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Forms with text-based templates

Documents can be generated from text-based form templates.

The form template must contain UTF-encoded text in INI/.conf format and defines the document template, as well as the editor and post-processor.

Group [form] key "editor"

The external command to be be called for editing the template after placeholder substitution but before further processing.

Called by GNUmed like this:

editor-binary form-instance-filename.txt

Filename contains the full path.


Group [form] key "post processor"

The external command to be be called for post-processing the form instance file after having been substituted, and possibly edited by the user.

Called by GNUmed like this:

post-processor-binary form-instance-filename.txt form-instance-filename.txt.output

The latter file is to receive whatever the post-processor produces.

Filenames contain the full path.

Group [form] key "template"

Defines the actual template into which patient data is to be substituted before being edited and post-processed. Hence the format must be acceptable for input into the command defind by group [form] key "post processor".
