Dumped on 2015-04-16

Index of database - gnumed_v19

Table: address

an address aka a location, void of attached meaning such as type of address

address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
street.id id_street integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the street this address is at from whence the urb is to be found, it thus indirectly references dem.urb(id)
aux_street text UNIQUE#1

additional street-level information which formatters would usually put on lines directly below the street line of an address, such as postal box directions in CA
number text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

number of the house
subunit text UNIQUE#1

directions *below* the unit (eg.number) level, such as appartment number, room number, level, entrance or even verbal directions
addendum text UNIQUE#1

any additional information that did not fit anywhere else
lat_lon point

the exact location of this address in latitude-longtitude

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_dem_address_id_street id_street

Index - Schema dem

Table: address_type

address_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: country

countries coded per ISO 3166-1

country Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
code character(2) UNIQUE NOT NULL

international two character country code as per ISO 3166-1
deprecated date

date when this country ceased officially to exist (if applicable)


country Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::bpchar))::text || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: enum_comm_types

enum_comm_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: enum_ext_id_types

a list of all bureaucratic IDs/serial numbers/3rd party primary keys, etc.

enum_ext_id_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
name text UNIQUE#1
issuer text UNIQUE#1

the authority/system issuing the number

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: gender_label

This table stores the genders known to GNUmed. FIXME: cross-check with CDA:administrative-gender-code

gender_label Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
label text UNIQUE NOT NULL
sort_weight integer NOT NULL
comment text NOT NULL


gender_label Constraints
Name Constraint
gender_label_tag_check CHECK ((tag = ANY (ARRAY['m'::text, 'f'::text, 'h'::text, 'tm'::text, 'tf'::text])))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: identity

represents the unique identity of a person

identity Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
deleted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

whether this identity is considered deleted
pupic character(24)

Portable Unique Person Identification Code as per gnumed white papers
gender_label.tag gender text

the gender code
karyotype text
dob timestamp with time zone

date/time of birth
marital_status.pk fk_marital_status integer
cob character(2)

country of birth as per date of birth, coded as 2 character ISO code
deceased timestamp with time zone

date when a person has died
title text

Yes, a title is an attribute of an identity, not of a name ! Also, there are some incredible rants of titles.
tob time without time zone
emergency_contact text

Free text emergency contact information.
identity.pk fk_emergency_contact integer

Link to another dem.identity to be used as emergency contact.
comment text

A free-text comment on this identity.
staff.pk fk_primary_provider integer

Whether the given DOB is estimated or not. The TOB is assumed to be correct if given
dob_is_estimated boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false


identity Constraints
Name Constraint
dem_identity_sane_dob CHECK (((dob IS NULL) OR (dob <= now())))
dem_identity_sane_dod CHECK ((((deceased IS NULL) OR (dob IS NULL)) OR (deceased >= dob)))
identity_title_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(title, 'NULL'::text)) <> ''::text))
sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))
sane_emergency_contact CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(emergency_contact) IS TRUE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_identity_dob_ymd dem.date_trunc_utc('day'::text, dob)

Index - Schema dem

Table: identity_tag

tags attached to this identity

identity_tag Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk fk_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_tag integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
comment text


identity_tag Constraints
Name Constraint
dem_identity_tag_sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))

Index - Schema dem

Table: inbox_item_category

Holds the various categories of messages that can show up in the provider inbox.

inbox_item_category Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

"clinical" "admin" "personal" ...
is_user boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this category was added locally, as to be left alone by database upgrades


inbox_item_category Constraints
Name Constraint
inbox_item_category_description_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(description, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: inbox_item_type

Holds the various types of messages that can show up in the provider inbox.

inbox_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
inbox_item_category.pk fk_inbox_item_category integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

The category of this item type.
description text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the various types of inbox items
is_user boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this type was added locally, as to be left alone by database upgrades


inbox_item_type Constraints
Name Constraint
inbox_item_type_description_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(description, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_identity2comm

lnk_identity2comm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk fk_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
address.id fk_address integer
url text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
enum_comm_types.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL
is_confidential boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
comment text

a comment on this communications channel


lnk_identity2comm Constraints
Name Constraint
d_l_i2comm_sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))
lnk_identity2comm_url_check CHECK ((btrim(url) <> ''::text))

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_identity2ext_id

link external IDs to GnuMed identities

lnk_identity2ext_id Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk id_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
external_id text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

textual representation of external ID which may be Social Security Number, patient ID of another EMR system, you-name-it
enum_ext_id_types.pk fk_origin integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

originating system
comment text

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_job2person

linking (possibly several) jobs to a person

lnk_job2person Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk fk_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
occupation.id fk_occupation integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
activities text

describes activities the person is usually carrying out when working at this job

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_org_unit2comm

Comm channels per org unit.

lnk_org_unit2comm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
org_unit.pk fk_org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
url text UNIQUE#1
enum_comm_types.pk fk_type integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
is_confidential boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
comment text

a comment on this comm channel


lnk_org_unit2comm Constraints
Name Constraint
dem_lnk_unit2comm_sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))
lnk_org_unit2comm_sane_url CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(url) IS FALSE))

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_org_unit2ext_id

External IDs per org unit.

lnk_org_unit2ext_id Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
org_unit.pk fk_org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
external_id text UNIQUE#1
enum_ext_id_types.pk fk_type integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
comment text


lnk_org_unit2ext_id Constraints
Name Constraint
lnk_org_unit2ext_id_sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))
lnk_org_unit2ext_id_sane_id CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(external_id) IS FALSE))

Index - Schema dem

View: lnk_person2address

lnk_person2address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id_identity integer
id_address integer
id_type integer
SELECT lnk_person_org_address.id_identity
, lnk_person_org_address.id_address
, lnk_person_org_address.id_type 
FROM dem.lnk_person_org_address;

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_person2relative

biological and social relationships between an identity and other identities

lnk_person2relative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk id_identity integer NOT NULL

primary identity to whom the relationship applies
identity.pk id_relative integer NOT NULL

referred-to identity of this relationship (e.g. "child" if id_identity points to the father and id_relation_type points to "parent")
relation_types.id id_relation_type integer NOT NULL
started date

date when this relationship began
ended date

date when this relationship ended, biological relationships do not end !
idx_lnk_pers2rel id_identity, id_relation_type

Index - Schema dem

Table: lnk_person_org_address

a many-to-many pivot table describing the relationship between an organisation, a person, their work address and their occupation at that location. For patients id_org is NULL

lnk_person_org_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk id_identity integer UNIQUE#1

identity to which the address belongs
address.id id_address integer UNIQUE#1 UNIQUE#2

address belonging to this identity (the branch of the organisation)
address_type.id id_type integer DEFAULT 1

type of this address (like home, work, parents, holidays ...)
address_source text
id_org integer UNIQUE#2

Index - Schema dem

Table: marital_status

marital_status Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: message_inbox

messages in GNUmed relating to a patient, a provider, and a context

message_inbox Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
staff.pk fk_staff integer

the member of staff this message is addressed to
inbox_item_type.pk fk_inbox_item_type integer NOT NULL

the item (message) type
comment text

a free-text comment, may be NULL but not empty
data text

arbitrary data an application might wish to attach to the message, like a cookie, basically
importance smallint NOT NULL

the relative importance of this message: -1: lower than most things already in the inbox ("low") 0: same as most things ("standard") 1: higher than most things already there ("high")
identity.pk fk_patient integer
ufk_context integer[]

a nullable array of Unchecked Foreign Keys, it is up to the application to know what this points to, it will have to make sense within the context of the combination of staff ID, item type, and comment
due_date date

The date this message/reminder is due. If NULL then the message is not a reminder.
expiry_date date

The date this message/reminder "expires". Must be > .due_date it not NULL.


message_inbox Constraints
Name Constraint
dem_inbox_sane_expiry_date CHECK ((((expiry_date IS NULL) OR (due_date IS NULL)) OR (expiry_date > due_date)))
message_must_have_recipient CHECK ((((fk_staff IS NULL) AND (fk_patient IS NULL)) IS FALSE))
provider_inbox_comment_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(comment, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))
provider_inbox_importance_check CHECK ((((importance = (-1)) OR (importance = 0)) OR (importance = 1)))
idx_msg_inbox_fk_patient fk_patient idx_msg_inbox_fk_staff fk_staff

Index - Schema dem

Table: name_gender_map

maps (first) names to their most frequently locally assigned gender, this table is updated nightly by a cron script, names whose gender distribution is between 70/30 and 30/70 are ignored for ambiguity reasons, names with "ambigous" gender are also ignored

name_gender_map Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
gender character(1)


name_gender_map Constraints
Name Constraint
name_gender_map_gender_check CHECK ((gender = ANY (ARRAY['m'::bpchar, 'f'::bpchar])))

Index - Schema dem

Table: names

all the names an identity is known under; As opposed to the versioning of all other tables, changed names should not be moved into the audit trail tables. Search functionality must be available at any time for all names a person ever had.

names Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk id_identity integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
active boolean DEFAULT true

true if the name is still in use
lastnames text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

all last names of an identity in legal order, IOW "major" name, "group identifier", eg. family, village, tribe, ...
firstnames text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

all first names of an identity in legal order, IOW "minor" name, identifier of this identity within the group defined by <lastnames>
preferred text

preferred first name, the name a person is usually called (nickname, warrior name)
comment text

a comment regarding this name, useful in things like "this was the name before marriage" etc
idx_names_firstnames firstnames idx_names_last_first lastnames, firstnames

Index - Schema dem

Table: occupation

collects occupation names

occupation Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
name text NOT NULL


occupation Constraints
Name Constraint
occupation_name_check CHECK ((btrim(name) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: org

Organizations at a conceptual level.

org Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE

High-level, conceptual description (= name) of organization, such as "University of Manchester".
org_category.pk fk_category integer
fk_data_source integer

Source of the organization data.


org Constraints
Name Constraint
org_sane_description CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(description) IS FALSE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_dem_org_fk_category fk_category idx_trgm_dem_org_desc description gin_trgm_ops

Index - Schema dem

Table: org_category

org_category Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: org_unit

Actual branches/departments/offices/... of organizations.

org_unit Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE#1

Description (= name) of branch of organization, such as "Elms Street office of Jim Busser Praxis".
org.pk fk_org integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
address.id fk_address integer
org_category.pk fk_category integer


org_unit Constraints
Name Constraint
org_unit_sane_description CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(description) IS FALSE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_dem_org_unit_fk_address fk_address idx_dem_org_unit_fk_category fk_category idx_trgm_dem_org_unit_desc description gin_trgm_ops

Index - Schema dem

Table: praxis_branch

Defines one branch of a praxis (which itself is a dem.org)

praxis_branch Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_org_unit integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

Index - Schema dem

Table: relation_types

types of biological/social relationships between identities

relation_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
relation_types.id inverse integer
biological boolean NOT NULL

true if relationship is biological (proven or reasonable assumption), else false
biol_verified boolean DEFAULT false

ONLY true if there is genetic proof for this relationship
description text

plain text description of relationship

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: staff

one-to-one mapping of database user accounts (db_user) to staff identities (fk_identity)

staff Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
identity.pk fk_identity integer NOT NULL
db_user name UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
short_alias text UNIQUE NOT NULL

a short signature unique to this staff member to be used in the GUI, actually this is somewhat redundant with ext_person_id...
comment text
is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema dem

Table: state

state codes (country specific); Richard agreed we should require pre-existence, allow user to mail details for adding a state to developers

state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
code text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

state code
country.code country character(2) UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

2 character ISO 3166-1 country code
name text NOT NULL


state Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(code, ''::text) || (COALESCE(country, ''::bpchar))::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_dem_state_country_code country idx_state_names name

Index - Schema dem

Table: street

street names, specific for distinct "urbs"

street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
urb.id id_urb integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

reference to information postcode, city, country and state
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

name of this street
postcode text UNIQUE#1

postcode for systems (such as UK Royal Mail) which specify the street
suburb text

the suburb this street is in (if any)
lat_lon point

the approximate location of the street, as lat/long co-ordinates


street Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"(((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(suburb, ''::text)) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_dem_street_id_urb id_urb idx_street_names name idx_street_zips postcode

Index - Schema dem

Table: urb

cities, towns, dwellings ..., eg. "official" places of residence

urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
state.id id_state integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

reference to information about country and state
postcode text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

default postcode for urb.name, useful for all the smaller urbs that only have one postcode, also useful as a default when adding new streets to an urb
lat_lon point

the location of the urb, as lat/long co-ordinates. Ideally this would be NOT NULL
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the name of the city/town/dwelling


urb Constraints
Name Constraint
no_linebreaks CHECK ((((("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0) AND ("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)) AND ("position"((COALESCE(postcode, ''::text) || COALESCE(name, ''::text)), ' '::text) = 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_dem_urb_id_state id_state idx_urb_names name idx_urb_zips postcode

Index - Schema dem

View: v_address

fully denormalizes data about addresses as entities in themselves

v_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_address integer
street text
postcode text
notes_street text
number text
subunit text
notes_subunit text
lat_lon_address point
postcode_street text
lat_lon_street point
suburb text
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_street integer
pk_urb integer
pk_state integer
xmin_address xid
SELECT adr.id AS pk_address
, str.name AS street
     , u.postcode
) AS postcode
, adr.aux_street AS notes_street
, adr.number
, adr.subunit
, adr.addendum AS notes_subunit
, adr.lat_lon AS lat_lon_address
, str.postcode AS postcode_street
, str.lat_lon AS lat_lon_street
, str.suburb
, u.name AS urb
, u.postcode AS postcode_urb
, u.lat_lon AS lat_lon_urb
, dst.code AS code_state
, dst.name AS state
, _
(dst.name) AS l10n_state
, dst.country AS code_country
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, c.deprecated AS country_deprecated
, adr.id_street AS pk_street
, u.id AS pk_urb
, dst.id AS pk_state
, adr.xmin AS xmin_address 
                 (dem.address adr 
               LEFT JOIN dem.street str 
                      ON (
                             (adr.id_street = str.id)
         LEFT JOIN dem.urb u 
                ON (
                       (str.id_urb = u.id)
   LEFT JOIN dem.state dst 
          ON (
                 (u.id_state = dst.id)
LEFT JOIN dem.country c 
    ON (
           (c.code = dst.country)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_basic_address

v_basic_address Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
id integer
country_code character(2)
state_code text
state text
country text
postcode text
urb text
number text
street text
addendum text
lat_lon point
SELECT adr.id
, s.country AS country_code
, s.code AS state_code
, s.name AS state
, c.name AS country
     , urb.postcode
) AS postcode
, urb.name AS urb
, adr.number
, str.name AS street
, adr.addendum
     , str.lat_lon
     , urb.lat_lon
) AS lat_lon 
FROM dem.address adr
, dem.state s
, dem.country c
, dem.urb
, dem.street str 
                 (s.country = c.code)
               AND (adr.id_street = str.id)
         AND (str.id_urb = urb.id)
   AND (urb.id_state = s.id)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_basic_person

This view denormalizes non-deleted persons with their active name.

v_basic_person Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
title text
firstnames text
preferred text
lastnames text
gender text
l10n_gender text
dob_only timestamp with time zone
dob timestamp with time zone
tob time without time zone
deceased timestamp with time zone
cob character(2)
karyotype text
pupic character(24)
marital_status text
l10n_marital_status text
emergency_contact text
comment text
pk_marital_status integer
pk_active_name integer
pk_emergency_contact integer
pk_primary_provider integer
xmin_identity xid
dob_is_estimated boolean
SELECT i.pk AS pk_identity
, i.title
, n.firstnames
, n.preferred
, n.lastnames
, i.gender
, _
(i.gender) AS l10n_gender
, i.dob AS dob_only
, (date_trunc
           , i.dob
     ) + 
                 , (i.dob)::time without time zone
) AS dob
, i.tob
, i.deceased
, i.cob
, i.karyotype
, i.pupic
(i.fk_marital_status IS NULL) THEN 'unknown'::text ELSE 
SELECT ms.name 
  FROM dem.marital_status ms
     , dem.identity i1 
           (ms.pk = i.fk_marital_status)
         AND (i1.pk = i.pk)
) END AS marital_status
(i.fk_marital_status IS NULL) THEN _
('unknown'::text) ELSE 
     (ms1.name) AS _ 
  FROM dem.marital_status ms1
     , dem.identity i1 
           (ms1.pk = i.fk_marital_status)
         AND (i1.pk = i.pk)
) END AS l10n_marital_status
, i.emergency_contact
, i.comment
, i.fk_marital_status AS pk_marital_status
, n.id AS pk_active_name
, i.fk_emergency_contact AS pk_emergency_contact
, i.fk_primary_provider AS pk_primary_provider
, i.xmin AS xmin_identity
, i.dob_is_estimated 
FROM dem.identity i
, dem.names n 
           (i.deleted IS FALSE)
         AND (n.active IS TRUE)
   AND (n.id_identity = i.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_external_ids4identity

v_external_ids4identity Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
pk_id integer
name text
value text
issuer text
comment text
pk_type integer
SELECT li2ei.id_identity AS pk_identity
, li2ei.id AS pk_id
, eit.name
, li2ei.external_id AS value
, eit.issuer
, li2ei.comment
, li2ei.fk_origin AS pk_type 
FROM dem.lnk_identity2ext_id li2ei
, dem.enum_ext_id_types eit 
WHERE (li2ei.fk_origin = eit.pk);

Index - Schema dem

View: v_gender_labels

v_gender_labels Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
tag text
l10n_tag text
label text
l10n_label text
comment text
sort_weight integer
pk_gender_label integer
SELECT gl.tag
, _
(gl.tag) AS l10n_tag
, gl.label
, _
(gl.label) AS l10n_label
, gl.comment
, gl.sort_weight
, gl.pk AS pk_gender_label 
FROM dem.gender_label gl;

Index - Schema dem

View: v_identity_tags

v_identity_tags Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
description text
l10n_description text
comment text
filename text
image_size integer
pk_identity_tag integer
pk_tag_image integer
xmin_identity_tag xid
SELECT dit.fk_identity AS pk_identity
, rti.description
, _
(rti.description) AS l10n_description
, dit.comment
, rti.filename
, octet_length
) AS image_size
, dit.pk AS pk_identity_tag
, rti.pk AS pk_tag_image
, dit.xmin AS xmin_identity_tag 
FROM (dem.identity_tag dit 
LEFT JOIN ref.tag_image rti 
    ON (
           (dit.fk_tag = rti.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_inbox_item_type

v_inbox_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
type text
l10n_type text
category text
l10n_category text
is_user_type boolean
is_user_category boolean
pk_type integer
pk_category integer
SELECT it.description AS type
, _
(it.description) AS l10n_type
, ic.description AS category
, _
(ic.description) AS l10n_category
, it.is_user AS is_user_type
, ic.is_user AS is_user_category
, it.pk AS pk_type
, it.fk_inbox_item_category AS pk_category 
FROM dem.inbox_item_type it
, dem.inbox_item_category ic 
WHERE (it.fk_inbox_item_category = ic.pk);

Index - Schema dem

View: v_message_inbox

Denormalized messages for the providers and/or patients. Using UNION makes sure we get the right level of uniqueness.

v_message_inbox Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
received_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
provider text
importance integer
category text
l10n_category text
type text
l10n_type text
comment text
pk_context integer[]
data text
pk_inbox_message integer
pk_staff integer
pk_category integer
pk_type integer
pk_patient integer
is_virtual boolean
due_date timestamp with time zone
expiry_date timestamp with time zone
is_overdue boolean
is_expired boolean
interval_due interval
xmin_message_inbox integer
      SELECT mi.modified_when AS received_when
           , COALESCE
                  SELECT staff.short_alias 
                    FROM dem.staff 
                   WHERE (staff.db_user = mi.modified_by)
                 , (
                       ('<'::text || 
                       ) || '>'::text
           ) AS modified_by
           , (
            SELECT staff.short_alias 
              FROM dem.staff 
             WHERE (staff.pk = mi.fk_staff)
           ) AS provider
           , mi.importance
           , vit.category
           , vit.l10n_category
           , vit.type
           , vit.l10n_type
           , mi.comment
           , mi.ufk_context AS pk_context
           , mi.data
           , mi.pk AS pk_inbox_message
           , mi.fk_staff AS pk_staff
           , vit.pk_category
           , mi.fk_inbox_item_type AS pk_type
           , mi.fk_patient AS pk_patient
           , false AS is_virtual
           , mi.due_date
           , mi.expiry_date
           , CASE WHEN 
           (mi.due_date IS NULL) THEN false WHEN 
           (mi.due_date > now
           ) THEN false WHEN 
           (mi.expiry_date IS NULL) THEN true WHEN 
           (mi.expiry_date < now
           ) THEN false ELSE true END AS is_overdue
           , CASE WHEN 
           (mi.expiry_date IS NULL) THEN false WHEN 
           (mi.expiry_date > now
           ) THEN false ELSE true END AS is_expired
           , CASE WHEN 
           (mi.due_date IS NULL) THEN NULL::interval WHEN 
           (mi.due_date > now
           ) THEN 
                 (mi.due_date)::timestamp with time zone - now
           ) ELSE 
                 () - 
                 (mi.due_date)::timestamp with time zone
           ) END AS interval_due
           , gm.xid2int
           (mi.xmin) AS xmin_message_inbox 
        FROM dem.message_inbox mi
           , dem.v_inbox_item_type vit 
       WHERE (mi.fk_inbox_item_type = vit.pk_type)
       UNIONSELECT now
           () AS received_when
           ,'<system>'::text AS modified_by
           , (
            SELECT staff.short_alias 
              FROM dem.staff 
             WHERE (staff.pk = vo4dnd.pk_intended_reviewer)
           ) AS provider
           , 0 AS importance
           ,'clinical'::text AS category
           , _
           ('clinical'::text) AS l10n_category
           ,'review docs'::text AS type
           , _
           ('review docs'::text) AS l10n_type
           , (
            SELECT (
                                               ('unreviewed documents for patient'::text) || ' ['::text
                                         ) || dn.lastnames
                                   ) || 
                                ', '::text
                             ) || dn.firstnames
                       ) || ']'::text
              FROM dem.names dn 
             WHERE (
                       (dn.id_identity = vo4dnd.pk_patient)
                     AND (dn.active IS TRUE)
           ) AS comment
           , NULL::integer[] AS pk_context
           , NULL::text AS data
           , NULL::integer AS pk_inbox_message
           , vo4dnd.pk_intended_reviewer AS pk_staff
           , (
            SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_category 
              FROM dem.v_inbox_item_type 
             WHERE (v_inbox_item_type.type = 'review docs'::text)
           ) AS pk_category
           , (
            SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_type 
              FROM dem.v_inbox_item_type 
             WHERE (v_inbox_item_type.type = 'review docs'::text)
           ) AS pk_type
           , vo4dnd.pk_patient
           , true AS is_virtual
           , (now
                 () - '01:00:00'::interval
           ) AS due_date
           , NULL::timestamp with time zone AS expiry_date
           , true AS is_overdue
           , false AS is_expired
           ,'01:00:00'::interval AS interval_due
           , NULL::integer AS xmin_message_inbox 
        FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4dnd 
       WHERE (vo4dnd.reviewed IS FALSE)
     () AS received_when
     , vtr.modified_by
     , (
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.pk = vtr.pk_intended_reviewer)
     ) AS provider
     , 0 AS importance
     ,'clinical'::text AS category
     , _
     ('clinical'::text) AS l10n_category
     ,'review results'::text AS type
     , _
     ('review results'::text) AS l10n_type
     , (
      SELECT (
                                         ('unreviewed (normal) results for patient'::text
                                   ) || ' ['::text
                             ) || dn.lastnames
                       ) || 
                    ', '::text
                 ) || dn.firstnames
           ) || ']'::text
  FROM dem.names dn 
           (dn.id_identity = vtr.pk_patient)
         AND (dn.active IS TRUE)
) AS comment
, NULL::integer[] AS pk_context
, NULL::text AS data
, NULL::integer AS pk_inbox_message
, vtr.pk_intended_reviewer AS pk_staff
, (
SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_category 
  FROM dem.v_inbox_item_type 
 WHERE (v_inbox_item_type.type = 'review results'::text)
) AS pk_category
, (
SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_type 
  FROM dem.v_inbox_item_type 
 WHERE (v_inbox_item_type.type = 'review results'::text)
) AS pk_type
, vtr.pk_patient
, true AS is_virtual
, (now
     () - '01:00:00'::interval
) AS due_date
, NULL::timestamp with time zone AS expiry_date
, true AS is_overdue
, false AS is_expired
,'01:00:00'::interval AS interval_due
, NULL::integer AS xmin_message_inbox 
FROM clin.v_test_results vtr 
     (vtr.reviewed IS FALSE)
   AND (
           (vtr.is_technically_abnormal IS FALSE)
          OR (
                 (vtr.is_technically_abnormal IS NULL)
               AND (vtr.abnormality_indicator IS NULL)
(     ) AS received_when
,      vtr.modified_by
,      (
SELECT staff.short_alias 
FROM dem.staff 
WHERE (staff.pk = vtr.pk_intended_reviewer)
)      AS provider
,      1 AS importance
,     'clinical'::text AS category
,      _
(     'clinical'::text) AS l10n_category
,     'review results'::text AS type
,      _
(     'review results'::text) AS l10n_type
,      (
                             ('unreviewed (abnormal) results for patient'::text
                       ) || ' ['::text
                 ) || dn.lastnames
           ) || 
        ', '::text
     ) || dn.firstnames
) || ']'::text
FROM   dem.names dn 
(dn.id_identity = vtr.pk_patient)
AND (dn.active IS TRUE)
)            AS comment
,            NULL::integer[] AS pk_context
,            NULL::text AS data
,            NULL::integer AS pk_inbox_message
,            vtr.pk_intended_reviewer AS pk_staff
,            (
SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_category 
FROM   dem.v_inbox_item_type 
WHERE  (v_inbox_item_type.type = 'review results'::text)
)            AS pk_category
,            (
SELECT v_inbox_item_type.pk_type 
FROM   dem.v_inbox_item_type 
WHERE  (v_inbox_item_type.type = 'review results'::text)
)            AS pk_type
,            vtr.pk_patient
,            true AS is_virtual
,            (now
(     ) - '01:00:00'::interval
)            AS due_date
,            NULL::timestamp with time zone AS expiry_date
,            true AS is_overdue
,            false AS is_expired
,           '01:00:00'::interval AS interval_due
,            NULL::integer AS xmin_message_inbox 
FROM         clin.v_test_results vtr 
WHERE        (
(     vtr.reviewed IS FALSE)
AND    (
(vtr.is_technically_abnormal IS TRUE)
OR (
     (vtr.is_technically_abnormal IS NULL)
   AND (vtr.abnormality_indicator IS NOT NULL)
)           ;

Index - Schema dem

View: v_org_unit_comms

denormalizes org units to communication channels

v_org_unit_comms Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_org_unit integer
comm_type text
l10n_comm_type text
url text
comment text
is_confidential boolean
pk_lnk_org_unit2comm integer
pk_type integer
xmin_lnk_org_unit2comm xid
SELECT d_lo2c.fk_org_unit AS pk_org_unit
, ect.description AS comm_type
, _
(ect.description) AS l10n_comm_type
, d_lo2c.url
, d_lo2c.comment
, d_lo2c.is_confidential
, d_lo2c.pk AS pk_lnk_org_unit2comm
, d_lo2c.fk_type AS pk_type
, d_lo2c.xmin AS xmin_lnk_org_unit2comm 
FROM (dem.lnk_org_unit2comm d_lo2c 
  JOIN dem.enum_comm_types ect 
    ON (
           (d_lo2c.fk_type = ect.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_org_units

v_org_units Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_org_unit integer
organization text
unit text
organization_category text
l10n_organization_category text
unit_category text
l10n_unit_category text
is_praxis_branch boolean
pk_org integer
pk_category_org integer
pk_category_unit integer
pk_address integer
xmin_org_unit xid
SELECT d_ou.pk AS pk_org_unit
, d_o.description AS organization
, d_ou.description AS unit
, d_oc_o.description AS organization_category
, _
(d_oc_o.description) AS l10n_organization_category
, d_oc_u.description AS unit_category
, _
(d_oc_u.description) AS l10n_unit_category
      SELECT 1 
        FROM dem.praxis_branch d_pb 
       WHERE (d_pb.fk_org_unit = d_ou.pk)
) AS is_praxis_branch
, d_o.pk AS pk_org
, d_o.fk_category AS pk_category_org
, d_ou.fk_category AS pk_category_unit
, d_ou.fk_address AS pk_address
, d_ou.xmin AS xmin_org_unit 
           (dem.org_unit d_ou 
              JOIN dem.org d_o 
                ON (
                       (d_o.pk = d_ou.fk_org)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_oc_u 
          ON (
                 (d_ou.fk_category = d_oc_u.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_oc_o 
    ON (
           (d_o.fk_category = d_oc_o.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_org_units_no_praxis_check

v_org_units_no_praxis_check Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_org_unit integer
organization text
unit text
organization_category text
l10n_organization_category text
unit_category text
l10n_unit_category text
pk_org integer
pk_category_org integer
pk_category_unit integer
pk_address integer
xmin_org_unit xid
SELECT d_ou.pk AS pk_org_unit
, d_o.description AS organization
, d_ou.description AS unit
, d_oc_o.description AS organization_category
, _
(d_oc_o.description) AS l10n_organization_category
, d_oc_u.description AS unit_category
, _
(d_oc_u.description) AS l10n_unit_category
, d_o.pk AS pk_org
, d_o.fk_category AS pk_category_org
, d_ou.fk_category AS pk_category_unit
, d_ou.fk_address AS pk_address
, d_ou.xmin AS xmin_org_unit 
           (dem.org_unit d_ou 
              JOIN dem.org d_o 
                ON (
                       (d_o.pk = d_ou.fk_org)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_oc_u 
          ON (
                 (d_ou.fk_category = d_oc_u.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_oc_o 
    ON (
           (d_o.fk_category = d_oc_o.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_orgs

v_orgs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_org integer
organization text
category text
l10n_category text
is_praxis boolean
pk_category_org integer
xmin_org xid
SELECT d_o.pk AS pk_org
, d_o.description AS organization
, d_oc.description AS category
, _
(d_oc.description) AS l10n_category
      SELECT 1 
        FROM dem.praxis_branch d_pb 
       WHERE (d_pb.fk_org_unit IN 
                  SELECT d_ou.pk 
                    FROM dem.org_unit d_ou 
                   WHERE (d_ou.fk_org = d_o.pk)
) AS is_praxis
, d_o.fk_category AS pk_category_org
, d_o.xmin AS xmin_org 
FROM (dem.org d_o 
LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_oc 
    ON (
           (d_o.fk_category = d_oc.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_pat_addresses

denormalized addresses per patient

v_pat_addresses Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
pk_address integer
address_type text
l10n_address_type text
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob timestamp with time zone
cob character(2)
gender text
l10n_gender text
preferred text
street text
postcode text
notes_street text
number text
subunit text
notes_subunit text
lat_lon_address point
postcode_street text
lat_lon_street point
suburb text
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_street integer
pk_urb integer
pk_state integer
pk_lnk_person_org_address integer
pk_address_type integer
xmin_lnk_person_org_address xid
SELECT vbp.pk_identity
, va.pk_address
, at.name AS address_type
, _
(at.name) AS l10n_address_type
, vbp.title
, vbp.firstnames
, vbp.lastnames
, vbp.dob
, vbp.cob
, vbp.gender
, vbp.l10n_gender
, vbp.preferred
, va.street
, va.postcode
, va.notes_street
, va.number
, va.subunit
, va.notes_subunit
, va.lat_lon_address
, va.postcode_street
, va.lat_lon_street
, va.suburb
, va.urb
, va.postcode_urb
, va.lat_lon_urb
, va.code_state
, va.state
, va.l10n_state
, va.code_country
, va.country
, va.l10n_country
, va.country_deprecated
, va.pk_street
, va.pk_urb
, va.pk_state
, lpoa.id AS pk_lnk_person_org_address
, lpoa.id_type AS pk_address_type
, lpoa.xmin AS xmin_lnk_person_org_address 
FROM dem.v_address va
, dem.lnk_person_org_address lpoa
, dem.v_basic_person vbp
, dem.address_type at 
           (lpoa.id_identity = vbp.pk_identity)
         AND (lpoa.id_address = va.pk_address)
   AND (lpoa.id_type = at.id)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_person_comms

denormalizes persons to communications channels

v_person_comms Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
comm_type text
l10n_comm_type text
url text
is_confidential boolean
comment text
pk_lnk_identity2comm integer
pk_address integer
pk_type integer
xmin_lnk_identity2comm xid
SELECT li2c.fk_identity AS pk_identity
, ect.description AS comm_type
, _
(ect.description) AS l10n_comm_type
, li2c.url
, li2c.is_confidential
, li2c.comment
, li2c.pk AS pk_lnk_identity2comm
, li2c.fk_address AS pk_address
, li2c.fk_type AS pk_type
, li2c.xmin AS xmin_lnk_identity2comm 
FROM dem.lnk_identity2comm li2c
, dem.enum_comm_types ect 
WHERE (li2c.fk_type = ect.pk);

Index - Schema dem

View: v_person_jobs

denormalizes the jobs a person has

v_person_jobs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
occupation text
l10n_occupation text
activities text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
pk_occupation integer
pk_lnk_job2person integer
xmin_lnk_job2person xid
SELECT lj2p.fk_identity AS pk_identity
, o.name AS occupation
, _
(o.name) AS l10n_occupation
, lj2p.activities
, lj2p.modified_when
, lj2p.fk_occupation AS pk_occupation
, lj2p.pk AS pk_lnk_job2person
, lj2p.xmin AS xmin_lnk_job2person 
FROM (dem.lnk_job2person lj2p 
  JOIN dem.occupation o 
    ON (
           (lj2p.fk_occupation = o.id)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_person_names

v_person_names Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
active_name boolean
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
preferred text
comment text
gender text
dob timestamp with time zone
tob time without time zone
dod timestamp with time zone
identity_deleted boolean
deceased boolean
pk_name integer
xmin_name xid
SELECT dn.id_identity AS pk_identity
, dn.active AS active_name
, di.title
, dn.firstnames
, dn.lastnames
, dn.preferred
, dn.comment
, di.gender
, di.dob
, di.tob
, di.deceased AS dod
, di.deleted AS identity_deleted
, (di.deceased IS NOT NULL) AS deceased
, dn.id AS pk_name
, dn.xmin AS xmin_name 
FROM dem.names dn
, dem.identity di 
WHERE (di.pk = dn.id_identity);

Index - Schema dem

View: v_persons

This view denormalizes persons with their active name.

v_persons Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
title text
firstnames text
preferred text
lastnames text
gender text
l10n_gender text
dob_only timestamp with time zone
dob timestamp with time zone
tob time without time zone
deceased timestamp with time zone
marital_status text
l10n_marital_status text
emergency_contact text
comment text
is_deleted boolean
pk_marital_status integer
pk_active_name integer
pk_emergency_contact integer
pk_primary_provider integer
xmin_identity xid
dob_is_estimated boolean
SELECT i.pk AS pk_identity
, i.title
, n.firstnames
, n.preferred
, n.lastnames
, i.gender
, _
(i.gender) AS l10n_gender
, i.dob AS dob_only
, (date_trunc
           , i.dob
     ) + 
                 , (i.dob)::time without time zone
) AS dob
, i.tob
, i.deceased
(i.fk_marital_status IS NULL) THEN 'unknown'::text ELSE 
SELECT ms.name 
  FROM dem.marital_status ms
     , dem.identity i1 
           (ms.pk = i.fk_marital_status)
         AND (i1.pk = i.pk)
) END AS marital_status
(i.fk_marital_status IS NULL) THEN _
('unknown'::text) ELSE 
     (ms1.name) AS _ 
  FROM dem.marital_status ms1
     , dem.identity i1 
           (ms1.pk = i.fk_marital_status)
         AND (i1.pk = i.pk)
) END AS l10n_marital_status
, i.emergency_contact
, i.comment
, i.deleted AS is_deleted
, i.fk_marital_status AS pk_marital_status
, n.id AS pk_active_name
, i.fk_emergency_contact AS pk_emergency_contact
, i.fk_primary_provider AS pk_primary_provider
, i.xmin AS xmin_identity
, i.dob_is_estimated 
FROM dem.identity i
, dem.names n 
     (n.active IS TRUE)
   AND (n.id_identity = i.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_praxis_branches

Denormalized praxis branches with their praxis.

v_praxis_branches Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_praxis_branch integer
branch text
pk_org_unit integer
pk_category_unit integer
pk_address integer
pk_org integer
xmin_praxis_branch xid
xmin_org_unit xid
praxis text
pk_category_org integer
organization_category text
l10n_organization_category text
unit_category text
l10n_unit_category text
SELECT branches_w_orgs.pk_praxis_branch
, branches_w_orgs.branch
, branches_w_orgs.pk_org_unit
, branches_w_orgs.pk_category_unit
, branches_w_orgs.pk_address
, branches_w_orgs.pk_org
, branches_w_orgs.xmin_praxis_branch
, branches_w_orgs.xmin_org_unit
, branches_w_orgs.praxis
, branches_w_orgs.pk_category_org
, d_ocat.description AS organization_category
, _
(d_ocat.description) AS l10n_organization_category
, d_ucat.description AS unit_category
, _
(d_ucat.description) AS l10n_unit_category 
            SELECT branches_w_units.pk_praxis_branch
                 , branches_w_units.branch
                 , branches_w_units.pk_org_unit
                 , branches_w_units.pk_category_unit
                 , branches_w_units.pk_address
                 , branches_w_units.pk_org
                 , branches_w_units.xmin_praxis_branch
                 , branches_w_units.xmin_org_unit
                 , d_o.description AS praxis
                 , d_o.fk_category AS pk_category_org 
              FROM (
                        SELECT d_pb.pk AS pk_praxis_branch
                             , d_ou.description AS branch
                             , d_pb.fk_org_unit AS pk_org_unit
                             , d_ou.fk_category AS pk_category_unit
                             , d_ou.fk_address AS pk_address
                             , d_ou.fk_org AS pk_org
                             , d_pb.xmin AS xmin_praxis_branch
                             , d_ou.xmin AS xmin_org_unit 
                          FROM (dem.praxis_branch d_pb 
                                JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
                                  ON (
                                         (d_pb.fk_org_unit = d_ou.pk)
                       ) branches_w_units 
                    JOIN dem.org d_o 
                      ON (
                             (d_o.pk = branches_w_units.pk_org)
           ) branches_w_orgs 
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_ucat 
          ON (
                 (branches_w_orgs.pk_category_unit = d_ucat.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org_category d_ocat 
    ON (
           (branches_w_orgs.pk_category_org = d_ocat.pk)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_staff

Denormalized staff data.

v_staff Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_identity integer
pk_staff integer
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
short_alias text
role text
dob timestamp with time zone
gender text
db_user name
comment text
is_active boolean
can_login boolean
xmin_staff xid
SELECT vbp.pk_identity
, s.pk AS pk_staff
, vbp.title
, vbp.firstnames
, vbp.lastnames
, s.short_alias
            SELECT 1 
              FROM pg_group 
             WHERE (
                       (pg_group.groname = 'gm-doctors'::name)
                     AND (
                              SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                FROM pg_user 
                               WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                             ) = ANY 
) THEN 'full clinical access'::text WHEN 
            SELECT 1 
              FROM pg_group 
             WHERE (
                       (pg_group.groname = 'gm-nurses'::name)
                     AND (
                              SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                FROM pg_user 
                               WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                             ) = ANY 
) THEN 'limited clinical access'::text WHEN 
            SELECT 1 
              FROM pg_group 
             WHERE (
                       (pg_group.groname = 'gm-staff'::name)
                     AND (
                              SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                FROM pg_user 
                               WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                             ) = ANY 
) THEN 'non-clinical access'::text WHEN 
            SELECT 1 
              FROM pg_group 
             WHERE (
                       (pg_group.groname = 'gm-public'::name)
                     AND (
                              SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                FROM pg_user 
                               WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                             ) = ANY 
) THEN 'public access'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS role
, vbp.dob
, vbp.gender
, s.db_user
, s.comment
, s.is_active
, (
            SELECT (EXISTS 
                        SELECT 1 
                          FROM pg_group 
                         WHERE (
                                          SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                            FROM pg_user 
                                           WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                                         ) = ANY 
                                 AND (pg_group.groname = current_database
         AND (
            SELECT (EXISTS 
                        SELECT 1 
                          FROM pg_group 
                         WHERE (
                                          SELECT pg_user.usesysid 
                                            FROM pg_user 
                                           WHERE (pg_user.usename = s.db_user)
                                         ) = ANY 
                                 AND (pg_group.groname = 'gm-logins'::name)
) AS can_login
, s.xmin AS xmin_staff 
FROM (dem.staff s 
  JOIN dem.v_basic_person vbp 
    ON (
           (s.fk_identity = vbp.pk_identity)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_state

denormalizes state information

v_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_state integer
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
xmin_state xid
SELECT s.id AS pk_state
, s.code AS code_state
, s.name AS state
, _
(s.name) AS l10n_state
, s.country AS code_country
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, c.deprecated AS country_deprecated
, s.xmin AS xmin_state 
FROM (dem.state s 
LEFT JOIN dem.country c 
    ON (
           (s.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_street

denormalizes street data

v_street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_street integer
street text
postcode text
postcode_street text
lat_lon_street point
suburb text
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_urb integer
pk_state integer
xmin_street xid
SELECT st.id AS pk_street
, st.name AS street
     , vu.postcode_urb
) AS postcode
, st.postcode AS postcode_street
, st.lat_lon AS lat_lon_street
, st.suburb
, vu.urb
, vu.postcode_urb
, vu.lat_lon_urb
, vu.code_state
, vu.state
, vu.l10n_state
, vu.code_country
, vu.country
, vu.l10n_country
, vu.country_deprecated
, st.id_urb AS pk_urb
, vu.pk_state
, st.xmin AS xmin_street 
FROM (dem.street st 
LEFT JOIN dem.v_urb vu 
    ON (
           (st.id_urb = vu.pk_urb)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_uniq_zipped_urbs

convenience view that selects urbs which: - have a zip code - are not referenced in table "street" with that zip code

v_uniq_zipped_urbs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
postcode text
name text
state text
code_state text
country text
l10n_country text
code_country character(2)
SELECT urb.postcode
, urb.name
, stt.name AS state
, stt.code AS code_state
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, stt.country AS code_country 
FROM dem.urb
, dem.state stt
, dem.country c 
                 (urb.postcode IS NOT NULL)
               AND (NOT 
                              SELECT 1 
                                FROM dem.v_zip2street vz2str
                                   , dem.urb 
                               WHERE (
                                         (vz2str.postcode = urb.postcode)
                                       AND (vz2str.urb = urb.name)
         AND (urb.id_state = stt.id)
   AND (stt.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_urb

denormalizes urb data

v_urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_urb integer
urb text
postcode_urb text
lat_lon_urb point
code_state text
state text
l10n_state text
code_country character(2)
country text
l10n_country text
country_deprecated date
pk_state integer
xmin_urb xid
SELECT u.id AS pk_urb
, u.name AS urb
, u.postcode AS postcode_urb
, u.lat_lon AS lat_lon_urb
, vs.code_state
, vs.state
, vs.l10n_state
, vs.code_country
, vs.country
, vs.l10n_country
, vs.country_deprecated
, u.id_state AS pk_state
, u.xmin AS xmin_urb 
FROM (dem.urb u 
LEFT JOIN dem.v_state vs 
    ON (
           (vs.pk_state = u.id_state)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_zip2data

aggregates nearly all known data per zip code

v_zip2data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
zip text
street text
suburb text
urb text
state text
code_state text
country text
l10n_country text
code_country character(2)
SELECT vz2s.postcode AS zip
, vz2s.street
, vz2s.suburb
, vz2s.urb
, vz2s.state
, vz2s.code_state
, vz2s.country
, vz2s.l10n_country
, vz2s.code_country 
FROM dem.v_zip2street vz2s 
UNIONSELECT vuzu.postcode AS zip
, NULL::text AS street
, NULL::text AS suburb
, vuzu.name AS urb
, vuzu.state
, vuzu.code_state
, vuzu.country
, vuzu.l10n_country
, vuzu.code_country 
FROM dem.v_uniq_zipped_urbs vuzu;

Index - Schema dem

View: v_zip2street

list known data for streets that have a zip code

v_zip2street Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
postcode text
street text
suburb text
state text
code_state text
urb text
country text
l10n_country text
code_country character(2)
     , urb.postcode
) AS postcode
, str.name AS street
, str.suburb
, stt.name AS state
, stt.code AS code_state
, urb.name AS urb
, c.name AS country
, _
(c.name) AS l10n_country
, stt.country AS code_country 
FROM dem.street str
, dem.urb
, dem.state stt
, dem.country c 
                 (str.postcode IS NOT NULL)
               AND (str.id_urb = urb.id)
         AND (urb.id_state = stt.id)
   AND (stt.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

View: v_zip2urb

list known data for urbs that have a zip code

v_zip2urb Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
postcode text
urb text
state text
code_state text
country text
code_country character(2)
SELECT urb.postcode
, urb.name AS urb
, stt.name AS state
, stt.code AS code_state
, _
(c.name) AS country
, stt.country AS code_country 
FROM dem.urb
, dem.state stt
, dem.country c 
           (urb.postcode IS NOT NULL)
         AND (urb.id_state = stt.id)
   AND (stt.country = c.code)

Index - Schema dem

Function: add_external_id_type(text, text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

Add an external ID type if it does not exist yet. This implementation is prone to concurrency issues.

	_name alias for $1;
	_issuer alias for $2;
	_pk int;
	select pk into _pk from dem.enum_ext_id_types where name = _name and issuer = _issuer;
	if FOUND then
		return _pk;
	end if;
	insert into dem.enum_ext_id_types(name, issuer) values (_name, _issuer);
	select currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('dem.enum_ext_id_types', 'pk')) into _pk;
	return _pk;

Function: add_name(integer, text, text, boolean)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_id_identity alias for $1;
	_first alias for $2;
	_last alias for $3;
	_active alias for $4;
	_id integer;
    -- deactivate all the existing names if this name is to become active
	if _active then
		update dem.names set active = false where id_identity = _id_identity;
	end if;
	-- name already there for this identity ?
	select into _id id from dem.names where id_identity = _id_identity and firstnames = _first and lastnames = _last;
	if FOUND then
		update dem.names set active = _active where id = _id;
		return _id;
	end if;
	-- no, insert new name
	insert into dem.names (id_identity, firstnames, lastnames, active) values (_id_identity, _first, _last, _active);
	if FOUND then
		return currval('dem.names_id_seq');
	end if;
	return NULL;

Function: address_exists(text, text, text, text, text, text, text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function checks whether a given address exists in the database and returns the primary key if found. It takes the following parameters: country code, state code, urb (location), postcode, street, number, subunit (can be NULL)

	_code_country alias for $1;
	_code_state alias for $2;
	_urb alias for $3;
	_postcode alias for $4;
	_street alias for $5;
	_number alias for $6;
	_subunit alias for $7;
	__subunit text;
	_pk_address integer;
	msg text;
	if (_code_country || _code_state || _urb || _postcode || _street || _number) is NULL then
		msg := '[dem.address_exists]: insufficient or invalid address definition: '
			|| 'country code <' || coalesce(_code_country, 'NULL') || '>, '
			|| 'state code <' || coalesce(_code_state, 'NULL') || '>, '
			|| 'urb <' || coalesce(_urb, 'NULL') || '>, '
			|| 'zip <' || coalesce(_postcode, 'NULL') || '>, '
			|| 'street <' || coalesce(_street, 'NULL') || '>, '
			|| 'number <' || coalesce(_number, 'NULL') || '>'
		raise exception '%', msg;
	end if;
	__subunit := nullif(trim(_subunit), '');
	if __subunit is null then
			pk_address into _pk_address
			code_country = trim(_code_country)
			code_state = trim(_code_state)
			urb = trim(_urb)
			postcode = trim(_postcode)
			street = trim(_street)
			number = trim(_number)
			subunit is null;
			pk_address into _pk_address
			code_country = trim(_code_country)
			code_state = trim(_code_state)
			urb = trim(_urb)
			postcode = trim(_postcode)
			street = trim(_street)
			number = trim(_number)
			subunit = __subunit;
	end if;
	return _pk_address;

Function: create_address(text, text, text, text, text, text, text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function creates an address. It first checks whether the address already exists. It takes the following parameters: number, street, postcode, urb (location), state code, country code, subunit (can be NULL) If the country or the state do not exist in the database, the function fails.

	_number ALIAS FOR $1;
	_street ALIAS FOR $2;
	_postcode ALIAS FOR $3;
	_urb ALIAS FOR $4;
	_state_code ALIAS FOR $5;
	_country_code ALIAS FOR $6;
	_subunit alias for $7;
	_street_id integer;
	_pk_address integer;
	__subunit text;
	msg text;
	select into _pk_address dem.address_exists (
	if _pk_address is not null then
		return _pk_address;
	end if;
	-- this either creates dem.street and possible dem.urb rows or
	-- or else it fails (because state and/or country do not exist)
	select into _street_id dem.create_street(_street, _postcode, _urb, _state_code, _country_code);
	-- create address
	__subunit := nullif(trim(_subunit), '');
	insert into dem.address (
	) values (
	returning id
	into _pk_address;
	return _pk_address;

Function: create_comm_type(text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_description alias for $1;
	_pk_type integer;
	select pk into _pk_type from dem.enum_comm_types where _(description) = _description;
	if FOUND then
		return _pk_type;
	end if;
	select pk into _pk_type from dem.enum_comm_types where description = _description;
	if FOUND then
		return _pk_type;
	end if;
	insert into dem.enum_comm_types(description) values (_description);
	select currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('dem.enum_comm_types', 'pk')) into _pk_type;
	return _pk_type;

Function: create_occupation(text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_job alias for $1;
	_id integer;
	select into _id id from dem.occupation where name = _job;
	if FOUND then
		return _id;
	end if;
	insert into dem.occupation (name) values (_job);
	return currval('dem.occupation_id_seq');

Function: create_street(text, text, text, text, text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function takes a parameters the name of the street, the postal code, the name of the urb, the postcode of the urb, the code of the state and the code of the country. If the country or the state does not exists in the tables, the function fails. At first, both the urb and street are tried to be retrieved according to the supplied information. If the fields do not match exactly an existing row, a new urb is created or a new street is created and returned.

	_street ALIAS FOR $1;
	_postcode ALIAS FOR $2;
	_urb ALIAS FOR $3;
	_state_code ALIAS FOR $4;
	_country_code ALIAS FOR $5;
	_urb_id integer;
	_street_id integer;
	msg text;
	-- create/get urb
	SELECT INTO _urb_id dem.create_urb(_urb, _postcode, _state_code, _country_code);
	-- create/get and return street
	SELECT INTO _street_id s.id from dem.street s WHERE s.name ILIKE _street AND s.id_urb = _urb_id AND postcode ILIKE _postcode;
		RETURN _street_id;
	INSERT INTO dem.street (name, postcode, id_urb) VALUES (_street, _postcode, _urb_id);
	RETURN currval('dem.street_id_seq');

Function: create_urb(text, text, text, text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

This function takes a parameters the name of the urb, the postcode of the urb, the name of the state and the name of the country. If the country or the state does not exists in the tables, the function fails. At first, the urb is tried to be retrieved according to the supplied information. If the fields do not match exactly an existing row, a new urb is created and returned.

	_urb ALIAS FOR $1;
	_urb_postcode ALIAS FOR $2;	
	_state_code ALIAS FOR $3;
	_country_code ALIAS FOR $4;
 	_state_id integer;
	_urb_id integer;
	msg text;
 	-- get state
 	SELECT INTO _state_id s.id from dem.state s WHERE s.code = _state_code and s.country = _country_code;
		msg := 'combination of state + country not registered ['
			||   'country:' || coalesce(_country_code, 'NULL')
			||   ', state:' || coalesce(_state_code, 'NULL')
			||     ', urb:' || coalesce(_urb, 'NULL')
			|| ', urb_zip:' || coalesce(_urb_postcode, 'NULL')
			|| ']';
		RAISE EXCEPTION '=> %', msg;
	-- get/create and return urb
	SELECT INTO _urb_id u.id from dem.urb u WHERE u.name ILIKE _urb AND u.id_state = _state_id;
		RETURN _urb_id;
	INSERT INTO dem.urb (name, postcode, id_state) VALUES (_urb, _urb_postcode, _state_id);
	RETURN currval('dem.urb_id_seq');

Function: date_trunc_utc(text, timestamp with time zone)

Returns: timestamp without time zone

Language: SQL

date_trunc() is not immutable because it depends on the timezone setting, hence need to use this in index creation, but also need to use it in queries which want to use that index, so make it generally available as a function

select date_trunc($1, $2 at time zone 'UTC');

Function: dob_is_in_range(timestamp with time zone, interval, interval)

Returns: boolean

Language: SQL

	($1 - (extract(year from $1) * '1 year'::interval)) -
	(now() - (extract(year from now()) * '1 year'::interval))
	between (-1 * $2) and $3

Function: f_always_active_name()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	if NEW.active = false then
		raise exception 'Cannot delete/disable active name. Another name must be activated first.';
		return OLD;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: f_delete_names()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	DELETE from dem.names WHERE id_identity=OLD.id;

Function: f_uniq_active_name()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

--	tmp text;
--	tmp := 'identity:' || NEW.id_identity || ',id:' || NEW.id || ',name:' || NEW.firstnames || ' ' || NEW.lastnames;
--	raise notice 'uniq_active_name: [%]', tmp;
	if NEW.active = true then
		update dem.names set active = false
			id_identity = NEW.id_identity
			active = true;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: gm_upd_default_states()

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_state_code text;
	_state_name text;
	_country_row record;
	_state_code := '??';
	_state_name := 'state/territory/province/region not available';
	-- add default state to countries needing one
	for _country_row in
		select distinct code from dem.country
		where code not in (
			select country from dem.state where code = _state_code
		raise notice 'adding default state for [%]', _country_row.code;
		execute 'insert into dem.state (code, country, name) values ('
				|| quote_literal(_state_code) || ', '
				|| quote_literal(_country_row.code) || ', '
				|| quote_literal(_state_name) || ');';
	end loop;
	return true;

Function: new_pupic()

Returns: bpchar

Language: PLPGSQL

   -- how does this work? How do we get new 'unique' numbers?
   RETURN '0000000000';

Function: remove_person(integer)

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

Fully remove a person from the system - except everything is still in the audit tables ;-)

	_pk_identity alias for $1;
	-- does person exist ?
	perform 1 from dem.identity where pk = _pk_identity;
	if not FOUND then
		raise notice 'dem.remove_person(): dem.identity.pk=(%) does not exist, not removing', _pk_identity;
		return false;
	end if;
	-- we cannot just get the child tables of clin.clin_root_item and
	-- delete from them since they are inter-dependent and may require
	-- a particular order of deletion, so let us do that explicitely:
	DELETE FROM clin.clin_hx_family WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.vaccination WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.allergy WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.allergy_state WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.clin_diag WHERE fk_narrative IN (
		SELECT pk FROM clin.clin_narrative WHERE fk_encounter IN (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.test_result WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.lab_request WHERE fk_encounter in (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.substance_intake WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.procedure WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.clin_narrative WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM blobs.doc_med WHERE fk_encounter IN (
		select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	-- now that we have deleted all the clinical data let us
	-- delete the EMR structural items as well:
	DELETE FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_encounter IN (
	    select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.health_issue WHERE fk_encounter IN (
	    select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_identity
	DELETE FROM clin.encounter WHERE fk_patient = _pk_identity;
	-- delete demographics details:
	DELETE FROM dem.identity_tag where fk_identity = _pk_identity;
	DELETE FROM dem.names WHERE id_identity = _pk_identity;
	-- eventually delete the identity itself which does
	-- not go down without some twisting of arms:
	ALTER TABLE dem.identity disable rule r_del_identity;
	DELETE FROM dem.identity WHERE pk = _pk_identity;
	ALTER TABLE dem.identity enable rule r_del_identity;
	return true;

Function: set_nickname(integer, text)

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

Setting the nickname only makes sense for the currently active name. However, we also want to keep track of previous nicknames. Hence we would set the nickname right in the active name if it is NULL. It it contains a previous nickname (eg IS NOT NULL) we will inactivate the currently active name and copy it into a new active name but with the nickname set to the new one. Unsetting works the same (IOW *setting* to NULL).

	_id_identity alias for $1;
	_nick alias for $2;
	_names_row record;
	msg text;
	-- 0.1: Just always set the nickname inside the active name
	-- post 0.1: openEHR-like (name: pk, fk_identity, name, fk_type, comment, is_legal, is_active ...)
	-- does name exist ?
	select into _names_row * from dem.names where id_identity = _id_identity and active = true;
	if not found then
		msg := 'Cannot set nickname [' || _nick || ']. No active <names> row with id_identity [' || _id_identity || '] found.';
		raise exception '%', msg;
	end if;
	update dem.names set preferred = _nick where id = _names_row.id;
	return _names_row.id;

Function: trf_normalize_time_in_dob()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	if NEW.dob is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	NEW.dob = date_trunc('day', NEW.dob) + '11 hours 11 minutes 11 seconds 111 milliseconds'::interval;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_null_empty_title()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	if (NEW.title is null) then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	if trim(NEW.title) <> '' then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	NEW.title := NULL;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_prevent_multiple_praxi()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Prevent praxis branches to be defined for more than one dem.org.

	_branch_count integer;
	_pk_org_existing integer;
	_pk_org_prospective integer;
	_msg text;
	select count(1) into _branch_count from dem.praxis_branch;
	if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
		-- first branch ever
		if _branch_count = 0 then
			return NEW;
		end if;
	end if;
	if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
		-- only one branch (which is being updated)
		if _branch_count = 1 then
			return NEW;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- now we have either got an INSERT with at least
	-- one praxis_branch already existing or we are
	-- UPDATEing one of several existing branches
	SELECT fk_org INTO _pk_org_existing FROM dem.org_unit
	WHERE pk = (SELECT fk_org_unit FROM dem.praxis_branch LIMIT 1);
	SELECT fk_org INTO _pk_org_prospective
	FROM dem.org_unit WHERE pk = NEW.fk_org_unit;
	if _pk_org_prospective = _pk_org_existing then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	_msg := '[dem.trf_prevent_multiple_praxi] '
			|| TG_OP || ': '
			|| 'Existing praxis branches (dem.praxis_branch.fk_org->dem.org_unit.pk->dem.org_unit.fk_org) belong to an org with dem.org.pk='
			|| _pk_org_existing
			|| '. Cannot link praxis branch (dem.praxis_branch.fk_org=dem.org_unit.pk='
			|| NEW.fk_org_unit
			||') to a different org (dem.org.pk='
			|| _pk_org_prospective
			||'). There can only be one praxis (=dem.org) per database.';
	raise exception unique_violation using message = _msg;
	return NULL;

Function: trf_protect_active_name_of_person()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

A person must have at least one, active, name record.

	_name_count integer;
	_msg text;
	-- how many names are there for the identity at the end of the Tx ?
	select count(1) into _name_count
	from dem.names
		id_identity = OLD.id_identity
		active is true
	-- less than one name ?
	if _name_count < 1 then
		_msg := 'person ' || OLD.id_identity || ' must have at least one, active, name entry';
		raise exception check_violation using message = _msg;
		return OLD;
	end if;
	return OLD;

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