/dicom':
                        _log.error('not considered a DICOM (application/dicom) file: %s, not uploading', mimetype)
                        return False

                f = open(filename, 'rb')
        except Exception:
                _log.exception('failed to open file')
                return False

        dcm_data =
        upload_url = '%s/instances' % self.__server_url
        uploaded = self.__run_POST(upload_url, data = dcm_data, content_type = 'application/dicom')
        if uploaded is False:
                _log.error('upload failed')
                return False

        # typically a 404 following the upload of a DICOM file w/o identifiers
        if uploaded == []:
                _log.error('upload failed')
                return False

        # paranoia, as is our custom
        verified = self.verify_instance (
                instance_id = uploaded['ID'],
                filename = filename,
                attempt_download = True
        return verified
def upload_dicom_files(self, files=None, check_mime_type=False)
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def upload_dicom_files(self, files=None, check_mime_type=False):
        uploaded = []
        not_uploaded = []
        for filename in files:
                success = self.upload_dicom_file(filename, check_mime_type = check_mime_type)
                if success:

        if len(not_uploaded) > 0:
                _log.error('not all files uploaded')
        return (uploaded, not_uploaded)
def upload_from_directory(self, directory=None, recursive=False, check_mime_type=False, ignore_other_files=True)
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def upload_from_directory(self, directory=None, recursive=False, check_mime_type=False, ignore_other_files=True):

        def _on_error(exc):
                _log.error('DICOM (?) file not accessible: %s', exc.filename)

        _log.debug('uploading DICOM files from [%s]', directory)
        if not recursive:
                files2try = os.listdir(directory)
                _log.debug('found %s files', len(files2try))
                if ignore_other_files:
                        files2try = [ f for f in files2try if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(f) == 'application/dicom' ]
                        _log.debug('DICOM files therein: %s', len(files2try))
                return self.upload_dicom_files(files = files2try, check_mime_type = check_mime_type)

        _log.debug('recursing for DICOM files')
        uploaded = []
        not_uploaded = []
        for curr_root, curr_root_subdirs, curr_root_files in os.walk(directory, onerror = _on_error):
                _log.debug('recursing into [%s]', curr_root)
                files2try = [ os.path.join(curr_root, f) for f in curr_root_files ]
                _log.debug('found %s files', len(files2try))
                if ignore_other_files:
                        files2try = [ f for f in files2try if gmMimeLib.guess_mimetype(f) == 'application/dicom' ]
                        _log.debug('DICOM files therein: %s', len(files2try))
                up, not_up = self.upload_dicom_files (
                        files = files2try,
                        check_mime_type = check_mime_type

        return (uploaded, not_uploaded)
def verify_instance(self, instance_id: str, filename: str = None, attempt_download: bool = False) ‑> bool
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def verify_instance(self, instance_id:str, filename:str=None, attempt_download:bool=False) -> bool:

        _BINARY_ATTACHMENTS = ['dicom']

        _log.debug('verifying instance [%s] against file [%s]', instance_id, filename)
        is_valid = True

        attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
        attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = False)
        if not attachments:
                _log.error('cannot retrieve instance attachment list')
                return False

        for attachment in attachments:
                md5_orthanc = None
                # 1) verify MD5 inside Orthanc, if available (checks Orthanc storage corruption)
                available_fields_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/%s' % (self.__server_url, instance_id, attachment)
                available_fields = self.__run_GET(available_fields_url, allow_cached = False)
                if 'md5' in available_fields:
                        md5_url = '%s/md5' % available_fields_url
                        md5_orthanc = self.__run_GET(md5_url)
                        verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
                        if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is False:
                                _log.error('MD5 verification failed, instance [%s], attachment=%s, url [%s]', instance_id, attachment, verify_url)
                                _log.error('potentially Orthanc storage corruption')
                                is_valid = False
                                _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> Orthanc storage: match')
                        _log.debug('MD5 of instance attachment not available in Orthanc, cannot verify backend storage status')
                # 2) verify instance attachment can be downloaded
                md5_downloaded = None
                if attempt_download:
                        attachment_filename = gmTools.get_unique_filename()
                        download_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments/%s/data' % (self.__server_url, instance_id, attachment)
                        attachment_data = self.__run_GET(url = download_url, allow_cached = False)
                        if isinstance(attachment_data, bytes):
                                attachment_file = open(attachment_filename, 'wb')
                                attachment_file = open(attachment_filename, 'wt')
                                attachment_data = '%s' % attachment_data
                        del attachment_data
                        _log.debug('download: Orthanc -> localhost: success')
                        if attachment not in _BINARY_ATTACHMENTS:
                      'attachment of type [%s] not binary, cannot verify MD5 of download or local file against MD5 in Orthanc, skipping', attachment)
                        md5_downloaded = gmTools.file2md5(attachment_filename)
                        _log.debug('not downloading instance for verification')
                # 3) verify MD5 of downloaded instance against Orthanc, if possible
                if md5_downloaded and md5_orthanc:
                        if md5_downloaded == md5_orthanc:
                                _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> localhost: match')
                                _log.error('MD5 mismatch: Orthanc DB <-> localhost')
                                _log.error('download: %s', md5_downloaded)
                                _log.error('Orthanc : %s', md5_orthanc)
                                is_valid = False
                if filename:
                        md5_local = gmTools.file2md5(filename)
                        _log.debug('local file not available for verification')
                        md5_local = None
                # 4) verify MD5 of download against local file
                if md5_downloaded and md5_local:
                        if md5_downloaded == md5_local:
                                _log.debug('MD5: downloaded <-> pre-existing: match')
                                _log.error('MD5 mismatch: downloaded <-> pre-existing')
                                _log.error('download: %s', md5_downloaded)
                                _log.error('locally : %s', md5_local)
                                is_valid = False
                # 5) verify MD5 of local file against Orthanc
                if md5_local and md5_orthanc:
                        if md5_local == md5_orthanc:
                                _log.debug('MD5: Orthanc DB <-> pre-existing: match')
                                _log.error('MD5 mismatch: Orthanc DB <-> pre-existing')
                                _log.error('locally : %s', md5_local)
                                _log.error('Orthanc : %s', md5_orthanc)
                                is_valid = False
                # 6) consider comparing the raw pixel data or comparing the output of exiftool etc

        _log.debug('verified: %s', is_valid)
        return is_valid
def verify_patient_data(self, orthanc_id)
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def verify_patient_data(self, orthanc_id):'verifying DICOM data of patient [%s]', orthanc_id)
        bad_data = []
        instances_url = '%s/patients/%s/instances' % (self.__server_url, orthanc_id)
        instances = self.__run_GET(instances_url)
        for instance in instances:
                instance_id = instance['ID']
                attachments_url = '%s/instances/%s/attachments' % (self.__server_url, instance_id)
                attachments = self.__run_GET(attachments_url, allow_cached = True)
                for attachment in attachments:
                        verify_url = '%s/%s/verify-md5' % (attachments_url, attachment)
                        # False, success = "{}"
                        #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #986): cannot POST: http://localhost:8042/instances/5a8206f4-24619e76-6650d9cd-792cdf25-039e96e6/attachments/dicom-as-json/verify-md5
                        #2018-02-08 19:11:27  ERROR     gm.dicom      [-1211701504 MainThread]  ( #987): response: {'status': '400', 'content-length': '0'}
                        if self.__run_POST(verify_url) is not False:
                        _log.error('bad MD5 of DICOM file at url [%s]: patient=%s, attachment_type=%s', verify_url, orthanc_id, attachment)
                        bad_data.append({'patient': orthanc_id, 'instance': instance_id, 'type': attachment, 'orthanc': '%s [%s]' % (self.server_identification, self.__server_url)})

        return bad_data