Dumped on 2008-09-02

Index of database - gnumed_v8

Schema au

Table: au.referral

table for referrals to defined individuals

au.referral Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

inherited from clin.clin_root_item; stores text of referral letter
soap_cat text
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_referee integer NOT NULL

person to whom the referral is directed
clin.form_instances.pk fk_form integer NOT NULL

foreign key to the form instance of this referral.

Table au.referral Inherits clin_root_item,


au.referral Constraints
Name Constraint
referral_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))

Index - Schema au

Schema audit

Table: audit.audit_fields

this table holds all the fields needed for auditing

audit.audit_fields Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit serial PRIMARY KEY
row_version integer NOT NULL

the version of the row; mainly just a count
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when has this row been committed (created/modified)
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

by whom has this row been committed (created/modified)

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.audit_trail

Each table that needs standard auditing must have a log table inheriting from this table. Log tables have the same name with a prepended "log_". However, log_* tables shall not have constraints.

audit.audit_trail Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit serial PRIMARY KEY
orig_version integer NOT NULL

the version of this row in the original table previous to the modification
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

previous modification date in the original table
orig_by name NOT NULL

who committed the row to the original table
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL

the table oid of the original table, use this to identify the source table
audit_action text NOT NULL

either "update" or "delete"
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when committed to this table for auditing
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

committed to this table for auditing by whom


audit.audit_trail Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.audited_tables

All tables that need standard auditing must be recorded in this table. Audit triggers will be generated automatically for all tables recorded here.

audit.audited_tables Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
schema name UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public'::name
table_name name UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_address

audit.log_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_street integer
aux_street text
number text
subunit text
addendum text
lat_lon point

Table audit.log_address Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_address Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_allergy

audit.log_allergy Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer
substance text
substance_code text
generics text
allergene text
atc_code text
fk_type integer
generic_specific boolean
definite boolean

Table audit.log_allergy Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_allergy Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_allergy_state

audit.log_allergy_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
fk_patient integer
has_allergy integer

Table audit.log_allergy_state Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_allergy_state Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_atc_group

audit.log_atc_group Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
code text
description text

Table audit.log_atc_group Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_atc_group Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_atc_substance

audit.log_atc_substance Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
code text
name text
ddd_amount numeric
fk_ddd_unit integer
route text
comment text

Table audit.log_atc_substance Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_atc_substance Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_beh_fall_typ

audit.log_beh_fall_typ Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
code text
kurzform text
name text

Table audit.log_beh_fall_typ Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_beh_fall_typ Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_behandlungsfall

audit.log_behandlungsfall Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk integer
fk_patient integer
fk_falltyp integer
started date
must_pay_prax_geb boolean

Table audit.log_behandlungsfall Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_behandlungsfall Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_clin_aux_note

audit.log_clin_aux_note Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer

Table audit.log_clin_aux_note Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_clin_aux_note Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_clin_diag

audit.log_clin_diag Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_narrative integer
laterality bpchar
is_chronic boolean
is_active boolean
is_definite boolean
clinically_relevant boolean

Table audit.log_clin_diag Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_clin_diag Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_clin_hx_family

audit.log_clin_hx_family Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer
fk_hx_family_item integer

Table audit.log_clin_hx_family Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_clin_hx_family Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_clin_item_type

audit.log_clin_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
type text
code text

Table audit.log_clin_item_type Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_clin_item_type Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_clin_medication

audit.log_clin_medication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer
last_prescribed date
fk_last_script integer
discontinued date
brandname text
generic text
adjuvant text
dosage_form text
ufk_drug text
drug_db text
atc_code text
is_cr boolean
dosage numeric[]
period interval
dosage_unit text
directions text
is_prn boolean

Table audit.log_clin_medication Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_clin_medication Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_clin_narrative

audit.log_clin_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer

Table audit.log_clin_narrative Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_clin_narrative Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_coded_narrative

audit.log_coded_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
term text
code text
xfk_coding_system text

Table audit.log_coded_narrative Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_coded_narrative Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_doc_desc

audit.log_doc_desc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_doc integer
text text

Table audit.log_doc_desc Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_doc_desc Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_doc_med

audit.log_doc_med Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_identity integer
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
fk_type integer
comment text
date timestamp with time zone
ext_ref text

Table audit.log_doc_med Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_doc_med Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_episode

audit.log_episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_health_issue integer
fk_patient integer
description text
is_open boolean

Table audit.log_episode Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_episode Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_form_data

audit.log_form_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_instance integer
fk_form_field integer
value text

Table audit.log_form_data Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_form_data Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_form_instances

audit.log_form_instances Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer
fk_form_def integer
form_name text

Table audit.log_form_instances Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_form_instances Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_gender_label

audit.log_gender_label Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
tag text
label text
sort_weight integer
comment text

Table audit.log_gender_label Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_gender_label Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_health_issue

audit.log_health_issue Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_patient integer
description text
laterality character varying
age_noted interval
is_active boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
is_confidential boolean
is_cause_of_death boolean

Table audit.log_health_issue Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_health_issue Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_hx_family_item

audit.log_hx_family_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_narrative_condition integer
fk_relative integer
name_relative text
dob_relative timestamp with time zone
condition text
age_noted text
age_of_death interval
is_cause_of_death boolean

Table audit.log_hx_family_item Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_hx_family_item Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_identity

audit.log_identity Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
deleted boolean
pupic bpchar
gender text
karyotype text
dob timestamp with time zone
fk_marital_status integer
cob bpchar
deceased timestamp with time zone
title text

Table audit.log_identity Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_identity Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_inbox_item_category

audit.log_inbox_item_category Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
description text
is_user boolean

Table audit.log_inbox_item_category Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_inbox_item_category Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_inbox_item_type

audit.log_inbox_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_inbox_item_category integer
description text
is_user boolean

Table audit.log_inbox_item_type Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_inbox_item_type Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_incoming_data_unmatchable

audit.log_incoming_data_unmatchable Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_patient_candidates integer[]
request_id text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob date
postcode text
other_info text
type text
data bytea

Table audit.log_incoming_data_unmatchable Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_incoming_data_unmatchable Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_incoming_data_unmatched

audit.log_incoming_data_unmatched Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_patient_candidates integer[]
request_id text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob date
postcode text
other_info text
type text
data bytea

Table audit.log_incoming_data_unmatched Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_incoming_data_unmatched Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lab_test_gnr

audit.log_lab_test_gnr Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_test integer

Table audit.log_lab_test_gnr Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lab_test_gnr Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_constraint2vacc_course

audit.log_lnk_constraint2vacc_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_vaccination_course integer
fk_constraint integer

Table audit.log_lnk_constraint2vacc_course Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_constraint2vacc_course Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_identity2ext_id

audit.log_lnk_identity2ext_id Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_identity integer
external_id text
fk_origin integer
comment text

Table audit.log_lnk_identity2ext_id Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_identity2ext_id Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_identity2primary_doc

audit.log_lnk_identity2primary_doc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk integer
fk_identity integer
fk_primary_doc integer

Table audit.log_lnk_identity2primary_doc Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_identity2primary_doc Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_job2person

audit.log_lnk_job2person Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_identity integer
fk_occupation integer
activities text

Table audit.log_lnk_job2person Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_job2person Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_pat2vaccination_course

audit.log_lnk_pat2vaccination_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_patient integer
fk_course integer

Table audit.log_lnk_pat2vaccination_course Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_pat2vaccination_course Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_person2relative

audit.log_lnk_person2relative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_identity integer
id_relative integer
id_relation_type integer
started date
ended date

Table audit.log_lnk_person2relative Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_person2relative Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_tst2norm

audit.log_lnk_tst2norm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_test integer
id_norm integer

Table audit.log_lnk_tst2norm Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_tst2norm Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_type2item

audit.log_lnk_type2item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_type integer
fk_item integer

Table audit.log_lnk_type2item Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_type2item Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule

audit.log_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_course integer
fk_schedule integer

Table audit.log_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_lnk_vaccine2inds

audit.log_lnk_vaccine2inds Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
fk_vaccine integer
fk_indication integer

Table audit.log_lnk_vaccine2inds Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_lnk_vaccine2inds Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_occupation

audit.log_occupation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
name text

Table audit.log_occupation Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_occupation Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_operation

audit.log_operation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_health_issue integer
fk_encounter integer
clin_where text
comment text

Table audit.log_operation Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_operation Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_paperwork_templates

audit.log_paperwork_templates Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_template_type integer
instance_type text
name_short text
name_long text
external_version text
gnumed_revision double precision
engine text
in_use boolean
filename text
data bytea

Table audit.log_paperwork_templates Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_paperwork_templates Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_prax_geb_paid

audit.log_prax_geb_paid Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_fall integer
paid_amount numeric
paid_when date
paid_with integer

Table audit.log_prax_geb_paid Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_prax_geb_paid Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_provider_inbox

audit.log_provider_inbox Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_staff integer
fk_inbox_item_type integer
comment text
ufk_context integer
data text
importance smallint

Table audit.log_provider_inbox Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_provider_inbox Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_ref_source

audit.log_ref_source Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
name_short text
name_long text
version text
description text
source text

Table audit.log_ref_source Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_ref_source Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_referral

audit.log_referral Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
id integer
fk_referee integer
fk_form integer

Table audit.log_referral Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_referral Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_relation_types

audit.log_relation_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
inverse integer
biological boolean
biol_verified boolean
description text

Table audit.log_relation_types Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_relation_types Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_report_query

audit.log_report_query Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
label text
cmd text

Table audit.log_report_query Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_report_query Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_staff

audit.log_staff Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_identity integer
fk_role integer
db_user name
short_alias text
comment text
is_active boolean

Table audit.log_staff Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_staff Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_staff_role

audit.log_staff_role Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
name text
comment text

Table audit.log_staff_role Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_staff_role Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_state

audit.log_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
code text
country bpchar
name text

Table audit.log_state Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_state Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_street

audit.log_street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_urb integer
name text
postcode text
suburb text
lat_lon point

Table audit.log_street Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_street Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_test_org

audit.log_test_org Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_org integer
fk_adm_contact integer
fk_med_contact integer
internal_name text
comment text

Table audit.log_test_org Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_test_org Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_test_result

audit.log_test_result Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk integer
fk_type integer
val_num numeric
val_alpha text
val_unit text
val_normal_min numeric
val_normal_max numeric
val_normal_range text
val_target_min numeric
val_target_max numeric
val_target_range text
abnormality_indicator text
norm_ref_group text
note_provider text
material text
material_detail text
fk_intended_reviewer integer

Table audit.log_test_result Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_test_result Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_test_type

audit.log_test_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_test_org integer
code text
coding_system text
name text
comment text
conversion_unit text

Table audit.log_test_type Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_test_type Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_urb

audit.log_urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
id_state integer
postcode text
lat_lon point
name text

Table audit.log_urb Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_urb Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vacc_indication

audit.log_vacc_indication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
description text

Table audit.log_vacc_indication Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vacc_indication Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vacc_route

audit.log_vacc_route Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
abbreviation text
description text

Table audit.log_vacc_route Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vacc_route Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccination

audit.log_vaccination Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_item integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
fk_encounter integer
fk_episode integer
narrative text
soap_cat text
id integer
fk_patient integer
fk_provider integer
fk_vaccine integer
site text
batch_no text

Table audit.log_vaccination Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccination Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccination_course

audit.log_vaccination_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_recommended_by integer
fk_indication integer
is_active boolean
comment text

Table audit.log_vaccination_course Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccination_course Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccination_course_constraint

audit.log_vaccination_course_constraint Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
description text

Table audit.log_vaccination_course_constraint Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccination_course_constraint Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccination_definition

audit.log_vaccination_definition Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
id integer
fk_course integer
is_booster boolean
seq_no integer
min_age_due interval
max_age_due interval
min_interval interval
comment text

Table audit.log_vaccination_definition Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccination_definition Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccination_schedule

audit.log_vaccination_schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
name text
comment text

Table audit.log_vaccination_schedule Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccination_schedule Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccine

audit.log_vaccine Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
id_route integer
trade_name text
short_name text
is_live boolean
min_age interval
max_age interval
comment text

Table audit.log_vaccine Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccine Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_vaccine_batches

audit.log_vaccine_batches Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_vaccine integer
batch_no text

Table audit.log_vaccine_batches Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_vaccine_batches Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_waiting_list

audit.log_waiting_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
fk_patient integer
registered timestamp with time zone
urgency integer
list_position integer
comment text

Table audit.log_waiting_list Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_waiting_list Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Table: audit.log_xlnk_identity

audit.log_xlnk_identity Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_trail_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
orig_version integer NOT NULL
orig_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
orig_by name NOT NULL
orig_tableoid oid NOT NULL
audit_action text NOT NULL
audit_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
audit_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
row_version integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk integer
xfk_identity integer
pupic text
data text

Table audit.log_xlnk_identity Inherits audit_trail,


audit.log_xlnk_identity Constraints
Name Constraint
audit_trail_audit_action_check CHECK (((audit_action = 'UPDATE'::text) OR (audit_action = 'DELETE'::text)))

Index - Schema audit

Function: audit.add_table_for_audit( name )

Returns: "unknown"

Language: SQL

sanity-checking convenience function for marking tables for auditing, schema is always "public"

select audit.add_table_for_audit('public', $1);

Function: audit.add_table_for_audit( name, name )

Returns: "unknown"

Language: PLPGSQL

sanity-checking convenience function for marking tables for auditing

	_relnamespace alias for $1;
	_relname ALIAS FOR $2;
	dummy RECORD;
	tmp text;
	-- does table exist ?
	select relname into dummy from pg_class where
		relname = _relname and
		relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = _relnamespace)
	if not found then
		tmp := _relnamespace || '.' || _relname;
		raise exception 'audit.add_table_for_audit: Table [%] does not exist.', tmp;
		return false;
	end if;
	-- already queued for auditing ?
	select 1 into dummy from audit.audited_tables where table_name = _relname and schema = _relnamespace;
	if found then
		return true;
	end if;
	-- add definition
	insert into audit.audited_tables (
		schema, table_name
	) values (
		_relnamespace, _relname
	return true;

Function: audit.ft_del_address( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_address (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_street, aux_street, number, subunit, addendum, lat_lon
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_street, OLD.aux_street, OLD.number, OLD.subunit, OLD.addendum, OLD.lat_lon
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_allergy( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_allergy (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, substance, substance_code, generics, allergene, atc_code, fk_type, generic_specific, definite
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.substance, OLD.substance_code, OLD.generics, OLD.allergene, OLD.atc_code, OLD.fk_type, OLD.generic_specific, OLD.definite
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_allergy_state( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_allergy_state (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, fk_patient, has_allergy
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.has_allergy
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_atc_group( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_atc_group (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, code, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.code, OLD.description
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_atc_substance( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_atc_substance (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, code, name, ddd_amount, fk_ddd_unit, route, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.code, OLD.name, OLD.ddd_amount, OLD.fk_ddd_unit, OLD.route, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_beh_fall_typ( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_beh_fall_typ (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, code, kurzform, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.code, OLD.kurzform, OLD.name
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_behandlungsfall( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_behandlungsfall (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk, fk_patient, fk_falltyp, started, must_pay_prax_geb
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.fk_falltyp, OLD.started, OLD.must_pay_prax_geb
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_clin_aux_note( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_aux_note (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_clin_diag( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_diag (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_narrative, laterality, is_chronic, is_active, is_definite, clinically_relevant
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_narrative, OLD.laterality, OLD.is_chronic, OLD.is_active, OLD.is_definite, OLD.clinically_relevant
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_clin_hx_family( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_hx_family (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, fk_hx_family_item
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_hx_family_item
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_clin_item_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_item_type (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, type, code
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.type, OLD.code
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_clin_medication( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_medication (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, last_prescribed, fk_last_script, discontinued, brandname, generic, adjuvant, dosage_form, ufk_drug, drug_db, atc_code, is_cr, dosage, period, dosage_unit, directions, is_prn
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.last_prescribed, OLD.fk_last_script, OLD.discontinued, OLD.brandname, OLD.generic, OLD.adjuvant, OLD.dosage_form, OLD.ufk_drug, OLD.drug_db, OLD.atc_code, OLD.is_cr, OLD.dosage, OLD.period, OLD.dosage_unit, OLD.directions, OLD.is_prn
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_clin_narrative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_narrative (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_coded_narrative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_coded_narrative (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, term, code, xfk_coding_system
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.term, OLD.code, OLD.xfk_coding_system
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_doc_desc( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_doc_desc (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_doc, text
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_doc, OLD.text
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_doc_med( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_doc_med (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_identity, fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_type, comment, date, ext_ref
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.fk_type, OLD.comment, OLD.date, OLD.ext_ref
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_episode( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_episode (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, fk_patient, description, is_open
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_health_issue, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.description, OLD.is_open
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_form_data( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_form_data (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_instance, fk_form_field, value
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_instance, OLD.fk_form_field, OLD.value
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_form_defs( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_form_defs (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_type, country, locale, soap_cat, name_short, name_long, revision, template, engine, in_use, url, is_user
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_type, OLD.country, OLD.locale, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.name_short, OLD.name_long, OLD.revision, OLD.template, OLD.engine, OLD.in_use, OLD.url, OLD.is_user
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_form_instances( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_form_instances (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, fk_form_def, form_name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_form_def, OLD.form_name
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_gender_label( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_gender_label (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, tag, label, sort_weight, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.tag, OLD.label, OLD.sort_weight, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_health_issue( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_health_issue (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, description, laterality, age_noted, is_active, clinically_relevant, is_confidential, is_cause_of_death
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.description, OLD.laterality, OLD.age_noted, OLD.is_active, OLD.clinically_relevant, OLD.is_confidential, OLD.is_cause_of_death
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_hx_family_item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_hx_family_item (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_narrative_condition, fk_relative, name_relative, dob_relative, condition, age_noted, age_of_death, is_cause_of_death
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_narrative_condition, OLD.fk_relative, OLD.name_relative, OLD.dob_relative, OLD.condition, OLD.age_noted, OLD.age_of_death, OLD.is_cause_of_death
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_identity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_identity (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, deleted, pupic, gender, karyotype, dob, fk_marital_status, cob, deceased, title
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.deleted, OLD.pupic, OLD.gender, OLD.karyotype, OLD.dob, OLD.fk_marital_status, OLD.cob, OLD.deceased, OLD.title
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_inbox_item_category( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_inbox_item_category (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, description, is_user
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.description, OLD.is_user
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_inbox_item_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_inbox_item_type (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_inbox_item_category, description, is_user
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_inbox_item_category, OLD.description, OLD.is_user
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_incoming_data_unmatchable( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_incoming_data_unmatchable (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient_candidates, request_id, firstnames, lastnames, dob, postcode, other_info, type, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient_candidates, OLD.request_id, OLD.firstnames, OLD.lastnames, OLD.dob, OLD.postcode, OLD.other_info, OLD.type, OLD.data
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_incoming_data_unmatched( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_incoming_data_unmatched (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient_candidates, request_id, firstnames, lastnames, dob, postcode, other_info, type, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient_candidates, OLD.request_id, OLD.firstnames, OLD.lastnames, OLD.dob, OLD.postcode, OLD.other_info, OLD.type, OLD.data
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lab_test_gnr( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lab_test_gnr (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_test
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_test
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_constraint2vacc_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_constraint2vacc_course (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_vaccination_course, fk_constraint
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_vaccination_course, OLD.fk_constraint
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_identity2ext_id( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_identity2ext_id (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_identity, external_id, fk_origin, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_identity, OLD.external_id, OLD.fk_origin, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_identity2primary_doc( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_identity2primary_doc (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk, fk_identity, fk_primary_doc
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_primary_doc
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_job2person( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_job2person (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_identity, fk_occupation, activities
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_occupation, OLD.activities
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_pat2vaccination_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_pat2vaccination_course (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, fk_course
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.fk_course
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_person2relative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_person2relative (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_identity, id_relative, id_relation_type, started, ended
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_identity, OLD.id_relative, OLD.id_relation_type, OLD.started, OLD.ended
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_tst2norm( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_tst2norm (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_test, id_norm
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_test, OLD.id_norm
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_type2item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_type2item (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_type, fk_item
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_type, OLD.fk_item
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_course, fk_schedule
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_course, OLD.fk_schedule
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_lnk_vaccine2inds( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_vaccine2inds (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, fk_vaccine, fk_indication
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.fk_vaccine, OLD.fk_indication
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_occupation( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_occupation (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.name
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_operation( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_operation (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, fk_encounter, clin_where, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_health_issue, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.clin_where, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_paperwork_templates( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_paperwork_templates (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_template_type, instance_type, name_short, name_long, external_version, gnumed_revision, engine, in_use, filename, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_template_type, OLD.instance_type, OLD.name_short, OLD.name_long, OLD.external_version, OLD.gnumed_revision, OLD.engine, OLD.in_use, OLD.filename, OLD.data
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_prax_geb_paid( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_prax_geb_paid (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_fall, paid_amount, paid_when, paid_with
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_fall, OLD.paid_amount, OLD.paid_when, OLD.paid_with
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_provider_inbox( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_provider_inbox (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_staff, fk_inbox_item_type, comment, ufk_context, data, importance
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_staff, OLD.fk_inbox_item_type, OLD.comment, OLD.ufk_context, OLD.data, OLD.importance
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_ref_source( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_ref_source (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, name_short, name_long, version, description, source
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.name_short, OLD.name_long, OLD.version, OLD.description, OLD.source
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_referral( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_referral (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, id, fk_referee, fk_form
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.id, OLD.fk_referee, OLD.fk_form
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_relation_types( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_relation_types (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, inverse, biological, biol_verified, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.inverse, OLD.biological, OLD.biol_verified, OLD.description
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_report_query( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_report_query (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, label, cmd
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.label, OLD.cmd
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_staff( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_staff (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_identity, fk_role, db_user, short_alias, comment, is_active
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_role, OLD.db_user, OLD.short_alias, OLD.comment, OLD.is_active
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_staff_role( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_staff_role (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, name, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.name, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_state( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_state (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, code, country, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.code, OLD.country, OLD.name
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_street( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_street (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_urb, name, postcode, suburb, lat_lon
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_urb, OLD.name, OLD.postcode, OLD.suburb, OLD.lat_lon
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_test_org( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_test_org (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_org, fk_adm_contact, fk_med_contact, internal_name, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_org, OLD.fk_adm_contact, OLD.fk_med_contact, OLD.internal_name, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_test_result( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_test_result (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, fk_type, val_num, val_alpha, val_unit, val_normal_min, val_normal_max, val_normal_range, val_target_min, val_target_max, val_target_range, abnormality_indicator, norm_ref_group, note_provider, material, material_detail, fk_intended_reviewer
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_type, OLD.val_num, OLD.val_alpha, OLD.val_unit, OLD.val_normal_min, OLD.val_normal_max, OLD.val_normal_range, OLD.val_target_min, OLD.val_target_max, OLD.val_target_range, OLD.abnormality_indicator, OLD.norm_ref_group, OLD.note_provider, OLD.material, OLD.material_detail, OLD.fk_intended_reviewer
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_test_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_test_type (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_test_org, code, coding_system, name, comment, conversion_unit
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_test_org, OLD.code, OLD.coding_system, OLD.name, OLD.comment, OLD.conversion_unit
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_urb( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_urb (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_state, postcode, lat_lon, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_state, OLD.postcode, OLD.lat_lon, OLD.name
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vacc_indication( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vacc_indication (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.description
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vacc_route( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vacc_route (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, abbreviation, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.abbreviation, OLD.description
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccination( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, id, fk_provider, fk_vaccine, site, batch_no
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.id, OLD.fk_provider, OLD.fk_vaccine, OLD.site, OLD.batch_no
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccination_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_course (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_recommended_by, fk_indication, is_active, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_recommended_by, OLD.fk_indication, OLD.is_active, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccination_course_constraint( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_course_constraint (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.description
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccination_definition( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_definition (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, fk_course, is_booster, seq_no, min_age_due, max_age_due, min_interval, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.fk_course, OLD.is_booster, OLD.seq_no, OLD.min_age_due, OLD.max_age_due, OLD.min_interval, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccination_schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_schedule (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, name, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.name, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccine( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccine (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, id_route, trade_name, short_name, is_live, min_age, max_age, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.id_route, OLD.trade_name, OLD.short_name, OLD.is_live, OLD.min_age, OLD.max_age, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_vaccine_batches( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccine_batches (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_vaccine, batch_no
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_vaccine, OLD.batch_no
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_waiting_list( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_waiting_list (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, registered, urgency, list_position, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.registered, OLD.urgency, OLD.list_position, OLD.comment
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_del_xlnk_identity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	INSERT INTO audit.log_xlnk_identity (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, xfk_identity, pupic, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.xfk_identity, OLD.pupic, OLD.data
	return OLD;

Function: audit.ft_ins_address( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_allergy( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_allergy_state( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_atc_group( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_atc_substance( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_beh_fall_typ( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_behandlungsfall( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_clin_aux_note( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_clin_diag( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_clin_hx_family( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_clin_item_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_clin_medication( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_clin_narrative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_coded_narrative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_doc_desc( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_doc_med( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_episode( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_form_data( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_form_defs( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_form_instances( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_gender_label( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_health_issue( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_hx_family_item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_identity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_inbox_item_category( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_inbox_item_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_incoming_data_unmatchable( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_incoming_data_unmatched( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lab_test_gnr( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_constraint2vacc_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_identity2ext_id( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_identity2primary_doc( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_job2person( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_pat2vaccination_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_person2relative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_tst2norm( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_type2item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_lnk_vaccine2inds( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_occupation( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_operation( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_paperwork_templates( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_prax_geb_paid( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_provider_inbox( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_ref_source( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_referral( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_relation_types( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_report_query( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_staff( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_staff_role( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_state( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_street( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_test_org( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_test_result( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_test_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_urb( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vacc_indication( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vacc_route( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccination( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccination_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccination_course_constraint( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccination_definition( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccination_schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccine( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_vaccine_batches( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_waiting_list( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_ins_xlnk_identity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := 0;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_address( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_address (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_street, aux_street, number, subunit, addendum, lat_lon
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_street, OLD.aux_street, OLD.number, OLD.subunit, OLD.addendum, OLD.lat_lon
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_allergy( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_allergy (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, substance, substance_code, generics, allergene, atc_code, fk_type, generic_specific, definite
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.substance, OLD.substance_code, OLD.generics, OLD.allergene, OLD.atc_code, OLD.fk_type, OLD.generic_specific, OLD.definite
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_allergy_state( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_allergy_state (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, fk_patient, has_allergy
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.has_allergy
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_atc_group( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_atc_group (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, code, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.code, OLD.description
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_atc_substance( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_atc_substance (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, code, name, ddd_amount, fk_ddd_unit, route, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.code, OLD.name, OLD.ddd_amount, OLD.fk_ddd_unit, OLD.route, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_beh_fall_typ( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_beh_fall_typ (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, code, kurzform, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.code, OLD.kurzform, OLD.name
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_behandlungsfall( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_behandlungsfall (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk, fk_patient, fk_falltyp, started, must_pay_prax_geb
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.fk_falltyp, OLD.started, OLD.must_pay_prax_geb
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_clin_aux_note( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_aux_note (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_clin_diag( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_diag (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_narrative, laterality, is_chronic, is_active, is_definite, clinically_relevant
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_narrative, OLD.laterality, OLD.is_chronic, OLD.is_active, OLD.is_definite, OLD.clinically_relevant
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_clin_hx_family( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_hx_family (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, fk_hx_family_item
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_hx_family_item
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_clin_item_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_item_type (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, type, code
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.type, OLD.code
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_clin_medication( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_medication (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, last_prescribed, fk_last_script, discontinued, brandname, generic, adjuvant, dosage_form, ufk_drug, drug_db, atc_code, is_cr, dosage, period, dosage_unit, directions, is_prn
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.last_prescribed, OLD.fk_last_script, OLD.discontinued, OLD.brandname, OLD.generic, OLD.adjuvant, OLD.dosage_form, OLD.ufk_drug, OLD.drug_db, OLD.atc_code, OLD.is_cr, OLD.dosage, OLD.period, OLD.dosage_unit, OLD.directions, OLD.is_prn
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_clin_narrative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_clin_narrative (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_coded_narrative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_coded_narrative (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, term, code, xfk_coding_system
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.term, OLD.code, OLD.xfk_coding_system
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_doc_desc( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_doc_desc (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_doc, text
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_doc, OLD.text
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_doc_med( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_doc_med (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_identity, fk_encounter, fk_episode, fk_type, comment, date, ext_ref
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.fk_type, OLD.comment, OLD.date, OLD.ext_ref
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_episode( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_episode (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, fk_patient, description, is_open
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_health_issue, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.description, OLD.is_open
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_form_data( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_form_data (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_instance, fk_form_field, value
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_instance, OLD.fk_form_field, OLD.value
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_form_defs( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_form_defs (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_type, country, locale, soap_cat, name_short, name_long, revision, template, engine, in_use, url, is_user
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_type, OLD.country, OLD.locale, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.name_short, OLD.name_long, OLD.revision, OLD.template, OLD.engine, OLD.in_use, OLD.url, OLD.is_user
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_form_instances( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_form_instances (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, fk_form_def, form_name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_form_def, OLD.form_name
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_gender_label( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_gender_label (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, tag, label, sort_weight, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.tag, OLD.label, OLD.sort_weight, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_health_issue( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_health_issue (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, description, laterality, age_noted, is_active, clinically_relevant, is_confidential, is_cause_of_death
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.description, OLD.laterality, OLD.age_noted, OLD.is_active, OLD.clinically_relevant, OLD.is_confidential, OLD.is_cause_of_death
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_hx_family_item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_hx_family_item (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_narrative_condition, fk_relative, name_relative, dob_relative, condition, age_noted, age_of_death, is_cause_of_death
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_narrative_condition, OLD.fk_relative, OLD.name_relative, OLD.dob_relative, OLD.condition, OLD.age_noted, OLD.age_of_death, OLD.is_cause_of_death
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_identity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_identity (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, deleted, pupic, gender, karyotype, dob, fk_marital_status, cob, deceased, title
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.deleted, OLD.pupic, OLD.gender, OLD.karyotype, OLD.dob, OLD.fk_marital_status, OLD.cob, OLD.deceased, OLD.title
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_inbox_item_category( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_inbox_item_category (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, description, is_user
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.description, OLD.is_user
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_inbox_item_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_inbox_item_type (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_inbox_item_category, description, is_user
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_inbox_item_category, OLD.description, OLD.is_user
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_incoming_data_unmatchable( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_incoming_data_unmatchable (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient_candidates, request_id, firstnames, lastnames, dob, postcode, other_info, type, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient_candidates, OLD.request_id, OLD.firstnames, OLD.lastnames, OLD.dob, OLD.postcode, OLD.other_info, OLD.type, OLD.data
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_incoming_data_unmatched( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_incoming_data_unmatched (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient_candidates, request_id, firstnames, lastnames, dob, postcode, other_info, type, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient_candidates, OLD.request_id, OLD.firstnames, OLD.lastnames, OLD.dob, OLD.postcode, OLD.other_info, OLD.type, OLD.data
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lab_test_gnr( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lab_test_gnr (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_test
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_test
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_constraint2vacc_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_constraint2vacc_course (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_vaccination_course, fk_constraint
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_vaccination_course, OLD.fk_constraint
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_identity2ext_id( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_identity2ext_id (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_identity, external_id, fk_origin, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_identity, OLD.external_id, OLD.fk_origin, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_identity2primary_doc( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_identity2primary_doc (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk, fk_identity, fk_primary_doc
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_primary_doc
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_job2person( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_job2person (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_identity, fk_occupation, activities
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_occupation, OLD.activities
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_pat2vaccination_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_pat2vaccination_course (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, fk_course
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.fk_course
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_person2relative( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_person2relative (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_identity, id_relative, id_relation_type, started, ended
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_identity, OLD.id_relative, OLD.id_relation_type, OLD.started, OLD.ended
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_tst2norm( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_tst2norm (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_test, id_norm
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_test, OLD.id_norm
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_type2item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_type2item (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_type, fk_item
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_type, OLD.fk_item
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_vaccination_course2schedule (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_course, fk_schedule
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_course, OLD.fk_schedule
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_lnk_vaccine2inds( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_lnk_vaccine2inds (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, fk_vaccine, fk_indication
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.fk_vaccine, OLD.fk_indication
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_occupation( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_occupation (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.name
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_operation( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_operation (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_health_issue, fk_encounter, clin_where, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_health_issue, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.clin_where, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_paperwork_templates( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_paperwork_templates (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_template_type, instance_type, name_short, name_long, external_version, gnumed_revision, engine, in_use, filename, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_template_type, OLD.instance_type, OLD.name_short, OLD.name_long, OLD.external_version, OLD.gnumed_revision, OLD.engine, OLD.in_use, OLD.filename, OLD.data
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_prax_geb_paid( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_prax_geb_paid (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_fall, paid_amount, paid_when, paid_with
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_fall, OLD.paid_amount, OLD.paid_when, OLD.paid_with
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_provider_inbox( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_provider_inbox (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_staff, fk_inbox_item_type, comment, ufk_context, data, importance
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_staff, OLD.fk_inbox_item_type, OLD.comment, OLD.ufk_context, OLD.data, OLD.importance
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_ref_source( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_ref_source (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, name_short, name_long, version, description, source
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.name_short, OLD.name_long, OLD.version, OLD.description, OLD.source
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_referral( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_referral (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, id, fk_referee, fk_form
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.id, OLD.fk_referee, OLD.fk_form
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_relation_types( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_relation_types (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, inverse, biological, biol_verified, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.inverse, OLD.biological, OLD.biol_verified, OLD.description
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_report_query( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_report_query (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, label, cmd
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.label, OLD.cmd
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_staff( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_staff (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_identity, fk_role, db_user, short_alias, comment, is_active
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_identity, OLD.fk_role, OLD.db_user, OLD.short_alias, OLD.comment, OLD.is_active
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_staff_role( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_staff_role (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, name, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.name, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_state( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_state (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, code, country, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.code, OLD.country, OLD.name
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_street( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_street (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_urb, name, postcode, suburb, lat_lon
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_urb, OLD.name, OLD.postcode, OLD.suburb, OLD.lat_lon
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_test_org( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_test_org (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_org, fk_adm_contact, fk_med_contact, internal_name, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_org, OLD.fk_adm_contact, OLD.fk_med_contact, OLD.internal_name, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_test_result( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_test_result (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, pk, fk_type, val_num, val_alpha, val_unit, val_normal_min, val_normal_max, val_normal_range, val_target_min, val_target_max, val_target_range, abnormality_indicator, norm_ref_group, note_provider, material, material_detail, fk_intended_reviewer
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_type, OLD.val_num, OLD.val_alpha, OLD.val_unit, OLD.val_normal_min, OLD.val_normal_max, OLD.val_normal_range, OLD.val_target_min, OLD.val_target_max, OLD.val_target_range, OLD.abnormality_indicator, OLD.norm_ref_group, OLD.note_provider, OLD.material, OLD.material_detail, OLD.fk_intended_reviewer
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_test_type( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_test_type (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_test_org, code, coding_system, name, comment, conversion_unit
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_test_org, OLD.code, OLD.coding_system, OLD.name, OLD.comment, OLD.conversion_unit
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_urb( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_urb (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, id_state, postcode, lat_lon, name
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.id_state, OLD.postcode, OLD.lat_lon, OLD.name
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vacc_indication( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vacc_indication (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.description
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vacc_route( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vacc_route (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, abbreviation, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.abbreviation, OLD.description
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccination( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk_item, clin_when, fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat, id, fk_provider, fk_vaccine, site, batch_no
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk_item, OLD.clin_when, OLD.fk_encounter, OLD.fk_episode, OLD.narrative, OLD.soap_cat, OLD.id, OLD.fk_provider, OLD.fk_vaccine, OLD.site, OLD.batch_no
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccination_course( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_course (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_recommended_by, fk_indication, is_active, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_recommended_by, OLD.fk_indication, OLD.is_active, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccination_course_constraint( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_course_constraint (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, description
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.description
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccination_definition( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_definition (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, id, fk_course, is_booster, seq_no, min_age_due, max_age_due, min_interval, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.id, OLD.fk_course, OLD.is_booster, OLD.seq_no, OLD.min_age_due, OLD.max_age_due, OLD.min_interval, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccination_schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccination_schedule (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, name, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.name, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccine( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccine (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, id_route, trade_name, short_name, is_live, min_age, max_age, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.id_route, OLD.trade_name, OLD.short_name, OLD.is_live, OLD.min_age, OLD.max_age, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_vaccine_batches( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_vaccine_batches (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_vaccine, batch_no
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_vaccine, OLD.batch_no
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_waiting_list( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_waiting_list (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, fk_patient, registered, urgency, list_position, comment
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.fk_patient, OLD.registered, OLD.urgency, OLD.list_position, OLD.comment
	return NEW;

Function: audit.ft_upd_xlnk_identity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	NEW.row_version := OLD.row_version + 1;
	NEW.modified_when := CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
	NEW.modified_by := SESSION_USER;
	INSERT INTO audit.log_xlnk_identity (
		orig_version, orig_when, orig_by, orig_tableoid, audit_action,
		pk_audit, row_version, modified_when, modified_by, pk, xfk_identity, pupic, data
		OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, TG_RELID, TG_OP,
		OLD.pk_audit, OLD.row_version, OLD.modified_when, OLD.modified_by, OLD.pk, OLD.xfk_identity, OLD.pupic, OLD.data
	return NEW;

Function: audit.trf_announce_episode_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	patient_pk integer;
	-- get patient ID
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		-- if no patient in episode
		if OLD.fk_patient is null then
			-- get it from attached health issue
			select into patient_pk fk_patient
				from clin.health_issue
				where pk = OLD.fk_health_issue;
			patient_pk := OLD.fk_patient;
		end if;
		-- if no patient in episode
		if NEW.fk_patient is null then
			-- get it from attached health issue
			select into patient_pk fk_patient
				from clin.health_issue
				where pk = NEW.fk_health_issue;
			patient_pk := NEW.fk_patient;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "episode_change_db:' || patient_pk || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: audit.trf_announce_h_issue_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	patient_pk integer;
	-- get patient ID
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		patient_pk := OLD.fk_patient;
		patient_pk := NEW.fk_patient;
	end if;
	execute 'notify "health_issue_change_db:' || patient_pk || '"';
	return NULL;

Schema blobs

Table: blobs.doc_desc

A textual description of the content such as a result summary. Several of these may belong to one document object.

blobs.doc_desc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
blobs.doc_med.pk fk_doc integer UNIQUE#1
text text UNIQUE#1

Table blobs.doc_desc Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema blobs

Table: blobs.doc_med

a medical document object possibly containing several data objects such as several pages of a paper document

blobs.doc_med Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_identity integer NOT NULL

the patient this document belongs to
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

the encounter in which this document was entered into the system
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL

the episode this document pertains to, this may not be the only one applicable to the document (think discharge letters), see also lnk_doc_med2episode
blobs.doc_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

semantic type of document (not type of file or mime type), such as "referral letter", "discharge summary", etc.
comment text

additional short comment such as "abdominal", "ward 3, Dr. Stein", etc.
date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

date of document content creation (such as exam date), NOT date of document creation or date of import; may be imprecise such as "7/99"
ext_ref text

external reference string of physical document, original paper copy can be found with this

Table blobs.doc_med Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_docs_by_patient fk_identity

Index - Schema blobs

Table: blobs.doc_obj

possibly several of these form a medical document such as multiple scanned pages/images

blobs.doc_obj Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
blobs.doc_med.pk fk_doc integer NOT NULL
seq_idx integer

index of this object in the sequence of objects for this document
comment text

optional tiny comment for this object, such as "page 1"
dem.staff.pk fk_intended_reviewer integer NOT NULL

who is *supposed* to review this item
data bytea NOT NULL

actual binary object data; here is why we use bytea: == -------------------------------------------------- To: leon@oss.minimetria.com Cc: pgsql-sql@postgresql.org Subject: Re: [SQL] Recommendation on bytea or blob for binary data like images Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 16:33:09 -0400 Message-ID: <17794.1125693189@sss.pgh.pa.us> From: Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> List-Archive: <http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-sql> List-Help: <mailto:majordomo@postgresql.org?body=help> List-ID: <pgsql-sql.postgresql.org> leon@oss.minimetria.com writes: > Hi, I"d like to know what the official recommendation is on which binary > datatype to use for common small-binary size use. If bytea will work for you, it"s definitely the thing to use. The only real drawback to bytea is that there"s currently no API to read and write bytea values in a streaming fashion. If your objects are small enough that you can load and store them as units, bytea is fine. BLOBs, on the other hand, have a number of drawbacks --- hard to dump, impossible to secure, etc. regards, tom lane == --------------------------------------------------
filename text

the filename from when the data was imported - if any, can be NULL, useful for re-export since legacy devices/applications might expect particular file names and not use mime types for file detection


blobs.doc_obj Constraints
Name Constraint
doc_obj_filename_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(filename, 'NULL'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema blobs

Table: blobs.doc_type

this table enumerates the document types known to the system

blobs.doc_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

the name/label of the document type

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema blobs

Table: blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode

this allows linking documents to episodes, each document can apply to several episodes but only once each

blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
blobs.doc_med.pk fk_doc_med integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema blobs

Table: blobs.reviewed_doc_objs

review table for documents (per object such as a page)

blobs.reviewed_doc_objs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('clin.review_root_pk_seq'::regclass)
blobs.doc_obj.pk fk_reviewed_row integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_reviewer integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
is_technically_abnormal boolean NOT NULL
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL
comment text

Table blobs.reviewed_doc_objs Inherits review_root,

Index - Schema blobs

View: blobs.v_doc_desc

aggregates some data document descriptions

blobs.v_doc_desc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_doc integer
description text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_doc_desc integer
SELECT vdm.pk_patient
, dd.fk_doc AS pk_doc
, dd.text AS description
, vdm.pk_encounter
, vdm.pk_episode
, vdm.pk_health_issue
, dd.pk AS pk_doc_desc 
FROM blobs.doc_desc dd
, blobs.v_doc_med vdm 
WHERE (dd.fk_doc = vdm.pk_doc);

Index - Schema blobs

View: blobs.v_doc_med

blobs.v_doc_med Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_doc integer
date timestamp with time zone
type text
l10n_type text
ext_ref text
episode text
comment text
episode_open boolean
pk_type integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
xmin_doc_med xid
SELECT dm.fk_identity AS pk_patient
, dm.pk AS pk_doc
, dm.date
, vdt."type"
, vdt.l10n_type
, dm.ext_ref
, cle.description AS episode
, dm."comment"
, cle.is_open AS episode_open
, dm.fk_type AS pk_type
, dm.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, dm.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cle.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, dm.modified_when
, dm.modified_by
, dm.xmin AS xmin_doc_med 
FROM blobs.doc_med dm
, blobs.v_doc_type vdt
, clin.episode cle 
     (vdt.pk_doc_type = dm.fk_type)
   AND (cle.pk = dm.fk_episode)

Index - Schema blobs

View: blobs.v_doc_type

list active document types, those that are activated for use

blobs.v_doc_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_doc_type integer
type text
l10n_type text
is_user_defined boolean
is_in_use boolean
xmin_doc_type xid
SELECT dt.pk AS pk_doc_type
, dt.name AS "type"
, _
(dt.name) AS l10n_type
, (NOT 
            SELECT 1 
              FROM ref.document_type 
             WHERE (document_type.description = dt.name)
) AS is_user_defined
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.doc_med 
       WHERE (doc_med.fk_type = dt.pk)
) AS is_in_use
, dt.xmin AS xmin_doc_type 
FROM blobs.doc_type dt;

Index - Schema blobs

View: blobs.v_latest_mugshot

shows the latest picture of the patient, currently the highest seq_idx of the newest document of type "patient photograph"

blobs.v_latest_mugshot Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
doc_comment text
date_taken timestamp with time zone
ext_ref text
obj_seq_idx integer
obj_comment text
pk_doc integer
pk_obj integer
image bytea
SELECT vo4d.pk_patient
, vo4d.doc_comment
, vo4d.date_generated AS date_taken
, vo4d.ext_ref
, vo4d.seq_idx AS obj_seq_idx
, vo4d.obj_comment
, vo4d.pk_doc
, vo4d.pk_obj
, bdo.data AS image 
FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4d
, blobs.doc_obj bdo 
           (vo4d."type" = 'patient photograph'::text)
         AND (vo4d.seq_idx = 
                  SELECT max
                       (vo4d1.seq_idx) AS max 
                    FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4d1 
                   WHERE (
                             (vo4d1.pk_patient = vo4d.pk_patient)
                           AND (vo4d1."type" = 'patient photograph'::text)
                GROUP BY vo4d1.date_generated 
                ORDER BY vo4d1.date_generated DESC LIMIT 1
   AND (bdo.pk = vo4d.pk_obj)

Index - Schema blobs

View: blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data

denormalized metadata for blobs.doc_obj but without the data itself

blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_obj integer
seq_idx integer
size integer
date_generated timestamp with time zone
type text
l10n_type text
ext_ref text
episode text
doc_comment text
obj_comment text
filename text
pk_intended_reviewer integer
reviewed boolean
reviewed_by_you boolean
reviewed_by_intended_reviewer boolean
pk_doc integer
pk_type integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
xmin_doc_obj xid
SELECT vdm.pk_patient
, dobj.pk AS pk_obj
, dobj.seq_idx
, octet_length
) AS size
, vdm.date AS date_generated
, vdm."type"
, vdm.l10n_type
, vdm.ext_ref
, vdm.episode
, vdm."comment" AS doc_comment
, dobj."comment" AS obj_comment
, dobj.filename
, dobj.fk_intended_reviewer AS pk_intended_reviewer
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs 
       WHERE (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewed_row = dobj.pk)
) AS reviewed
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs 
       WHERE (
                 (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewed_row = dobj.pk)
               AND (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewer = 
                        SELECT staff.pk 
                          FROM dem.staff 
                         WHERE (staff.db_user = "current_user"
) AS reviewed_by_you
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs 
       WHERE (
                 (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewed_row = dobj.pk)
               AND (reviewed_doc_objs.fk_reviewer = dobj.fk_intended_reviewer)
) AS reviewed_by_intended_reviewer
, vdm.pk_doc
, vdm.pk_type
, vdm.pk_encounter
, vdm.pk_episode
, vdm.pk_health_issue
, dobj.xmin AS xmin_doc_obj 
FROM blobs.v_doc_med vdm
, blobs.doc_obj dobj 
WHERE (vdm.pk_doc = dobj.fk_doc);

Index - Schema blobs

View: blobs.v_reviewed_doc_objects

blobs.v_reviewed_doc_objects Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_doc_obj integer
reviewer text
is_technically_abnormal boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
is_review_by_responsible_reviewer boolean
is_your_review boolean
comment text
reviewed_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_review_root integer
pk_reviewer integer
pk_patient integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
SELECT rdo.fk_reviewed_row AS pk_doc_obj
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.pk = rdo.fk_reviewer)
     , (
           ('<#'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS reviewer
, rdo.is_technically_abnormal
, rdo.clinically_relevant
      SELECT 1 
        FROM blobs.doc_obj 
       WHERE (
                 (doc_obj.pk = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
               AND (doc_obj.fk_intended_reviewer = rdo.fk_reviewer)
) AS is_review_by_responsible_reviewer
      SELECT 1 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (
                 (staff.pk = rdo.fk_reviewer)
               AND (staff.db_user = "current_user"
) AS is_your_review
, rdo."comment"
, rdo.modified_when AS reviewed_when
, rdo.modified_by
, rdo.pk AS pk_review_root
, rdo.fk_reviewer AS pk_reviewer
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_patient 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_patient
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_encounter 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_encounter
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_episode 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_episode
, (
SELECT v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_health_issue 
  FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data 
 WHERE (v_obj4doc_no_data.pk_obj = rdo.fk_reviewed_row)
) AS pk_health_issue 
FROM blobs.reviewed_doc_objs rdo;

Index - Schema blobs

Function: blobs.delete_document( integer, integer )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_doc alias for $1;
	_pk_encounter alias for $2;
	_del_note text;
	_doc_row record;
	_obj_row record;
	tmp text;

	select * into _doc_row from blobs.doc_med where pk = _pk_doc;

	_del_note := _('Deletion of document') || E':
		|| ' '
			|| to_char(_doc_row.date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')
			|| ' "' || (select _(dt.name) from blobs.doc_type dt where pk = _doc_row.fk_type) || '"'
			|| coalesce(' (' || _doc_row.ext_ref || ')', '')
		|| coalesce(E'
 ' || _doc_row.comment, '')

	FOR _obj_row IN select * from blobs.doc_obj where fk_doc = _pk_doc order by seq_idx LOOP
		_del_note := _del_note || E'
			|| ' #' || coalesce(_obj_row.seq_idx, '-1') || ': "' || coalesce(_obj_row.comment, '') || E'"
			|| ' ' || coalesce(_obj_row.filename, '') || E'
	end LOOP;

	insert into clin.clin_narrative
		(fk_encounter, fk_episode, narrative, soap_cat)
	values (

	delete from blobs.doc_med where pk = _pk_doc;

	return True;

Function: blobs.trf_announce_doc_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via fk_identity
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		_pk_identity := OLD.fk_identity;
		_pk_identity := NEW.fk_identity;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'blobs.trf_announce_doc_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <blobs.doc_med>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "doc_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: blobs.trf_announce_doc_page_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via fk_doc
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		select into _pk_identity fk_identity from blobs.doc_med where pk = OLD.fk_doc limit 1;
		select into _pk_identity fk_identity from blobs.doc_med where pk = NEW.fk_doc limit 1;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'blobs.trf_announce_doc_page_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <blobs.doc_obj>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "doc_page_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: blobs.trf_do_not_duplicate_primary_episode_in_link_table( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

This trigger function is called before a lnk_doc_med2episode row is inserted or updated. It makes sure the episode does not duplicate the primary episode for this document listed in doc_med. If it does the insert/update is skipped.

	-- if already in doc_med
	perform 1 from blobs.doc_med dm where dm.fk_episode = NEW.fk_episode and dm.pk = NEW.fk_doc_med;
	if FOUND then
		-- skip the insert/update
		return null;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: blobs.trf_mark_unreviewed_on_doc_obj_update( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	if (NEW.data != OLD.data) or ((NEW.data != OLD.data) is NULL) then
		delete from blobs.reviewed_doc_objs where fk_reviewed_row = OLD.pk;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: blobs.trf_remove_primary_episode_from_link_table( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

This trigger function is called when a doc_med row is inserted or updated. It makes sure the primary episode listed in doc_med is not duplicated in lnk_doc_med2episode for the same document. If it exists in the latter it is removed from there.

	-- if update
	if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
		-- and no change
		if NEW.fk_episode = OLD.fk_episode then
			-- then do nothing
			return NEW;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- if already in link table
	perform 1 from blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode ldm2e where ldm2e.fk_episode = NEW.fk_episode and ldm2e.fk_doc_med = NEW.pk;
	if FOUND then
		-- delete from link table
		delete from blobs.lnk_doc_med2episode where fk_episode = NEW.fk_episode and fk_doc_med = NEW.pk;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: blobs.trf_verify_page_number( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	msg text;
	if NEW.seq_idx is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	perform 1 from blobs.doc_obj where pk <> NEW.pk and fk_doc = NEW.fk_doc and seq_idx = NEW.seq_idx;
	if FOUND then
		msg := '[blobs.trf_verify_page_number]: uniqueness violation: seq_idx [' || NEW.seq_idx || '] already exists for fk_doc [' || NEW.fk_doc || ']';
		raise exception '%', msg;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Schema cfg

This schema holds all the configuration data.

Table: cfg.cfg_data

stores opaque configuration data, either text or binary, note that it will be difficult to share such options among different types of clients

cfg.cfg_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
cfg.cfg_item.pk fk_item integer NOT NULL
value bytea NOT NULL

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.cfg_item

this table holds all "instances" of cfg.cfg_template

cfg.cfg_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
cfg.cfg_template.pk fk_template integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

this points to the class of this option, think of this as a base object, this also defines the data type
owner name UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

the database level user this option belongs to; this is the "role" of the user from the perspective of the database; can be "default" at the application level to indicate that it does not care
workplace text UNIQUE#1

- the logical workplace this option pertains to - can be a hostname but should be a logical rather than a physical identifier as machines get moved, workplaces do not, kind of like a "role" for the machine - associate this with a physical workplace through a local config file or environment variable
cookie text UNIQUE#1

an arbitrary, opaque entity the client code can use to associate this config item with even finer grained context; could be the pertinent patient ID for patient specific options

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.cfg_numeric

cfg.cfg_numeric Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
cfg.cfg_item.pk fk_item integer NOT NULL
value numeric NOT NULL

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.cfg_str_array

cfg.cfg_str_array Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
cfg.cfg_item.pk fk_item integer NOT NULL
value text[] NOT NULL

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.cfg_string

cfg.cfg_string Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
cfg.cfg_item.pk fk_item integer NOT NULL
value text NOT NULL

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.cfg_template

meta definition of config items

cfg.cfg_template Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'must set this !'::text

the name of the option; this MUST be set to something meaningful
cfg.cfg_type_enum.name type text NOT NULL

type of the value
cfg_group text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text

just for logical grouping of options according to task sets to facilitate better config management
description text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'programmer is an avid Camel Book Reader'::text

arbitrary description (user visible)

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.cfg_type_enum

enumeration of config option data types

cfg.cfg_type_enum Structure
F-Key Name Type Description

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.config

maps a service name to a database location for a particular user, includes user credentials for that database

cfg.config Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
profile character(25) DEFAULT 'default'::bpchar

allows multiple profiles per user/ pseudo user, one user may have different configuration profiles depending on role, need and location
username character(25) DEFAULT "current_user"()

user name as used within the GNUmed system
ddb integer

which GNUmed service are we mapping to a database here
db integer

how to reach the database host for this service
crypt_pwd text

password for user and database, encrypted
crypt_algo text

encryption algorithm used for password encryption
pwd_hash text

hash of the unencrypted password
hash_algo text

algorithm used for password hashing

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.db_logon_banner

Stores a banner to show when clients log on.

cfg.db_logon_banner Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
message text

The actual message to show.
singularizer boolean UNIQUE DEFAULT true

Makes sure there only ever is one such banner at any given time.


cfg.db_logon_banner Constraints
Name Constraint
db_logon_banner_message_check CHECK ((btrim(message) <> ''::text))
db_logon_banner_singularizer_check CHECK ((singularizer IS TRUE))

Index - Schema cfg

Table: cfg.report_query

This table stores SQL commands to be used in frontend report style queries.

cfg.report_query Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
label text UNIQUE NOT NULL
cmd text NOT NULL

Table cfg.report_query Inherits audit_fields,


cfg.report_query Constraints
Name Constraint
report_query_cmd_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(cmd, 'NULL'::text)) <> ''::text))
report_query_label_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(label, 'NULL'::text)) <> ''::text))

Index - Schema cfg

View: cfg.v_cfg_options

cfg.v_cfg_options Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
option text
description text
owner name
workplace text
cookie text
type text
group text
pk_cfg_template integer
pk_cfg_item integer
SELECT cfg_t.name AS "option"
, cfg_t.description
, cfg_i."owner"
, cfg_i.workplace
, cfg_i.cookie
, cfg_t."type"
, cfg_t.cfg_group AS "group"
, cfg_t.pk AS pk_cfg_template
, cfg_i.pk AS pk_cfg_item 
FROM cfg.cfg_template cfg_t
, cfg.cfg_item cfg_i 
WHERE (cfg_i.fk_template = cfg_t.pk);

Index - Schema cfg

View: cfg.v_cfg_opts_data

cfg.v_cfg_opts_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
option text
value bytea
description text
owner name
workplace text
cookie text
group text
pk_cfg_template integer
pk_cfg_item integer
SELECT cfg_t.name AS "option"
, cfg_v.value
, cfg_t.description
, cfg_i."owner"
, cfg_i.workplace
, cfg_i.cookie
, cfg_t.cfg_group AS "group"
, cfg_t.pk AS pk_cfg_template
, cfg_i.pk AS pk_cfg_item 
FROM cfg.cfg_template cfg_t
, cfg.cfg_item cfg_i
, cfg.cfg_data cfg_v 
     (cfg_i.fk_template = cfg_t.pk)
   AND (cfg_v.fk_item = cfg_i.pk)

Index - Schema cfg

View: cfg.v_cfg_opts_numeric

cfg.v_cfg_opts_numeric Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
option text
value numeric
description text
owner name
workplace text
cookie text
group text
pk_cfg_template integer
pk_cfg_item integer
SELECT cfg_t.name AS "option"
, cfg_v.value
, cfg_t.description
, cfg_i."owner"
, cfg_i.workplace
, cfg_i.cookie
, cfg_t.cfg_group AS "group"
, cfg_t.pk AS pk_cfg_template
, cfg_i.pk AS pk_cfg_item 
FROM cfg.cfg_template cfg_t
, cfg.cfg_item cfg_i
, cfg.cfg_numeric cfg_v 
     (cfg_i.fk_template = cfg_t.pk)
   AND (cfg_v.fk_item = cfg_i.pk)

Index - Schema cfg

View: cfg.v_cfg_opts_str_array

cfg.v_cfg_opts_str_array Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
option text
value text[]
description text
owner name
workplace text
cookie text
group text
pk_cfg_template integer
pk_cfg_item integer
SELECT cfg_t.name AS "option"
, cfg_v.value
, cfg_t.description
, cfg_i."owner"
, cfg_i.workplace
, cfg_i.cookie
, cfg_t.cfg_group AS "group"
, cfg_t.pk AS pk_cfg_template
, cfg_i.pk AS pk_cfg_item 
FROM cfg.cfg_template cfg_t
, cfg.cfg_item cfg_i
, cfg.cfg_str_array cfg_v 
     (cfg_i.fk_template = cfg_t.pk)
   AND (cfg_v.fk_item = cfg_i.pk)

Index - Schema cfg

View: cfg.v_cfg_opts_string

cfg.v_cfg_opts_string Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
option text
value text
description text
owner name
workplace text
cookie text
group text
pk_cfg_template integer
pk_cfg_item integer
SELECT cfg_t.name AS "option"
, cfg_v.value
, cfg_t.description
, cfg_i."owner"
, cfg_i.workplace
, cfg_i.cookie
, cfg_t.cfg_group AS "group"
, cfg_t.pk AS pk_cfg_template
, cfg_i.pk AS pk_cfg_item 
FROM cfg.cfg_template cfg_t
, cfg.cfg_item cfg_i
, cfg.cfg_string cfg_v 
     (cfg_i.fk_template = cfg_t.pk)
   AND (cfg_v.fk_item = cfg_i.pk)

Index - Schema cfg

Function: cfg.create_cfg_item( text, text, text, text, text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_option alias for $1;
	_val_type alias for $2;
	_workplace alias for $3;
	_cookie alias for $4;
	_owner alias for $5;
	real_owner text;
	pk_template integer;
	pk_item integer;
	-- check template
	select into pk_template pk from cfg.cfg_template where name = _option and type = _val_type;
	if not FOUND then
		insert into cfg.cfg_template (name, type) values (_option, _val_type);
		select into pk_template currval('cfg.cfg_template_pk_seq');
	end if;
	if _owner is null then
		select into real_owner CURRENT_USER;
		real_owner := _owner;
	end if;
	-- check item
	if _cookie is NULL then
		select into pk_item pk from cfg.cfg_item where
			fk_template = pk_template and
			owner = real_owner and
			workplace = _workplace and
			cookie is null;
		select into pk_item pk from cfg.cfg_item where
			fk_template = pk_template and
			owner = real_owner and
			workplace = _workplace and
			cookie = _cookie;
	end if;
	if FOUND then
		return pk_item;
	end if;
	insert into cfg.cfg_item (
		fk_template, workplace, cookie, owner
	) values (
	select into pk_item currval('cfg.cfg_item_pk_seq');
	return pk_item;

Function: cfg.set_option( text, anyelement, text, text, text )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

set option, owner = NULL means CURRENT_USER

	_option alias for $1;
	_value alias for $2;
	_workplace alias for $3;
	_cookie alias for $4;
	_owner alias for $5;
	val_type text;
	pk_item integer;
	rows integer;
	cmd text;
	-- determine data type
	if _value is of (text, char, varchar, name) then
		val_type := 'string';
	elsif _value is of (smallint, integer, bigint, numeric, boolean) then
		val_type := 'numeric';
	elsif _value is of (bytea) then
		val_type := 'data';
	elsif _value is of (text[]) then
		val_type := 'str_array';
		raise exception 'cfg.set_option(text, any, text, text, text): invalid type of value';
	end if;
	-- create template/item if need be
	select into pk_item cfg.create_cfg_item(_option, val_type, _workplace, _cookie, _owner);
	-- set item value
	cmd := 'select 1 from cfg.cfg_' || val_type || ' where fk_item=' || pk_item || ';';
	execute cmd;
	get diagnostics rows = row_count;
	found := rows <> 0;
	if FOUND then
		if val_type = 'str_array' then
			cmd := 'update cfg.cfg_str_array set value=''{"' || array_to_string(_value, '","') || '"}'' where fk_item=' || pk_item || ';';
		elsif val_type = 'data' then
			cmd := 'update cfg.cfg_data set value=''' || encode(_value, 'escape') || ''' where fk_item=' || pk_item || ';';
			cmd := 'update cfg.cfg_' || val_type || ' set value=' || quote_literal(_value) || ' where fk_item=' || pk_item || ';';
		end if;
		execute cmd;
		return True;
	end if;
	if val_type = 'str_array' then
		cmd := 'insert into cfg.cfg_str_array(fk_item, value) values (' || pk_item || ', ''{"' || array_to_string(_value, '","') || '"}'');';
	elsif val_type = 'data' then
		cmd := 'insert into cfg.cfg_data(fk_item, value) values (' || pk_item || ', ''' || encode(_value, 'escape') || ''');';
		cmd := 'insert into cfg.cfg_' || val_type || ' (fk_item, value) values (' || pk_item || ', ' || quote_literal(_value) || ');';
	end if;
	execute cmd;
	return True;

Schema clin

Table: clin._enum_allergy_type

clin._enum_allergy_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
value text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.allergy

patient allergy details

clin.allergy Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

used as field "reaction"
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'o'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
substance text NOT NULL

real-world name of substance the patient reacted to, brand name if drug
substance_code text

data source specific opaque product code; must provide a link to a unique product/substance in the database in use; should follow the parseable convention of "<source>::<source version>::<identifier>", e.g. "MIMS::2003-1::190" for Zantac; it is left as an exercise to the application to know what to do with this information
generics text

names of generic compounds if drug; brand names change/disappear, generic names do not
allergene text

name of allergenic ingredient in substance if known
atc_code text

ATC code of allergene or substance if approprate, applicable for penicilline, not so for cat fur
clin._enum_allergy_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

generic_specific boolean DEFAULT false

only meaningful for *drug*/*generic* reactions: 1) true: applies to one in "generics" forming "substance", if more than one generic listed in "generics" then "allergene" *must* contain the generic in question; 2) false: applies to drug class of "substance";
definite boolean DEFAULT false

true: definite, false: not definite

Table clin.allergy Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.allergy Constraints
Name Constraint
allergy_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
idx_allg_encounter fk_encounter idx_allg_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.allergy_state

clin.allergy_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
has_allergy integer

patient allergenic state: - null: unknown, not asked, no data available - -1: unknown, asked, no data obtained - 0: known, asked, has no known allergies - 1: known, asked, does have allergies

Table clin.allergy_state Inherits audit_fields,


clin.allergy_state Constraints
Name Constraint
allergy_state_has_allergy_check CHECK (((((has_allergy = NULL::integer) OR (has_allergy = -1)) OR (has_allergy = 0)) OR (has_allergy = 1)))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_aux_note

Other tables link to this if they need more free text fields.

clin.clin_aux_note Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table clin.clin_aux_note Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.clin_aux_note Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_aux_note_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
idx_clanote_encounter fk_encounter idx_clanote_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_diag

stores additional detail on those clin.clin_narrative rows where soap_cat=a that are true diagnoses, true diagnoses DO have a code from one of the coding systems

clin.clin_diag Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.clin_narrative.pk fk_narrative integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
laterality character(1)
is_chronic boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

whether this diagnosis is chronic, eg. no complete cure is to be expected, regardless of whether it is *active* right now (think of active/non-active phases of Multiple Sclerosis which is sure chronic)
is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether diagnosis is currently active or dormant
is_definite boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this diagnosis is considered clinically relevant, eg. significant; currently active diagnoses are considered to always be relevant, while inactive ones may or may not be

Table clin.clin_diag Inherits audit_fields,


clin.clin_diag Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_diag_laterality_check CHECK ((((((laterality = 'l'::bpchar) OR (laterality = 'r'::bpchar)) OR (laterality = 'b'::bpchar)) OR (laterality = '?'::bpchar)) OR (laterality IS NULL)))
if_active_then_relevant CHECK (((is_active = false) OR ((is_active = true) AND (clinically_relevant = true))))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_hx_family

stores family history for a given patient

clin.clin_hx_family Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when the family history item became known
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

encounter during which family history item became known
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL

episode to which family history item is of importance
narrative text

how is the afflicted person related to the patient
soap_cat text

as usual, must be NULL if fk_narrative_condition is not but this is not enforced and only done in the view
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.hx_family_item.pk fk_hx_family_item integer NOT NULL

Table clin.clin_hx_family Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.clin_hx_family Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_hx_family_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
narrative_neither_null_nor_empty CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(narrative, ''::text)) <> ''::text))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_item_type

stores arbitrary types for tagging clinical items

clin.clin_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
type text UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 'history'::text

the full name of the item type such as "family history"
code text UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Hx'::text

shorthand for the type, eg "FHx"

Table clin.clin_item_type Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_medication

Representing what the patient is taking *now*, eg. a medication status (similar to vaccination status). Not a log of prescriptions. If drug was prescribed by brandname it may span several (unnamed or listed) generics. If generic substances were prescribed there would be one row per substance in this table. - forms engine will record each script and its fields - audit mechanism will record all changes to this table Note the multiple redundancy of the stored drug data. Applications should try in this order: - internal database code - brandname - ATC code - generic name(s) (in constituents)

clin.clin_medication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

used as "started" column - when did patient start to take this medication - in many cases date of first prescription - but not always - for newly prescribed drugs identical to last_prescribed
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

used as "prescribed_for" column - use to specify intent beyond treating issue at hand
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
last_prescribed date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date

date last script written for this medication
clin.form_instances.pk fk_last_script integer

link to the most recent script by which this drug was prescribed
discontinued date

date at which medication was *discontinued*, note that the date when a script *expires* should be calculatable
brandname text

the brand name of this drug under which it is marketed by the manufacturer
generic text

the generic name of the active substance
adjuvant text

free text describing adjuvants, such as "orange-flavoured" etc.
dosage_form text NOT NULL

the form the drug is delivered in, eg liquid, cream, table, etc.
ufk_drug text NOT NULL

the identifier for this drug in the source database, may or may not be an opaque value as regards GnuMed
drug_db text NOT NULL

the drug database used to populate this entry
atc_code text NOT NULL

the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical code for this drug, used to compute possible substitutes
is_cr boolean NOT NULL

Controlled Release. Some drugs are marketed under the same name although one is slow release while the other is normal release.
dosage numeric[] NOT NULL

an array of doses describing how the drug is taken over the dosing cycle, for example: - 2 mane 2.5 nocte would be [2, 2.5], period="24 hours" - 2 one and 2.5 the next would be [2, 2.5], period="2 days" - once a week would be [1] with period="1 week"
period interval NOT NULL

the length of the dosing cycle, in hours
dosage_unit text NOT NULL

the unit the dosages are measured in, "each" for discrete objects like tablets
directions text

free text for patient/pharmacist directions, such as "with food" etc
is_prn boolean DEFAULT false

true if "pro re nata" (= as required)

Table clin.clin_medication Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.clin_medication Constraints
Name Constraint
brand_or_generic_required CHECK (((brandname IS NOT NULL) OR (generic IS NOT NULL)))
clin_medication_dosage_unit_check CHECK ((((dosage_unit = 'g'::text) OR (dosage_unit = 'each'::text)) OR (dosage_unit = 'ml'::text)))
clin_medication_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
discontinued_after_prescribed CHECK ((discontinued >= last_prescribed))
medication_is_plan CHECK ((soap_cat = 'p'::text))
prescribed_after_started CHECK ((last_prescribed >= (clin_when)::date))
idx_clin_medication discontinued) WHERE (discontinued IS NOT NULL idx_cmeds_encounter fk_encounter idx_cmeds_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_narrative

Used to store clinical free text *not* associated with any other table. Used to implement a simple SOAP structure. Also other tags can be associated via link tables.

clin.clin_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when did the item reach clinical reality
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table clin.clin_narrative Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.clin_narrative Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_narrative_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
narrative_neither_null_nor_empty CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(narrative, ''::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clnarr_encounter fk_encounter idx_clnarr_episode fk_episode idx_narr_soap soap_cat) WHERE ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text) idx_narrative_modified_by modified_by

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.clin_root_item

ancestor table for clinical items of any kind, basic unit of clinical information, do *not* store data in here directly, use child tables, contains all the clinical narrative aggregated for full text search, ancestor for all tables that want to store clinical free text

clin.clin_root_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item serial PRIMARY KEY

the primary key, not named "id" or "pk" as usual since child tables will have "id"/"pk"-named primary keys already and we would get duplicate columns while inheriting from this table
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when this clinical item became known, can be different from when it was entered into the system (= audit.audit_fields.modified_when)
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

the encounter this item belongs to
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL

the episode this item belongs to
narrative text

each clinical item by default inherits a free text field for clinical narrative
soap_cat text

each clinical item must be either one of the S, O, A, P categories or NULL to indicate a non-clinical item

Table clin.clin_root_item Inherits audit_fields,


clin.clin_root_item Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
idx_cri_encounter fk_encounter idx_cri_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.coded_narrative

associates codes with text snippets which may be in use in clinical tables

clin.coded_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
term text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the text snippet that is to be coded
code text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the code in the coding system
xfk_coding_system text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the coding system used to code the text snippet

Table clin.coded_narrative Inherits audit_fields,


clin.coded_narrative Constraints
Name Constraint
coded_narrative_code_check CHECK ((btrim(code) <> ''::text))
coded_narrative_code_check1 CHECK ((btrim(code) <> ''::text))
coded_narrative_term_check CHECK ((btrim(term) <> ''::text))
idx_coded_terms md5(term)

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.encounter

a clinical encounter between a person and the health care system

clin.encounter Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer NOT NULL

PK of subject of care, should be PUPIC, actually
clin.encounter_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1

PK of type of this encounter
fk_location integer

PK of location *of care*, e.g. where the provider is at
source_time_zone interval

time zone of location, used to approximate source time zone for all timestamps in this encounter
reason_for_encounter text

the RFE for the encounter as related by either the patient or the provider (say, in a chart review)
assessment_of_encounter text

the Assessment of Encounter (eg consultation summary) as determined by the provider, may simply be a concatenation of soAp narrative, this assessment should go across all problems
started timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

Table clin.encounter Inherits audit_fields,


clin.encounter Constraints
Name Constraint
encounter_assessment_of_encounter_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(assessment_of_encounter, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))
encounter_reason_for_encounter_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(reason_for_encounter, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_encounter_affirmed last_affirmed idx_encounter_modified_by modified_by idx_encounter_started started idx_pat_per_encounter fk_patient

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.encounter_type

these are the types of encounter

clin.encounter_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.episode

Clinical episodes such as "Otitis media", "traffic accident 7/99", "Hepatitis B". This covers a range of time in which activity of illness was noted for the problem episode.description.

clin.episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.health_issue.pk fk_health_issue integer

health issue this episode belongs to
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer NOT NULL

patient this episode belongs to, may only be set if fk_health_issue is Null thereby removing redundancy
description text NOT NULL

description/name of this episode
is_open boolean DEFAULT true

whether the episode is open (eg. there is activity for it), means open in a temporal sense as in "not closed yet"; only one episode can be open per health issue

Table clin.episode Inherits audit_fields,


clin.episode Constraints
Name Constraint
episode_description_check CHECK ((btrim(description) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_episode_issue fk_health_issue idx_episode_modified_by modified_by idx_episode_with_issue fk_health_issue) WHERE (fk_health_issue IS NOT NULL idx_episode_without_issue fk_health_issue) WHERE (fk_health_issue IS NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.form_data

holds the values used in form instances, for later re-use/validation

clin.form_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.form_instances.pk fk_instance integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the form instance this value was used in
public.form_fields.pk fk_form_field integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

points to the definition of the field in the form which in turn defines the place holder in the template to replace with <value>
value text NOT NULL

the value to replace the place holder with

Table clin.form_data Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.form_instances

instances of forms, like a log of all processed forms

clin.form_instances Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

can be used as a status field, eg. "printed", "faxed" etc.
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
ref.paperwork_templates.pk fk_form_def integer NOT NULL

points to the definition of this instance, this FK will fail once we start separating services, make it into a x_db_fk then
form_name text NOT NULL

a string uniquely identifying the form template, necessary for the audit trail

Table clin.form_instances Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.form_instances Constraints
Name Constraint
form_instances_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
form_is_plan CHECK ((soap_cat = 'p'::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_formi_encounter fk_encounter idx_formi_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.health_issue

This is pretty much what others would call "Past Medical History" or "Foundational illness", eg. longer-ranging, underlying, encompassing issues with one's health such as "immunodeficiency", "type 2 diabetes". In Belgium it is called "problem". L.L.Weed includes lots of little things into it, we do not.

clin.health_issue Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

id of patient this health issue relates to, should be reference but might be outside our own database
description text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

descriptive name of this health issue, may change over time as evidence increases
laterality character varying(2)

NULL: don't know s: sinister - left d: dexter - right sd: sinister and dexter - both sides na: not applicable
age_noted interval

at what age the patient acquired the condition
is_active boolean DEFAULT true

whether this health issue (problem) is active
clinically_relevant boolean DEFAULT true

whether this health issue (problem) has any clinical relevance
is_confidential boolean DEFAULT false
is_cause_of_death boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

Table clin.health_issue Inherits audit_fields,


clin.health_issue Constraints
Name Constraint
health_issue_laterality_check CHECK (((((((laterality)::text = NULL::text) OR ((laterality)::text = 's'::text)) OR ((laterality)::text = 'd'::text)) OR ((laterality)::text = 'sd'::text)) OR ((laterality)::text = 'na'::text)))
issue_name_not_empty CHECK ((btrim(description) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_health_issue_modified_by modified_by

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.hx_family_item

stores family history items independant of the patient, this is out-of-EMR so that several patients can link to it

clin.hx_family_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.clin_narrative.pk fk_narrative_condition integer

can point to a narrative item of a relative if in database
dem.identity.pk fk_relative integer UNIQUE#1

foreign key to relative if in database
name_relative text UNIQUE#2

name of the relative if not in database
dob_relative timestamp with time zone UNIQUE#2

DOB of relative if not in database
condition text UNIQUE#1 UNIQUE#2

narrative holding the condition the relative suffered from, must be NULL if fk_narrative_condition is not
age_noted text

at what age the relative acquired the condition
age_of_death interval

at what age the relative died
is_cause_of_death boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

whether relative died of this problem, Richard suggested to allow that several times per relative

Table clin.hx_family_item Inherits audit_fields,


clin.hx_family_item Constraints
Name Constraint
hx_family_item_condition_check CHECK ((COALESCE(btrim(condition), 'dummy'::text) <> ''::text))
hx_family_item_name_relative_check CHECK ((COALESCE(btrim(name_relative), 'dummy'::text) <> ''::text))
link_or_know_condition CHECK ((((fk_narrative_condition IS NOT NULL) AND (condition IS NULL)) OR ((fk_narrative_condition IS NULL) AND (condition IS NOT NULL))))
link_or_know_relative CHECK (((((((fk_narrative_condition IS NOT NULL) AND (fk_relative IS NULL)) AND (name_relative IS NULL)) AND (dob_relative IS NULL)) OR ((((fk_narrative_condition IS NULL) AND (fk_relative IS NOT NULL)) AND (name_relative IS NULL)) AND (dob_relative IS NULL))) OR (((fk_narrative_condition IS NULL) AND (fk_relative IS NULL)) AND (name_relative IS NOT NULL))))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.incoming_data_unmatchable

this table holds test results that could not be matched to any patient, it is intended to prevent overflow of incoming_data_unmatched with unmatchable data

clin.incoming_data_unmatchable Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient_candidates integer[]
request_id text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob date
postcode text
other_info text
type text
data bytea NOT NULL

Table clin.incoming_data_unmatchable Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.incoming_data_unmatched

this table holds incoming data (lab results, documents) that could not be matched to one single patient automatically, it is intended to facilitate manual matching, - use "modified_when" for import time

clin.incoming_data_unmatched Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient_candidates integer[]

a matching algorithm can be applied to produce a list of likely candidate patients, the question remains whether this should not be done at runtime
request_id text

request ID as found in <data>
firstnames text

first names as found in <data>
lastnames text

last names as found in <data>
dob date

date of birth as found in <data>
postcode text

postcode as found in <data>
other_info text

other identifying information as found in <data>
type text

the type of <data>, eg HL7, LDT, ..., useful for selecting an importer
data bytea NOT NULL

the raw data

Table clin.incoming_data_unmatched Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lab_request

test request metadata

clin.lab_request Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

the time the sample for this request was taken LDT: 8432:8433 HL7: OBR.quantity_timing
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

free text comment on request
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'p'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_org.pk fk_test_org integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
request_id text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

ID this request had when sent to the lab LDT: 8310 HL7: OBR.filler_order_number
dem.identity.pk fk_requestor integer

who requested the test - really needed ?
lab_request_id text

ID this request had internally at the lab LDT: 8311
lab_rxd_when timestamp with time zone

when did the lab receive the request+sample LDT: 8301 HL7: OBR.requested_date_time
results_reported_when timestamp with time zone

when was the report on the result generated, LDT: 8302 HL7: OBR.results_report_status_change
request_status text NOT NULL

pending, final, preliminary, partial LDT: 8401
is_pending boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

true if any (even partial) results are still pending

Table clin.lab_request Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.lab_request Constraints
Name Constraint
lab_request_request_id_check CHECK ((btrim(request_id) <> ''::text))
lab_request_request_status_check CHECK (((((request_status = 'pending'::text) OR (request_status = 'preliminary'::text)) OR (request_status = 'partial'::text)) OR (request_status = 'final'::text)))
lab_request_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_lreq_encounter fk_encounter idx_lreq_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_constraint2vacc_course

links constraints to courses

clin.lnk_constraint2vacc_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.vaccination_course.pk fk_vaccination_course integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
clin.vaccination_course_constraint.pk fk_constraint integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table clin.lnk_constraint2vacc_course Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_pat2vaccination_course

links patients to vaccination courses they are actually on, this allows for per-patient selection of courses to be followed, eg. children at different ages may be on different vaccination courses or some people are on a course due to a trip abroad while most others are not

clin.lnk_pat2vaccination_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
clin.vaccination_course.pk fk_course integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table clin.lnk_pat2vaccination_course Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_result2lab_req

clin.lnk_result2lab_req Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_result.pk fk_result integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
clin.lab_request.pk fk_request integer NOT NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_tst2norm

links test result evaluation norms to tests

clin.lnk_tst2norm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_type.pk id_test integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

which test does the linked norm apply to
id_norm integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the norm to apply to the linked test

Table clin.lnk_tst2norm Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_ttype2unified_type

clin.lnk_ttype2unified_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_type.pk fk_test_type integer NOT NULL
clin.test_type_unified.pk fk_test_type_unified integer NOT NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_type2item

allow to link many-to-many between clin.clin_root_item and clin.clin_item_type

clin.lnk_type2item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.clin_item_type.pk fk_type integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_item integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the item this type is linked to, since PostgreSQL apparently cannot reference a value inserted from a child table (?) we must simulate referential integrity checks with a custom trigger, this, however, does not deal with update/delete cascading :-(

Table clin.lnk_type2item Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_vaccination_course2schedule

this table links vaccination courses for a single epitope into schedules defined and recommended by a vaccination council or similar entity

clin.lnk_vaccination_course2schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.vaccination_course.pk fk_course integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
clin.vaccination_schedule.pk fk_schedule integer NOT NULL

Table clin.lnk_vaccination_course2schedule Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.lnk_vaccine2inds

links vaccines to their indications

clin.lnk_vaccine2inds Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.vaccine.pk fk_vaccine integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
clin.vacc_indication.id fk_indication integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table clin.lnk_vaccine2inds Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.operation

data about operations a patient had, links to clin.health_issue, use clin.health_issue.age_noted for date of operation

clin.operation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.health_issue.pk fk_health_issue integer NOT NULL

which clin.health_issue this row refers to
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

during which encounter we learned of this
clin_where text

where did this operation take place
comment text

Table clin.operation Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.review_root

this table tracks whether a particular clinical item was reviewed by a clinician or not

clin.review_root Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_reviewed_row integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the row the review status is for: to be qualified as a proper foreign key in child tables
dem.staff.pk fk_reviewer integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

who has reviewed the item
is_technically_abnormal boolean NOT NULL

whether test provider flagged this result as abnormal, *not* a clinical assessment but rather a technical one LDT: exist(8422)
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL

whether this result is considered relevant clinically, need not correspond to the value of "techically_abnormal" since abnormal values may be irrelevant while normal ones can be of significance
comment text

Table clin.review_root Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.reviewed_test_results

review table for test results

clin.reviewed_test_results Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('clin.review_root_pk_seq'::regclass)
clin.test_result.pk fk_reviewed_row integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_reviewer integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
is_technically_abnormal boolean NOT NULL
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL
comment text

Table clin.reviewed_test_results Inherits review_root,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.soap_cat_ranks

clin.soap_cat_ranks Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
rank integer NOT NULL
soap_cat character(1)


clin.soap_cat_ranks Constraints
Name Constraint
soap_cat_ranks_rank_check CHECK ((((((rank = 1) OR (rank = 2)) OR (rank = 3)) OR (rank = 4)) OR (rank = 5)))
soap_cat_ranks_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower((soap_cat)::text) = 's'::text) OR (lower((soap_cat)::text) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower((soap_cat)::text) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower((soap_cat)::text) = 'p'::text))))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.test_org

organisation providing results

clin.test_org Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_org integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

link to organisation HL7: MSH.sending_facility/sending_application
dem.identity.pk fk_adm_contact integer

whom to call for admin questions (modem link, etc.)
dem.identity.pk fk_med_contact integer

whom to call for medical questions (result verification, additional test requests)
internal_name text UNIQUE

you can store here the name a test org identifies itself with when sending data HL7: MSH.sending_application/OBR.universal_service_id
comment text

useful for, say, dummy records where you want to mark up stuff like "pharmacy such-and-such" if you don't have it in your contacts

Table clin.test_org Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.test_result

the results of a single measurement

clin.test_result Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

the time when this result was *actually* obtained, if this is a lab result this should be between lab_request.clin_when and lab_request.results_reported_when, HL7: OBR.observation_date_time
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

clinical comment, progress note
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'o'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

the type of test this result is from
val_num numeric

numeric value if any, HL7: OBX.observation_results if OBX.value_type == NM
val_alpha text

alphanumeric value if any, HL7: OBX.observation_results if OBX.value_type == FT
val_unit text

the unit this result came in HL7: OBX.units
val_normal_min numeric

lower bound of normal range if numerical as defined by provider for this result
val_normal_max numeric

upper bound of normal range if numerical as defined by provider for this result
val_normal_range text

range of normal values if alphanumerical as defined by provider for this result, eg. "less than 0.5 but detectable" HL7: OBX.reference_range
val_target_min numeric

lower bound of target range if numerical as defined by clinician caring this patient
val_target_max numeric

upper bound of target range if numerical as defined by clinician caring for this patient
val_target_range text

range of target values if alphanumerical as defined by clinician caring for this patient
abnormality_indicator text

how the test provider flagged this result as abnormal, *not* a clinical assessment but rather a technical one LDT: 8422
norm_ref_group text

what sample of the population does this normal range applay to, eg what type of patient was assumed when interpreting this result, LDT: 8407
note_provider text

any comment the test provider should like to make, such as "may be inaccurate due to haemolyzed sample" LDT: 8470
material text

the submitted material, eg. smear, serum, urine, etc., LDT: 8430
material_detail text

details re the material, eg. site taken from, etc. LDT: 8431
dem.identity.pk fk_intended_reviewer integer NOT NULL

who is *supposed* to review this item

Table clin.test_result Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.test_result Constraints
Name Constraint
numval_needs_unit CHECK ((((val_num IS NOT NULL) AND (btrim(COALESCE(val_unit, ''::text)) <> ''::text)) OR (val_num IS NULL)))
test_result_check CHECK ((((val_num IS NOT NULL) OR (val_alpha IS NOT NULL)) OR (((val_num IS NULL) AND (val_alpha <> ''::text)) AND (val_alpha IS NOT NULL))))
test_result_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_tres_encounter fk_encounter idx_tres_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.test_type

measurement type, like a "method" in a lab

clin.test_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_org.pk fk_test_org integer UNIQUE#1

organisation carrying out this type of measurement, eg. a particular lab
code text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

short name, acronym or code of this type of measurement, may conform to some official list or other such as LOINC, Australian Pathology request codes or German lab-specific ELVs, actually, this column should be checked against the coding system tables, too, the only problem being that we do not know which one ... as it depends on the *value* in "coding_system", HL7: OBX.observation_identifier
coding_system text UNIQUE#1

identifier of coding system that the code of this measurement type is taken from, should be verifiable against the "reference" service of GnuMed
name text

descriptive name of this measurement type, HL7: OBX.observation_identifier
comment text

arbitrary comment on this type of measurement/test such as "outdated" or "only reliable when ..."
conversion_unit text

the basic unit for this test type, preferably SI, used for comparing results delivered in differing units, this does not relate to what unit the test provider delivers results in but rather the unit we think those results need to be converted to in order to be comparable to OTHER results

Table clin.test_type Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.test_type_unified

this table merges test types from various test orgs which are intended to measure the same value but have differing names into one logical test type, this is not intended to be used for aggregating semantically different test types into "profiles"

clin.test_type_unified Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
code text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
coding_system text
comment text

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_codes4diag

a lookup view for all the codes associated with a diagnosis, a diagnosis can appear several times, namely once per associated code

clin.v_codes4diag Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
diagnosis text
code text
coding_system text
SELECT DISTINCT con.term AS diagnosis
, con.code
, con.xfk_coding_system AS coding_system 
FROM clin.coded_narrative con 
      SELECT 1 
        FROM clin.v_pat_diag vpd 
       WHERE (vpd.diagnosis = con.term)
ORDER BY con.term
, con.code
, con.xfk_coding_system;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_emr_journal

Clinical patient data formatted into one string per clinical entity even if it constains several user- visible fields. Mainly useful for display as a simple EMR journal.

clin.v_emr_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
                                    SELECT vpi.pk_patient
                                         , cn.modified_when
                                         , cn.clin_when
                                         , COALESCE
                                                SELECT staff.short_alias 
                                                  FROM dem.staff 
                                                 WHERE (staff.db_user = cn.modified_by)
                                               , (
                                                     ('<'::text || 
                                                     ) || '>'::text
                                         ) AS modified_by
                                         , cn.soap_cat
                                         , (cn.narrative || ' //'::text) AS narrative
                                         , cn.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                         , cn.fk_episode AS pk_episode
                                         , vpi.pk_health_issue
                                         , cn.pk AS src_pk
                                         ,'clin.clin_narrative'::text AS src_table 
                                      FROM clin.v_pat_items vpi
                                         , clin.clin_narrative cn 
                                     WHERE (vpi.pk_item = cn.pk_item)
                                 UNION ALLSELECT chi.fk_patient AS pk_patient
                                         , chi.modified_when
                                         , chi.modified_when AS clin_when
                                         , COALESCE
                                                SELECT staff.short_alias 
                                                  FROM dem.staff 
                                                 WHERE (staff.db_user = chi.modified_by)
                                               , (
                                                     ('<'::text || 
                                                     ) || '>'::text
                                         ) AS modified_by
                                         ,'a' AS soap_cat
                                         , (
                                                                                                                             ('health issue'::text) || ': '::text
                                                                                                                       ) || chi.description
                                                                                                                 ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                                ' ('::text || 
                                                                                                                                   ) || 
                                                                                                           ) || 
                                                                                                        ', '::text
                                                                                                     ) || _
                                                                                                     ('noted at age'::text)
                                                                                               ) || ': '::text
                                                                                         ) || COALESCE
                                                                                   ) || 
                                                                                ', '::text
                                                                             ) || CASE WHEN chi.is_active THEN _
                                                                             ('active'::text) ELSE _
                                                                             ('inactive'::text) END
                                                                       ) || 
                                                                    ', '::text
                                                                 ) || CASE WHEN chi.clinically_relevant THEN _
                                                                 ('clinically relevant'::text) ELSE _
                                                                 ('clinically not relevant'::text) END
                                                           ) || CASE WHEN chi.is_confidential THEN 
                                                              ', '::text || _
                                                           ) ELSE ''::text END
                                                     ) || CASE WHEN chi.is_cause_of_death THEN 
                                                        ', '::text || _
                                                           ('cause of death'::text)
                                                     ) ELSE ''::text END
                                               ) || ' //'::text
                                         ) AS narrative
                                         , -1 AS pk_encounter
                                         , -1 AS pk_episode
                                         , chi.pk AS pk_health_issue
                                         , chi.pk AS src_pk
                                         ,'clin.health_issue'::text AS src_table 
                                      FROM clin.health_issue chi
                           UNION ALLSELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
                                   , cenc.modified_when
                                   , cenc.started AS clin_when
                                   , COALESCE
                                          SELECT staff.short_alias 
                                            FROM dem.staff 
                                           WHERE (staff.db_user = cenc.modified_by)
                                         , (
                                               ('<'::text || 
                                               ) || '>'::text
                                   ) AS modified_by
                                   ,'s' AS soap_cat
                                   , (
                                                                                                                 ('encounter'::text) || ': '::text
                                                                                                           ) || 
                                                                                                            SELECT _
                                                                                                                 (encounter_type.description) AS _ 
                                                                                                              FROM clin.encounter_type 
                                                                                                             WHERE (encounter_type.pk = cenc.fk_type)
                                                                                                     ) || to_char
                                                                                                           ,' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'::text
                                                                                               ) || to_char
                                                                                                     ,' - HH24:MI'::text
                                                                                         ) || '; '::text
                                                                                   ) || _
                                                                             ) || ': '::text
                                                                       ) || COALESCE
                                                                 ) || '; '::text
                                                           ) || _
                                                     ) || ': '::text
                                               ) || COALESCE
                                         ) || ' //'::text
                                   ) AS narrative
                                   , cenc.pk AS pk_encounter
                                   , -1 AS pk_episode
                                   , -1 AS pk_health_issue
                                   , cenc.pk AS src_pk
                                   ,'clin.encounter'::text AS src_table 
                                FROM clin.encounter cenc
                     UNION ALLSELECT vpep.pk_patient
                             , vpep.episode_modified_when AS modified_when
                             , vpep.episode_modified_when AS clin_when
                             , COALESCE
                                    SELECT staff.short_alias 
                                      FROM dem.staff 
                                     WHERE (staff.db_user = vpep.episode_modified_by)
                                   , (
                                         ('<'::text || 
                                         ) || '>'::text
                             ) AS modified_by
                             ,'s' AS soap_cat
                             , (
                                               ('episode'::text) || ': '::text
                                         ) || vpep.description
                                   ) || ' //'::text
                             ) AS narrative
                             , -1 AS pk_encounter
                             , vpep.pk_episode
                             , -1 AS pk_health_issue
                             , vpep.pk_episode AS src_pk
                             ,'clin.episode'::text AS src_table 
                          FROM clin.v_pat_episodes vpep
               UNION ALLSELECT vhxf.pk_patient
                       , vhxf.modified_when
                       , vhxf.clin_when
                       , COALESCE
                              SELECT staff.short_alias 
                                FROM dem.staff 
                               WHERE (staff.db_user = vhxf.modified_by)
                             , (
                                   ('<'::text || 
                                   ) || '>'::text
                       ) AS modified_by
                       , vhxf.soap_cat
                       , (
                                                                             ('Family Hx'::text) || ': '::text
                                                                       ) || _
                                                                 ) || ' '::text
                                                           ) || vhxf.name_relative
                                                     ) || ' @ '::text
                                               ) || vhxf.age_noted
                                         ) || ': '::text
                                   ) || vhxf.condition
                             ) || ' //'::text
                       ) AS narrative
                       , vhxf.pk_encounter
                       , vhxf.pk_episode
                       , vhxf.pk_health_issue
                       , vhxf.pk_hx_family_item AS src_pk
                       ,'clin.hx_family_item'::text AS src_table 
                    FROM clin.v_hx_family vhxf
         UNION ALLSELECT vpa.pk_patient
                 , vpa.modified_when
                 , vpa.date AS clin_when
                 , COALESCE
                        SELECT staff.short_alias 
                          FROM dem.staff 
                         WHERE (staff.db_user = vpa.modified_by)
                       , (
                             ('<'::text || 
                             ) || '>'::text
                 ) AS modified_by
                 , vpa.soap_cat
                 , (
                                                                                                                                                           ('allergene'::text) || ': '::text
                                                                                                                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                                               ) || '; '::text
                                                                                                                                         ) || _
                                                                                                                                   ) || ': '::text
                                                                                                                             ) || vpa.substance
                                                                                                                       ) || '; '::text
                                                                                                                 ) || _
                                                                                                           ) || ': '::text
                                                                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                                                                               ) || '; '::text
                                                                                         ) || _
                                                                                         ('ATC code'::text)
                                                                                   ) || ': '::text
                                                                             ) || COALESCE
                                                                       ) || '; '::text
                                                                 ) || _
                                                           ) || ': '::text
                                                     ) || vpa.l10n_type
                                               ) || '; '::text
                                         ) || _
                                   ) || ': '::text
                             ) || COALESCE
                       ) || ' //'::text
                 ) AS narrative
                 , vpa.pk_encounter
                 , vpa.pk_episode
                 , vpa.pk_health_issue
                 , vpa.pk_allergy AS src_pk
                 ,'clin.allergy' AS src_table 
              FROM clin.v_pat_allergies vpa
   UNION ALLSELECT vlr.pk_patient
           , vlr.modified_when
           , vlr.sampled_when AS clin_when
           , COALESCE
                  SELECT staff.short_alias 
                    FROM dem.staff 
                   WHERE (staff.db_user = vlr.modified_by)
                 , (
                       ('<'::text || 
                       ) || '>'::text
           ) AS modified_by
           , vlr.soap_cat
           , (
                                                                                                                             ('lab'::text) || ': '::text
                                                                                                                       ) || vlr.lab_name
                                                                                                                 ) || '; '::text
                                                                                                           ) || _
                                                                                                           ('sample ID'::text)
                                                                                                     ) || ': '::text
                                                                                               ) || vlr.request_id
                                                                                         ) || '; '::text
                                                                                   ) || _
                                                                                   ('sample taken'::text)
                                                                             ) || ': '::text
                                                                       ) || 
                                                                 ) || '; '::text
                                                           ) || _
                                                     ) || ': '::text
                                               ) || vlr.l10n_request_status
                                         ) || '; '::text
                                   ) || _
                             ) || ': '::text
                       ) || COALESCE
                 ) || ' //'::text
           ) AS narrative
           , vlr.pk_encounter
           , vlr.pk_episode
           , vlr.pk_health_issue
           , vlr.pk_item AS src_pk
           ,'lab_request' AS src_table 
        FROM clin.v_lab_requests vlr
UNION ALLSELECT vtr.pk_patient
     , vtr.modified_when
     , vtr.clin_when
            SELECT staff.short_alias 
              FROM dem.staff 
             WHERE (staff.db_user = vtr.modified_by)
           , (
                 ('<'::text || 
                 ) || '>'::text
     ) AS modified_by
     , vtr.soap_cat
     , (
                                                                                                                 ('code'::text) || ': '::text
                                                                                                           ) || vtr.unified_code
                                                                                                     ) || '; '::text
                                                                                               ) || _
                                                                                         ) || ': '::text
                                                                                   ) || vtr.unified_name
                                                                             ) || '; '::text
                                                                       ) || _
                                                                 ) || ': '::text
                                                           ) || vtr.unified_val
                                                     ) || ' '::text
                                               ) || vtr.val_unit
                                         ) || 
                                      ' ('::text) || COALESCE
                                   ) || 
                         '); '::text
                       ) || _
                 ) || vtr."comment"
           ) || ' //'::text
     ) AS narrative
     , vtr.pk_encounter
     , vtr.pk_episode
     , vtr.pk_health_issue
     , vtr.pk_test_result AS src_pk
     ,'test_result' AS src_table 
  FROM clin.v_test_results vtr
UNION ALLSELECT vdm.pk_patient
, vdm.modified_when
, vdm.date AS clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = vdm.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
,'o' AS soap_cat
, (
                                                     ('document entry'::text) || ': '::text
                                               ) || vdm.l10n_type
                                         ) || ' "'::text
                                   ) || vdm.ext_ref
                             ) || 
                         '" ('::text) || to_char
                                   ,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'::text
                       ) || 
             '): '::text
           ) || COALESCE
     ) || ' //'::text
) AS narrative
, vdm.pk_encounter
, vdm.pk_episode
, vdm.pk_health_issue
, vdm.pk_doc AS src_pk
,'blobs.doc_med' AS src_table 
FROM blobs.v_doc_med vdm;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_hx_family

family history denormalized

clin.v_hx_family Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_health_issue integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
relationship text
soap_cat text
pk_clin_hx_family integer
pk_hx_family_item integer
pk_narrative_condition integer
pk_relative_identity integer
name_relative text
dob_relative timestamp with time zone
condition text
age_noted text
age_of_death interval
is_cause_of_death boolean
SELECT vpi.pk_patient
     , vpi.pk_health_issue
     , chxf.clin_when
     , chxf.modified_when
     , chxf.modified_by
     , chxf.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
     , chxf.fk_episode AS pk_episode
     , chxf.narrative AS relationship
     , chxf.soap_cat
     , chxf.pk AS pk_clin_hx_family
     , chxf.fk_hx_family_item AS pk_hx_family_item
     , NULL::integer AS pk_narrative_condition
     , NULL::integer AS pk_relative_identity
     , hxfi.name_relative
     , hxfi.dob_relative
     , hxfi.condition
     , hxfi.age_noted
     , hxfi.age_of_death
     , hxfi.is_cause_of_death 
  FROM clin.v_pat_items vpi
     , clin.clin_hx_family chxf
     , clin.hx_family_item hxfi 
                       (vpi.pk_item = chxf.pk_item)
                     AND (hxfi.pk = chxf.fk_hx_family_item)
               AND (hxfi.fk_narrative_condition IS NULL)
         AND (hxfi.fk_relative IS NULL)
 UNIONSELECT vpi.pk_patient
     , vpi.pk_health_issue
     , chxf.clin_when
     , chxf.modified_when
     , chxf.modified_by
     , chxf.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
     , chxf.fk_episode AS pk_episode
     , chxf.narrative AS relationship
     , chxf.soap_cat
     , chxf.pk AS pk_clin_hx_family
     , chxf.fk_hx_family_item AS pk_hx_family_item
     , NULL::integer AS pk_narrative_condition
     , hxfi.fk_relative AS pk_relative_identity
     , (
           (vbp.firstnames || ' '::text) || vbp.lastnames
     ) AS name_relative
     , vbp.dob AS dob_relative
     , hxfi.condition
     , hxfi.age_noted
     , hxfi.age_of_death
     , hxfi.is_cause_of_death 
  FROM clin.v_pat_items vpi
     , clin.clin_hx_family chxf
     , clin.hx_family_item hxfi
     , dem.v_basic_person vbp 
                       (vpi.pk_item = chxf.pk_item)
                     AND (hxfi.pk = chxf.fk_hx_family_item)
               AND (hxfi.fk_narrative_condition IS NULL)
         AND (hxfi.fk_relative = vbp.pk_identity)
UNIONSELECT vpn.pk_patient
, vpn.pk_health_issue
, chxf.clin_when
, chxf.modified_when
, chxf.modified_by
, chxf.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, chxf.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, chxf.narrative AS relationship
, chxf.soap_cat
, chxf.pk AS pk_clin_hx_family
, chxf.fk_hx_family_item AS pk_hx_family_item
, hxfi.fk_narrative_condition AS pk_narrative_condition
, vpn.pk_patient AS pk_relative_identity
, (
     (vbp.firstnames || ' '::text) || vbp.lastnames
) AS name_relative
, vbp.dob AS dob_relative
, vpn.narrative AS condition
, hxfi.age_noted
, hxfi.age_of_death
, hxfi.is_cause_of_death 
FROM clin.clin_hx_family chxf
, clin.hx_family_item hxfi
, dem.v_basic_person vbp
, clin.v_pat_narrative vpn 
                 (hxfi.pk = chxf.fk_hx_family_item)
               AND (hxfi.fk_narrative_condition = vpn.pk_narrative)
         AND (hxfi.fk_relative IS NULL)
   AND (vbp.pk_identity = vpn.pk_patient)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_indications4vaccine

lists indications for vaccines

clin.v_indications4vaccine Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
trade_name text
short_name text
indication text
l10n_indication text
is_live boolean
min_age interval
max_age interval
comment text
pk_vaccine integer
pk_route integer
pk_vacc_indication integer
SELECT v.trade_name
, v.short_name
, i.description AS indication
, _
(i.description) AS l10n_indication
, v.is_live
, v.min_age
, v.max_age
, v."comment"
, v.pk AS pk_vaccine
, v.id_route AS pk_route
, i.id AS pk_vacc_indication 
FROM clin.vaccine v
, clin.vacc_indication i
, clin.lnk_vaccine2inds lv2i 
     (v.pk = lv2i.fk_vaccine)
   AND (i.id = lv2i.fk_indication)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_lab_requests

denormalizes lab requests per test organization

clin.v_lab_requests Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_request integer
lab_name text
request_id text
lab_request_id text
sampled_when timestamp with time zone
lab_rxd_when timestamp with time zone
results_reported_when timestamp with time zone
request_status text
l10n_request_status text
is_pending boolean
progress_note text
pk_test_org integer
pk_requestor integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_item integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
soap_cat text
xmin_lab_request xid
SELECT vpi.pk_patient
, lr.pk AS pk_request
, torg.internal_name AS lab_name
, lr.request_id
, lr.lab_request_id
, lr.clin_when AS sampled_when
, lr.lab_rxd_when
, lr.results_reported_when
, lr.request_status
, _
(lr.request_status) AS l10n_request_status
, lr.is_pending
, lr.narrative AS progress_note
, lr.fk_test_org AS pk_test_org
, lr.fk_requestor AS pk_requestor
, lr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, lr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, vpi.pk_health_issue
, lr.pk_item
, lr.modified_when
, lr.modified_by
, lr.soap_cat
, lr.xmin AS xmin_lab_request 
FROM clin.lab_request lr
, clin.test_org torg
, clin.v_pat_items vpi 
     (lr.fk_test_org = torg.pk)
   AND (vpi.pk_item = lr.pk_item)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_most_recent_encounters

Lists the most recent encounters per patient. Logic of "most recent" is: for a patient: 1) select encounters with latest "last_affirmed", 2) from those select encounters with latest "started" 3) limit those to 1 if there are duplicates (same start and end of encounter!)

clin.v_most_recent_encounters Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_encounter integer
pk_patient integer
reason_for_encounter text
assessment_of_encounter text
type text
l10n_type text
started timestamp with time zone
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone
pk_type integer
pk_location integer
SELECT ce1.pk AS pk_encounter
, ce1.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, ce1.reason_for_encounter
, ce1.assessment_of_encounter
, et.description AS "type"
, _
(et.description) AS l10n_type
, ce1.started
, ce1.last_affirmed
, ce1.fk_type AS pk_type
, ce1.fk_location AS pk_location 
FROM clin.encounter ce1
, clin.encounter_type et 
     (ce1.fk_type = et.pk)
   AND (ce1.started = 
            SELECT max
                 (ce2.started) AS max 
              FROM clin.encounter ce2 
             WHERE (ce2.last_affirmed = 
                        SELECT max
                             (ce3.last_affirmed) AS max 
                          FROM clin.encounter ce3 
                         WHERE (ce3.fk_patient = ce1.fk_patient)
                 ) LIMIT 1

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_narrative4search

unformatted *complete* narrative for patients including health issue/episode/encounter descriptions, mainly for searching the narrative

clin.v_narrative4search Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table name
                                    SELECT vpi.pk_patient
                                         , vpi.soap_cat
                                         , vpi.narrative
                                         , vpi.pk_encounter
                                         , vpi.pk_episode
                                         , vpi.pk_health_issue
                                         , vpi.pk_item AS src_pk
                                         , vpi.src_table 
                                      FROM clin.v_pat_items vpi 
                                     WHERE (btrim
                                               ) <> ''::text
                                 UNION ALLSELECT chi.fk_patient AS pk_patient
                                         ,'a' AS soap_cat
                                         , chi.description AS narrative
                                         , NULL::"unknown" AS pk_encounter
                                         , NULL::"unknown" AS pk_episode
                                         , chi.pk AS pk_health_issue
                                         , chi.pk AS src_pk
                                         ,'clin.health_issue' AS src_table 
                                      FROM clin.health_issue chi 
                                     WHERE (btrim
                                               ) <> ''::text
                           UNION ALLSELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
                                   ,'s' AS soap_cat
                                   , (
                                               ) || '; '::text
                                         ) || COALESCE
                                   ) AS narrative
                                   , cenc.pk AS pk_encounter
                                   , NULL::"unknown" AS pk_episode
                                   , NULL::"unknown" AS pk_health_issue
                                   , cenc.pk AS src_pk
                                   ,'clin.encounter' AS src_table 
                                FROM clin.encounter cenc 
                               WHERE (
                                               ) <> ''::text
                                        OR (btrim
                                               ) <> ''::text
                     UNION ALLSELECT vpep.pk_patient
                             ,'s' AS soap_cat
                             , vpep.description AS narrative
                             , NULL::"unknown" AS pk_encounter
                             , vpep.pk_episode
                             , vpep.pk_health_issue
                             , vpep.pk_episode AS src_pk
                             ,'clin.episode' AS src_table 
                          FROM clin.v_pat_episodes vpep
               UNION ALLSELECT vhxf.pk_patient
                       , vhxf.soap_cat
                       , (
                                                           (vhxf.relationship) || 
                                                        ' ('::text) || vhxf.relationship
                                                     ) || 
                                            ') '::text
                                         ) || vhxf.name_relative
                                   ) || ': '::text
                             ) || vhxf.condition
                       ) AS narrative
                       , vhxf.pk_encounter
                       , vhxf.pk_episode
                       , vhxf.pk_health_issue
                       , vhxf.pk_hx_family_item AS src_pk
                       ,'clin.hx_family_item' AS src_table 
                    FROM clin.v_hx_family vhxf
         UNION ALLSELECT vdm.pk_patient
                 ,'o' AS soap_cat
                 , (
                                               (vdm."type" || ' '::text) || vdm.l10n_type
                                         ) || ' '::text
                                   ) || COALESCE
                             ) || ' '::text
                       ) || COALESCE
                 ) AS narrative
                 , vdm.pk_encounter
                 , vdm.pk_episode
                 , vdm.pk_health_issue
                 , vdm.pk_doc AS src_pk
                 ,'blobs.doc_med' AS src_table 
              FROM blobs.v_doc_med vdm
   UNION ALLSELECT vo4d.pk_patient
           ,'o' AS soap_cat
           , vo4d.obj_comment AS narrative
           , vo4d.pk_encounter
           , vo4d.pk_episode
           , vo4d.pk_health_issue
           , vo4d.pk_obj AS src_pk
           ,'blobs.doc_obj' AS src_table 
        FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4d 
       WHERE (btrim
                 ) <> ''::text
UNION ALLSELECT vdd.pk_patient
     ,'o' AS soap_cat
     , vdd.description AS narrative
     , vdd.pk_encounter
     , vdd.pk_episode
     , vdd.pk_health_issue
     , vdd.pk_doc_desc AS src_pk
     ,'blobs.doc_desc' AS src_table 
  FROM blobs.v_doc_desc vdd 
 WHERE (btrim
           ) <> ''::text
UNION ALLSELECT vrdo.pk_patient
,'s' AS soap_cat
, vrdo."comment" AS narrative
, NULL::"unknown" AS pk_encounter
, vrdo.pk_episode
, vrdo.pk_health_issue
, vrdo.pk_review_root AS src_pk
,'blobs.v_reviewed_doc_objects' AS src_table 
FROM blobs.v_reviewed_doc_objects vrdo 
WHERE (btrim
     ) <> ''::text

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_allergies

denormalizes clin.allergy

clin.v_pat_allergies Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_allergy integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
descriptor text
allergene text
substance text
substance_code text
generics text
generic_specific boolean
atc_code text
type text
l10n_type text
definite boolean
reaction text
pk_type integer
pk_item integer
date timestamp with time zone
pk_health_issue integer
pk_episode integer
pk_encounter integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
xmin_allergy xid
SELECT a.pk AS pk_allergy
, vpep.pk_patient
, a.soap_cat
     ) = ''::text
) THEN a.substance ELSE a.allergene END AS descriptor
, a.allergene
, a.substance
, a.substance_code
, a.generics
, a.generic_specific
, a.atc_code
,"at".value AS "type"
, _
("at".value) AS l10n_type
, a.definite
, a.narrative AS reaction
, a.fk_type AS pk_type
, a.pk_item
, a.clin_when AS date
, vpep.pk_health_issue
, a.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, a.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, a.modified_when
, a.modified_by
, a.xmin AS xmin_allergy 
FROM clin.allergy a
, clin._enum_allergy_type "at"
, clin.v_pat_episodes vpep 
     (vpep.pk_episode = a.fk_episode)
   AND ("at".pk = a.fk_type)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_diag

denormalizing view over diagnoses per patient

clin.v_pat_diag Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
diagnosed_when timestamp with time zone
diagnosis text
laterality character(1)
is_chronic boolean
is_active boolean
is_definite boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
pk_diag integer
pk_narrative integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
xmin_clin_diag xid
xmin_clin_narrative xid
SELECT vpi.pk_patient
, cn.clin_when AS diagnosed_when
, cn.narrative AS diagnosis
, cd.laterality
, cd.is_chronic
, cd.is_active
, cd.is_definite
, cd.clinically_relevant
, cd.pk AS pk_diag
, cd.fk_narrative AS pk_narrative
, cn.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cn.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cd.xmin AS xmin_clin_diag
, cn.xmin AS xmin_clin_narrative 
FROM clin.clin_diag cd
, clin.clin_narrative cn
, clin.v_pat_items vpi 
           (cn.soap_cat = 'a'::text)
         AND (cd.fk_narrative = cn.pk)
   AND (cn.pk_item = vpi.pk_item)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_encounters

clin.v_pat_encounters Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_encounter integer
pk_patient integer
started timestamp with time zone
type text
l10n_type text
reason_for_encounter text
assessment_of_encounter text
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone
pk_location integer
pk_type integer
xmin_encounter xid
SELECT cle.pk AS pk_encounter
, cle.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cle.started
, et.description AS "type"
, _
(et.description) AS l10n_type
, cle.reason_for_encounter
, cle.assessment_of_encounter
, cle.last_affirmed
, cle.fk_location AS pk_location
, cle.fk_type AS pk_type
, cle.xmin AS xmin_encounter 
FROM clin.encounter cle
, clin.encounter_type et 
WHERE (cle.fk_type = et.pk);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_episodes

clin.v_pat_episodes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
description text
episode_open boolean
health_issue text
issue_active boolean
issue_clinically_relevant boolean
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
episode_modified_when timestamp with time zone
episode_modified_by name
xmin_episode xid
SELECT cep.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cep.description
, cep.is_open AS episode_open
, NULL::"unknown" AS health_issue
, NULL::"unknown" AS issue_active
, NULL::"unknown" AS issue_clinically_relevant
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, NULL::"unknown" AS pk_health_issue
, cep.modified_when AS episode_modified_when
, cep.modified_by AS episode_modified_by
, cep.xmin AS xmin_episode 
FROM clin.episode cep 
WHERE (cep.fk_health_issue IS NULL)
UNION ALLSELECT chi.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cep.description
, cep.is_open AS episode_open
, chi.description AS health_issue
, chi.is_active AS issue_active
, chi.clinically_relevant AS issue_clinically_relevant
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, cep.modified_when AS episode_modified_when
, cep.modified_by AS episode_modified_by
, cep.xmin AS xmin_episode 
FROM clin.episode cep
, clin.health_issue chi 
WHERE (cep.fk_health_issue = chi.pk);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_item_types

clin.v_pat_item_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_item integer
pk_patient integer
code text
narrative text
type text
SELECT items.pk_item
, items.pk_patient
, items.code
, items.narrative
, items."type"
     (clin.v_pat_items vpi 
        JOIN clin.lnk_type2item lt2i 
          ON (
                 (vpi.pk_item = lt2i.fk_item)
     ) lnkd_items 
  JOIN clin.clin_item_type cit 
    ON (
           (lnkd_items.fk_type = cit.pk)
) items;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_items

clin.v_pat_items Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
clin_when timestamp with time zone
is_modified boolean
pk_patient integer
pk_item integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
soap_cat text
narrative text
src_table name
SELECT cri.modified_when
, cri.modified_by
, cri.clin_when
, CASE cri.row_version WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END AS is_modified
, vpep.pk_patient
, cri.pk_item
, cri.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cri.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, vpep.pk_health_issue
, cri.soap_cat
, cri.narrative
, pgc.relname AS src_table 
FROM clin.clin_root_item cri
, clin.v_pat_episodes vpep
, pg_class pgc 
     (vpep.pk_episode = cri.fk_episode)
   AND (cri.tableoid = pgc.oid)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_narrative

patient narrative aggregated from all clin_root_item child tables; the narrative is unprocessed and denormalized context using v_pat_items is added

clin.v_pat_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
date timestamp with time zone
provider text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_item integer
pk_narrative integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_episode integer
pk_encounter integer
xmin_clin_narrative xid
SELECT vpi.pk_patient
, cn.clin_when AS date
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = cn.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS provider
, cn.soap_cat
, cn.narrative
, cn.pk_item
, cn.pk AS pk_narrative
, vpi.pk_health_issue
, cn.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cn.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cn.xmin AS xmin_clin_narrative 
FROM clin.clin_narrative cn
, clin.v_pat_items vpi 
WHERE (cn.pk_item = vpi.pk_item);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_pat_narrative_soap

patient SOAP-only narrative; this view aggregates all clin.clin_narrative rows and adds denormalized context

clin.v_pat_narrative_soap Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
date timestamp with time zone
provider text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_item integer
pk_narrative integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_episode integer
pk_encounter integer
xmin_clin_narrative xid
SELECT vpep.pk_patient
, cn.clin_when AS date
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = cn.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS provider
, cn.soap_cat
, cn.narrative
, cn.pk_item
, cn.pk AS pk_narrative
, vpep.pk_health_issue
, cn.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cn.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cn.xmin AS xmin_clin_narrative 
FROM clin.clin_narrative cn
, clin.v_pat_episodes vpep 
WHERE (vpep.pk_episode = cn.fk_episode);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_problem_list

clin.v_problem_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
problem text
type text
l10n_type text
problem_active boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
SELECT vpep.pk_patient
, vpep.description AS problem
,'episode' AS "type"
, _
('episode'::text) AS l10n_type
, true AS problem_active
, true AS clinically_relevant
, vpep.pk_episode
, vpep.pk_health_issue 
FROM clin.v_pat_episodes vpep 
WHERE (vpep.episode_open IS TRUE)
UNIONSELECT chi.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, chi.description AS problem
,'issue' AS "type"
, _
('health issue'::text) AS l10n_type
, chi.is_active AS problem_active
, true AS clinically_relevant
, NULL::"unknown" AS pk_episode
, chi.pk AS pk_health_issue 
FROM clin.health_issue chi 
WHERE (chi.clinically_relevant IS TRUE);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_results4lab_req

shows denormalized lab results per request

clin.v_results4lab_req Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_result integer
req_when timestamp with time zone
lab_rxd_when timestamp with time zone
val_when timestamp with time zone
reported_when timestamp with time zone
unified_code text
unified_name text
lab_code text
lab_name text
unified_val text
val_num numeric
val_alpha text
val_unit text
conversion_unit text
soap_cat text
progress_note_result text
progress_note_request text
val_normal_range text
val_normal_min numeric
val_normal_max numeric
val_target_range text
val_target_min numeric
val_target_max numeric
abnormal text
note_provider text
request_status text
ref_group text
request_id text
lab_request_id text
material text
material_detail text
pk_test_type integer
pk_request integer
pk_test_org integer
pk_requestor integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
xmin_test_result xid
SELECT vtr.pk_patient
, vtr.pk_test_result AS pk_result
, lr.clin_when AS req_when
, lr.lab_rxd_when
, vtr.clin_when AS val_when
, lr.results_reported_when AS reported_when
, vtr.unified_code
, vtr.unified_name
, vtr.code_tt AS lab_code
, vtr.name_tt AS lab_name
, vtr.unified_val
, vtr.val_num
, vtr.val_alpha
, vtr.val_unit
, vtr.conversion_unit
, vtr.soap_cat
, vtr."comment" AS progress_note_result
) AS progress_note_request
, vtr.val_normal_range
, vtr.val_normal_min
, vtr.val_normal_max
, vtr.val_target_range
, vtr.val_target_min
, vtr.val_target_max
, vtr.abnormality_indicator AS abnormal
, vtr.note_provider
, lr.request_status
, vtr.norm_ref_group AS ref_group
, lr.request_id
, lr.lab_request_id
, vtr.material
, vtr.material_detail
, vtr.pk_test_type
, lr.pk AS pk_request
, lr.fk_test_org AS pk_test_org
, lr.fk_requestor AS pk_requestor
, vtr.pk_health_issue
, vtr.pk_encounter
, vtr.pk_episode
, vtr.xmin_test_result 
FROM clin.v_test_results vtr
, clin.lab_request lr
, clin.lnk_result2lab_req lr2lr 
     (lr2lr.fk_result = vtr.pk_test_result)
   AND (lr2lr.fk_request = lr.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_reviewed_items

clin.v_reviewed_items Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
src_schema oid
src_table name
pk_reviewed_row integer
is_technically_abnormal boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
reviewer text
comment text
pk_review_root integer
pk_reviewer integer
SELECT pg_class.relnamespace 
  FROM pg_class 
 WHERE (pg_class.oid = rr.tableoid)
) AS src_schema
, (
SELECT pg_class.relname 
  FROM pg_class 
 WHERE (pg_class.oid = rr.tableoid)
) AS src_table
, rr.fk_reviewed_row AS pk_reviewed_row
, rr.is_technically_abnormal
, rr.clinically_relevant
, (
SELECT v_staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.v_staff 
 WHERE (v_staff.pk_staff = rr.fk_reviewer)
) AS reviewer
, rr."comment"
, rr.pk AS pk_review_root
, rr.fk_reviewer AS pk_reviewer 
FROM clin.review_root rr;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_test_org_profile

the tests a given test org provides

clin.v_test_org_profile Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_test_org integer
internal_name text
pk_test_type integer
test_code text
coding_system_tt text
coding_system_unified text
unified_code text
test_name text
unified_name text
conversion_unit text
test_comment text
comment_unified text
org_comment text
pk_org integer
SELECT torg.pk AS pk_test_org
, torg.internal_name
, vttu.pk_test_type
, vttu.code_tt AS test_code
, vttu.coding_system_tt
, vttu.coding_system_unified
, vttu.unified_code
, vttu.name_tt AS test_name
, vttu.unified_name
, vttu.conversion_unit
, vttu.comment_tt AS test_comment
, vttu.comment_unified
, torg."comment" AS org_comment
, torg.fk_org AS pk_org 
FROM clin.test_org torg
, clin.v_unified_test_types vttu 
WHERE (vttu.pk_test_org = torg.pk);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_test_results

denormalized view over test_results joined with (possibly unified) test type and patient/episode/encounter keys

clin.v_test_results Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_test_result integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
unified_code text
unified_name text
unified_val text
unified_target_min numeric
unified_target_max numeric
unified_target_range text
soap_cat text
comment text
val_num numeric
val_alpha text
val_unit text
conversion_unit text
val_normal_min numeric
val_normal_max numeric
val_normal_range text
val_target_min numeric
val_target_max numeric
val_target_range text
abnormality_indicator text
norm_ref_group text
note_provider text
material text
material_detail text
code_tt text
name_tt text
coding_system_tt text
comment_tt text
code_unified text
name_unified text
coding_system_unified text
comment_unified text
pk_item integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_test_type integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
xmin_test_result xid
pk_test_org integer
pk_test_type_unified integer
pk_health_issue integer
SELECT vpe.pk_patient
, tr.pk AS pk_test_result
, tr.clin_when
, vttu.unified_code
, vttu.unified_name
     ) = ''::text
(tr.val_num)::text ELSE CASE WHEN 
(tr.val_num IS NULL) THEN tr.val_alpha ELSE 
                 (tr.val_num)::text || 
              ' ('::text) || tr.val_alpha
           ) || 
) END END AS unified_val
(tr.val_target_min IS NULL) THEN tr.val_normal_min ELSE tr.val_target_min END AS unified_target_min
(tr.val_target_max IS NULL) THEN tr.val_normal_max ELSE tr.val_target_max END AS unified_target_max
(tr.val_target_range IS NULL) THEN tr.val_normal_range ELSE tr.val_target_range END AS unified_target_range
, tr.soap_cat
) AS "comment"
, tr.val_num
, tr.val_alpha
, tr.val_unit
, vttu.conversion_unit
, tr.val_normal_min
, tr.val_normal_max
, tr.val_normal_range
, tr.val_target_min
, tr.val_target_max
, tr.val_target_range
, tr.abnormality_indicator
, tr.norm_ref_group
, tr.note_provider
, tr.material
, tr.material_detail
, vttu.code_tt
, vttu.name_tt
, vttu.coding_system_tt
, vttu.comment_tt
, vttu.code_unified
, vttu.name_unified
, vttu.coding_system_unified
, vttu.comment_unified
, tr.pk_item
, tr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, tr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, tr.fk_type AS pk_test_type
, tr.modified_when
, tr.modified_by
, tr.xmin AS xmin_test_result
, vttu.pk_test_org
, vttu.pk_test_type_unified
, vpe.pk_health_issue 
FROM clin.test_result tr
, clin.v_unified_test_types vttu
, clin.v_pat_episodes vpe 
     (vttu.pk_test_type = tr.fk_type)
   AND (tr.fk_episode = vpe.pk_episode)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_test_type_unified

denormalized view of test_type_unified and link table to test_type

clin.v_test_type_unified Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_test_type_unified integer
pk_test_type integer
code_unified text
name_unified text
coding_system_unified text
comment_unified text
pk_lnk_ttype2unified_type integer
SELECT ttu.pk AS pk_test_type_unified
, ltt2ut.fk_test_type AS pk_test_type
, ttu.code AS code_unified
, ttu.name AS name_unified
, ttu.coding_system AS coding_system_unified
, ttu."comment" AS comment_unified
, ltt2ut.pk AS pk_lnk_ttype2unified_type 
FROM clin.test_type_unified ttu
, clin.lnk_ttype2unified_type ltt2ut 
WHERE (ltt2ut.fk_test_type_unified = ttu.pk);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_types4item

clin.v_types4item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
code text
narrative text
type text
soap_cat text
src_table name
ON (items.narrative
     , items.code
     , items."type"
     , items.src_table
) items.code
, items.narrative
, items."type"
, items.soap_cat
, items.src_table 
     (clin.v_pat_items vpi 
        JOIN clin.lnk_type2item lt2i 
          ON (
                 (vpi.pk_item = lt2i.fk_item)
     ) lnkd_items 
  JOIN clin.clin_item_type cit 
    ON (
           (lnkd_items.fk_type = cit.pk)
) items 
ORDER BY items.narrative
, items.code
, items."type"
, items.src_table;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_unified_test_types

provides a view of test types aggregated under their corresponding unified name if any, if not linked to a unified test type name the original name is used

clin.v_unified_test_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_test_type integer
unified_code text
unified_name text
code_tt text
name_tt text
coding_system_tt text
comment_tt text
conversion_unit text
code_unified text
name_unified text
coding_system_unified text
comment_unified text
pk_test_org integer
pk_test_type_unified integer
pk_lnk_ttype2unified_type integer
SELECT ttu0.pk AS pk_test_type
     , ttu0.code
) AS unified_code
     , ttu0.name
) AS unified_name
, ttu0.code AS code_tt
, ttu0.name AS name_tt
, ttu0.coding_system AS coding_system_tt
, ttu0."comment" AS comment_tt
, ttu0.conversion_unit
, ttu0.code_unified
, ttu0.name_unified
, ttu0.coding_system_unified
, ttu0.comment_unified
, ttu0.fk_test_org AS pk_test_org
, ttu0.pk_test_type_unified
, ttu0.pk_lnk_ttype2unified_type 
FROM (clin.test_type tt1 
LEFT JOIN clin.v_test_type_unified vttu1 
    ON (
           (tt1.pk = vttu1.pk_test_type)
) ttu0;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_vacc_courses4pat

lists the vaccination courses a patient is actually on

clin.v_vacc_courses4pat Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
indication text
l10n_indication text
comment text
is_active boolean
pk_course integer
pk_indication integer
pk_recommended_by integer
SELECT lp2vc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, vvr.indication
, vvr.l10n_indication
, vvr."comment"
, vvr.is_active
, vvr.pk_course
, vvr.pk_indication
, vvr.pk_recommended_by 
FROM clin.lnk_pat2vaccination_course lp2vc
, clin.v_vaccination_courses vvr 
WHERE (vvr.pk_course = lp2vc.fk_course);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_vaccination_courses

all vaccination courses known to the system

clin.v_vaccination_courses Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_course integer
indication text
l10n_indication text
recommended_by_name_long text
recommended_by_name_short text
recommended_by_version text
shots integer
comment text
min_age_due interval
is_active boolean
pk_indication integer
pk_recommended_by integer
xmin_vaccination_course xid
SELECT vcourse.pk AS pk_course
, vind.description AS indication
, _
(vind.description) AS l10n_indication
, (
SELECT ref_source.name_long 
  FROM ref_source 
 WHERE (ref_source.pk = vcourse.fk_recommended_by)
) AS recommended_by_name_long
, (
SELECT ref_source.name_short 
  FROM ref_source 
 WHERE (ref_source.pk = vcourse.fk_recommended_by)
) AS recommended_by_name_short
, (
SELECT ref_source.version 
  FROM ref_source 
 WHERE (ref_source.pk = vcourse.fk_recommended_by)
) AS recommended_by_version
, (
     (vdef.seq_no) AS max 
  FROM clin.vaccination_definition vdef 
 WHERE (vcourse.pk = vdef.fk_course)
) AS shots
) AS "comment"
, (
SELECT vdef.min_age_due 
  FROM clin.vaccination_definition vdef 
           (vcourse.pk = vdef.fk_course)
         AND (vdef.seq_no = 1)
) AS min_age_due
, vcourse.is_active
, vcourse.fk_indication AS pk_indication
, vcourse.fk_recommended_by AS pk_recommended_by
, vcourse.xmin AS xmin_vaccination_course 
FROM clin.vaccination_course vcourse
, clin.vacc_indication vind 
WHERE (vcourse.fk_indication = vind.id);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_vaccination_courses_in_schedule

clin.v_vaccination_courses_in_schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
vaccination_schedule text
is_active boolean
pk_recommended_by integer
comment_course text
comment_schedule text
pk_vaccination_course integer
pk_indication integer
pk_vaccination_schedule integer
SELECT cvs.name AS vaccination_schedule
, cvc.is_active
, cvc.fk_recommended_by AS pk_recommended_by
, cvc."comment" AS comment_course
, cvs."comment" AS comment_schedule
, cvc.pk AS pk_vaccination_course
, cvc.fk_indication AS pk_indication
, cvs.pk AS pk_vaccination_schedule 
FROM clin.vaccination_course cvc
, clin.vaccination_schedule cvs
, clin.lnk_vaccination_course2schedule clvc2s 
     (clvc2s.fk_course = cvc.pk)
   AND (clvc2s.fk_schedule = cvs.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_vaccination_definitions4course

vaccination event definitions for all courses known to the system

clin.v_vaccination_definitions4course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_course integer
indication text
l10n_indication text
course_comment text
is_active boolean
pk_vaccination_definition integer
is_booster boolean
vacc_seq_no integer
age_due_min interval
age_due_max interval
min_interval interval
vacc_comment text
pk_indication integer
pk_recommended_by integer
SELECT vcourse.pk AS pk_course
, vind.description AS indication
, _
(vind.description) AS l10n_indication
) AS course_comment
, vcourse.is_active
, vdef.id AS pk_vaccination_definition
, vdef.is_booster
, vdef.seq_no AS vacc_seq_no
, vdef.min_age_due AS age_due_min
, vdef.max_age_due AS age_due_max
, vdef.min_interval
) AS vacc_comment
, vind.id AS pk_indication
, vcourse.fk_recommended_by AS pk_recommended_by 
FROM clin.vaccination_course vcourse
, clin.vacc_indication vind
, clin.vaccination_definition vdef 
     (vcourse.pk = vdef.fk_course)
   AND (vcourse.fk_indication = vind.id)
ORDER BY vind.description
, vdef.seq_no;

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_vaccine

denormalized data about vaccines

clin.v_vaccine Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_vaccine integer
trade_name text
short_name text
route_abbreviation text
route_description text
l10n_route_description text
is_live boolean
min_age interval
max_age interval
comment text
pk_route integer
SELECT v.pk AS pk_vaccine
, v.trade_name
, v.short_name
, vr.abbreviation AS route_abbreviation
, vr.description AS route_description
, _
(vr.description) AS l10n_route_description
, v.is_live
, v.min_age
, v.max_age
, v."comment"
, v.id_route AS pk_route 
FROM clin.vaccine v
, clin.vacc_route vr 
WHERE (v.id_route = vr.id);

Index - Schema clin

View: clin.v_vaccs_scheduled4pat

vaccinations scheduled for a patient according to the vaccination courses he/she is on

clin.v_vaccs_scheduled4pat Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
indication text
l10n_indication text
course_comment text
is_booster boolean
vacc_seq_no integer
age_due_min interval
age_due_max interval
min_interval interval
vacc_comment text
pk_vaccination_definition integer
pk_course integer
pk_indication integer
pk_recommended_by integer
SELECT vvr4p.pk_patient
, vvr4p.indication
, vvr4p.l10n_indication
, vvr4p."comment" AS course_comment
, vvd4r.is_booster
, vvd4r.vacc_seq_no
, vvd4r.age_due_min
, vvd4r.age_due_max
, vvd4r.min_interval
, vvd4r.vacc_comment
, vvd4r.pk_vaccination_definition
, vvr4p.pk_course
, vvr4p.pk_indication
, vvr4p.pk_recommended_by 
FROM clin.v_vacc_courses4pat vvr4p
, clin.v_vaccination_definitions4course vvd4r 
WHERE (vvd4r.pk_course = vvr4p.pk_course);

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vacc_indication

definition of indications for vaccinations

clin.vacc_indication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

description of indication, eg "Measles", note that this does not have to be a scientific diagnosis, it is simply intended to be an agreed-upon, medically-comprehensible unique identifier for the indication

Table clin.vacc_indication Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vacc_route

definition of route via which vaccine is given, currently i.m. and p.o. only but may include "via genetically engineered food" etc in the future

clin.vacc_route Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
abbreviation text UNIQUE NOT NULL
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Table clin.vacc_route Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccination

holds vaccinations actually given

clin.vaccination Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin.clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
clin.encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
clin.episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'p'::text
id serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_provider integer NOT NULL
clin.vaccine.pk fk_vaccine integer NOT NULL
site text DEFAULT 'not recorded'::text
batch_no text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'not recorded'::text

Table clin.vaccination Inherits clin_root_item,


clin.vaccination Constraints
Name Constraint
vaccination_soap_cat_check CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR ((((lower(soap_cat) = 's'::text) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'o'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'a'::text)) OR (lower(soap_cat) = 'p'::text))))
idx_vacc_encounter fk_encounter idx_vacc_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccination_course

holds vaccination courses defined at a techno-medical level for a single indication and will in many cases represent a part of a "recommended multi-epitope schedule", note that one organization can indeed recommend several courses for one and the same indication - which then only differ in their constraints, PostgreSQL does not currently offer the best tools to enforce such constraints

clin.vaccination_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_recommended_by integer

the source/organization which defined this course, can be used to differentiate several locale-dependant courses for the same indication and yet tell them apart
clin.vacc_indication.id fk_indication integer NOT NULL

vaccination indication this course is targeted at
is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this course is active or not, if False: do not newly *start* patients on this course
comment text

a free-text comment on this vaccination course

Table clin.vaccination_course Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccination_course_constraint

holds constraints which apply to a vaccination course

clin.vaccination_course_constraint Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

description/label/name of the constraint

Table clin.vaccination_course_constraint Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccination_definition

defines a given vaccination event for a particular course

clin.vaccination_definition Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.vaccination_course.pk fk_course integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

course to which this event belongs
is_booster boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

does this definition represent a booster, also set for quasi-booster courses such as Influenza
seq_no integer UNIQUE#1

sequence number for this vaccination event within a particular course, NULL if (is_booster == true)
min_age_due interval NOT NULL

minimum age at which this shot is due
max_age_due interval NOT NULL DEFAULT '01:32:35'::interval

maximum age at which this shot is due, if max_age_due = "5555 years": no maximum age
min_interval interval

if (is_booster == true): recommended interval for boostering id (is_booster == false): minimum interval after previous vaccination, NULL if seq_no == 1
comment text

Table clin.vaccination_definition Inherits audit_fields,


clin.vaccination_definition Constraints
Name Constraint
numbered_shot_xor_booster CHECK ((((is_booster IS TRUE) AND (seq_no IS NULL)) OR ((is_booster IS FALSE) AND (seq_no > 0))))
sensible_min_interval CHECK (((((min_interval IS NULL) AND (seq_no = 1)) OR (((min_interval IS NOT NULL) AND (min_interval > '00:00:00'::interval)) AND (is_booster IS TRUE))) OR (((min_interval IS NOT NULL) AND (min_interval > '00:00:00'::interval)) AND (seq_no > 1))))
vaccination_definition_check CHECK ((((max_age_due >= min_age_due) AND (max_age_due <= '150 years'::interval)) OR (max_age_due = '01:32:35'::interval)))
vaccination_definition_min_age_due_check CHECK (((min_age_due >= '00:00:01'::interval) AND (min_age_due <= '150 years'::interval)))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccination_schedule

This table holds schedules as recommended by some authority such as a Vaccination Council. There will be numerous schedules depending on locale, constraints, age group etc. These schedules may be single or multi-epitope depending on their definition. A schedule acts as a convenient handle aggregating possibly several vaccination courses under a common name.

clin.vaccination_schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

name of the schedule as defined by some authority
comment text

Table clin.vaccination_schedule Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccine

definition of a vaccine as available on the market

clin.vaccine Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.vacc_route.id id_route integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1

route this vaccine is given
trade_name text UNIQUE UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

full name the vaccine is traded under
short_name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

common, maybe practice-specific shorthand name for referring to this vaccine
is_live boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

whether this is a live vaccine
min_age interval NOT NULL

minimum age this vaccine is licensed for according to the information by the manufacturer
max_age interval NOT NULL DEFAULT '5555 years'::interval

maximum age this vaccine is licensed for according to the information by the manufacturer, use "5555 years" to indicate "no maximum age"
comment text

Table clin.vaccine Inherits audit_fields,


clin.vaccine Constraints
Name Constraint
vaccine_check CHECK ((((max_age >= min_age) AND (max_age <= '150 years'::interval)) OR (max_age = '5555 years'::interval)))
vaccine_min_age_check CHECK (((min_age >= '00:00:01'::interval) AND (min_age <= '150 years'::interval)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.vaccine_batches

clin.vaccine_batches Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.vaccine.pk fk_vaccine integer NOT NULL
batch_no text UNIQUE NOT NULL

serial # of a batch of a given vaccine that is awaiting usage in the fridge

Table clin.vaccine_batches Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin.waiting_list

aggregates all the patients currently waiting for an encounter

clin.waiting_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer NOT NULL

the waiting patient
registered timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when did the patient arrive (enter the waiting list, that is)
urgency integer NOT NULL

relative urgency, used by practices as they see fit, 0 - "standard" urgency < 0 - less urgent > 0 - more urgent
list_position integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

the currently assigned position of this patient on the waiting list
comment text

a free comment regarding this entry, NOT THE RFE !

Table clin.waiting_list Inherits audit_fields,


clin.waiting_list Constraints
Name Constraint
waiting_list_list_position_check CHECK ((list_position > 0))

Index - Schema clin

Function: clin.add_coded_term( text, text, text )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_term alias for $1;
	_code alias for $2;
	_system alias for $3;
	_tmp text;
	select into _tmp '1' from clin.coded_narrative
		where term = _term and code = _code and xfk_coding_system = _system;
	if found then
		return True;
	end if;
	insert into clin.coded_narrative (term, code, xfk_coding_system)
		values (_term, _code, _system);
	return True;

Function: clin.f_announce_clin_item_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	episode_id integer;
	patient_id integer;
	-- get episode ID
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		episode_id := OLD.fk_episode;
		episode_id := NEW.fk_episode;
	end if;
	-- track back to patient ID
	select into patient_id pk_patient
		from clin.v_pat_episodes vpep
		where vpep.pk_episode = episode_id
		limit 1;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "item_change_db:' || patient_id || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: clin.f_del_booster_must_have_base_immunity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	msg text;
	-- do not worry about booster deletes
	if OLD.is_booster then
		return null;
	end if;
	-- any non-booster rows left ?
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = OLD.fk_course and seq_no is not null;
	if FOUND then
		return null;
	end if;
	-- *any* rows left ?
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = OLD.fk_course;
	if not FOUND then
		-- no problem
		return null;
	end if;
	-- any remaining rows can only be booster rows - which is a problem
	msg := 'Cannot delete last non-booster vacc def [' || OLD.pk || '] from course [' || OLD.fk_course || ']. There would be only booster definitions left.';
	raise exception '%', msg;
	return null;

Function: clin.f_ins_booster_must_have_base_immunity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	-- do not worry about non-booster inserts
	if NEW.is_booster is false then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- only insert booster def if non-booster def exists
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = NEW.fk_course and seq_no is not null;
	if FOUND then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	raise exception 'Cannot define booster shot for course [%]. There is no base immunization definition.', NEW.fk_course;
	return null;

Function: clin.f_protect_clin_root_item( )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

protect from direct inserts/deletes which the inheritance system cannot handle properly

	raise exception 'INSERT/DELETE on <clin_root_item> not allowed.';
	return False;

Function: clin.f_upd_booster_must_have_base_immunity( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	msg text;
	-- do not worry about non-booster updates
	if NEW.is_booster is false then
		return null;
	end if;
	-- after update to booster still non-booster def available ?
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = NEW.fk_course and seq_no is not null;
	if FOUND then
		return null;
	end if;
	msg := 'Cannot set vacc def [' || NEW.pk || '] to booster for course [' || NEW.fk_course || ']. There would be no base immunization definition left.';
	raise exception '%', msg;
	return null;

Function: clin.trf_announce_allg_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via fk_encounter
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		select into _pk_identity fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = OLD.fk_encounter limit 1;
		select into _pk_identity fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter limit 1;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'clin.trf_announce_allg_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <clin.allergy>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "allg_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: clin.trf_announce_allg_state_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via fk_patient
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		_pk_identity := OLD.fk_patient;
		_pk_identity := NEW.fk_patient;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'clin.trf_announce_allg_state_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <clin.allergy_state>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "allg_state_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: clin.trf_announce_vacc_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via fk_encounter
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		select into _pk_identity fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = OLD.fk_encounter limit 1;
		select into _pk_identity fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter limit 1;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'clin.trf_announce_vacc_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <clin.vaccination>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "vacc_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: clin.trf_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	issue_patient integer;
	msg text;
	-- insert or update, both have NEW.*
	if NEW.fk_health_issue is not NULL then
		select into issue_patient fk_patient from clin.health_issue where pk = NEW.fk_health_issue;
		if issue_patient != NEW.fk_patient then
			msg := 'clin.trf_ensure_episode_issue_patient_consistency(): clin.episode must have the same <fk_patient> as the clin.health_issue it is attached to';
			raise exception '%', msg;
		end if;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: clin.trf_sync_allergic_state_on_allergies_modified( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

trigger function to sync the allergy state on insert/delete

	_fk_patient integer;
	_state integer;
	_no_of_allergies integer;
	if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
		select into _fk_patient fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
		_state := 1;
	end if;

	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		-- only run this trigger if deleting last allergy
		select into _fk_patient fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = OLD.fk_encounter;
		select into _no_of_allergies count(1) from clin.allergy where fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _fk_patient
		if _no_of_allergies > 1 then
			return OLD;		-- still allergies left
		end if;
		_state := NULL;
	end if;

	update clin.allergy_state
		set has_allergy = _state
		where fk_patient = _fk_patient;

	if not FOUND then
		insert into clin.allergy_state
			(fk_patient, has_allergy)
			(_fk_patient, _state);
	end if;

	return NEW;

Function: clin.trf_unique_indication_in_schedule( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_msg text;
	-- is the indication already linked ?
	perform 1 from clin.v_vaccination_courses_in_schedule where
		pk_vaccination_schedule = NEW.fk_schedule and
		pk_indication = (select fk_indication from clin.vaccination_course where pk=NEW.fk_course);
	if FOUND then
		_msg := 'Cannot link course [' || NEW.fk_course || '] into schedule [' || NEW.fk_schedule || ']. The indication is already linked.';
		raise exception '%', _msg;
		return null;
	end if;
	return null;

Schema de_de

Table: de_de.beh_fall_typ

Art des Behandlungsfalls (MuVo/Impfung/...)

de_de.beh_fall_typ Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
kurzform text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Table de_de.beh_fall_typ Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema de_de

Table: de_de.behandlungsfall

de_de.behandlungsfall Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer NOT NULL
de_de.beh_fall_typ.pk fk_falltyp integer NOT NULL
started date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
must_pay_prax_geb boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema de_de

Table: de_de.kvk

Speichert die Daten einer bestimmten KVK. Wir trennen die KVK-Daten von den Daten ueber Person, Wohnort, Kassenzugehoerigkeit, Mitgliedsstatus und Abrechnungsfaellen. Diese Daten werden jedoch a) als Vorgaben fuer die eigentlichen Personendaten und b) als gueltig fuer abrechnungstechnische Belange angesehen.

de_de.kvk Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_patient integer NOT NULL
kk_name character varying(28) NOT NULL
kk_nummer character(7) NOT NULL
kvk_nummer character(5)
mitgliedsnummer character varying(12) NOT NULL
mitgliedsstatus character varying(4) NOT NULL
zusatzstatus character varying(3)
titel character varying(15)
vorname character varying(28)
namenszuatz character varying(15)
familienname character varying(28) NOT NULL
geburtsdatum character(8) NOT NULL
strasse character varying(28)
landescode character varying(3)
plz character varying(7) NOT NULL
ort character varying(23) NOT NULL
gueltigkeit character(4)
crc character(1) NOT NULL
is_valid_address boolean DEFAULT true
valid_since timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
presented timestamp with time zone[] NOT NULL
invalidated timestamp with time zone

Kann durchaus vor Ende von "Gueltigkeit" liegen. Zeitpunkt des Austritts aus der Krankenkasse. Beim Setzen dieses Feldes muss auch die Zuzahlungsbefreiung auf NULL gesetzt werden.

Index - Schema de_de

Table: de_de.lab_test_gnr

specific for Germany, GNR = GebuehrenordnungsNummeR = billing item, build index before lab import and drop afterwards, check against this table when importing, build table during import

de_de.lab_test_gnr Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.test_type.pk id_test integer NOT NULL

link to test in our practice

Table de_de.lab_test_gnr Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema de_de

Table: de_de.payment_method

de_de.payment_method Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema de_de

Table: de_de.prax_geb_paid

de_de.prax_geb_paid Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
de_de.behandlungsfall.pk fk_fall integer NOT NULL
paid_amount numeric NOT NULL
paid_when date NOT NULL DEFAULT ('now'::text)::date
de_de.payment_method.pk paid_with integer NOT NULL

Table de_de.prax_geb_paid Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema de_de

Table: de_de.zuzahlungsbefreiung

de_de.zuzahlungsbefreiung Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk id_patient integer
medikamente date
heilmittel date
hilfsmittel date
presented timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

Index - Schema de_de

Schema dem

Table: dem.address

an address aka a location, void of attached meaning such as type of address

dem.address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.street.id id_street integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the street this address is at from whence the urb is to be found, it thus indirectly references dem.urb(id)
aux_street text UNIQUE#1

additional street-level information which formatters would usually put on lines directly below the street line of an address, such as postal box directions in CA
number text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

number of the house
subunit text UNIQUE#1

directions *below* the unit (eg.number) level, such as appartment number, room number, level, entrance or even verbal directions
addendum text UNIQUE#1

any additional information that did not fit anywhere else
lat_lon point

the exact location of this address in latitude-longtitude

Table dem.address Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.address_type

dem.address_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.country

countries coded per ISO 3166-1

dem.country Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
code character(2) UNIQUE NOT NULL

international two character country code as per ISO 3166-1
deprecated date

date when this country ceased officially to exist (if applicable)


dem.country Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\014'::text) = 0) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\012'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\015'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\013'::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.enum_comm_types

dem.enum_comm_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.enum_ext_id_types

a list of all bureaucratic IDs/serial numbers/3rd party primary keys, etc.

dem.enum_ext_id_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
name text UNIQUE#1
issuer text UNIQUE#1

the authority/system issuing the number
context character(1) DEFAULT 'p'::bpchar

the context in which this number is used - p for ordinary persons - o for organisations - c for clinicians - s for staff in this clinic FIXME: is context really a property of *type* ?


dem.enum_ext_id_types Constraints
Name Constraint
enum_ext_id_types_context_check CHECK (((((context = 'p'::bpchar) OR (context = 'o'::bpchar)) OR (context = 'c'::bpchar)) OR (context = 's'::bpchar)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.gender_label

This table stores the genders known to GNUmed. FIXME: cross-check with CDA:administrative-gender-code

dem.gender_label Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
label text UNIQUE NOT NULL
sort_weight integer NOT NULL
comment text NOT NULL

Table dem.gender_label Inherits audit_fields,


dem.gender_label Constraints
Name Constraint
gender_label_tag_check CHECK ((((((tag = 'm'::text) OR (tag = 'f'::text)) OR (tag = 'h'::text)) OR (tag = 'tm'::text)) OR (tag = 'tf'::text)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.identity

represents the unique identity of a person

dem.identity Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
deleted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

whether this identity is considered deleted
pupic character(24)

Portable Unique Person Identification Code as per gnumed white papers
dem.gender_label.tag gender text

the gender code
karyotype text
dob timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

date/time of birth
dem.marital_status.pk fk_marital_status integer
cob character(2)

country of birth as per date of birth, coded as 2 character ISO code
deceased timestamp with time zone

date when a person has died
title text

Yes, a title is an attribute of an identity, not of a name ! Also, there are some incredible rants of titles.

Table dem.identity Inherits audit_fields,


dem.identity Constraints
Name Constraint
identity_check CHECK (((deceased IS NULL) OR (deceased >= dob)))
identity_title_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(title, 'NULL'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_identity_dob_ymd dem.date_trunc_utc('day'::text, dob)

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.inbox_item_category

Holds the various categories of messages that can show up in the provider inbox.

dem.inbox_item_category Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

"clinical" "admin" "personal" ...
is_user boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this category was added locally, as to be left alone by database upgrades

Table dem.inbox_item_category Inherits audit_fields,


dem.inbox_item_category Constraints
Name Constraint
inbox_item_category_description_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(description, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.inbox_item_type

Holds the various types of messages that can show up in the provider inbox.

dem.inbox_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.inbox_item_category.pk fk_inbox_item_category integer NOT NULL

The category of this item type.
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

the various types of inbox items
is_user boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this type was added locally, as to be left alone by database upgrades

Table dem.inbox_item_type Inherits audit_fields,


dem.inbox_item_type Constraints
Name Constraint
inbox_item_type_description_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(description, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_identity2comm

dem.lnk_identity2comm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
dem.address.id fk_address integer
url text UNIQUE#1
dem.enum_comm_types.pk fk_type integer
is_confidential boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_identity2ext_id

link external IDs to GnuMed identities

dem.lnk_identity2ext_id Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk id_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
external_id text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

textual representation of external ID which may be Social Security Number, patient ID of another EMR system, you-name-it
dem.enum_ext_id_types.pk fk_origin integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

originating system
comment text

Table dem.lnk_identity2ext_id Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_identity2primary_doc

dem.lnk_identity2primary_doc Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
dem.staff.pk fk_primary_doc integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_job2person

linking (possibly several) jobs to a person

dem.lnk_job2person Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
dem.occupation.id fk_occupation integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
activities text

describes activities the person is usually carrying out when working at this job

Table dem.lnk_job2person Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.lnk_org2address

dem.lnk_org2address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id_org integer
id_address integer
SELECT lnk_person_org_address.id_org
, lnk_person_org_address.id_address 
FROM dem.lnk_person_org_address;

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_org2comm

dem.lnk_org2comm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.org.id id_org integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
url text UNIQUE#1
dem.enum_comm_types.pk id_type integer
is_confidential boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_org2ext_id

dem.lnk_org2ext_id Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.org.id id_org integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
external_id text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
dem.enum_ext_id_types.pk fk_origin integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
comment text

Table dem.lnk_org2ext_id Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.lnk_person2address

dem.lnk_person2address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id_identity integer
id_address integer
id_type integer
SELECT lnk_person_org_address.id_identity
, lnk_person_org_address.id_address
, lnk_person_org_address.id_type 
FROM dem.lnk_person_org_address;

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_person2relative

biological and social relationships between an identity and other identities

dem.lnk_person2relative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk id_identity integer NOT NULL

primary identity to whom the relationship applies
dem.identity.pk id_relative integer NOT NULL

referred-to identity of this relationship (e.g. "child" if id_identity points to the father and id_relation_type points to "parent")
dem.relation_types.id id_relation_type integer NOT NULL
started date

date when this relationship began
ended date

date when this relationship ended, biological relationships do not end !

Table dem.lnk_person2relative Inherits audit_fields,

idx_lnk_pers2rel id_identity, id_relation_type

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.lnk_person_org_address

a many-to-many pivot table describing the relationship between an organisation, a person, their work address and their occupation at that location. For patients id_org is NULL

dem.lnk_person_org_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk id_identity integer UNIQUE#2

identity to which the address belongs
dem.address.id id_address integer UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1

address belonging to this identity (the branch of the organisation)
dem.address_type.id id_type integer DEFAULT 1

type of this address (like home, work, parents, holidays ...)
address_source text
dem.org.id id_org integer UNIQUE#1

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.marital_status

dem.marital_status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.name_gender_map

maps (first) names to their most frequently locally assigned gender, this table is updated nightly by a cron script, names whose gender distribution is between 70/30 and 30/70 are ignored for ambiguity reasons, names with "ambigous" gender are also ignored

dem.name_gender_map Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
gender character(1)


dem.name_gender_map Constraints
Name Constraint
name_gender_map_gender_check CHECK (((gender = 'm'::bpchar) OR (gender = 'f'::bpchar)))

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.names

all the names an identity is known under; As opposed to the versioning of all other tables, changed names should not be moved into the audit trail tables. Search functionality must be available at any time for all names a person ever had.

dem.names Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk id_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
active boolean DEFAULT true

true if the name is still in use
lastnames text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

all last names of an identity in legal order, IOW "major" name, "group identifier", eg. family, village, tribe, ...
firstnames text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

all first names of an identity in legal order, IOW "minor" name, identifier of this identity within the group defined by <lastnames>
preferred text

preferred first name, the name a person is usually called (nickname, warrior name)
comment text

a comment regarding this name, useful in things like "this was the name before marriage" etc
idx_names_firstnames firstnames idx_names_last_first lastnames, firstnames

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.occupation

collects occupation names

dem.occupation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL

Table dem.occupation Inherits audit_fields,


dem.occupation Constraints
Name Constraint
occupation_name_check CHECK ((btrim(name) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.org

dem.org Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.org_category.id id_category integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
description text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.org_category

dem.org_category Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.provider_inbox

Holds per-provider messages.

dem.provider_inbox Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.staff.pk fk_staff integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the member of staff this message is addressed to
dem.inbox_item_type.pk fk_inbox_item_type integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the item (message) type
comment text

a free-text comment, may be NULL but not empty
ufk_context integer UNIQUE#1

an optional, *u*nchecked *f*oreign *k*ey, it is up to the application to know what this points to, it will have to make sense within the context of the combination of staff ID, item type, and comment
data text

arbitrary data an application might wish to attach to the message, like a cookie, basically
importance smallint

the relative importance of this message: -1: lower than most things already in the inbox ("low") 0: same as most things ("standard") 1: higher than most things already there ("high")

Table dem.provider_inbox Inherits audit_fields,


dem.provider_inbox Constraints
Name Constraint
provider_inbox_comment_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE("comment", 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))
provider_inbox_importance_check CHECK ((((importance = -1) OR (importance = 0)) OR (importance = 1)))

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.relation_types

types of biological/social relationships between identities

dem.relation_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.relation_types.id inverse integer
biological boolean NOT NULL

true if relationship is biological (proven or reasonable assumption), else false
biol_verified boolean DEFAULT false

ONLY true if there is genetic proof for this relationship
description text

plain text description of relationship

Table dem.relation_types Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.staff

one-to-one mapping of database user accounts (db_user) to staff identities (fk_identity)

dem.staff Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.identity.pk fk_identity integer NOT NULL
dem.staff_role.pk fk_role integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
db_user name UNIQUE UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
short_alias text UNIQUE NOT NULL

a short signature unique to this staff member to be used in the GUI, actually this is somewhat redundant with ext_person_id...
comment text
is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

Table dem.staff Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.staff_role

work roles a staff member can have

dem.staff_role Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
comment text

Table dem.staff_role Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.state

state codes (country specific); Richard agreed we should require pre-existence, allow user to mail details for adding a state to developers

dem.state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
code text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

state code
dem.country.code country character(2) UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

2 character ISO 3166-1 country code
name text NOT NULL

Table dem.state Inherits audit_fields,


dem.state Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\014'::text) = 0) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\012'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\015'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\013'::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.street

street names, specific for distinct "urbs"

dem.street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.urb.id id_urb integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

reference to information postcode, city, country and state
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

name of this street
postcode text UNIQUE#1

postcode for systems (such as UK Royal Mail) which specify the street
suburb text

the suburb this street is in (if any)
lat_lon point

the approximate location of the street, as lat/long co-ordinates

Table dem.street Inherits audit_fields,


dem.street Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\014'::text) = 0) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\012'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\015'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\013'::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: dem.urb

cities, towns, dwellings ..., eg. "official" places of residence

dem.urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
dem.state.id id_state integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

reference to information about country and state
postcode text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

default postcode for urb.name, useful for all the smaller urbs that only have one postcode, also useful as a default when adding new streets to an urb
lat_lon point

the location of the urb, as lat/long co-ordinates. Ideally this would be NOT NULL
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the name of the city/town/dwelling

Table dem.urb Inherits audit_fields,


dem.urb Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\014'::text) = 0) AND ("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\012'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\015'::text) = 0)) AND ("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), E'\013'::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_address

fully denormalizes data about addresses as entities in themselves

dem.v_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_address integer
street text
postcode text
notes_street text
number text
subunit text
notes_subunit text
lat_lon_address point
postcode_street text
lat_lon_street point
suburb text
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_street integer
pk_urb integer
pk_state integer
xmin_address xid
SELECT adr.id AS pk_address
, vstr.street
, vstr.postcode
, adr.aux_street AS notes_street
, adr.number
, adr.subunit
, adr.addendum AS notes_subunit
, adr.lat_lon AS lat_lon_address
, vstr.postcode_street
, vstr.lat_lon_street
, vstr.suburb
, vstr.urb
, vstr.postcode_urb
, vstr.lat_lon_urb
, vstr.code_state
, vstr.state
, vstr.l10n_state
, vstr.code_country
, vstr.country
, vstr.l10n_country
, vstr.country_deprecated
, adr.id_street AS pk_street
, vstr.pk_urb
, vstr.pk_state
, adr.xmin AS xmin_address 
FROM dem.address adr
, dem.v_street vstr 
WHERE (adr.id_street = vstr.pk_street);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_basic_address

dem.v_basic_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer
country_code character(2)
state_code text
state text
country text
postcode text
urb text
number text
street text
addendum text
lat_lon point
SELECT adr.id
, s.country AS country_code
, s.code AS state_code
, s.name AS state
, c.name AS country
     , urb.postcode
) AS postcode
, urb.name AS urb
, adr.number
, str.name AS street
, adr.addendum
     , str.lat_lon
     , urb.lat_lon
) AS lat_lon 
FROM dem.address adr
, dem.state s
, dem.country c
, dem.urb
, dem.street str 
                 (s.country = c.code)
               AND (adr.id_street = str.id)
         AND (str.id_urb = urb.id)
   AND (urb.id_state = s.id)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_basic_person

dem.v_basic_person Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
n_id integer
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob timestamp with time zone
cob character(2)
gender text
l10n_gender text
karyotype text
pupic character(24)
marital_status text
l10n_marital_status text
pk_marital_status integer
preferred text
xmin_identity xid
SELECT i.pk AS pk_identity
, n.id AS n_id
, i.title
, n.firstnames
, n.lastnames
, i.dob
, i.cob
, i.gender
, _
(i.gender) AS l10n_gender
, i.karyotype
, i.pupic
(i.fk_marital_status IS NULL) THEN 'unknown'::text ELSE 
SELECT ms.name 
  FROM dem.marital_status ms
     , dem.identity i1 
           (ms.pk = i.fk_marital_status)
         AND (i1.pk = i.pk)
) END AS marital_status
(i.fk_marital_status IS NULL) THEN _
('unknown'::text) ELSE 
     (ms1.name) AS _ 
  FROM dem.marital_status ms1
     , dem.identity i1 
           (ms1.pk = i.fk_marital_status)
         AND (i1.pk = i.pk)
) END AS l10n_marital_status
, i.fk_marital_status AS pk_marital_status
, n.preferred
, i.xmin AS xmin_identity 
FROM dem.identity i
, dem."names" n 
                 (i.deleted IS FALSE)
               AND (i.deceased IS NULL)
         AND (n.active = true)
   AND (n.id_identity = i.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_external_ids4identity

dem.v_external_ids4identity Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
pk_id integer
name text
value text
issuer text
context character(1)
comment text
pk_type integer
SELECT li2ei.id_identity AS pk_identity
, li2ei.id AS pk_id
, eit.name
, li2ei.external_id AS value
, eit.issuer
, eit.context
, li2ei."comment"
, li2ei.fk_origin AS pk_type 
FROM dem.lnk_identity2ext_id li2ei
, dem.enum_ext_id_types eit 
WHERE (li2ei.fk_origin = eit.pk);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_gender_labels

dem.v_gender_labels Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
tag text
l10n_tag text
label text
l10n_label text
comment text
sort_weight integer
pk_gender_label integer
SELECT gl.tag
, _
(gl.tag) AS l10n_tag
, gl.label
, _
(gl.label) AS l10n_label
, gl."comment"
, gl.sort_weight
, gl.pk AS pk_gender_label 
FROM dem.gender_label gl;

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_inbox_item_type

dem.v_inbox_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
type text
l10n_type text
category text
l10n_category text
is_user_type boolean
is_user_category boolean
pk_type integer
pk_category integer
SELECT it.description AS "type"
, _
(it.description) AS l10n_type
, ic.description AS category
, _
(ic.description) AS l10n_category
, it.is_user AS is_user_type
, ic.is_user AS is_user_category
, it.pk AS pk_type
, it.fk_inbox_item_category AS pk_category 
FROM dem.inbox_item_type it
, dem.inbox_item_category ic 
WHERE (it.fk_inbox_item_category = ic.pk);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_pat_addresses

denormalized addressed per patient

dem.v_pat_addresses Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
pk_address integer
address_type text
l10n_address_type text
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob timestamp with time zone
cob character(2)
gender text
l10n_gender text
preferred text
street text
postcode text
notes_street text
number text
subunit text
notes_subunit text
lat_lon_address point
postcode_street text
lat_lon_street point
suburb text
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_street integer
pk_urb integer
pk_state integer
pk_lnk_person_org_address integer
pk_address_type integer
xmin_lnk_person_org_address xid
SELECT vbp.pk_identity
, va.pk_address
,"at".name AS address_type
, _
("at".name) AS l10n_address_type
, vbp.title
, vbp.firstnames
, vbp.lastnames
, vbp.dob
, vbp.cob
, vbp.gender
, vbp.l10n_gender
, vbp.preferred
, va.street
, va.postcode
, va.notes_street
, va.number
, va.subunit
, va.notes_subunit
, va.lat_lon_address
, va.postcode_street
, va.lat_lon_street
, va.suburb
, va.urb
, va.postcode_urb
, va.lat_lon_urb
, va.code_state
, va.state
, va.l10n_state
, va.code_country
, va.country
, va.l10n_country
, va.country_deprecated
, va.pk_street
, va.pk_urb
, va.pk_state
, lpoa.id AS pk_lnk_person_org_address
, lpoa.id_type AS pk_address_type
, lpoa.xmin AS xmin_lnk_person_org_address 
FROM dem.v_address va
, dem.lnk_person_org_address lpoa
, dem.v_basic_person vbp
, dem.address_type "at"
           (lpoa.id_identity = vbp.pk_identity)
         AND (lpoa.id_address = va.pk_address)
   AND (lpoa.id_type = "at".id)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_person_comms

denormalizes persons to communications channels

dem.v_person_comms Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
comm_type text
l10n_comm_type text
url text
is_confidential boolean
pk_link_identity2comm integer
pk_address integer
pk_type integer
SELECT li2c.fk_identity AS pk_identity
, ect.description AS comm_type
, _
(ect.description) AS l10n_comm_type
, li2c.url
, li2c.is_confidential
, li2c.pk AS pk_link_identity2comm
, li2c.fk_address AS pk_address
, li2c.fk_type AS pk_type 
FROM dem.lnk_identity2comm li2c
, dem.enum_comm_types ect 
WHERE (li2c.fk_type = ect.pk);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_person_jobs

denormalizes the jobs a person has

dem.v_person_jobs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
firstnames text
lastnames text
preferred text
dob timestamp with time zone
gender text
occupation text
l10n_occupation text
activities text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
pk_occupation integer
pk_lnk_job2person integer
xmin_lnk_job2person xid
SELECT lj2p.fk_identity AS pk_identity
, vbp.firstnames
, vbp.lastnames
, vbp.preferred
, vbp.dob
, vbp.gender
, o.name AS occupation
, _
(o.name) AS l10n_occupation
, lj2p.activities
, lj2p.modified_when
, lj2p.fk_occupation AS pk_occupation
, lj2p.pk AS pk_lnk_job2person
, lj2p.xmin AS xmin_lnk_job2person 
FROM dem.lnk_job2person lj2p
, dem.v_basic_person vbp
, dem.occupation o 
     (lj2p.fk_identity = vbp.pk_identity)
   AND (lj2p.fk_occupation = o.id)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_person_names

dem.v_person_names Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
active_name boolean
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
preferred text
comment text
gender text
identity_deleted boolean
deceased boolean
pk_name integer
xmin_name xid
SELECT dn.id_identity AS pk_identity
, dn.active AS active_name
, di.title
, dn.firstnames
, dn.lastnames
, dn.preferred
, dn."comment"
, di.gender
, di.deleted AS identity_deleted
, (di.deceased IS NOT NULL) AS deceased
, dn.id AS pk_name
, dn.xmin AS xmin_name 
FROM dem."names" dn
, dem.identity di 
WHERE (di.pk = dn.id_identity);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_provider_inbox

Denormalized messages for the providers.

dem.v_provider_inbox Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
provider text
importance integer
category text
l10n_category text
type text
l10n_type text
comment text
pk_context integer
data text
pk_provider_inbox integer
pk_staff integer
pk_category integer
pk_type integer
SELECT staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.staff 
 WHERE (staff.pk = pi.fk_staff)
) AS provider
, pi.importance
, vit.category
, vit.l10n_category
, vit."type"
, vit.l10n_type
, pi."comment"
, pi.ufk_context AS pk_context
, pi.data
, pi.pk AS pk_provider_inbox
, pi.fk_staff AS pk_staff
, vit.pk_category
, pi.fk_inbox_item_type AS pk_type 
FROM dem.provider_inbox pi
, dem.v_inbox_item_type vit 
WHERE (pi.fk_inbox_item_type = vit.pk_type)
SELECT staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.staff 
 WHERE (staff.pk = vo4dnd.pk_intended_reviewer)
) AS provider
, 0 AS importance
,'clinical' AS category
, _
('clinical'::text) AS l10n_category
,'review docs' AS "type"
, _
('review docs'::text) AS l10n_type
, (
                                   ('unreviewed documents for patient'::text) || ' ['::text
                             ) || vbp.lastnames
                       ) || 
                    ', '::text
                 ) || vbp.firstnames
           ) || ']'::text
  FROM dem.v_basic_person vbp 
 WHERE (vbp.pk_identity = vo4dnd.pk_patient)
) AS "comment"
, vo4dnd.pk_patient AS pk_context
, NULL::"unknown" AS data
, NULL::"unknown" AS pk_provider_inbox
, vo4dnd.pk_intended_reviewer AS pk_staff
, (
SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_category 
  FROM dem.v_inbox_item_type 
 WHERE (v_inbox_item_type."type" = 'review docs'::text)
) AS pk_category
, (
SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_type 
  FROM dem.v_inbox_item_type 
 WHERE (v_inbox_item_type."type" = 'review docs'::text)
) AS pk_type 
FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4dnd 
WHERE (vo4dnd.reviewed IS FALSE);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_staff

dem.v_staff Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
pk_staff integer
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
short_alias text
role text
dob timestamp with time zone
gender text
db_user name
comment text
is_active boolean
can_login boolean
xmin_staff xid
pk_role integer
SELECT vbp.pk_identity
, s.pk AS pk_staff
, vbp.title
, vbp.firstnames
, vbp.lastnames
, s.short_alias
, _
(sr.name) AS "role"
, vbp.dob
, vbp.gender
, s.db_user
, s."comment"
, s.is_active
, (
            SELECT (EXISTS 
                        SELECT 1 
                          FROM pg_group 
                         WHERE (
                                          SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                            FROM pg_user 
                                           WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                                         ) = ANY 
                                 AND (pg_group.groname = current_database
         AND (
            SELECT (EXISTS 
                        SELECT 1 
                          FROM pg_group 
                         WHERE (
                                          SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                            FROM pg_user 
                                           WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                                         ) = ANY 
                                 AND (pg_group.groname = 'gm-logins'::name)
) AS can_login
, s.xmin AS xmin_staff
, s.fk_role AS pk_role 
FROM dem.staff s
, dem.staff_role sr
, dem.v_basic_person vbp 
     (s.fk_role = sr.pk)
   AND (s.fk_identity = vbp.pk_identity)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_state

denormalizes state information

dem.v_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_state integer
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
xmin_state xid
SELECT s.id AS pk_state
, s.code AS code_state
, s.name AS state
, _
(s.name) AS l10n_state
, s.country AS code_country
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, c.deprecated AS country_deprecated
, s.xmin AS xmin_state 
FROM dem.state s
, dem.country c 
WHERE (c.code = s.country);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_street

denormalizes street data

dem.v_street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_street integer
street text
postcode text
postcode_street text
lat_lon_street point
suburb text
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_urb integer
pk_state integer
xmin_street xid
SELECT st.id AS pk_street
, st.name AS street
     , vu.postcode_urb
) AS postcode
, st.postcode AS postcode_street
, st.lat_lon AS lat_lon_street
, st.suburb
, vu.urb
, vu.postcode_urb
, vu.lat_lon_urb
, vu.code_state
, vu.state
, vu.l10n_state
, vu.code_country
, vu.country
, vu.l10n_country
, vu.country_deprecated
, st.id_urb AS pk_urb
, vu.pk_state
, st.xmin AS xmin_street 
FROM dem.street st
, dem.v_urb vu 
WHERE (st.id_urb = vu.pk_urb);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_uniq_zipped_urbs

convenience view that selects urbs which: - have a zip code - are not referenced in table "street" with that zip code

dem.v_uniq_zipped_urbs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
postcode text
name text
state text
code_state text
country text
l10n_country text
code_country character(2)
SELECT urb.postcode
, urb.name
, stt.name AS state
, stt.code AS code_state
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, stt.country AS code_country 
FROM dem.urb
, dem.state stt
, dem.country c 
                 (urb.postcode IS NOT NULL)
               AND (NOT 
                              SELECT 1 
                                FROM dem.v_zip2street vz2str
                                   , dem.urb 
                               WHERE (
                                         (vz2str.postcode = urb.postcode)
                                       AND (vz2str.urb = urb.name)
         AND (urb.id_state = stt.id)
   AND (stt.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_urb

denormalizes urb data

dem.v_urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_urb integer
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_state integer
xmin_urb xid
SELECT u.id AS pk_urb
, u.name AS urb
, u.postcode AS postcode_urb
, u.lat_lon AS lat_lon_urb
, vs.code_state
, vs.state
, vs.l10n_state
, vs.code_country
, vs.country
, vs.l10n_country
, vs.country_deprecated
, u.id_state AS pk_state
, u.xmin AS xmin_urb 
FROM dem.urb u
, dem.v_state vs 
WHERE (vs.pk_state = u.id_state);

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_zip2data

aggregates nearly all known data per zip code

dem.v_zip2data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
zip text
street text
suburb text
urb text
state text
code_state text
country text
l10n_country text
code_country bpchar
SELECT vz2s.postcode AS zip
, vz2s.street
, vz2s.suburb
, vz2s.urb
, vz2s.state
, vz2s.code_state
, vz2s.country
, vz2s.l10n_country
, vz2s.code_country 
FROM dem.v_zip2street vz2s 
UNIONSELECT vuzu.postcode AS zip
, NULL::"unknown" AS street
, NULL::"unknown" AS suburb
, vuzu.name AS urb
, vuzu.state
, vuzu.code_state
, vuzu.country
, vuzu.l10n_country
, vuzu.code_country 
FROM dem.v_uniq_zipped_urbs vuzu;

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_zip2street

list known data for streets that have a zip code

dem.v_zip2street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
postcode text
street text
suburb text
state text
code_state text
urb text
country text
l10n_country text
code_country character(2)
     , urb.postcode
) AS postcode
, str.name AS street
, str.suburb
, stt.name AS state
, stt.code AS code_state
, urb.name AS urb
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, stt.country AS code_country 
FROM dem.street str
, dem.urb
, dem.state stt
, dem.country c 
                 (str.postcode IS NOT NULL)
               AND (str.id_urb = urb.id)
         AND (urb.id_state = stt.id)
   AND (stt.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

View: dem.v_zip2urb

list known data for urbs that have a zip code

dem.v_zip2urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
postcode text
urb text
state text
code_state text
country text
code_country character(2)
SELECT urb.postcode
, urb.name AS urb
, stt.name AS state
, stt.code AS code_state
, _
(c.name) AS country
, stt.country AS code_country 
FROM dem.urb
, dem.state stt
, dem.country c 
           (urb.postcode IS NOT NULL)
         AND (urb.id_state = stt.id)
   AND (stt.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

Function: dem.add_external_id_type( text, text, text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

Add an external ID type if it does not exist yet. This implementation is prone to concurrency issues.

	_name alias for $1;
	_issuer alias for $2;
	_context alias for $3;
	_pk int;
	select pk into _pk from dem.enum_ext_id_types where name = _name and issuer = _issuer;
	if FOUND then
		return _pk;
	end if;
	insert into dem.enum_ext_id_types(name, issuer, context) values (_name, _issuer, _context);
	select currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('dem.enum_ext_id_types', 'pk')) into _pk;
	return _pk;

Function: dem.add_name( integer, text, text, boolean )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_id_identity alias for $1;
	_first alias for $2;
	_last alias for $3;
	_active alias for $4;
	_id integer;
    -- deactivate all the existing names if this name is to become active
	if _active then
		update dem.names set active = false where id_identity = _id_identity;
	end if;
	-- name already there for this identity ?
	select into _id id from dem.names where id_identity = _id_identity and firstnames = _first and lastnames = _last;
	if FOUND then
		update dem.names set active = _active where id = _id;
		return _id;
	end if;
	-- no, insert new name
	insert into dem.names (id_identity, firstnames, lastnames, active) values (_id_identity, _first, _last, _active);
	if FOUND then
		return currval('dem.names_id_seq');
	end if;
	return NULL;

Function: dem.create_address( text, text, text, text, text, text, text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function takes as parameters the number of the address, the name of the street, the postal code of the address, the name of the urb, the code of the state, the code of the country and the subunit. If the country or the state do not exist in the database, the function fails. At first, the urb, the street and the address are tried to be retrieved according to the supplied information. If the fields do not match exactly an existing row, a new urb or street is created or a new address is created and returned.

	_number ALIAS FOR $1;
	_street ALIAS FOR $2;
	_postcode ALIAS FOR $3;
	_urb ALIAS FOR $4;
	_state_code ALIAS FOR $5;
	_country_code ALIAS FOR $6;
	_subunit alias for $7;
	_street_id integer;
	_address_id integer;
	msg text;
	-- create/get street
	SELECT INTO _street_id dem.create_street(_street, _postcode, _urb, _state_code, _country_code);
	-- create/get and return address
	SELECT INTO _address_id a.id from dem.address a WHERE a.number ILIKE _number and a.id_street = _street_id;
		RETURN _address_id;
	INSERT INTO dem.address (number, id_street, subunit) VALUES ( _number, _street_id, _subunit);
	RETURN currval('dem.address_id_seq');

Function: dem.create_occupation( text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_job alias for $1;
	_id integer;
	select into _id id from dem.occupation where name = _job;
	if FOUND then
		return _id;
	end if;
	insert into dem.occupation (name) values (_job);
	return currval('dem.occupation_id_seq');

Function: dem.create_street( text, text, text, text, text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function takes a parameters the name of the street, the postal code, the name of the urb, the postcode of the urb, the code of the state and the code of the country. If the country or the state does not exists in the tables, the function fails. At first, both the urb and street are tried to be retrieved according to the supplied information. If the fields do not match exactly an existing row, a new urb is created or a new street is created and returned.

	_street ALIAS FOR $1;
	_postcode ALIAS FOR $2;
	_urb ALIAS FOR $3;
	_state_code ALIAS FOR $4;
	_country_code ALIAS FOR $5;
	_urb_id integer;
	_street_id integer;
	msg text;
	-- create/get urb
	SELECT INTO _urb_id dem.create_urb(_urb, _postcode, _state_code, _country_code);
	-- create/get and return street
	SELECT INTO _street_id s.id from dem.street s WHERE s.name ILIKE _street AND s.id_urb = _urb_id AND postcode ILIKE _postcode;
		RETURN _street_id;
	INSERT INTO dem.street (name, postcode, id_urb) VALUES (_street, _postcode, _urb_id);
	RETURN currval('dem.street_id_seq');

Function: dem.create_urb( text, text, text, text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function takes a parameters the name of the urb, the postcode of the urb, the name of the state and the name of the country. If the country or the state does not exists in the tables, the function fails. At first, the urb is tried to be retrieved according to the supplied information. If the fields do not match exactly an existing row, a new urb is created and returned.

	_urb ALIAS FOR $1;
	_urb_postcode ALIAS FOR $2;	
	_state_code ALIAS FOR $3;
	_country_code ALIAS FOR $4;
 	_state_id integer;
	_urb_id integer;
	msg text;
 	-- get state
 	SELECT INTO _state_id s.id from dem.state s WHERE s.code = _state_code and s.country = _country_code;
		msg := 'Cannot set address [' || coalesce(_country_code, 'country_code:NULL') || ', ' || coalesce(_state_code, 'state_code:NULL') || ', ' || coalesce(_urb, 'urb:NULL') || ', ' || coalesce(_urb_postcode, 'urb_postcode:NULL') || '].';
		RAISE EXCEPTION '=> %', msg;
	-- get/create and return urb
	SELECT INTO _urb_id u.id from dem.urb u WHERE u.name ILIKE _urb AND u.id_state = _state_id;
		RETURN _urb_id;
	INSERT INTO dem.urb (name, postcode, id_state) VALUES (_urb, _urb_postcode, _state_id);
	RETURN currval('dem.urb_id_seq');

Function: dem.date_trunc_utc( text, timestamp with time zone )

Returns: timestamp without time zone

Language: SQL

date_trunc() is not immutable because it depends on the timezone setting, hence need to use this in index creation, but also need to use it in queries which want to use that index, so make it generally available as a function

select date_trunc($1, $2 at time zone 'UTC');

Function: dem.dob_is_in_range( timestamp with time zone, interval, interval )

Returns: boolean

Language: SQL

	($1 - (extract(year from $1) * '1 year'::interval)) -
	(now() - (extract(year from now()) * '1 year'::interval))
	between (-1 * $2) and $3

Function: dem.f_always_active_name( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	if NEW.active = false then
		raise exception 'Cannot delete/disable active name. Another name must be activated first.';
		return OLD;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: dem.f_delete_names( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	DELETE from dem.names WHERE id_identity=OLD.id;

Function: dem.f_uniq_active_name( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

--	tmp text;
--	tmp := 'identity:' || NEW.id_identity || ',id:' || NEW.id || ',name:' || NEW.firstnames || ' ' || NEW.lastnames;
--	raise notice 'uniq_active_name: [%]', tmp;
	if NEW.active = true then
		update dem.names set active = false
			id_identity = NEW.id_identity
			active = true;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: dem.gm_upd_default_states( )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_state_code text;
	_state_name text;
	_country_row record;
	_state_code := '??';
	_state_name := 'state/territory/province/region not available';
	-- add default state to countries needing one
	for _country_row in
		select distinct code from dem.country
		where code not in (
			select country from dem.state where code = _state_code
		raise notice 'adding default state for [%]', _country_row.code;
		execute 'insert into dem.state (code, country, name) values ('
				|| quote_literal(_state_code) || ', '
				|| quote_literal(_country_row.code) || ', '
				|| quote_literal(_state_name) || ');';
	end loop;
	return true;

Function: dem.new_pupic( )

Returns: bpchar

Language: PLPGSQL

   -- how does this work? How do we get new 'unique' numbers?
   RETURN '0000000000';

Function: dem.set_nickname( integer, text )

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

Setting the nickname only makes sense for the currently active name. However, we also want to keep track of previous nicknames. Hence we would set the nickname right in the active name if it is NULL. It it contains a previous nickname (eg IS NOT NULL) we will inactivate the currently active name and copy it into a new active name but with the nickname set to the new one. Unsetting works the same (IOW *setting* to NULL).

	_id_identity alias for $1;
	_nick alias for $2;
	_names_row record;
	msg text;
	-- 0.1: Just always set the nickname inside the active name
	-- post 0.1: openEHR-like (name: pk, fk_identity, name, fk_type, comment, is_legal, is_active ...)
	-- does name exist ?
	select into _names_row * from dem.names where id_identity = _id_identity and active = true;
	if not found then
		msg := 'Cannot set nickname [' || _nick || ']. No active <names> row with id_identity [' || _id_identity || '] found.';
		raise exception '%', msg;
	end if;
	update dem.names set preferred = _nick where id = _names_row.id;
	return _names_row.id;

Function: dem.trf_announce_identity_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via pk
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		_pk_identity := OLD.pk;
		_pk_identity := NEW.pk;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'dem.trf_announce_identity_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <dem.identity>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "identity_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: dem.trf_announce_name_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity integer;
	_pk_identity := NULL;
	-- retrieve identity PK via id_identity
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		_pk_identity := OLD.id_identity;
		_pk_identity := NEW.id_identity;
	end if;
	-- soft error out if not found
	if _pk_identity is NULL then
		raise notice 'dem.trf_announce_name_mod(): cannot determine identity PK on table <dem.names>';
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- now, execute() the NOTIFY
	execute 'notify "name_mod_db:' || _pk_identity || '"';
	return NULL;

Function: dem.trf_announce_provider_inbox_mod( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	execute 'notify "provider_inbox_mod_db:"';
	return NULL;

Function: dem.trf_null_empty_title( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	if (NEW.title is null) then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	if trim(NEW.title) <> '' then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	NEW.title := NULL;
	return NEW;

Schema gm

Table: gm.notifying_tables

All tables that want to send standard notifications must be recorded in this table. Notification triggers will be generated automatically for all tables recorded here.

gm.notifying_tables Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
schema_name name UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public'::name
table_name name UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
signal name

The name of the signal to send via NOTIFY. The actual name of the signal will be "<signal>_mod_db:<identity_pk>" where the :<identity_pk> is only added if the notify trigger knows how.
carries_identity_pk boolean DEFAULT false

Whether or not the signal delivers the PK of the related identity. Set during bootstrapping.

Index - Schema gm

Function: gm.add_table_for_notifies( name, name )

Returns: boolean

Language: SQL

Mark given table for notification trigger generator. Parameters are: (schema, table). Defaults signal to table name.

select gm.add_table_for_notifies($1, $2, $2);

Function: gm.add_table_for_notifies( name, name, name )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

Mark given table for notification trigger generator. Parameters are: (schema, table, signal name)

	_namespace alias for $1;
	_table alias for $2;
	_signal alias for $3;
	dummy RECORD;
	tmp text;
	-- does table exist ?
	select relname into dummy from pg_class where
		relname = _table and
		relnamespace = (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname = _namespace)
	if not found then
		tmp := _namespace || '.' || _table;
		raise exception 'add_table_for_notifies: Table [%] does not exist.', tmp;
	end if;
	-- make sure we can insert
	delete from gm.notifying_tables where table_name = _table and schema_name = _namespace;
	insert into gm.notifying_tables (
	) values (
	return true;

Function: gm.concat_table_structure( )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

	_struct text;
	select into _struct gm.concat_table_structure_v3();
	return _struct;

Function: gm.concat_table_structure( integer )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

	_db_ver alias for $1;
	_struct text;
	if _db_ver < 6 then
		select into _struct gm.concat_table_structure_v1();
		return _struct;
	end if;
	if _db_ver < 8 then
		select into _struct gm.concat_table_structure_v2();
		return _struct;
	end if;
	select into _struct gm.concat_table_structure_v3();
	return _struct;

Function: gm.concat_table_structure_v1( )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

copy of gm_concat_table_structure() until gnumed_v5, works on public, dem, clin, blobs

	_row record;
	_total text;
	_total := '';
	-- schema.table.column.data_type
	for _row in
		select * from information_schema.columns cols
			where cols.table_name in (
				select tabs.table_name from information_schema.tables tabs where
					-- those which hold clinical data
					tabs.table_schema in ('public', 'dem', 'clin', 'blobs') and
					tabs.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
			order by
				md5(cols.table_schema || cols.table_name || cols.column_name || cols.data_type)
		_total := _total
			|| _row.table_schema || '.'
			|| _row.table_name || '.'
			|| _row.column_name || '::'
			|| _row.udt_name || '
	end loop;
	return _total;

Function: gm.concat_table_structure_v2( )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

new concat_table_structure() starting with gnumed_v6, works on dem, clin, blobs, cfg, ref, i18n

	_row record;
	_total text;
	_total := '';
	-- schema.table.column.data_type
	for _row in
		select * from information_schema.columns cols
			where cols.table_name in (
				select tabs.table_name from information_schema.tables tabs where
					-- those which hold clinical data
					tabs.table_schema in ('dem', 'clin', 'blobs', 'cfg', 'ref', 'i18n') and
					tabs.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
			order by
				md5(cols.table_schema || cols.table_name || cols.column_name || cols.data_type)
		_total := _total
			|| _row.table_schema || '.'
			|| _row.table_name || '.'
			|| _row.column_name || '::'
			|| _row.udt_name || '
	end loop;
	return _total;

Function: gm.concat_table_structure_v3( )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

new concat_table_structure() starting with gnumed_v8, works on dem, clin, blobs, cfg, ref, i18n, sorts properly by bytea

	_row record;
	_total text;
	_total := '';
	-- schema.table.column.data_type
	for _row in
		select * from information_schema.columns cols
			where cols.table_name in (
				select tabs.table_name from information_schema.tables tabs where
					-- those which hold clinical data
					tabs.table_schema in ('dem', 'clin', 'blobs', 'cfg', 'ref', 'i18n') and
					tabs.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
			order by
				decode(md5(cols.table_schema || cols.table_name || cols.column_name || cols.data_type), 'hex')
		_total := _total
			|| _row.table_schema || '.'
			|| _row.table_name || '.'
			|| _row.column_name || '::'
			|| _row.udt_name || '
	end loop;
	return _total;

Function: gm.log_script_insertion( text, text )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

	_filename alias for $1;
	_version alias for $2;
	_hash text;
	delete from gm_schema_revision where filename = _filename;
	insert into gm_schema_revision (filename, version) values (
	select into _hash md5(gm.concat_table_structure());
	return _hash;

Schema i18n

Table: i18n.curr_lang

holds the currently selected per-user default language for fixed strings in the database

i18n.curr_lang Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
user name UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
lang text NOT NULL

Index - Schema i18n

Table: i18n.keys

this table holds all the original strings that need translation so give this to your language teams, the function i18n.i18n() will take care to enter relevant strings into this table, the table table does NOT play any role in runtime translation activity

i18n.keys Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Index - Schema i18n

Table: i18n.translations

this table holds all the translated strings

i18n.translations Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
lang text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the language (corresponding to i18n.curr_lang for a given user) that this translation belongs to
orig text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the original, untranslated string, used as the search key.
trans text NOT NULL

the translation of <orig> into <lang>
idx_orig orig

Index - Schema i18n

View: i18n.v_missing_translations

lists per language which strings are lacking a translation

i18n.v_missing_translations Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
lang text
orig text
SELECT icl.lang
, ik.orig 
SELECT DISTINCT curr_lang.lang 
  FROM i18n.curr_lang 
ORDER BY curr_lang.lang
) icl
, i18n.keys ik 
     (ik.orig IN 
            SELECT translations.orig 
              FROM i18n.translations

Index - Schema i18n

Function: i18n.force_curr_lang( text )

Returns: "unknown"

Language: PLPGSQL

force preferred language to some language: - for "current user"

    _lang ALIAS FOR $1;
    raise notice 'Forcing current language to [%] without checking for translations..', _lang;
    delete from i18n.curr_lang where user = CURRENT_USER;
    insert into i18n.curr_lang(lang) values (_lang);
    return 1;

Function: i18n.i18n( text )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

insert original strings into i18n.keys for later translation

	original ALIAS FOR $1;
	if not exists(select pk from i18n.keys where orig = original) then
		insert into i18n.keys (orig) values (original);
	end if;
	return original;

Function: i18n.set_curr_lang( text )

Returns: "unknown"

Language: PLPGSQL

set preferred language: - for "current user" - only if translations for this language are available

	_lang ALIAS FOR $1;
	if exists(select pk from i18n.translations where lang = _lang) then
		delete from i18n.curr_lang where user = CURRENT_USER;
		insert into i18n.curr_lang (lang) values (_lang);
		return true;
	end if;
	raise notice 'Cannot set current language to [%]. No translations available.', _lang;
	return false;

Function: i18n.set_curr_lang( text, name )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

set language to first argument for the user named in the second argument if translations are available

	_lang ALIAS FOR $1;
	_user ALIAS FOR $2;
	if exists(select pk from i18n.translations where lang = _lang) then
		delete from i18n.curr_lang where user = _user;
		insert into i18n.curr_lang("user", lang) values (_user, _lang);
		return true;
	end if;
	raise notice 'Cannot set current language to [%]. No translations available.', _lang;
	return False;

Function: i18n.upd_tx( text, text, text )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_lang alias for $1;
	_orig alias for $2;
	_trans alias for $3;
	_tmp text;
	if _lang is null then
		raise notice 'i18n.upd_tx(text, text, text): Cannot create translation for language <NULL>.';
		return False;
	end if;

	select into _tmp '1' from i18n.keys where orig=_orig;
	if not found then
		_tmp := 'String "' || _orig || '" not found in i18n.keys. No use storing translation.';
		raise notice '%', _tmp;
		-- return 'String "' || _orig || '" not found in i18n.keys. No use storing translation.';
		return False;
	end if;
	delete from i18n.translations where lang=_lang and orig=_orig;
	insert into i18n.translations (lang, orig, trans) values (_lang, _orig, _trans);
	-- return _orig || ' == (' || _lang || ') ==> ' || _trans;
	return True;

Schema public

Standard public schema

Table: public.atc_group

public.atc_group Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Table public.atc_group Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema public

Table: public.atc_substance

public.atc_substance Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
ddd_amount numeric
public.unit.pk fk_ddd_unit integer
route text
comment text

Table public.atc_substance Inherits audit_fields,

Index - Schema public

Table: public.basic_unit

basic units are SI units, units derived from them and the Unity

public.basic_unit Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
name_short text UNIQUE NOT NULL
name_long text UNIQUE

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: public.form_field_types

public.form_field_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
name text UNIQUE
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: public.form_fields

List of fields for a particular form

public.form_fields Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
ref.paperwork_templates.pk fk_form integer UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
long_name text UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL

The full name of the form field as presented to the user
template_placeholder text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

The name of the field as exposed to the form template. In other words, the placeholder in form_defs.template where the value entered into this field ist to be substituted. Must be a valid identifier in the form template's script language (viz. Python)
help text

longer help text
public.form_field_types.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

the field type
param text

a parameter for the field's behaviour, meaning is type-dependent
display_order integer

used to *suggest* display order, but client may ignore

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: public.form_job_queue

Queue table for rendered form instances. Note that the rows in this table will get deleted after processing. This is NOT an archive of form jobs.

public.form_job_queue Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin.form_instances.pk fk_form_instance integer NOT NULL

points to the unrendered source instance of the form, useful for recalling submitted jobs for changing
form bytea NOT NULL

the rendered form, IOW binary data such as a PDF file
public.form_job_targets.pk fk_job_target integer NOT NULL

points to the job target
submitted_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when was this form job submitted
fk_submitted_by integer NOT NULL

who of the staff submitted this form job
submitted_from text NOT NULL

the workplace this form job was submitted from
status text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'submitted'::text

status of the form job: - submitted: ready for processing - in progress: being processed - removable: fit for removal (either cancelled, timed out or done) - halted: do not process

Index - Schema public

Table: public.form_job_targets

the form job targets (eg. printers, faxes, smtp servers) in whatever granularity is needed locally, can be used for load balancing/round robin servicing busy queues

public.form_job_targets Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
target text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: public.form_print_defs

public.form_print_defs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_form integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
ref.papersizes.pk fk_papersize integer NOT NULL
offset_top integer NOT NULL

in mm - and yes, they do change even within one type of form, but we do not want to change the offset for all the fields in that case
offset_left integer NOT NULL
pages integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1
printer text NOT NULL
tray text NOT NULL
manual_feed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
papertype text NOT NULL

type of paper such as "watermarked rose", mainly for user interaction on manual_feed==true
eject_direction character(1) NOT NULL
orientation character(1) NOT NULL

Index - Schema public

Table: public.gm_client_db_match

allows lookup of whether a given client version can work with a particular database revision

public.gm_client_db_match Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
client_type text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the type of client this row refers to
client_version text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the version of the client this row refers to
db_identity_hash text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the identity_hash of a database revision that the client version can work with

Index - Schema public

Table: public.gm_schema_revision

this table holds the revisions of all SQL scripts ever inserted into this database, the values are preferably provided by CVS tags in the scripts themselves, see above for a convenient way to do that

public.gm_schema_revision Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
filename text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the name of the script, handled most easily by CVS via "RCSfile"
version text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the version of the script, handled most easily by CVS via "Revision"
imported timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when this script was imported, mainly for debugging

Index - Schema public

Table: public.housekeeping_todo

this table stores items that originate in headless processes running in the background but need to be brought to the attention of someone, say, errors that an integrity checker may find

public.housekeeping_todo Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
reported_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
reported_by text NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()

who or what reported this condition, may be a user or software
reported_to text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'admin'::text

who is this condition reported to, user or admin, used for filtering
problem text NOT NULL

a description of the reported condition
solution text

a proposed solution to the problem
context text

specific context for this condition that would make the problem field unnecessary complex and bulky
category text NOT NULL

a category for the condition, this is used for filtering, too
cookie text

stores arbitrary information related to the condition, mostly used for semantic duplicates detection, eg. do not report on a single problem more than once in subsequent runs of, say, an import script


public.housekeeping_todo Constraints
Name Constraint
housekeeping_todo_reported_to_check CHECK (((reported_to = 'user'::text) OR (reported_to = 'admin'::text)))

Index - Schema public

Table: public.lnk_tbl2src

This table links data tables to sources. Source entries may appear more than once (because they describe several tables) but table names must be unique in here. Note, however, that this table only links those data tables to their sources in which all rows have the very same source (such as ICD10). Tables where each row has its own source (say, literature references on diseases etc) will have a column constrained by a foreign key into ref_source directly.

public.lnk_tbl2src Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
public.ref_source.pk fk_ref_source integer NOT NULL
data_table name UNIQUE NOT NULL

Index - Schema public

Table: public.ref_source

lists the available coding systems, classifications, ontologies and term lists

public.ref_source Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
name_short text UNIQUE UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

shorthand for referrring to this reference entry
name_long text UNIQUE

long, complete (, ?official) name for this reference entry
version text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the exact and non-ambigous version for this entry
description text

optional arbitrary description
source text UNIQUE NOT NULL

non-ambigous description of source; with this info in hand it must be possible to locate a copy of the external reference

Table public.ref_source Inherits audit_fields,

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Table: public.test_norm

each row defines one set of measurement reference data

public.test_norm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
public.ref_source.pk fk_ref_src integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

source this reference data set was taken from
data text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the actual reference data in some format, say, XML or like in a *.conf file
comment text

Index - Schema public

Table: public.unit

units as used in real life

public.unit Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
public.basic_unit.pk fk_basic_unit integer

what is the SI-Standard unit for this, e.g. for the unit mg it is kg
name_short text NOT NULL
name_long text
factor double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 1.0

what factor the value with this unit has to be multiplied with to get values in the basic_unit
shift double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0

what has to be added (after multiplying by factor) to a value with this unit to get values in the basic_unit

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema public

Function: public._( text )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

will return either the translation into i18n.curr_lang.lang for the current user or the input, created in public schema for easy access

	_orig ALIAS FOR $1;
	trans_str text;
	my_lang text;
	-- get language
	select into my_lang lang from i18n.curr_lang where user = CURRENT_USER;
	if not found then
		return _orig;
	end if;
	-- get translation
	select into trans_str trans from i18n.translations
		where lang = my_lang and orig = _orig;
	if found then
		return trans_str;
	end if;
	return _orig;

Function: public._( text, text )

Returns: text

Language: PLPGSQL

will return either the translation into <text> (2nd argument) for the current user or the input, created in public schema for easy access

	_orig alias for $1;
	_lang alias for $2;
	trans_str text;
	-- no translation available at all ?
	if not exists(select 1 from i18n.translations where orig = _orig) then
		return _orig;
	end if;
	-- get translation
	select into trans_str trans
	from i18n.translations
		lang = _lang
		orig = _orig;
	if not found then
		return _orig;
	end if;
	return trans_str;

Function: public.f_rfi_type2item( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

function used to check referential integrity from clin.lnk_type2item to clin.clin_root_item with a custom trigger

	dummy integer;
	msg text;
	-- does fk_item change at all ?
	if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
		if NEW.fk_item = OLD.fk_item then
			return NEW;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- check referential integrity
	select into dummy 1 from clin.clin_root_item where pk_item=NEW.fk_item;
	if not found then
		msg := 'referential integrity violation: clin.lnk_type2item.fk_item [' || NEW.fk_item || '] not in <clin_root_item.pk_item>';
		raise exception '%', msg;
		return NULL;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: public.f_set_encounter_timezone( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

	if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
		NEW.source_time_zone := (select (extract(timezone from (select now()))::text || 'seconds')::interval);
		NEW.source_time_zone := OLD.source_time_zone;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: public.gm_create_user( name, text )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

To create users one needs to have superuser rights. We do not want to grant superuser rights to any GNUmed account, however. Therefore this function is owned by postgres and is set SECURITY DEFINER. Only gm-dbo is GRANTed EXECUTE. This way users need to know the gm-dbo (GNUmed admin) password to execute the function. Later on roles should be used to limit execution of this function.

	_username alias for $1;
	_password alias for $2;
	_database text;
	_query text;
	perform 1 from pg_user where usename = _username;
	if not FOUND then
		_query := 'create user ' || quote_ident(_username)
					|| ' with password ' || quote_literal(_password)
					|| ';';
		execute _query;
		perform 1 from pg_user where usename = _username;
		if not FOUND then
			raise exception 'cannot create user [%]', _username;
			return false;
		end if;
	end if;
	_query := 'alter group "gm-logins" add user ' || quote_ident(_username) || ';';
	execute _query;
	_query := 'alter group "gm-doctors" add user ' || quote_ident(_username) || ';';
	execute _query;
	_query := 'alter group "gm-public" add user ' || quote_ident(_username) || ';';
	execute _query;
	-- satisfy "database = samegroup" in pg_hba.conf
	select into _database current_database();
	_query := 'alter group ' || quote_ident(_database) || ' add user ' || quote_ident(_username) || ';';
	execute _query;
	return true;

Function: public.gm_disable_user( name )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

To disable users one needs to have superuser rights. We do not want to grant superuser rights to any GNUmed account, however. Therefore this function is owned by postgres and is set SECURITY DEFINER. Only gm-dbo is GRANTed EXECUTE. This way users need to know the gm-dbo (GNUmed admin) password to execute the function. Later on roles should be used to limit execution of this function.

	_username alias for $1;
	_query text;
	perform 1 from pg_user where usename = _username;
	if not FOUND then
		return true;
	end if;
	_query := 'alter group "gm-logins" drop user ' || quote_ident(_username) || ';';
	execute _query;
	return true;

Function: public.gm_drop_user( name )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

To drop users one needs to have superuser rights. We do not want to grant superuser rights to any GNUmed account, however. Therefore this function is owned by postgres and is set SECURITY DEFINER. Only gm-dbo is GRANTed EXECUTE. This way users need to know the gm-dbo (GNUmed admin) password to execute the function. Later on roles should be used to limit execution of this function.

	_username alias for $1;
	_query text;
	perform 1 from pg_user where usename = _username;
	if not FOUND then
		return true;
	end if;
	_query := 'drop user ' || quote_ident(_username) || ';';
	execute _query;
	perform 1 from pg_user where usename = _username;
	if FOUND then
		return false;
	end if;
	return true;

Function: public.gm_transfer_users( text )

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_source_group alias for $1;
	target_group text;
	member_ids int[];
	member_id int;
	member_name text;
	tmp text;
	-- source group exists ?
	perform 1 from pg_group where groname = _source_group;
	if not FOUND then
		raise exception 'gm_transfer_users(): source group [%] does not exist', _source_group;
		return false;
	end if;
	-- target group exists ?
	select into target_group current_database();
	perform 1 from pg_group where groname = target_group;
	if not FOUND then
		raise exception 'gm_transfer_users(): target group [%] does not exist', target_group;
		return false;
	end if;
	-- loop over group member IDs
	select into member_ids grolist from pg_group where groname = _source_group;
	FOR idx IN coalesce(array_lower(member_ids, 1), 0) .. coalesce(array_upper(member_ids, 1), -1) LOOP
		member_id := member_ids[idx];
		select into member_name usename from pg_user where usesysid = member_id;
		tmp := 'gm_transfer_users(text): transferring "'
				|| member_name || '" ('
				|| member_id || ') from group "'
				|| _source_group || '" to group "'
				|| target_group || '"';
		raise notice '%', tmp;
		-- satisfy "database = samegroup" in pg_hba.conf
		tmp := 'alter group ' || quote_ident(target_group) || ' add user ' || quote_ident(member_name) || ';';
		execute tmp;
	end LOOP;
	return true;

Schema ref

This schema holds data that is "reference material" which comes pre-installed with a GNUmed database. Examples are: - document types - ICD codes - form templates

Table: ref.document_type

pre-installed document types, do not change these as they will be overwritten during database upgrades at the discretion of the GNUmed team

ref.document_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
scope text

can be used to group document types according to applicability, say, per country
description text NOT NULL

Index - Schema ref

Table: ref.form_types

types of forms which are available, generally by purpose (radiology, pathology, sick leave, Therapiebericht etc.)

ref.form_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema ref

Table: ref.papersizes

ref.papersizes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
size point NOT NULL

(cm, cm)

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema ref

Table: ref.paperwork_templates

form and letter template definitions

ref.paperwork_templates Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
ref.form_types.pk fk_template_type integer NOT NULL
instance_type text

default document type to store documents generated from this form under, note that this may generate rows in blobs.doc_type if set to a non-existant document type
name_short text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

a short name for use in a GUI or some such
name_long text UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

a long name unambigously describing the form
external_version text UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL
gnumed_revision double precision UNIQUE#2

GnuMed internal form def version, may occur if we rolled out a faulty form def
engine text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'O'::text

the business layer forms engine used to process this form, currently: - T: plain text - L: LaTeX - H: Health Layer 7 - O: OpenOffice
in_use boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this template is currently actively used in a given practice
filename text

the filename from when the template data was imported if applicable, used by some engines (such as OOo) to differentiate what to do with certain files, such as *.ott vs. *.ods, GNUmed uses it to derive a file extension when exporting the template data
data bytea

the template complete with placeholders in the format accepted by the engine defined in ref.paperwork_templates.engine

Table ref.paperwork_templates Inherits audit_fields,


ref.paperwork_templates Constraints
Name Constraint
paperwork_templates_engine_check CHECK (((((engine = 'T'::text) OR (engine = 'L'::text)) OR (engine = 'H'::text)) OR (engine = 'O'::text)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema ref

View: ref.v_paperwork_templates

ref.v_paperwork_templates Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_paperwork_template integer
name_short text
name_long text
external_version text
template_type text
l10n_template_type text
instance_type text
l10n_instance_type text
engine text
in_use boolean
filename text
has_template_data boolean
has_instances boolean
last_modified timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
pk_template_type integer
xmin_paperwork_template xid
SELECT rpt.pk AS pk_paperwork_template
, rpt.name_short
, rpt.name_long
, rpt.external_version
, (
SELECT form_types.name 
  FROM ref.form_types 
 WHERE (form_types.pk = rpt.fk_template_type)
) AS template_type
, (
     (form_types.name) AS _ 
  FROM ref.form_types 
 WHERE (form_types.pk = rpt.fk_template_type)
) AS l10n_template_type
     , (
      SELECT form_types.name 
        FROM ref.form_types 
       WHERE (form_types.pk = rpt.fk_template_type)
) AS instance_type
     , (
      SELECT _
           (form_types.name) AS _ 
        FROM ref.form_types 
       WHERE (form_types.pk = rpt.fk_template_type)
) AS l10n_instance_type
, rpt.engine
, rpt.in_use
, rpt.filename
(rpt.data IS NOT NULL) THEN true ELSE false END AS has_template_data
, (
            SELECT 1 
              FROM form_fields 
             WHERE (form_fields.fk_form = rpt.pk) LIMIT 1
) AS has_instances
, rpt.modified_when AS last_modified
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = rpt.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, rpt.fk_template_type AS pk_template_type
, rpt.xmin AS xmin_paperwork_template 
FROM ref.paperwork_templates rpt;

Index - Schema ref

Function: ref.trf_protect_template_data( )

Returns: "trigger"

Language: PLPGSQL

Do not allow updates to the template data if any forms already use this template.

	if NEW.data != OLD.data then
		-- look for references in clin.form_instances
		-- if there are any we fail this update no matter what
		perform 1 from clin.form_instances where fk_form_def = NEW.pk;
		if FOUND then
			raise exception 'Updating ref.paperwork_templates.data not allowed because it is referenced from existing forms.';
		end if;
	end if;
	-- otherwise let it happen
	return NEW;

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