Dumped on 2015-04-16

Index of database - gnumed_v19

Table: _enum_allergy_type

_enum_allergy_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
value text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: allergy

patient allergy details

allergy Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

used as field "reaction"
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'o'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
substance text NOT NULL

real-world name of substance the patient reacted to, brand name if drug
substance_code text

data source specific opaque product code; must provide a link to a unique product/substance in the database in use; should follow the parseable convention of "<source>::<source version>::<identifier>", e.g. "MIMS::2003-1::190" for Zantac; it is left as an exercise to the application to know what to do with this information
generics text

names of generic compounds if drug; brand names change/disappear, generic names do not
allergene text

name of allergenic ingredient in substance if known
atc_code text

ATC code of allergene or substance if approprate, applicable for penicilline, not so for cat fur
_enum_allergy_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

generic_specific boolean DEFAULT false

only meaningful for *drug*/*generic* reactions: 1) true: applies to one in "generics" forming "substance", if more than one generic listed in "generics" then "allergene" *must* contain the generic in question; 2) false: applies to drug class of "substance";
definite boolean DEFAULT false

true: definite, false: not definite

Table allergy Inherits clin_root_item,


allergy Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
idx_clin_allergy_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_allergy_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: allergy_state

allergy_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
has_allergy integer

patient allergenic state: - null: unknown, not asked, no data available - -1: unknown, asked, no data obtained - 0: known, asked, has no known allergies - 1: known, asked, does have allergies
comment text

A comment on the state, such as "patient says no allergies but I think he is holding back some".
last_confirmed timestamp with time zone

When was the state of allergies last confirmed. Must be not NULL if has_allergy is not NULL.
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL


allergy_state Constraints
Name Constraint
allergy_state_check CHECK (((has_allergy IS NULL) OR ((has_allergy IS NOT NULL) AND (last_confirmed IS NOT NULL))))
allergy_state_has_allergy_check CHECK ((has_allergy = ANY (ARRAY[NULL::integer, 0, 1])))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin_aux_note

Other tables link to this if they need more free text fields.

clin_aux_note Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table clin_aux_note Inherits clin_root_item,


clin_aux_note Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
idx_clin_clin_aux_note_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_clin_aux_note_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin_diag

stores additional detail on those clin.clin_narrative rows where soap_cat=a that are true diagnoses, true diagnoses DO have a code from one of the coding systems

clin_diag Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin_narrative.pk fk_narrative integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
laterality character(1) DEFAULT NULL::bpchar
is_chronic boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

whether this diagnosis is chronic, eg. no complete cure is to be expected, regardless of whether it is *active* right now (think of active/non-active phases of Multiple Sclerosis which is sure chronic)
is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether diagnosis is currently active or dormant
is_definite boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this diagnosis is considered clinically relevant, eg. significant; currently active diagnoses are considered to always be relevant, while inactive ones may or may not be


clin_diag Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_diag_laterality_check CHECK (((laterality = ANY (ARRAY['l'::bpchar, 'r'::bpchar, 'b'::bpchar, '?'::bpchar])) OR (laterality IS NULL)))
if_active_then_relevant CHECK (((is_active = false) OR ((is_active = true) AND (clinically_relevant = true))))

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin_item_type

stores arbitrary types for tagging clinical items

clin_item_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
type text UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 'history'::text

the full name of the item type such as "family history"
code text UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Hx'::text

shorthand for the type, eg "FHx"

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin_narrative

Used to store clinical free text *not* associated with any other table. Used to implement a simple SOAP structure. Also other tags can be associated via link tables.

clin_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when did the item reach clinical reality
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table clin_narrative Inherits clin_root_item,


clin_narrative Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
narrative_neither_null_nor_empty CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(narrative, ''::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_clin_narrative_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_clin_narrative_fk_episode fk_episode idx_narrative_modified_by modified_by idx_narrative_soap_cat soap_cat) WHERE (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text])

Index - Schema clin

Table: clin_root_item

ancestor table for clinical items of any kind, basic unit of clinical information, do *not* store data in here directly, use child tables, contains all the clinical narrative aggregated for full text search, ancestor for all tables that want to store clinical free text

clin_root_item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item serial PRIMARY KEY

the primary key, not named "id" or "pk" as usual since child tables will have "id"/"pk"-named primary keys already and we would get duplicate columns while inheriting from this table
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when this clinical item became known, can be different from when it was entered into the system (= audit.audit_fields.modified_when)
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

the encounter this item belongs to
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL

the episode this item belongs to
narrative text

each clinical item by default inherits a free text field for clinical narrative
soap_cat text

each clinical item must be either one of the S, O, A, P, U categories or NULL to indicate a non-clinical item, U meaning Unspecified-but-clinical


clin_root_item Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
idx_cri_encounter fk_encounter idx_cri_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: encounter

a clinical encounter between a person and the health care system

encounter Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient integer NOT NULL

PK of subject of care, should be PUPIC, actually
encounter_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1

PK of type of this encounter
fk_location integer

PK of location *of care*, e.g. where the provider is at
source_time_zone interval

time zone of location, used to approximate source time zone for all timestamps in this encounter
reason_for_encounter text

the RFE for the encounter as related by either the patient or the provider (say, in a chart review)
assessment_of_encounter text

the Assessment of Encounter (eg consultation summary) as determined by the provider, may simply be a concatenation of soAp narrative, this assessment should go across all problems
started timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()


encounter Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_enc_sane_duration CHECK ((last_affirmed >= started))
encounter_assessment_of_encounter_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(assessment_of_encounter, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))
encounter_reason_for_encounter_check CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(reason_for_encounter, 'xxxDEFAULTxxx'::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_encounter_fk_location fk_location idx_encounter_affirmed last_affirmed idx_encounter_modified_by modified_by idx_encounter_started started idx_pat_per_encounter fk_patient

Index - Schema clin

Table: encounter_type

these are the types of encounter

encounter_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: episode

Clinical episodes such as "Otitis media", "traffic accident 7/99", "Hepatitis B". This covers a range of time in which activity of illness was noted for the problem episode.description.

episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
health_issue.pk fk_health_issue integer

health issue this episode belongs to
description text NOT NULL

description/name of this episode
is_open boolean DEFAULT true

whether the episode is open (eg. there is activity for it), means open in a temporal sense as in "not closed yet"; only one episode can be open per health issue
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

The encounter during which this episode was added (begun).
diagnostic_certainty_classification text

The certainty at which this problem is believed to be a diagnosis: A: sign (Symptom) B: cluster of signs (Symptomkomplex) C: syndromic diagnosis (Bild einer Diagnose) D: proven diagnosis (diagnostisch gesichert)
summary text

Used for tracking the summary of this episode.


episode Constraints
Name Constraint
episode_sane_summary CHECK (gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(summary))
sane_description CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(description) IS FALSE))
valid_diagnostic_certainty_classification CHECK ((diagnostic_certainty_classification = ANY (ARRAY['A'::text, 'B'::text, 'C'::text, 'D'::text, NULL::text])))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_episode_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_episode_issue fk_health_issue idx_episode_modified_by modified_by idx_episode_with_issue fk_health_issue) WHERE (fk_health_issue IS NOT NULL idx_episode_without_issue fk_health_issue) WHERE (fk_health_issue IS NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: family_history

This table stores family history items on persons not otherwise in the database.

family_history Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

When the family history item became known to the patient (not the afflicted relative).
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

encounter during which family history item became known
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL

episode to which family history item is of importance
narrative text

the condition this relative suffered from
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fhx_relation_type.pk fk_relation_type integer NOT NULL

foreign key to the type of relation the patient has to the afflicated relative
age_noted text

age at which the condition was noted in the relative if known
age_of_death interval

age at which the relative died if known
contributed_to_death boolean

whether the condition contributed to the death of the relative if known
name_relative text

name of the relative suffering the condition
dob_relative timestamp with time zone

date of birth of the relative if known
comment text

Table family_history Inherits clin_root_item,


family_history Constraints
Name Constraint
c_family_history_sane_age_noted CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(age_noted) IS TRUE))
c_family_history_sane_condition CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(narrative) IS FALSE))
c_family_history_sane_name CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(name_relative) IS TRUE))
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
narrative_neither_null_nor_empty CHECK ((btrim(COALESCE(narrative, ''::text)) <> ''::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_family_history_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_family_history_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: fhx_relation_type

Enumerates inter-person relations for family history linking.

fhx_relation_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE#1

Description of the relation type, specific or unspecific: sister, father, ..., maternal family, ...
is_genetic boolean UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Whether or not this type of relation is biologic/genetic or not. Note that non-genetic relations may still pose a risk because of infectious diseases.


fhx_relation_type Constraints
Name Constraint
c_fhx_relation_type_sane_desc CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(description) IS FALSE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: form_data

holds the values used in form instances, for later re-use/validation

form_data Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
form_instances.pk fk_instance integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the form instance this value was used in
fk_form_field integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

points to the definition of the field in the form which in turn defines the place holder in the template to replace with <value>
value text NOT NULL

the value to replace the place holder with

Index - Schema clin

Table: form_instances

instances of forms, like a log of all processed forms

form_instances Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

can be used as a status field, eg. "printed", "faxed" etc.
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_form_def integer NOT NULL

points to the definition of this instance, this FK will fail once we start separating services, make it into a x_db_fk then
form_name text NOT NULL

a string uniquely identifying the form template, necessary for the audit trail

Table form_instances Inherits clin_root_item,


form_instances Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
form_is_plan CHECK ((soap_cat = 'p'::text))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_form_instances_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_form_instances_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: health_issue

This is pretty much what others would call "Past Medical History" or "Foundational illness", eg. longer-ranging, underlying, encompassing issues with one's health such as "immunodeficiency", "type 2 diabetes". In Belgium it is called "problem". L.L.Weed includes lots of little things into it, we do not.

health_issue Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text NOT NULL

descriptive name of this health issue, may change over time as evidence increases
laterality character varying(2) DEFAULT NULL::character varying

NULL: don't know s: sinister - left d: dexter - right sd: sinister and dexter - both sides na: not applicable
age_noted interval

at what age the patient acquired the condition
is_active boolean DEFAULT true

whether this health issue (problem) is active
clinically_relevant boolean DEFAULT true

whether this health issue (problem) has any clinical relevance
is_confidential boolean DEFAULT false
is_cause_of_death boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

The encounter during which this health issue was added.
grouping text

This can be used to entirely arbitrarily group health issues felt to belong to each other.
diagnostic_certainty_classification text

The certainty at which this issue is believed to be a diagnosis: A: sign (Symptom) B: cluster of signs (Symptomkomplex) C: syndromic diagnosis (Bild einer Diagnose) D: proven diagnosis (diagnostisch gesichert)
summary text

Used for tracking the summary of this health issue.


health_issue Constraints
Name Constraint
health_issue_laterality_check CHECK (((laterality)::text = ANY (ARRAY[(NULL::character varying)::text, ('s'::character varying)::text, ('d'::character varying)::text, ('sd'::character varying)::text, ('na'::character varying)::text])))
health_issue_sane_summary CHECK (gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(summary))
issue_name_not_empty CHECK ((btrim(description) <> ''::text))
sane_grouping CHECK (gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(grouping))
valid_diagnostic_certainty_classification CHECK ((diagnostic_certainty_classification = ANY (ARRAY['A'::text, 'B'::text, 'C'::text, 'D'::text, NULL::text])))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_health_issue_modified_by modified_by

Index - Schema clin

Table: hospital_stay

collects data on hospitalisations of patients, reasons are linked via a link table

hospital_stay Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

to be used as when the patient was admitted
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

a comment on the hospital stay
soap_cat text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
discharge timestamp with time zone

when was the patient discharged
fk_org_unit integer NOT NULL

links to the hospital the patient was admitted to

Table hospital_stay Inherits clin_root_item,


hospital_stay Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
sane_duration CHECK (((discharge IS NULL) OR (discharge > clin_when)))
sane_hospital CHECK (gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(narrative))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_hospital_stay_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_hospital_stay_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: incoming_data_unmatchable

this table holds test results that could not be matched to any patient, it is intended to prevent overflow of incoming_data_unmatched with unmatchable data

incoming_data_unmatchable Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient_candidates integer[]
request_id text
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob date
postcode text
other_info text
type text
data bytea NOT NULL
gender text
requestor text
external_data_id text
fk_identity_disambiguated integer

Index - Schema clin

Table: incoming_data_unmatched

this table holds incoming data (lab results, documents) that could not be matched to one single patient automatically, it is intended to facilitate manual matching, - use "modified_when" for import time

incoming_data_unmatched Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient_candidates integer[]

a matching algorithm can be applied to produce a list of likely candidate patients, the question remains whether this should not be done at runtime
request_id text

request ID as found in <data>
firstnames text

first names as found in <data>
lastnames text

last names as found in <data>
dob date

date of birth as found in <data>
postcode text

postcode as found in <data>
other_info text

other identifying information as found in <data>
type text

the type of <data>, eg HL7, LDT, ..., useful for selecting an importer
data bytea NOT NULL

the raw data
gender text

Gender of patient in source data if available.
requestor text

Requestor of data (e.g. who ordered test results) if available in source data.
external_data_id text

ID of content of .data in external system (e.g. importer) where appropriate
fk_identity_disambiguated integer

ID of patient the data is judged to really belong to.
comment text

a free text comment on this row, eg. why is it here
fk_provider_disambiguated integer

The provider the data is relevant to.


incoming_data_unmatched Constraints
Name Constraint
unmatched_data_sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))

Index - Schema clin

Table: lab_request

test request metadata

lab_request Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

the time the sample for this request was taken LDT: 8432:8433 HL7: OBR.quantity_timing
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

free text comment on request
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'p'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
test_org.pk fk_test_org integer UNIQUE#1
request_id text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

ID this request had when sent to the lab LDT: 8310 HL7: OBR.filler_order_number
fk_requestor integer

who requested the test - really needed ?
lab_request_id text

ID this request had internally at the lab LDT: 8311
lab_rxd_when timestamp with time zone

when did the lab receive the request+sample LDT: 8301 HL7: OBR.requested_date_time
results_reported_when timestamp with time zone

when was the report on the result generated, LDT: 8302 HL7: OBR.results_report_status_change
request_status text NOT NULL

pending, final, preliminary, partial LDT: 8401
is_pending boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

true if any (even partial) results are still pending
diagnostic_service_section text

The (section of) the diagnostic service which performed the test. - HL7 2.3: OBR:24 Diagnostic Service Section ID - somewhat redundant with fk_test_org, which, however, points to more normalized data
ordered_service text

The (battery of) test(s)/service(s) ordered. - HL7 2.3: OBR:4 Universal Service ID
note_test_org text

A comment on this lab request by the performing organization (lab).

Table lab_request Inherits clin_root_item,


lab_request Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_lab_req_sane_test_org_note CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(note_test_org) IS TRUE))
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
lab_request_request_id_check CHECK ((btrim(request_id) <> ''::text))
lab_request_request_status_check CHECK ((request_status = ANY (ARRAY['pending'::text, 'preliminary'::text, 'partial'::text, 'final'::text])))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_lab_request_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_lab_request_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2aoe

Links codes to encounter.aoe.

lnk_code2aoe Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
encounter.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.encounter
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2aoe Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2aoe_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2episode

Links codes to episodes.

lnk_code2episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
episode.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.episode
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2episode Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2epi_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2fhx

Links codes to family history items.

lnk_code2fhx Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
family_history.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.family_history
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2fhx Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2fhx_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2h_issue

Links codes to health issues.

lnk_code2h_issue Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
health_issue.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.health_issue
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2h_issue Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2iss_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2item_root

The parent table of all tables linking codes to EMR structures. Coding tables check this table for existence of their PK in .fk_generic_code in order to prevent cascading DELETEs/UPDATEs from breaking referential integrity. EMR structure tables foreign key into children of this table in order to link structures to codes.

lnk_code2item_root Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_generic_code integer

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system.
fk_item integer

Foreign key to clin.* tables
code_modifier text

Usage specific modifier on the base code, say, certainty or laterality of ICD-10 codes.

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2narrative

Links codes to SOAP narrative.

lnk_code2narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
clin_narrative.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.clin_narrative
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2narrative Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2narr_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2procedure

Links codes to procedures. OPS comes to mind.

lnk_code2procedure Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
procedure.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.procedure
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2procedure Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2proc_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2rfe

Links codes to encounters.

lnk_code2rfe Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
encounter.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.encounter
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2rfe Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2rfe_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_code2tst_pnl

Links codes to test panels.

lnk_code2tst_pnl Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_lnk_code2item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('lnk_code2item_root_pk_lnk_code2item_seq'::regclass)
fk_generic_code integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Custom foreign key to ref.coding_system_root.
test_panel.pk fk_item integer UNIQUE#1

Foreign key to clin.test_panel
code_modifier text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

Table lnk_code2tst_pnl Inherits lnk_code2item_root,

idx_c_lc2tp_fk_item fk_item

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_constraint2vacc_course

links constraints to courses

lnk_constraint2vacc_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
vaccination_course.pk fk_vaccination_course integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
vaccination_course_constraint.pk fk_constraint integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_pat2vaccination_course

links patients to vaccination courses they are actually on, this allows for per-patient selection of courses to be followed, eg. children at different ages may be on different vaccination courses or some people are on a course due to a trip abroad while most others are not

lnk_pat2vaccination_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
vaccination_course.pk fk_course integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_substance2episode

lnk_substance2episode Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
episode.pk fk_episode integer
substance_intake.pk fk_substance integer

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_tst2norm

links test result evaluation norms to tests

lnk_tst2norm Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
test_type.pk id_test integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

which test does the linked norm apply to
id_norm integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the norm to apply to the linked test

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_type2item

allow to link many-to-many between clin.clin_root_item and clin.clin_item_type

lnk_type2item Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
clin_item_type.pk fk_type integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
fk_item integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the item this type is linked to, since PostgreSQL apparently cannot reference a value inserted from a child table (?) we must simulate referential integrity checks with a custom trigger, this, however, does not deal with update/delete cascading :-(

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_vaccination_course2schedule

this table links vaccination courses for a single epitope into schedules defined and recommended by a vaccination council or similar entity

lnk_vaccination_course2schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
vaccination_course.pk fk_course integer UNIQUE NOT NULL
vaccination_schedule.pk fk_schedule integer NOT NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: lnk_vaccine2inds

links vaccines to their indications

lnk_vaccine2inds Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
vaccine.pk fk_vaccine integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
vacc_indication.id fk_indication integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Index - Schema clin

Table: meta_test_type

this table merges test types from various test orgs which are intended to measure the same value but have differing names into one logical test type, this is not intended to be used for aggregating semantically different test types into "profiles"

meta_test_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
abbrev text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
loinc text
comment text

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: procedure

This table holds procedure/operations performed on the patient both in hospital or in community care.

procedure Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

Which procedure/operation was performed.
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'p'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
hospital_stay.pk fk_hospital_stay integer

At which hospital was the procedure performed, unless clin_where is not null, if null it was an ambulatory procedure.
clin_end timestamp with time zone

When did this procedure end/is expected to end. - NULL if unknown or .clin_when (=start) is sufficient (eg. insignificant duration)
is_ongoing boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

Whether this procedure is still going on (such as desensibilisation, chemotherapy, etc).
fk_org_unit integer

links to the or unit the procedure was performed at

Table procedure Inherits clin_root_item,


procedure Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_procedure_lnk_org_or_stay CHECK ((((fk_hospital_stay IS NULL) AND (fk_org_unit IS NOT NULL)) OR ((fk_hospital_stay IS NOT NULL) AND (fk_org_unit IS NULL))))
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
procedure_sane_end CHECK (((clin_end IS NULL) OR (clin_end >= clin_when)))
procedure_sane_ongoing CHECK (((is_ongoing IS FALSE) OR ((clin_end IS NULL) OR (clin_end > now()))))
sane_procedure CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(narrative) IS FALSE))
sane_soap_cat CHECK ((soap_cat = ANY (ARRAY['a'::text, 'p'::text])))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_procedure_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_procedure_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: review_root

this table tracks whether a particular clinical item was reviewed by a clinician or not

review_root Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_reviewed_row integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

the row the review status is for: to be qualified as a proper foreign key in child tables
fk_reviewer integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

who has reviewed the item
is_technically_abnormal boolean NOT NULL

whether test provider flagged this result as abnormal, *not* a clinical assessment but rather a technical one LDT: exist(8422)
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL

whether this result is considered relevant clinically, need not correspond to the value of "techically_abnormal" since abnormal values may be irrelevant while normal ones can be of significance
comment text

Index - Schema clin

Table: reviewed_test_results

review table for test results

reviewed_test_results Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('review_root_pk_seq'::regclass)
test_result.pk fk_reviewed_row integer UNIQUE#1 UNIQUE NOT NULL
fk_reviewer integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT f_fk_reviewer_default()
is_technically_abnormal boolean NOT NULL
clinically_relevant boolean NOT NULL
comment text

Table reviewed_test_results Inherits review_root,

idx_rtr_fk_reviewer fk_reviewer

Index - Schema clin

Table: soap_cat_ranks

soap_cat_ranks Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
rank integer NOT NULL
soap_cat character(1)


soap_cat_ranks Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_soap_cat_ranks_sane_cats CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower((soap_cat)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
clin_soap_cat_ranks_sane_ranks CHECK ((rank = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])))

Index - Schema clin

Table: substance_intake

The substances a patient is actually currently taking.

substance_intake Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

When was this substance started.
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL

The encounter use of this substance was documented under.
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

Any notes on this substance use.
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'p'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_substance integer

Links to a substance the patient is taking. ********************************************* DO NOT TRY TO USE THIS TO FIND OUT THE BRAND. IT WILL BE WRONG. *********************************************
preparation text

How this substance is delivered, tablet, pill, liquid, cream.
schedule text

The schedule, if any, the substance is to be taken by. An XML snippet to be interpreted by the middleware.
aim text

The aim of taking this substance.
duration interval

How long is this substances intended to be taken.
intake_is_approved_of boolean NOT NULL

Whether or not intake of this substance is recommended/approved of by the provider
is_long_term boolean

whether this is expected to be a regular/ongoing/chronic/long-term/repeat/permament/perpetual/life-long substance intake
discontinued timestamp with time zone

When was this intake discontinued ?
discontinue_reason text

Why was this intake discontinued ?
fk_drug_component integer

Links to the component of a branded drug taken by a patient.

Table substance_intake Inherits clin_root_item,


substance_intake Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
clin_subst_intake_either_drug_or_substance CHECK ((((fk_drug_component IS NULL) AND (fk_substance IS NOT NULL)) OR ((fk_drug_component IS NOT NULL) AND (fk_substance IS NULL))))
clin_subst_intake_sane_prep CHECK ((((fk_drug_component IS NULL) AND (preparation IS NOT NULL)) OR ((fk_drug_component IS NOT NULL) AND (preparation IS NULL))))
discontinued_after_started CHECK ((((clin_when IS NULL) OR (discontinued IS NULL)) OR ((discontinued >= clin_when) AND (discontinued <= now()))))
medication_is_plan CHECK ((soap_cat = 'p'::text))
sane_aim CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(aim) IS TRUE))
sane_discontinue_reason CHECK ((((discontinued IS NULL) AND (discontinue_reason IS NULL)) OR ((discontinued IS NOT NULL) AND (gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(discontinue_reason) IS TRUE))))
sane_fk_episode CHECK (((intake_is_approved_of IS FALSE) OR ((intake_is_approved_of IS TRUE) AND (fk_episode IS NOT NULL))))
sane_schedule CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(schedule) IS TRUE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_c_subst_int_fk_drug_comp fk_drug_component idx_clin_substance_intake_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_substance_intake_fk_episode fk_episode idx_fk_substance_curr_med fk_substance

Index - Schema clin

Table: test_org

organisation providing results

test_org Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_org_unit integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

link to a unit of an organization more closely defining this lab
fk_adm_contact integer

whom to call for admin questions (modem link, etc.)
fk_med_contact integer

whom to call for medical questions (result verification, additional test requests)
comment text

useful for, say, dummy records where you want to mark up stuff like "pharmacy such-and-such" if you don't have it in your contacts
contact text

free-text contact information for this lab


test_org Constraints
Name Constraint
sane_comment CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))
sane_contact CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(contact) IS TRUE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: test_panel

Panels of tests. The same test can appear in several panels.

test_panel Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text

A description/label for this panel.
comment text

An arbitrary comment on this panel.
fk_test_types integer[]

Links to test types which belong to this panel.


test_panel Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_test_panel_sane_cmt CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(comment) IS TRUE))
clin_test_panel_sane_desc CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_blank_string(description) IS FALSE))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: test_result

the results of a single measurement

test_result Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

the time when this result was *actually* obtained, if this is a lab result this should be between lab_request.clin_when and lab_request.results_reported_when, HL7: OBR.observation_date_time
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

clinical comment, progress note
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'o'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
test_type.pk fk_type integer NOT NULL

the type of test this result is from
val_num numeric

numeric value if any, HL7: OBX.observation_results if OBX.value_type == NM
val_alpha text

alphanumeric value if any, HL7: OBX.observation_results if OBX.value_type == FT
val_unit text

the unit this result came in HL7: OBX.units
val_normal_min numeric

lower bound of normal range if numerical as defined by provider for this result
val_normal_max numeric

upper bound of normal range if numerical as defined by provider for this result
val_normal_range text

range of normal values if alphanumerical as defined by provider for this result, eg. "less than 0.5 but detectable" HL7: OBX.reference_range
val_target_min numeric

lower bound of target range if numerical as defined by clinician caring this patient
val_target_max numeric

upper bound of target range if numerical as defined by clinician caring for this patient
val_target_range text

range of target values if alphanumerical as defined by clinician caring for this patient
abnormality_indicator text

how the test provider flagged this result as abnormal, *not* a clinical assessment but rather a technical one LDT: 8422
norm_ref_group text

what sample of the population does this normal range applay to, eg what type of patient was assumed when interpreting this result, LDT: 8407
note_test_org text

A comment on the test result provided by the tester or testing entity.
material text

the submitted material, eg. smear, serum, urine, etc., LDT: 8430
material_detail text

details re the material, eg. site taken from, etc. LDT: 8431
fk_intended_reviewer integer NOT NULL

who is *supposed* to review this item
lab_request.pk fk_request integer

The request this result was ordered under if any.

Table test_result Inherits clin_root_item,


test_result Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
numval_needs_unit CHECK ((((val_num IS NOT NULL) AND (btrim(COALESCE(val_unit, ''::text)) <> ''::text)) OR (val_num IS NULL)))
test_result_check CHECK ((((val_num IS NOT NULL) OR (val_alpha IS NOT NULL)) OR (((val_num IS NULL) AND (val_alpha <> ''::text)) AND (val_alpha IS NOT NULL))))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_clin_test_result_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_test_result_fk_episode fk_episode idx_test_result_fk_type fk_type idx_test_result_unit val_unit

Index - Schema clin

Table: test_type

measurement type, like a "method" in a lab

test_type Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
test_org.pk fk_test_org integer UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1

organisation carrying out this type of measurement, eg. a particular lab
name text UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

descriptive name of this measurement type, HL7: OBX.observation_identifier
comment text

arbitrary comment on this type of measurement/test such as "outdated" or "only reliable when ..."
conversion_unit text

The chosen reference unit for this test type, preferably SI, used for comparing results delivered in differing units. This does not relate to what unit the test provider delivers results in but rather the unit we think those results need to be converted to in order to be comparable to OTHER results.
loinc text
abbrev text UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL
meta_test_type.pk fk_meta_test_type integer

Link to the meta test type (if any) this test type is to be aggregated under.

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_test_type_fk_meta_test_type fk_meta_test_type idx_test_type_fk_test_org fk_test_org idx_test_type_loinc loinc

Index - Schema clin

View: v_brand_intakes

v_brand_intakes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_substance_intake integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
brand text
preparation text
substance text
amount numeric
unit text
atc_substance text
atc_brand text
external_code_brand text
external_code_type_brand text
started timestamp with time zone
intake_is_approved_of boolean
schedule text
duration interval
discontinued timestamp with time zone
discontinue_reason text
is_long_term boolean
aim text
episode text
health_issue text
notes text
fake_brand boolean
is_currently_active boolean
seems_inactive boolean
pk_brand integer
pk_data_source integer
pk_substance integer
pk_drug_component integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
xmin_substance_intake xid
SELECT c_si.pk AS pk_substance_intake
, (
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = c_si.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, c_si.soap_cat
, r_bd.description AS brand
, r_bd.preparation
, r_cs.description AS substance
, r_cs.amount
, r_cs.unit
, r_cs.atc_code AS atc_substance
, r_bd.atc_code AS atc_brand
, r_bd.external_code AS external_code_brand
, r_bd.external_code_type AS external_code_type_brand
, c_si.clin_when AS started
, c_si.intake_is_approved_of
, c_si.schedule
, c_si.duration
, c_si.discontinued
, c_si.discontinue_reason
, c_si.is_long_term
, c_si.aim
, cep.description AS episode
, c_hi.description AS health_issue
, c_si.narrative AS notes
, r_bd.is_fake AS fake_brand
(c_si.discontinued IS NULL) THEN true ELSE false END AS is_currently_active
(c_si.discontinued IS NOT NULL) THEN true WHEN 
(c_si.clin_when IS NULL) THEN CASE WHEN 
(c_si.is_long_term IS TRUE) THEN false ELSE NULL::boolean END WHEN 
     (c_si.clin_when > now
     ) IS TRUE
) THEN true WHEN 
           (c_si.clin_when + c_si.duration) < now
     ) IS TRUE
) THEN true WHEN 
           (c_si.clin_when + c_si.duration) > now
     ) IS TRUE
) THEN false ELSE NULL::boolean END AS seems_inactive
, r_ls2b.fk_brand AS pk_brand
, r_bd.fk_data_source AS pk_data_source
, r_ls2b.fk_substance AS pk_substance
, r_ls2b.pk AS pk_drug_component
, c_si.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_si.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_si.modified_when
, c_si.modified_by
, c_si.row_version
, c_si.xmin AS xmin_substance_intake 
                       (clin.substance_intake c_si 
                          JOIN ref.lnk_substance2brand r_ls2b 
                            ON (
                                   (c_si.fk_drug_component = r_ls2b.pk)
                    JOIN ref.branded_drug r_bd 
                      ON (
                             (r_ls2b.fk_brand = r_bd.pk)
              JOIN ref.consumable_substance r_cs 
                ON (
                       (r_ls2b.fk_substance = r_cs.pk)
   LEFT JOIN clin.episode cep 
          ON (
                 (c_si.fk_episode = cep.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi 
    ON (
           (c_hi.pk = cep.fk_health_issue)
WHERE (c_si.fk_drug_component IS NOT NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_emr_journal

Clinical patient data formatted into one string per clinical entity even if it constains several user- visible fields. Mainly useful for display as a simple EMR journal.

v_emr_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
                                                            SELECT v_pat_narrative_journal.pk_patient
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.modified_when
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.clin_when
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.modified_by
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.soap_cat
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.narrative
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.pk_encounter
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.pk_episode
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.pk_health_issue
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.src_pk
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.src_table
                                                                 , v_pat_narrative_journal.row_version 
                                                              FROM clin.v_pat_narrative_journal 
                                                         UNION ALLSELECT v_health_issues_journal.pk_patient
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.modified_when
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.clin_when
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.modified_by
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.soap_cat
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.narrative
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.pk_encounter
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.pk_episode
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.pk_health_issue
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.src_pk
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.src_table
                                                                 , v_health_issues_journal.row_version 
                                                              FROM clin.v_health_issues_journal
                                                   UNION ALLSELECT v_pat_encounters_journal.pk_patient
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.modified_when
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.clin_when
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.modified_by
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.soap_cat
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.narrative
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.pk_encounter
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.pk_episode
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.pk_health_issue
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.src_pk
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.src_table
                                                           , v_pat_encounters_journal.row_version 
                                                        FROM clin.v_pat_encounters_journal
                                             UNION ALLSELECT v_pat_episodes_journal.pk_patient
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.modified_when
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.clin_when
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.modified_by
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.soap_cat
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.narrative
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.pk_encounter
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.pk_episode
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.pk_health_issue
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.src_pk
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.src_table
                                                     , v_pat_episodes_journal.row_version 
                                                  FROM clin.v_pat_episodes_journal
                                       UNION ALLSELECT v_family_history_journal.pk_patient
                                               , v_family_history_journal.modified_when
                                               , v_family_history_journal.clin_when
                                               , v_family_history_journal.modified_by
                                               , v_family_history_journal.soap_cat
                                               , v_family_history_journal.narrative
                                               , v_family_history_journal.pk_encounter
                                               , v_family_history_journal.pk_episode
                                               , v_family_history_journal.pk_health_issue
                                               , v_family_history_journal.src_pk
                                               , v_family_history_journal.src_table
                                               , v_family_history_journal.row_version 
                                            FROM clin.v_family_history_journal
                                 UNION ALLSELECT v_pat_allergies_journal.pk_patient
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.modified_when
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.clin_when
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.modified_by
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.soap_cat
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.narrative
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.pk_encounter
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.pk_episode
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.pk_health_issue
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.src_pk
                                         , v_pat_allergies_journal.src_table
                                         , 0 AS row_version 
                                      FROM clin.v_pat_allergies_journal
                           UNION ALLSELECT v_pat_allergy_state_journal.pk_patient
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.modified_when
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.clin_when
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.modified_by
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.soap_cat
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.narrative
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.pk_encounter
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.pk_episode
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.pk_health_issue
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.src_pk
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.src_table
                                   , v_pat_allergy_state_journal.row_version 
                                FROM clin.v_pat_allergy_state_journal
                     UNION ALLSELECT v_test_results_journal.pk_patient
                             , v_test_results_journal.modified_when
                             , v_test_results_journal.clin_when
                             , v_test_results_journal.modified_by
                             , v_test_results_journal.soap_cat
                             , v_test_results_journal.narrative
                             , v_test_results_journal.pk_encounter
                             , v_test_results_journal.pk_episode
                             , v_test_results_journal.pk_health_issue
                             , v_test_results_journal.src_pk
                             , v_test_results_journal.src_table
                             , v_test_results_journal.row_version 
                          FROM clin.v_test_results_journal
               UNION ALLSELECT v_hospital_stays_journal.pk_patient
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.modified_when
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.clin_when
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.modified_by
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.soap_cat
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.narrative
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.pk_encounter
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.pk_episode
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.pk_health_issue
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.src_pk
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.src_table
                       , v_hospital_stays_journal.row_version 
                    FROM clin.v_hospital_stays_journal
         UNION ALLSELECT v_doc_med_journal.pk_patient
                 , v_doc_med_journal.modified_when
                 , v_doc_med_journal.clin_when
                 , v_doc_med_journal.modified_by
                 , v_doc_med_journal.soap_cat
                 , v_doc_med_journal.narrative
                 , v_doc_med_journal.pk_encounter
                 , v_doc_med_journal.pk_episode
                 , v_doc_med_journal.pk_health_issue
                 , v_doc_med_journal.src_pk
                 , v_doc_med_journal.src_table
                 , 0 AS row_version 
              FROM blobs.v_doc_med_journal
   UNION ALLSELECT v_pat_substance_intake_journal.pk_patient
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.modified_when
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.clin_when
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.modified_by
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.soap_cat
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.narrative
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.pk_encounter
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.pk_episode
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.pk_health_issue
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.src_pk
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.src_table
           , v_pat_substance_intake_journal.row_version 
        FROM clin.v_pat_substance_intake_journal
UNION ALLSELECT v_procedures_journal.pk_patient
     , v_procedures_journal.modified_when
     , v_procedures_journal.clin_when
     , v_procedures_journal.modified_by
     , v_procedures_journal.soap_cat
     , v_procedures_journal.narrative
     , v_procedures_journal.pk_encounter
     , v_procedures_journal.pk_episode
     , v_procedures_journal.pk_health_issue
     , v_procedures_journal.src_pk
     , v_procedures_journal.src_table
     , v_procedures_journal.row_version 
  FROM clin.v_procedures_journal
UNION ALLSELECT v_pat_vaccinations_journal.pk_patient
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.modified_when
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.clin_when
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.modified_by
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.soap_cat
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.narrative
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.pk_encounter
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.pk_episode
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.pk_health_issue
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.src_pk
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.src_table
, v_pat_vaccinations_journal.row_version 
FROM clin.v_pat_vaccinations_journal;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_family_history

family history denormalized

v_family_history Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_family_history integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
relation text
l10n_relation text
condition text
age_noted text
age_of_death interval
contributed_to_death boolean
comment text
episode text
when_known_to_patient timestamp with time zone
name_relative text
dob_relative timestamp with time zone
is_genetic_relative boolean
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_fhx_relation_type integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
pk_generic_codes integer[]
xmin_family_history xid
SELECT c_fh.pk AS pk_family_history
, cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_fh.soap_cat
, c_fhrt.description AS relation
, _
(c_fhrt.description) AS l10n_relation
, c_fh.narrative AS condition
, c_fh.age_noted
, c_fh.age_of_death
, c_fh.contributed_to_death
, c_fh.comment
, cep.description AS episode
, c_fh.clin_when AS when_known_to_patient
, c_fh.name_relative
, c_fh.dob_relative
, c_fhrt.is_genetic AS is_genetic_relative
, c_fh.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_fh.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_fhrt.pk AS pk_fhx_relation_type
, c_fh.modified_when
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2fhx.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2fhx c_lc2fhx 
       WHERE (c_lc2fhx.fk_item = c_fh.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, c_fh.xmin AS xmin_family_history 
           (clin.family_history c_fh 
              JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
                ON (
                       (c_fh.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)
        JOIN clin.episode cep 
          ON (
                 (c_fh.fk_episode = cep.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.fhx_relation_type c_fhrt 
    ON (
           (c_fh.fk_relation_type = c_fhrt.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_family_history_journal

v_family_history_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_fh.modified_when
, c_fh.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_fh.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_fh.soap_cat
, (
                                                                       (c_fhrt.description) || COALESCE
                                                                             (' @ '::text || c_fh.age_noted)
                                                                 ) || ': '::text
                                                           ) || c_fh.narrative
                                                     ) || '
                                               ) || ' '::text
                                         ) || CASE WHEN 
                                         (c_fh.contributed_to_death IS TRUE) THEN 
                                               ('contributed to death'::text) || ' '::text
                                         ) ELSE ''::text END
                                   ) || COALESCE
                                         ('@ '::text || 
                             ) || '
                       ) || COALESCE
                                   (' '::text || c_fh.name_relative) || 
                 ) || COALESCE
                       (' '::text || to_char
           ) || COALESCE
 '::text || c_fh.comment)
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                              SELECT array_agg
                                                                                   (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                      ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.version
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || r_ds.lang
                                                           ) || 
                                                 '): '::text
                                               ) || r_csr.term
                                   ) AS array_agg 
                                FROM (
                                         (clin.lnk_code2fhx c_lc2fhx 
                                            JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                              ON (
                                                     (c_lc2fhx.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                      JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                        ON (
                                               (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                               WHERE (c_lc2fhx.fk_item = c_fh.pk)
                             ,'; '::text
                 ) || ';'::text
) AS narrative
, c_fh.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_fh.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_fh.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.family_history'::text AS src_table
, c_fh.row_version 
           (clin.family_history c_fh 
              JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
                ON (
                       (c_fh.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)
        JOIN clin.episode cep 
          ON (
                 (c_fh.fk_episode = cep.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.fhx_relation_type c_fhrt 
    ON (
           (c_fh.fk_relation_type = c_fhrt.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_health_issues

v_health_issues Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_health_issue integer
description text
summary text
laterality character varying(2)
age_noted interval
is_active boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
is_confidential boolean
is_cause_of_death boolean
pk_encounter integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
grouping text
diagnostic_certainty_classification text
has_open_episode boolean
pk_generic_codes integer[]
xmin_health_issue xid
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = c_hi.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, c_hi.pk AS pk_health_issue
, c_hi.description
, c_hi.summary
, c_hi.laterality
, c_hi.age_noted
, c_hi.is_active
, c_hi.clinically_relevant
, c_hi.is_confidential
, c_hi.is_cause_of_death
, c_hi.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_hi.modified_when
, c_hi.modified_by
, c_hi.row_version
, c_hi.grouping
, c_hi.diagnostic_certainty_classification
      SELECT 1 
        FROM clin.episode c_ep 
       WHERE (
                 (c_ep.fk_health_issue = c_hi.pk)
               AND (c_ep.is_open IS TRUE)
           ) LIMIT 1
) AS has_open_episode
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2h.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2h_issue c_lc2h 
       WHERE (c_lc2h.fk_item = c_hi.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, c_hi.xmin AS xmin_health_issue 
FROM clin.health_issue c_hi;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_health_issues_journal

v_health_issues_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, chi.modified_when
      SELECT (identity.dob + chi.age_noted)
        FROM dem.identity 
       WHERE (identity.pk = 
                  SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                    FROM clin.encounter 
                   WHERE (encounter.pk = chi.fk_encounter)
     , cenc.started
) AS clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = chi.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
,'a'::text AS soap_cat
, (
                                                                             ('Health Issue'::text) || 
                                                                          ' ('::text) || CASE WHEN chi.is_active THEN _
                                                                             ('active'::text) ELSE _
                                                                             ('inactive'::text) END
                                                                       ) || 
                                                                    ', '::text
                                                                 ) || CASE WHEN chi.clinically_relevant THEN _
                                                                 ('clinically relevant'::text) ELSE _
                                                                 ('clinically not relevant'::text) END
                                                           ) || COALESCE
                                                                    ', '::text || chi.diagnostic_certainty_classification
                                                     ) || 
                                           '): '::text
                                         ) || chi.description
                                   ) || COALESCE
'::text || _
                                                                 ('noted at age'::text)
                                                           ) || ': '::text
                                                     ) || 
                                               ) || ';
                             ) || COALESCE
                                                     ('Laterality'::text) || ': '::text
                                               ) || 
                                         ) || ' / '::text
                       ) || CASE WHEN chi.is_confidential THEN 
                             ('confidential'::text) || ' / '::text
                       ) ELSE ''::text END
                 ) || CASE WHEN chi.is_cause_of_death THEN _
                 ('cause of death'::text) ELSE ''::text END
           ) || COALESCE
'::text || _
                             ) || ':
                       ) || chi.summary
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                              SELECT array_agg
                                                                                   (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                      ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.version
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || r_ds.lang
                                                           ) || 
                                                 '): '::text
                                               ) || r_csr.term
                                   ) AS array_agg 
                                FROM (
                                         (clin.lnk_code2h_issue c_lc2h 
                                            JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                              ON (
                                                     (c_lc2h.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                      JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                        ON (
                                               (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                               WHERE (c_lc2h.fk_item = chi.pk)
                             ,'; '::text
                 ) || ';'::text
) AS narrative
, chi.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, (-1) AS pk_episode
, chi.pk AS pk_health_issue
, chi.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.health_issue'::text AS src_table
, chi.row_version 
FROM (clin.health_issue chi 
  JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
    ON (
           (chi.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_hospital_stays

v_hospital_stays Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_hospital_stay integer
pk_patient integer
hospital text
ward text
comment text
admission timestamp with time zone
discharge timestamp with time zone
soap_cat text
episode text
health_issue text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_org_unit integer
pk_org integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
row_version integer
xmin_hospital_stay xid
SELECT c_hs.pk AS pk_hospital_stay
, (
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = c_hs.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, d_o.description AS hospital
, d_ou.description AS ward
, c_hs.narrative AS comment
, c_hs.clin_when AS admission
, c_hs.discharge
, c_hs.soap_cat
, c_e.description AS episode
, c_hi.description AS health_issue
, c_hs.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_hs.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, c_hi.pk AS pk_health_issue
, c_hs.fk_org_unit AS pk_org_unit
, d_o.pk AS pk_org
, c_hs.modified_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_hs.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_hs.row_version
, c_hs.xmin AS xmin_hospital_stay 
                 (clin.hospital_stay c_hs 
               LEFT JOIN clin.episode c_e 
                      ON (
                             (c_e.pk = c_hs.fk_episode)
         LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi 
                ON (
                       (c_hi.pk = c_e.fk_health_issue)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (d_ou.pk = c_hs.fk_org_unit)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_o.pk = d_ou.fk_org)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_hospital_stays_journal

v_hospital_stays_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = c_hs.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, c_hs.modified_when
, c_hs.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_hs.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_hs.soap_cat
, (
                                                           ('hospital stay'::text) || ': '::text
                                                     ) || to_char
                                               ) || ' - '::text
                                         ) || COALESCE
                                   ) || ' "'::text
                             ) || d_ou.description
                       ) || ' @ '::text
                 ) || d_o.description
           ) || '"'::text
     ) || COALESCE
           (' '::text || c_hs.narrative)
) AS narrative
, c_hs.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_hs.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, (
SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
  FROM clin.episode 
 WHERE (episode.pk = c_hs.fk_episode)
) AS pk_health_issue
, c_hs.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.hospital_stay'::text AS src_table
, c_hs.row_version 
     (clin.hospital_stay c_hs 
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (d_ou.pk = c_hs.fk_org_unit)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_o.pk = d_ou.fk_org)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_incoming_data_unmatched

Shows incoming data but w/o the data field.

v_incoming_data_unmatched Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_incoming_data_unmatched integer
pk_patient_candidates integer[]
firstnames text
lastnames text
dob date
gender text
postcode text
other_info text
request_id text
requestor text
external_data_id text
comment text
pk_identity_disambiguated integer
pk_provider_disambiguated integer
data_type text
data_size integer
xmin_incoming_data_unmatched xid
SELECT c_idu.pk AS pk_incoming_data_unmatched
, c_idu.fk_patient_candidates AS pk_patient_candidates
, c_idu.firstnames
, c_idu.lastnames
, c_idu.dob
, c_idu.gender
, c_idu.postcode
, c_idu.other_info
, c_idu.request_id
, c_idu.requestor
, c_idu.external_data_id
, c_idu.comment
, c_idu.fk_identity_disambiguated AS pk_identity_disambiguated
, c_idu.fk_provider_disambiguated AS pk_provider_disambiguated
, c_idu.type AS data_type
, octet_length
(c_idu.data) AS data_size
, c_idu.xmin AS xmin_incoming_data_unmatched 
FROM clin.incoming_data_unmatched c_idu;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_indications4vaccine

Denormalizes indications per vaccine.

v_indications4vaccine Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_vaccine integer
vaccine text
preparation text
atc_code text
is_fake_vaccine boolean
route_abbreviation text
route_description text
is_live boolean
min_age interval
max_age interval
comment text
indication text
l10n_indication text
atcs_single_indication text[]
atcs_combi_indication text[]
external_code text
external_code_type text
indications text[]
l10n_indications text[]
pk_indications integer[]
pk_route integer
pk_brand integer
pk_data_source integer
pk_indication integer
xmin_vaccine xid
SELECT cv.pk AS pk_vaccine
, rbd.description AS vaccine
, rbd.preparation
, rbd.atc_code
, rbd.is_fake AS is_fake_vaccine
, cvr.abbreviation AS route_abbreviation
, cvr.description AS route_description
, cv.is_live
, cv.min_age
, cv.max_age
, cv.comment
, cvi.description AS indication
, _
(cvi.description) AS l10n_indication
, cvi.atcs_single_indication
, cvi.atcs_combi_indication
, rbd.external_code
, rbd.external_code_type
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (cvi2.description) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clv2i_2 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi2 
          ON (
                 (clv2i_2.fk_indication = cvi2.id)
 WHERE (clv2i_2.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
) AS indications
, (
SELECT array_agg
     ) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clv2i_2 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi2 
          ON (
                 (clv2i_2.fk_indication = cvi2.id)
 WHERE (clv2i_2.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
) AS l10n_indications
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (clv2i_2.fk_indication) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clv2i_2 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi2 
          ON (
                 (clv2i_2.fk_indication = cvi2.id)
 WHERE (clv2i_2.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
) AS pk_indications
, cv.id_route AS pk_route
, cv.fk_brand AS pk_brand
, rbd.fk_data_source AS pk_data_source
, cvi.id AS pk_indication
, cv.xmin AS xmin_vaccine 
                 (clin.vaccine cv 
               LEFT JOIN clin.vacc_route cvr 
                      ON (
                             (cvr.id = cv.id_route)
              JOIN ref.branded_drug rbd 
                ON (
                       (rbd.pk = cv.fk_brand)
        JOIN clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clv2i 
          ON (
                 (clv2i.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
  JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
    ON (
           (cvi.id = clv2i.fk_indication)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_linked_codes

Denormalized codes linked to EMR structures.

v_linked_codes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_item integer
item_table regclass
code text
base_code text
code_modifier text
term text
name_long text
name_short text
version text
lang text
code_table regclass
pk_generic_code integer
pk_data_source integer
pk_lnk_code2item integer
SELECT c_lc2ir.fk_item AS pk_item
, (c_lc2ir.tableoid)::regclass AS item_table
, (r_csr.code || COALESCE
) AS code
, r_csr.code AS base_code
, c_lc2ir.code_modifier
, r_csr.term
, r_ds.name_long
, r_ds.name_short
, r_ds.version
, r_ds.lang
, (r_csr.tableoid)::regclass AS code_table
, r_csr.pk_coding_system AS pk_generic_code
, r_csr.fk_data_source AS pk_data_source
, c_lc2ir.pk_lnk_code2item 
     (clin.lnk_code2item_root c_lc2ir 
        JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
          ON (
                 (r_csr.pk_coding_system = c_lc2ir.fk_generic_code)
  JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
    ON (
           (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_most_recent_encounters

Lists the most recent encounters per patient. Logic of "most recent" is: for a patient: 1) select encounters with latest "last_affirmed", 2) from those select encounters with latest "started" 3) limit those to 1 if there are duplicates (same start and end of encounter!)

v_most_recent_encounters Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_encounter integer
pk_patient integer
reason_for_encounter text
assessment_of_encounter text
type text
l10n_type text
started timestamp with time zone
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone
pk_type integer
pk_location integer
SELECT ce1.pk AS pk_encounter
, ce1.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, ce1.reason_for_encounter
, ce1.assessment_of_encounter
, et.description AS type
, _
(et.description) AS l10n_type
, ce1.started
, ce1.last_affirmed
, ce1.fk_type AS pk_type
, ce1.fk_location AS pk_location 
FROM clin.encounter ce1
, clin.encounter_type et 
     (ce1.fk_type = et.pk)
   AND (ce1.started = 
            SELECT max
                 (ce2.started) AS max 
              FROM clin.encounter ce2 
             WHERE (ce2.last_affirmed = 
                        SELECT max
                             (ce3.last_affirmed) AS max 
                          FROM clin.encounter ce3 
                         WHERE (ce3.fk_patient = ce1.fk_patient)
                 ) LIMIT 1

Index - Schema clin

View: v_narrative

patient narrative with denormalized context added

v_narrative Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
date timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
episode text
health_issue text
pk_item integer
pk_narrative integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_episode integer
pk_encounter integer
xmin_clin_narrative xid
modified_when timestamp with time zone
row_version integer
pk_audit integer
modified_by_raw name
pk_generic_codes integer[]
SELECT c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_n.clin_when AS date
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_n.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_n.soap_cat
, c_n.narrative
, c_epi.description AS episode
, c_hi.description AS health_issue
, c_n.pk_item
, c_n.pk AS pk_narrative
, c_epi.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_n.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, c_n.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_n.xmin AS xmin_clin_narrative
, c_n.modified_when
, c_n.row_version
, c_n.pk_audit
, c_n.modified_by AS modified_by_raw
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2n.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2narrative c_lc2n 
       WHERE (c_lc2n.fk_item = c_n.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes 
           (clin.clin_narrative c_n 
         LEFT JOIN clin.encounter c_enc 
                ON (
                       (c_n.fk_encounter = c_enc.pk)
   LEFT JOIN clin.episode c_epi 
          ON (
                 (c_n.fk_episode = c_epi.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi 
    ON (
           (c_epi.fk_health_issue = c_hi.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_narrative4search

unformatted *complete* narrative for patients including health issue/episode/encounter descriptions, mainly for searching the narrative in context

v_narrative4search Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
SELECT union_table.pk_patient
, union_table.soap_cat
, union_table.narrative
, union_table.pk_encounter
, union_table.pk_episode
, union_table.pk_health_issue
, union_table.src_pk
, union_table.src_table 
                                                                                    SELECT vpi.pk_patient
                                                                                         , vpi.soap_cat
                                                                                         , vpi.narrative
                                                                                         , vpi.pk_encounter
                                                                                         , vpi.pk_episode
                                                                                         , vpi.pk_health_issue
                                                                                         , vpi.pk_item AS src_pk
                                                                                         , vpi.src_table 
                                                                                      FROM clin.v_pat_items vpi 
                                                                                     WHERE (vpi.src_table <> ALL 
                                                                                 UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                                                          SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                                                            FROM clin.encounter 
                                                                                           WHERE (encounter.pk = csi.fk_encounter)
                                                                                         ) AS pk_patient
                                                                                         , csi.soap_cat
                                                                                         , (
                                                                                                           ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                 (' '::text || csi.schedule)
                                                                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                           (' '::text || csi.aim)
                                                                                               ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                     (' '::text || csi.discontinue_reason)
                                                                                         ) AS narrative
                                                                                         , csi.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                                                                         , csi.fk_episode AS pk_episode
                                                                                         , (
                                                                                          SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
                                                                                            FROM clin.episode 
                                                                                           WHERE (episode.pk = csi.fk_episode)
                                                                                         ) AS pk_health_issue
                                                                                         , csi.pk AS src_pk
                                                                                         ,'clin.substance_intake'::text AS src_table 
                                                                                      FROM clin.substance_intake csi
                                                                           UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                                                    SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                                                      FROM clin.encounter 
                                                                                     WHERE (encounter.pk = cpr.fk_encounter)
                                                                                   ) AS pk_patient
                                                                                   , cpr.soap_cat
                                                                                   , cpr.narrative
                                                                                   , cpr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                                                                   , cpr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
                                                                                   , (
                                                                                    SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
                                                                                      FROM clin.episode 
                                                                                     WHERE (episode.pk = cpr.fk_episode)
                                                                                   ) AS pk_health_issue
                                                                                   , cpr.pk AS src_pk
                                                                                   ,'clin.procedure'::text AS src_table 
                                                                                FROM clin.procedure cpr 
                                                                               WHERE (cpr.narrative IS NOT NULL)
                                                                     UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                                              SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                                                FROM clin.encounter 
                                                                               WHERE (encounter.pk = ctr.fk_encounter)
                                                                             ) AS pk_patient
                                                                             , ctr.soap_cat
                                                                             , (
                                                                                                                             ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                                   (' '::text || ctr.val_alpha)
                                                                                                                       ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                             (' '::text || ctr.val_unit)
                                                                                                                 ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                       (' '::text || ctr.val_normal_range)
                                                                                                           ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                 (' '::text || ctr.val_target_range)
                                                                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                           (' '::text || ctr.norm_ref_group)
                                                                                               ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                     (' '::text || ctr.note_test_org)
                                                                                         ) || COALESCE
                                                                                               (' '::text || ctr.material)
                                                                                   ) || COALESCE
                                                                                         (' '::text || ctr.material_detail)
                                                                             ) AS narrative
                                                                             , ctr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                                                             , ctr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
                                                                             , (
                                                                              SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
                                                                                FROM clin.episode 
                                                                               WHERE (episode.pk = ctr.fk_episode)
                                                                             ) AS pk_health_issue
                                                                             , ctr.pk AS src_pk
                                                                             ,'clin.test_result'::text AS src_table 
                                                                          FROM clin.test_result ctr
                                                               UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                                        SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                                          FROM clin.encounter 
                                                                         WHERE (encounter.pk = 
                                                                                    SELECT test_result.fk_encounter 
                                                                                      FROM clin.test_result 
                                                                                     WHERE (test_result.pk = crtr.fk_reviewed_row)
                                                                       ) AS pk_patient
                                                                       ,'o'::text AS soap_cat
                                                                       , crtr.comment AS narrative
                                                                       , (
                                                                        SELECT test_result.fk_encounter 
                                                                          FROM clin.test_result 
                                                                         WHERE (test_result.pk = crtr.fk_reviewed_row)
                                                                       ) AS pk_encounter
                                                                       , (
                                                                        SELECT test_result.fk_episode 
                                                                          FROM clin.test_result 
                                                                         WHERE (test_result.pk = crtr.fk_reviewed_row)
                                                                       ) AS pk_episode
                                                                       , (
                                                                        SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
                                                                          FROM clin.episode 
                                                                         WHERE (episode.pk = 
                                                                                    SELECT test_result.fk_episode 
                                                                                      FROM clin.test_result 
                                                                                     WHERE (test_result.pk = crtr.fk_reviewed_row)
                                                                       ) AS pk_health_issue
                                                                       , crtr.pk AS src_pk
                                                                       ,'clin.reviewed_test_results'::text AS src_table 
                                                                    FROM clin.reviewed_test_results crtr
                                                         UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                                  SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                                    FROM clin.encounter 
                                                                   WHERE (encounter.pk = cas.fk_encounter)
                                                                 ) AS pk_patient
                                                                 ,'o'::text AS soap_cat
                                                                 , cas.comment AS narrative
                                                                 , cas.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                                                 , NULL::integer AS pk_episode
                                                                 , NULL::integer AS pk_health_issue
                                                                 , cas.pk AS src_pk
                                                                 ,'clin.allergy_state'::text AS src_table 
                                                              FROM clin.allergy_state cas 
                                                             WHERE (cas.comment IS NOT NULL)
                                                   UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                            SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                              FROM clin.encounter 
                                                             WHERE (encounter.pk = ca.fk_encounter)
                                                           ) AS pk_patient
                                                           , ca.soap_cat
                                                           , (
                                                                                         ) || COALESCE
                                                                                               (' '::text || ca.substance)
                                                                                   ) || COALESCE
                                                                                         (' '::text || ca.substance_code)
                                                                             ) || COALESCE
                                                                                   (' '::text || ca.generics)
                                                                       ) || COALESCE
                                                                             (' '::text || ca.allergene)
                                                                 ) || COALESCE
                                                                       (' '::text || ca.atc_code)
                                                           ) AS narrative
                                                           , ca.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                                           , ca.fk_episode AS pk_episode
                                                           , (
                                                            SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
                                                              FROM clin.episode 
                                                             WHERE (episode.pk = ca.fk_episode)
                                                           ) AS pk_health_issue
                                                           , ca.pk AS src_pk
                                                           ,'clin.allergy'::text AS src_table 
                                                        FROM clin.allergy ca
                                             UNION ALLSELECT (
                                                      SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                                        FROM clin.encounter 
                                                       WHERE (encounter.pk = chi.fk_encounter)
                                                     ) AS pk_patient
                                                     ,'a'::text AS soap_cat
                                                     , (chi.description || COALESCE
                                                                 (' '::text || chi.summary)
                                                     ) AS narrative
                                                     , chi.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                                     , NULL::integer AS pk_episode
                                                     , chi.pk AS pk_health_issue
                                                     , chi.pk AS src_pk
                                                     ,'clin.health_issue'::text AS src_table 
                                                  FROM clin.health_issue chi
                                       UNION ALLSELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
                                               ,'s'::text AS soap_cat
                                               , (COALESCE
                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                                           (' '::text || cenc.assessment_of_encounter)
                                               ) AS narrative
                                               , cenc.pk AS pk_encounter
                                               , NULL::integer AS pk_episode
                                               , NULL::integer AS pk_health_issue
                                               , cenc.pk AS src_pk
                                               ,'clin.encounter'::text AS src_table 
                                            FROM clin.encounter cenc
                                 UNION ALLSELECT (
                                          SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
                                            FROM clin.encounter 
                                           WHERE (encounter.pk = cep.fk_encounter)
                                         ) AS pk_patient
                                         ,'s'::text AS soap_cat
                                         , (cep.description || COALESCE
                                                     (' '::text || cep.summary)
                                         ) AS narrative
                                         , cep.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
                                         , cep.pk AS pk_episode
                                         , cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
                                         , cep.pk AS src_pk
                                         ,'clin.episode'::text AS src_table 
                                      FROM clin.episode cep
                           UNION ALLSELECT c_vfhx.pk_patient
                                   , c_vfhx.soap_cat
                                   , (
                                                                 (c_vfhx.relation || ' / '::text) || c_vfhx.l10n_relation
                                                           ) || ' '::text
                                                     ) || c_vfhx.name_relative
                                               ) || ': '::text
                                         ) || c_vfhx.condition
                                   ) AS narrative
                                   , c_vfhx.pk_encounter
                                   , c_vfhx.pk_episode
                                   , c_vfhx.pk_health_issue
                                   , c_vfhx.pk_family_history AS src_pk
                                   ,'clin.family_history'::text AS src_table 
                                FROM clin.v_family_history c_vfhx
                     UNION ALLSELECT vdm.pk_patient
                             ,'o'::text AS soap_cat
                             , (
                                               (vdm.l10n_type || ' '::text) || COALESCE
                                         ) || ' '::text
                                   ) || COALESCE
                             ) AS narrative
                             , vdm.pk_encounter
                             , vdm.pk_episode
                             , vdm.pk_health_issue
                             , vdm.pk_doc AS src_pk
                             ,'blobs.doc_med'::text AS src_table 
                          FROM blobs.v_doc_med vdm
               UNION ALLSELECT vo4d.pk_patient
                       ,'o'::text AS soap_cat
                       , vo4d.obj_comment AS narrative
                       , vo4d.pk_encounter
                       , vo4d.pk_episode
                       , vo4d.pk_health_issue
                       , vo4d.pk_obj AS src_pk
                       ,'blobs.doc_obj'::text AS src_table 
                    FROM blobs.v_obj4doc_no_data vo4d
         UNION ALLSELECT vdd.pk_patient
                 ,'o'::text AS soap_cat
                 , vdd.description AS narrative
                 , vdd.pk_encounter
                 , vdd.pk_episode
                 , vdd.pk_health_issue
                 , vdd.pk_doc_desc AS src_pk
                 ,'blobs.doc_desc'::text AS src_table 
              FROM blobs.v_doc_desc vdd
   UNION ALLSELECT vrdo.pk_patient
           ,'s'::text AS soap_cat
           , vrdo.comment AS narrative
           , NULL::integer AS pk_encounter
           , vrdo.pk_episode
           , vrdo.pk_health_issue
           , vrdo.pk_review_root AS src_pk
           ,'blobs.v_reviewed_doc_objects'::text AS src_table 
        FROM blobs.v_reviewed_doc_objects vrdo
UNION ALLSELECT d_vit.pk_identity AS pk_patient
     ,'s'::text AS soap_cat
     , (d_vit.l10n_description || COALESCE
                 (' '::text || d_vit.comment)
     ) AS narrative
     , NULL::integer AS pk_encounter
     , NULL::integer AS pk_episode
     , NULL::integer AS pk_health_issue
     , d_vit.pk_identity_tag AS src_pk
     ,'dem.v_identity_tags'::text AS src_table 
  FROM dem.v_identity_tags d_vit
) union_table 
WHERE (btrim
     ) <> ''::text

Index - Schema clin

View: v_nonbrand_intakes

v_nonbrand_intakes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_substance_intake integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
brand unknown
preparation text
substance text
amount numeric
unit text
atc_substance text
atc_brand unknown
external_code_brand unknown
external_code_type_brand unknown
started timestamp with time zone
intake_is_approved_of boolean
schedule text
duration interval
discontinued timestamp with time zone
discontinue_reason text
is_long_term boolean
aim text
episode text
health_issue text
notes text
fake_brand unknown
is_currently_active boolean
seems_inactive boolean
pk_brand unknown
pk_data_source unknown
pk_substance integer
pk_drug_component unknown
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
xmin_substance_intake xid
SELECT c_si.pk AS pk_substance_intake
, (
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = c_si.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, c_si.soap_cat
, NULL::unknown AS brand
, c_si.preparation
, r_cs.description AS substance
, r_cs.amount
, r_cs.unit
, r_cs.atc_code AS atc_substance
, NULL::unknown AS atc_brand
, NULL::unknown AS external_code_brand
, NULL::unknown AS external_code_type_brand
, c_si.clin_when AS started
, c_si.intake_is_approved_of
, c_si.schedule
, c_si.duration
, c_si.discontinued
, c_si.discontinue_reason
, c_si.is_long_term
, c_si.aim
, cep.description AS episode
, c_hi.description AS health_issue
, c_si.narrative AS notes
, NULL::unknown AS fake_brand
(c_si.discontinued IS NULL) THEN true ELSE false END AS is_currently_active
(c_si.discontinued IS NOT NULL) THEN true WHEN 
(c_si.clin_when IS NULL) THEN CASE WHEN 
(c_si.is_long_term IS TRUE) THEN false ELSE NULL::boolean END WHEN 
     (c_si.clin_when > now
     ) IS TRUE
) THEN true WHEN 
           (c_si.clin_when + c_si.duration) < now
     ) IS TRUE
) THEN true WHEN 
           (c_si.clin_when + c_si.duration) > now
     ) IS TRUE
) THEN false ELSE NULL::boolean END AS seems_inactive
, NULL::unknown AS pk_brand
, NULL::unknown AS pk_data_source
, r_cs.pk AS pk_substance
, NULL::unknown AS pk_drug_component
, c_si.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_si.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_si.modified_when
, c_si.modified_by
, c_si.row_version
, c_si.xmin AS xmin_substance_intake 
           (clin.substance_intake c_si 
              JOIN ref.consumable_substance r_cs 
                ON (
                       (c_si.fk_substance = r_cs.pk)
   LEFT JOIN clin.episode cep 
          ON (
                 (c_si.fk_episode = cep.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi 
    ON (
           (c_hi.pk = cep.fk_health_issue)
WHERE (c_si.fk_drug_component IS NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_allergies

denormalizes clin.allergy

v_pat_allergies Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_allergy integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
descriptor text
allergene text
substance text
substance_code text
generics text
generic_specific boolean
atc_code text
type text
l10n_type text
definite boolean
reaction text
pk_type integer
pk_item integer
date timestamp with time zone
pk_health_issue integer
pk_episode integer
pk_encounter integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
xmin_allergy xid
SELECT a.pk AS pk_allergy
, (
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = a.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, a.soap_cat
     ) = ''::text
) THEN a.substance ELSE a.allergene END AS descriptor
, a.allergene
, a.substance
, a.substance_code
, a.generics
, a.generic_specific
, a.atc_code
, at.value AS type
, _
(at.value) AS l10n_type
, a.definite
, a.narrative AS reaction
, a.fk_type AS pk_type
, a.pk_item
, a.clin_when AS date
, (
SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
  FROM clin.episode 
 WHERE (episode.pk = a.fk_episode)
) AS pk_health_issue
, a.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, a.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, a.modified_when
, a.modified_by
, a.xmin AS xmin_allergy 
FROM clin.allergy a
, clin._enum_allergy_type at 
WHERE (at.pk = a.fk_type);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_allergies_journal

v_pat_allergies_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = a.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, a.modified_when
, a.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = a.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, a.soap_cat
, (
                                                                       ('Allergy'::text) || 
                                                                    ' ('::text) || _
                                                                 ) || 
                                                       '): '::text
                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                               ) || '
                                         ) || _
                                   ) || ': '::text
                             ) || a.substance
                       ) || '; '::text
                 ) || COALESCE
                                         ('allergene'::text) || ': '::text
                                   ) || a.allergene
                             ) || '; '::text
           ) || COALESCE
                                   ('generic'::text) || ': '::text
                             ) || a.generics
                       ) || '; '::text
     ) || COALESCE
                             ('ATC code'::text) || ': '::text
                       ) || a.atc_code
                 ) || '; '::text
) AS narrative
, a.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, a.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, (
SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
  FROM clin.episode 
 WHERE (episode.pk = a.fk_episode)
) AS pk_health_issue
, a.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.allergy'::text AS src_table 
FROM clin.allergy a
, clin._enum_allergy_type at 
WHERE (at.pk = a.fk_type);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_allergy_state

v_pat_allergy_state Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
last_confirmed timestamp with time zone
has_allergy integer
comment text
pk_encounter integer
pk_allergy_state integer
xmin_allergy_state xid
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = a.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, a.modified_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = a.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, a.last_confirmed
, a.has_allergy
, a.comment
, a.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, a.pk AS pk_allergy_state
, a.xmin AS xmin_allergy_state 
FROM clin.allergy_state a;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_allergy_state_journal

v_pat_allergy_state_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = a.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, a.modified_when
     , a.modified_when
) AS clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = a.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
,'o'::text AS soap_cat
, (
                       ('Allergy state'::text) || ': '::text
                 ) || CASE WHEN 
                 (a.has_allergy IS NULL) THEN _
      'unknown, unasked'::text
                 ) WHEN 
                 (a.has_allergy = 0) THEN _
                 ('no known allergies'::text) WHEN 
                 (a.has_allergy = 1) THEN _
                 ('does have allergies'::text) ELSE NULL::text END
           ) || COALESCE
                                ' ('::text || _
                                         ('last confirmed'::text)
                                   ) || to_char
                                         ,' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'::text
                             ) || 
     ) || COALESCE
 '::text || a.comment)
) AS narrative
, a.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, NULL::integer AS pk_episode
, NULL::integer AS pk_health_issue
, a.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.allergy_state'::text AS src_table
, 0 AS row_version 
FROM clin.allergy_state a;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_encounters

Details on encounters.

v_pat_encounters Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_encounter integer
pk_patient integer
started timestamp with time zone
type text
l10n_type text
reason_for_encounter text
assessment_of_encounter text
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone
source_time_zone interval
started_original_tz timestamp without time zone
last_affirmed_original_tz timestamp without time zone
praxis_branch text
praxis text
pk_org_unit integer
pk_org integer
pk_unit_type integer
pk_org_type integer
pk_type integer
pk_generic_codes_rfe integer[]
pk_generic_codes_aoe integer[]
xmin_encounter xid
row_version integer
pk_audit integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by_raw name
modified_by text
SELECT c_enc.pk AS pk_encounter
, c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_enc.started
, c_et.description AS type
, _
(c_et.description) AS l10n_type
, c_enc.reason_for_encounter
, c_enc.assessment_of_encounter
, c_enc.last_affirmed
, c_enc.source_time_zone
, (
SELECT timezone
            SELECT c_enc1.source_time_zone 
              FROM clin.encounter c_enc1 
             WHERE (c_enc1.pk = c_enc.pk)
           , c_enc.started
     ) AS timezone
) AS started_original_tz
, (
SELECT timezone
            SELECT c_enc1.source_time_zone 
              FROM clin.encounter c_enc1 
             WHERE (c_enc1.pk = c_enc.pk)
           , c_enc.last_affirmed
     ) AS timezone
) AS last_affirmed_original_tz
) AS praxis_branch
) AS praxis
, c_enc.fk_location AS pk_org_unit
, d_ou.fk_org AS pk_org
, d_ou.fk_category AS pk_unit_type
, d_o.fk_category AS pk_org_type
, c_enc.fk_type AS pk_type
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2r.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2rfe c_lc2r 
       WHERE (c_lc2r.fk_item = c_enc.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes_rfe
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2a.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2aoe c_lc2a 
       WHERE (c_lc2a.fk_item = c_enc.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes_aoe
, c_enc.xmin AS xmin_encounter
, c_enc.row_version
, c_enc.pk_audit
, c_enc.modified_when
, c_enc.modified_by AS modified_by_raw
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_enc.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by 
           (clin.encounter c_enc 
         LEFT JOIN clin.encounter_type c_et 
                ON (
                       (c_enc.fk_type = c_et.pk)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (c_enc.fk_location = d_ou.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_ou.fk_org = d_o.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_encounters_journal

v_pat_encounters_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_enc.modified_when
, c_enc.started AS clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_enc.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, NULL::text AS soap_cat
, (
                                                     ('Encounter'::text) || ': '::text
                                               ) || 
                                                SELECT _
                                                     (encounter_type.description) AS _ 
                                                  FROM clin.encounter_type 
                                                 WHERE (encounter_type.pk = c_enc.fk_type)
                                         ) || to_char
                                               ,' YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'::text
                                   ) || to_char
                                         ,' - HH24:MI'::text
                             ) || COALESCE
 @ '::text || _
                                                                             ) || ' "'::text
                                                                       ) || d_ou.description
                                                                 ) || '" '::text
                                                           ) || _
                                                     ) || ' "'::text
                                               ) || d_o.description
                                         ) || '"'::text
                       ) || COALESCE
 '::text || _
                                         ) || ': '::text
                                   ) || c_enc.reason_for_encounter
                 ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                                          SELECT array_agg
                                                                                               (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                                  ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                               ) || ' - '::text
                                                                                         ) || r_ds.version
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.lang
                                                                       ) || 
                                                             '): '::text
                                                           ) || r_csr.term
                                               ) AS array_agg 
                                            FROM (
                                                     (clin.lnk_code2rfe c_lc2r 
                                                        JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                                          ON (
                                                                 (c_lc2r.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                                  JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                                    ON (
                                                           (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                                           WHERE (c_lc2r.fk_item = c_enc.pk)
                                         ,'; '::text
                             ) || ';'::text
           ) || COALESCE
 '::text || _
                             ) || ': '::text
                       ) || c_enc.assessment_of_encounter
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                              SELECT array_agg
                                                                                   (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                      ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.version
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || r_ds.lang
                                                           ) || 
                                                 '): '::text
                                               ) || r_csr.term
                                   ) AS array_agg 
                                FROM (
                                         (clin.lnk_code2aoe c_lc2a 
                                            JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                              ON (
                                                     (c_lc2a.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                      JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                        ON (
                                               (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                               WHERE (c_lc2a.fk_item = c_enc.pk)
                             ,'; '::text
                 ) || ';'::text
) AS narrative
, c_enc.pk AS pk_encounter
, (-1) AS pk_episode
, (-1) AS pk_health_issue
, c_enc.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.encounter'::text AS src_table
, c_enc.row_version 
     (clin.encounter c_enc 
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (c_enc.fk_location = d_ou.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_ou.fk_org = d_o.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_episodes

v_pat_episodes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
description text
summary text
episode_open boolean
health_issue text
issue_active boolean
issue_clinically_relevant boolean
started_first timestamp with time zone
started_last timestamp with time zone
last_affirmed timestamp with time zone
pk_episode integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_health_issue integer
episode_modified_when timestamp with time zone
episode_modified_by name
diagnostic_certainty_classification text
diagnostic_certainty_classification_issue text
pk_generic_codes integer[]
xmin_episode xid
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cep.description
, cep.summary
, cep.is_open AS episode_open
, NULL::text AS health_issue
, NULL::boolean AS issue_active
, NULL::boolean AS issue_clinically_relevant
, (
     (cle.started) AS min 
  FROM clin.encounter cle 
 WHERE (cle.pk = cep.fk_encounter) LIMIT 1
) AS started_first
, (
     (cle.started) AS max 
  FROM clin.encounter cle 
 WHERE (cle.pk = cep.fk_encounter) LIMIT 1
) AS started_last
, (
     (cle.last_affirmed) AS max 
  FROM clin.encounter cle 
 WHERE (cle.pk = cep.fk_encounter) LIMIT 1
) AS last_affirmed
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, NULL::integer AS pk_health_issue
, cep.modified_when AS episode_modified_when
, cep.modified_by AS episode_modified_by
, cep.diagnostic_certainty_classification
, NULL::text AS diagnostic_certainty_classification_issue
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2e.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2episode c_lc2e 
       WHERE (c_lc2e.fk_item = cep.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, cep.xmin AS xmin_episode 
FROM (clin.episode cep 
  JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
    ON (
           (cep.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)
WHERE (cep.fk_health_issue IS NULL)
UNION ALLSELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cep.description
, cep.summary
, cep.is_open AS episode_open
, chi.description AS health_issue
, chi.is_active AS issue_active
, chi.clinically_relevant AS issue_clinically_relevant
, (
     (cle.started) AS min 
  FROM clin.encounter cle 
 WHERE (cle.pk = cep.fk_encounter) LIMIT 1
) AS started_first
, (
     (cle.started) AS max 
  FROM clin.encounter cle 
 WHERE (cle.pk = cep.fk_encounter) LIMIT 1
) AS started_last
, (
     (cle.last_affirmed) AS max 
  FROM clin.encounter cle 
 WHERE (cle.pk = cep.fk_encounter) LIMIT 1
) AS last_affirmed
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, cep.modified_when AS episode_modified_when
, cep.modified_by AS episode_modified_by
, cep.diagnostic_certainty_classification
, chi.diagnostic_certainty_classification AS diagnostic_certainty_classification_issue
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2e.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2episode c_lc2e 
       WHERE (c_lc2e.fk_item = cep.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, cep.xmin AS xmin_episode 
     (clin.episode cep 
        JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
          ON (
                 (cep.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)
  JOIN clin.health_issue chi 
    ON (
           (cep.fk_health_issue = chi.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_episodes_journal

v_pat_episodes_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cep.modified_when
, cenc.started AS clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = cep.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
,'a'::text AS soap_cat
, (
                                               ('Episode'::text) || 
                                            ' ('::text) || CASE WHEN cep.is_open THEN _
                                               ('open'::text) ELSE _
                                               ('closed'::text) END
                                         ) || COALESCE
                                                  ', '::text || cep.diagnostic_certainty_classification
                                   ) || 
                         '): '::text
                       ) || cep.description
                 ) || ';'::text
           ) || COALESCE
 '::text || _
                                   ) || ': '::text
                             ) || cep.summary
                       ) || ';'::text
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                              SELECT array_agg
                                                                                   (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                      ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.version
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || r_ds.lang
                                                           ) || 
                                                 '): '::text
                                               ) || r_csr.term
                                   ) AS array_agg 
                                FROM (
                                         (clin.lnk_code2episode c_lc2e 
                                            JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                              ON (
                                                     (c_lc2e.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                      JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                        ON (
                                               (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                               WHERE (c_lc2e.fk_item = cep.pk)
                             ,'; '::text
                 ) || ';'::text
) AS narrative
, cep.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, cep.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.episode'::text AS src_table
, cep.row_version 
FROM (clin.episode cep 
  JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
    ON (
           (cep.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_items

v_pat_items Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
clin_when timestamp with time zone
is_modified boolean
pk_patient integer
pk_item integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
soap_cat text
narrative text
src_table text
SELECT cri.modified_when
, cri.modified_by
, cri.clin_when
, CASE cri.row_version WHEN 0 THEN false ELSE true END AS is_modified
, cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cri.pk_item
, cri.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cri.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cepi.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, cri.soap_cat
, cri.narrative
, (
           (pgn.nspname)::text || '.'::text
     ) || 
) AS src_table 
FROM clin.clin_root_item cri
, clin.encounter cenc
, clin.episode cepi
, (pg_class pgc 
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace pgn 
    ON (
           (pgc.relnamespace = pgn.oid)
           (cri.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)
         AND (cri.fk_episode = cepi.pk)
   AND (cri.tableoid = pgc.oid)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_last_vacc4indication

Lists *latest* vaccinations with total count per indication.

v_pat_last_vacc4indication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_vaccination integer
date_given timestamp with time zone
vaccine text
indication text
l10n_indication text
site text
batch_no text
reaction text
comment text
soap_cat text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
pk_vaccine integer
pk_indication integer
pk_provider integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
xmin_vaccination xid
indication_count bigint
SELECT cvpv4i1.pk_patient
, cvpv4i1.pk_vaccination
, cvpv4i1.date_given
, cvpv4i1.vaccine
, cvpv4i1.indication
, cvpv4i1.l10n_indication
, cvpv4i1.site
, cvpv4i1.batch_no
, cvpv4i1.reaction
, cvpv4i1.comment
, cvpv4i1.soap_cat
, cvpv4i1.modified_when
, cvpv4i1.modified_by
, cvpv4i1.row_version
, cvpv4i1.pk_vaccine
, cvpv4i1.pk_indication
, cvpv4i1.pk_provider
, cvpv4i1.pk_encounter
, cvpv4i1.pk_episode
, cvpv4i1.xmin_vaccination
, cpi.indication_count 
FROM (clin.v_pat_vaccs4indication cvpv4i1 
  JOIN (
      SELECT count
           (1) AS indication_count
           , v_pat_vaccs4indication.pk_patient
           , v_pat_vaccs4indication.pk_indication 
        FROM clin.v_pat_vaccs4indication 
    GROUP BY v_pat_vaccs4indication.pk_patient
           , v_pat_vaccs4indication.pk_indication
     ) cpi 
    ON (
                 (cvpv4i1.pk_patient = cpi.pk_patient)
               AND (cvpv4i1.pk_indication = cpi.pk_indication)
WHERE (cvpv4i1.date_given = 
      SELECT max
           (cvpv4i2.date_given) AS max 
        FROM clin.v_pat_vaccs4indication cvpv4i2 
       WHERE (
                 (cvpv4i1.pk_patient = cvpv4i2.pk_patient)
               AND (cvpv4i1.pk_indication = cvpv4i2.pk_indication)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_narrative_journal

v_pat_narrative_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cn.modified_when
(cn.soap_cat = ANY 
) THEN cenc.started WHEN 
(cn.soap_cat IS NULL) THEN cenc.last_affirmed WHEN 
(cn.soap_cat = ANY 
) THEN cenc.last_affirmed ELSE NULL::timestamp with time zone END AS clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = cn.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, cn.soap_cat
, cn.narrative
, cn.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cn.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, (
SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
  FROM clin.episode 
 WHERE (episode.pk = cn.fk_episode)
) AS pk_health_issue
, cn.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.clin_narrative'::text AS src_table
, cn.row_version 
FROM (clin.clin_narrative cn 
  JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
    ON (
           (cn.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_substance_intake_journal

v_pat_substance_intake_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = c_si.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, c_si.modified_when
, c_si.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_si.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_si.soap_cat
, (
                                                                                                           (CASE WHEN 
                                                                                                                 (c_si.is_long_term IS TRUE) THEN 
                                                                                                                       ('long-term'::text) || ' '::text
                                                                                                                 ) ELSE ''::text END || _
                                                                                                                 ('substance intake'::text)
                                                                                                           ) || ' '::text
                                                                                                     ) || CASE WHEN 
                                                                                                     (c_si.intake_is_approved_of IS TRUE) THEN _
                                                                                                     ('(approved of)'::text
                                                                                               ) WHEN 
                                                                                               (c_si.intake_is_approved_of IS FALSE) THEN _
                                                                                               ('(not approved of)'::text
                                                                                         ) ELSE _
                                                                                         ('(of unknown approval)'::text
                                                                                   ) END
                                                                             ) || ':
                                                                       ) || ' '::text
                                                                 ) || r_cs.description
                                                           ) || COALESCE
                                                                       (' ['::text || r_cs.atc_code) || '] '::text
                                                                 ,' '::text
                                                     ) || 
                                               ) || r_cs.unit
                                         ) || ' '::text
                                   ) || r_bd.preparation
                             ) || COALESCE
                                   (' '::text || c_si.schedule)
                       ) || 
                    ', '::text
                 ) || to_char
           ) || COALESCE
                 (' -> '::text || c_si.duration)
     ) || '
                       (' '::text || _
                       ) || to_char
                             ,': YYYY-MM-DD'::text
                 ) || COALESCE
                                 '('::text || c_si.discontinue_reason) || 
           ) || '
)      || COALESCE
(     NULLIF
                       (' '::text || c_si.aim)
                 ) || COALESCE
                                ' ('::text || c_si.narrative) || 
           ) || '
)            || COALESCE
           (' "'::text || r_bd.description) || '"'::text
     ) || COALESCE
                 (' ['::text || r_bd.atc_code) || ']'::text
                          ' ('::text || r_bd.external_code_type) || ': '::text
                       ) || r_bd.external_code
                 ) || 
,     ''::text
)                  AS narrative
,                  c_si.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
,                  c_si.fk_episode AS pk_episode
,                  (
SELECT       episode.fk_health_issue 
FROM         clin.episode 
WHERE        (episode.pk = c_si.fk_episode)
)                  AS pk_health_issue
,                  c_si.pk AS src_pk
,                 'clin.substance_intake'::text AS src_table
,                  c_si.row_version 
FROM               (
(     clin.substance_intake c_si 
JOIN ref.lnk_substance2brand r_ls2b 
ON (
     (c_si.fk_drug_component = r_ls2b.pk)
JOIN   ref.branded_drug r_bd 
ON     (
(r_bd.pk = r_ls2b.fk_brand)
JOIN         ref.consumable_substance r_cs 
ON           (
(     r_cs.pk = r_ls2b.fk_substance)
WHERE              (c_si.fk_drug_component IS NOT NULL)
SELECT       encounter.fk_patient 
FROM         clin.encounter 
WHERE        (encounter.pk = c_si.fk_encounter)
)                  AS pk_patient
,                  c_si.modified_when
,                  c_si.clin_when
,                  COALESCE
SELECT staff.short_alias 
FROM   dem.staff 
WHERE  (staff.db_user = c_si.modified_by)
,            (
(     '<'::text || 
)      || '>'::text
)                  AS modified_by
,                  c_si.soap_cat
,                  (
                                                                                   (CASE WHEN 
                                                                                         (c_si.is_long_term IS TRUE) THEN 
                                                                                               ('long-term'::text) || ' '::text
                                                                                         ) ELSE ''::text END || _
                                                                                         ('substance intake'::text)
                                                                                   ) || ' '::text
                                                                             ) || CASE WHEN 
                                                                             (c_si.intake_is_approved_of IS TRUE) THEN _
                                                                             ('(approved of)'::text
                                                                       ) WHEN 
                                                                       (c_si.intake_is_approved_of IS FALSE) THEN _
                                                                       ('(not approved of)'::text
                                                                 ) ELSE _
                                                                 ('(of unknown approval)'::text
                                                           ) END
                                                     ) || ':
                                               ) || ' '::text
                                         ) || r_cs.description
                                   ) || COALESCE
                                               (' ['::text || r_cs.atc_code) || '] '::text
                                         ,' '::text
                             ) || r_cs.amount
                       ) || r_cs.unit
                 ) || ' '::text
           ) || c_si.preparation
     ) || COALESCE
           (' '::text || c_si.schedule)
) || 
', '::text
)      || to_char
(     c_si.clin_when
)            || COALESCE
(     ' -> '::text || c_si.duration)
,     ''::text
)                  || '
)                        || COALESCE
(' '::text || _
) || to_char
     ,': YYYY-MM-DD'::text
)      || COALESCE
         '('::text || c_si.discontinue_reason) || 
)            || '
,                 ''::text
)                              || COALESCE
(                             NULLIF
(           COALESCE
(' '::text || c_si.aim)
)      || COALESCE
        ' ('::text || c_si.narrative) || 
)            || '
,                 '
,                       ''::text
)                                    AS narrative
,                                    c_si.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
,                                    c_si.fk_episode AS pk_episode
,                                    (
SELECT                         episode.fk_health_issue 
FROM                           clin.episode 
WHERE                          (episode.pk = c_si.fk_episode)
)                                    AS pk_health_issue
,                                    c_si.pk AS src_pk
,                                   'clin.substance_intake'::text AS src_table
,                                    c_si.row_version 
FROM                                 (clin.substance_intake c_si 
JOIN                           ref.consumable_substance r_cs 
ON                             (
(                       r_cs.pk = c_si.fk_substance)
WHERE                                (c_si.fk_drug_component IS NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_vaccinations

Lists vaccinations for patients

v_pat_vaccinations Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_vaccination integer
date_given timestamp with time zone
interval_since_given interval
vaccine text
indications text[]
l10n_indications text[]
site text
batch_no text
reaction text
comment text
soap_cat text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
pk_indications integer[]
pk_vaccine integer
pk_provider integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
xmin_vaccination xid
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, clv.pk AS pk_vaccination
, clv.clin_when AS date_given
, (now
     () - clv.clin_when
) AS interval_since_given
, rbd.description AS vaccine
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (cvi.description) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
          ON (
                 (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
 WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = clv.fk_vaccine)
) AS indications
, (
SELECT array_agg
     ) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
          ON (
                 (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
 WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = clv.fk_vaccine)
) AS l10n_indications
, clv.site
, clv.batch_no
, clv.reaction
, clv.narrative AS comment
, clv.soap_cat
, clv.modified_when
, clv.modified_by
, clv.row_version
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (clvi.fk_indication) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
          ON (
                 (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
 WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = clv.pk)
) AS pk_indications
, clv.fk_vaccine AS pk_vaccine
, clv.fk_provider AS pk_provider
, clv.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, clv.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, clv.xmin AS xmin_vaccination 
           (clin.vaccination clv 
              JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
                ON (
                       (cenc.pk = clv.fk_encounter)
        JOIN clin.vaccine 
          ON (
                 (vaccine.pk = clv.fk_vaccine)
  JOIN ref.branded_drug rbd 
    ON (
           (vaccine.fk_brand = rbd.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_vaccinations_journal

Vaccination data denormalized for the EMR journal.

v_pat_vaccinations_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cv.modified_when
, cv.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = cv.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, cv.soap_cat
, (
                                                           ('Vaccination'::text) || ': '::text
                                                     ) || rbd.description
                                               ) || ' '::text
                                         ) || '['::text
                                   ) || cv.batch_no
                             ) || ']'::text
                       ) || COALESCE
                                      ' ('::text || cv.site) || 
                 ) || COALESCE
'::text || _
                                   ) || ': '::text
                             ) || cv.reaction
           ) || COALESCE
'::text || _
                             ) || ': '::text
                       ) || cv.narrative
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || _
                       ) || ': '::text
                 ) || array_to_string
                        SELECT array_agg
                             ) AS array_agg 
                          FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
                                JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
                                  ON (
                                         (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
                         WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = cv.fk_vaccine)
                       ,' / '::text
) AS narrative
, cv.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cv.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, (
SELECT episode.fk_health_issue 
  FROM clin.episode 
 WHERE (episode.pk = cv.fk_episode)
) AS pk_health_issue
, cv.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.vaccination'::text AS src_table
, cv.row_version 
           (clin.vaccination cv 
              JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
                ON (
                       (cenc.pk = cv.fk_encounter)
        JOIN clin.vaccine 
          ON (
                 (vaccine.pk = cv.fk_vaccine)
  JOIN ref.branded_drug rbd 
    ON (
           (vaccine.fk_brand = rbd.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_pat_vaccs4indication

Lists vaccinations per indication for patients

v_pat_vaccs4indication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_vaccination integer
date_given timestamp with time zone
vaccine text
indication text
l10n_indication text
site text
batch_no text
reaction text
comment text
soap_cat text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
pk_vaccine integer
pk_indication integer
pk_provider integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
xmin_vaccination xid
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, cv.pk AS pk_vaccination
, cv.clin_when AS date_given
, cvi4v.vaccine
, cvi4v.indication
, cvi4v.l10n_indication
, cv.site
, cv.batch_no
, cv.reaction
, cv.narrative AS comment
, cv.soap_cat
, cv.modified_when
, cv.modified_by
, cv.row_version
, cv.fk_vaccine AS pk_vaccine
, cvi4v.pk_indication
, cv.fk_provider AS pk_provider
, cv.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cv.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cv.xmin AS xmin_vaccination 
     (clin.vaccination cv 
        JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
          ON (
                 (cenc.pk = cv.fk_encounter)
  JOIN clin.v_indications4vaccine cvi4v 
    ON (
           (cvi4v.pk_vaccine = cv.fk_vaccine)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_potential_problem_list

v_potential_problem_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
problem text
summary text
type text
l10n_type text
problem_active boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
diagnostic_certainty_classification text
pk_encounter integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = cep.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, cep.description AS problem
, cep.summary
,'episode'::text AS type
, _
('episode'::text) AS l10n_type
, false AS problem_active
, false AS clinically_relevant
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, cep.diagnostic_certainty_classification
, cep.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cep.modified_when 
FROM clin.episode cep 
WHERE (cep.is_open IS FALSE)
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = chi.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, chi.description AS problem
, chi.summary
,'issue'::text AS type
, _
('health issue'::text) AS l10n_type
, chi.is_active AS problem_active
, false AS clinically_relevant
, NULL::integer AS pk_episode
, chi.pk AS pk_health_issue
, chi.diagnostic_certainty_classification
, chi.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, chi.modified_when 
FROM clin.health_issue chi 
WHERE (chi.clinically_relevant IS FALSE);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_problem_list

v_problem_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
problem text
summary text
type text
l10n_type text
problem_active boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
diagnostic_certainty_classification text
pk_encounter integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = cep.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, cep.description AS problem
, cep.summary
,'episode'::text AS type
, _
('episode'::text) AS l10n_type
, true AS problem_active
, true AS clinically_relevant
, cep.pk AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, cep.diagnostic_certainty_classification
, cep.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, cep.modified_when 
FROM clin.episode cep 
WHERE (cep.is_open IS TRUE)
SELECT encounter.fk_patient 
  FROM clin.encounter 
 WHERE (encounter.pk = chi.fk_encounter)
) AS pk_patient
, chi.description AS problem
, chi.summary
,'issue'::text AS type
, _
('health issue'::text) AS l10n_type
, chi.is_active AS problem_active
, true AS clinically_relevant
, NULL::integer AS pk_episode
, chi.pk AS pk_health_issue
, chi.diagnostic_certainty_classification
, chi.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, chi.modified_when 
FROM clin.health_issue chi 
WHERE (chi.clinically_relevant IS TRUE);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_procedures

v_procedures Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_procedure integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
clin_when timestamp with time zone
clin_end timestamp with time zone
is_ongoing boolean
performed_procedure text
unit text
organization text
episode text
health_issue text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
row_version integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_hospital_stay integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_org integer
pk_org_unit integer
pk_generic_codes integer[]
xmin_procedure xid
SELECT v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_procedure
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_patient
, v_procedures_at_hospital.soap_cat
, v_procedures_at_hospital.clin_when
, v_procedures_at_hospital.clin_end
, v_procedures_at_hospital.is_ongoing
, v_procedures_at_hospital.performed_procedure
, v_procedures_at_hospital.unit
, v_procedures_at_hospital.organization
, v_procedures_at_hospital.episode
, v_procedures_at_hospital.health_issue
, v_procedures_at_hospital.modified_when
, v_procedures_at_hospital.modified_by
, v_procedures_at_hospital.row_version
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_encounter
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_episode
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_hospital_stay
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_health_issue
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_org
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_org_unit
, v_procedures_at_hospital.pk_generic_codes
, v_procedures_at_hospital.xmin_procedure 
FROM clin.v_procedures_at_hospital 
UNION ALLSELECT v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_procedure
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_patient
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.soap_cat
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.clin_when
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.clin_end
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.is_ongoing
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.performed_procedure
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.unit
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.organization
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.episode
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.health_issue
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.modified_when
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.modified_by
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.row_version
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_encounter
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_episode
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_hospital_stay
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_health_issue
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_org
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_org_unit
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.pk_generic_codes
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital.xmin_procedure 
FROM clin.v_procedures_not_at_hospital;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_procedures_at_hospital

v_procedures_at_hospital Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_procedure integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
clin_when timestamp with time zone
clin_end timestamp with time zone
is_ongoing boolean
performed_procedure text
unit text
organization text
episode text
health_issue text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
row_version integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_hospital_stay integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_org integer
pk_org_unit integer
pk_generic_codes integer[]
xmin_procedure xid
SELECT c_pr.pk AS pk_procedure
, c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_pr.soap_cat
, c_pr.clin_when
, c_pr.clin_end
, c_pr.is_ongoing
, c_pr.narrative AS performed_procedure
, c_vhs.ward AS unit
, c_vhs.hospital AS organization
, c_ep.description AS episode
, c_hi.description AS health_issue
, c_pr.modified_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_pr.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_pr.row_version
, c_pr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_pr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, c_pr.fk_hospital_stay AS pk_hospital_stay
, c_ep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_vhs.pk_org
, c_vhs.pk_org_unit
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2p.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure c_lc2p 
       WHERE (c_lc2p.fk_item = c_pr.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, c_pr.xmin AS xmin_procedure 
                 (clin.procedure c_pr 
                    JOIN clin.encounter c_enc 
                      ON (
                             (c_pr.fk_encounter = c_enc.pk)
              JOIN clin.episode c_ep 
                ON (
                       (c_pr.fk_episode = c_ep.pk)
   LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi 
          ON (
                 (c_ep.fk_health_issue = c_hi.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.v_hospital_stays c_vhs 
    ON (
           (c_pr.fk_hospital_stay = c_vhs.pk_hospital_stay)
WHERE (c_pr.fk_hospital_stay IS NOT NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_procedures_at_hospital_journal

v_procedures_at_hospital_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_pr.modified_when
, c_pr.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_pr.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_pr.soap_cat
, (
                                                           ('Procedure'::text) || ' "'::text
                                                     ) || c_pr.narrative
                                               ) || '"'::text
                                         ) || 
                                      ' ('::text) || d_ou.description
                                   ) || ' @ '::text
                             ) || d_o.description
                       ) || COALESCE
                                            ', '::text || _
                                         ) || ' '::text
                                   ) || to_char
                                         ,'YYYY Mon DD'::text
                             , CASE WHEN 
                             (c_pr.is_ongoing IS TRUE) THEN 
                                ', '::text || _
                             ) ELSE ''::text END
                 ) || 
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                              SELECT array_agg
                                                                                   (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                      ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.version
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || r_ds.lang
                                                           ) || 
                                                 '): '::text
                                               ) || r_csr.term
                                   ) AS array_agg 
                                FROM (
                                         (clin.lnk_code2procedure c_lc2p 
                                            JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                              ON (
                                                     (c_lc2p.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                      JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                        ON (
                                               (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                               WHERE (c_lc2p.fk_item = c_pr.pk)
                             ,'; '::text
                 ) || ';'::text
) AS narrative
, c_pr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_pr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_pr.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.procedure'::text AS src_table
, c_pr.row_version 
                       (clin.procedure c_pr 
                          JOIN clin.encounter c_enc 
                            ON (
                                   (c_pr.fk_encounter = c_enc.pk)
                    JOIN clin.episode cep 
                      ON (
                             (c_pr.fk_episode = cep.pk)
         LEFT JOIN clin.hospital_stay c_hs 
                ON (
                       (c_pr.fk_hospital_stay = c_hs.pk)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (c_hs.fk_org_unit = d_ou.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_ou.fk_org = d_o.pk)
WHERE (c_pr.fk_hospital_stay IS NOT NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_procedures_journal

v_procedures_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.pk_patient
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.modified_when
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.clin_when
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.modified_by
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.soap_cat
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.narrative
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.pk_encounter
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.pk_episode
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.pk_health_issue
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.src_pk
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.src_table
, v_procedures_at_hospital_journal.row_version 
FROM clin.v_procedures_at_hospital_journal 
UNION ALLSELECT v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.pk_patient
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.modified_when
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.clin_when
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.modified_by
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.soap_cat
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.narrative
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.pk_encounter
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.pk_episode
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.pk_health_issue
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.src_pk
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.src_table
, v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal.row_version 
FROM clin.v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_procedures_not_at_hospital

v_procedures_not_at_hospital Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_procedure integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
clin_when timestamp with time zone
clin_end timestamp with time zone
is_ongoing boolean
performed_procedure text
unit text
organization text
episode text
health_issue text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
row_version integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_hospital_stay integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_org integer
pk_org_unit integer
pk_generic_codes integer[]
xmin_procedure xid
SELECT c_pr.pk AS pk_procedure
, c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_pr.soap_cat
, c_pr.clin_when
, c_pr.clin_end
, c_pr.is_ongoing
, c_pr.narrative AS performed_procedure
, d_ou.description AS unit
, d_o.description AS organization
, c_ep.description AS episode
, c_hi.description AS health_issue
, c_pr.modified_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_pr.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_pr.row_version
, c_pr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_pr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, c_pr.fk_hospital_stay AS pk_hospital_stay
, c_ep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, d_o.pk AS pk_org
, d_ou.pk AS pk_org_unit
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2p.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2procedure c_lc2p 
       WHERE (c_lc2p.fk_item = c_pr.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, c_pr.xmin AS xmin_procedure 
                       (clin.procedure c_pr 
                          JOIN clin.encounter c_enc 
                            ON (
                                   (c_pr.fk_encounter = c_enc.pk)
                    JOIN clin.episode c_ep 
                      ON (
                             (c_pr.fk_episode = c_ep.pk)
         LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue c_hi 
                ON (
                       (c_ep.fk_health_issue = c_hi.pk)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (d_ou.pk = c_pr.fk_org_unit)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_o.pk = d_ou.fk_org)
WHERE (c_pr.fk_hospital_stay IS NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal

v_procedures_not_at_hospital_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT c_enc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, c_pr.modified_when
, c_pr.clin_when
      SELECT staff.short_alias 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = c_pr.modified_by)
     , (
           ('<'::text || 
           ) || '>'::text
) AS modified_by
, c_pr.soap_cat
, (
                                                           ('Procedure'::text) || ' "'::text
                                                     ) || c_pr.narrative
                                               ) || '"'::text
                                         ) || 
                                      ' ('::text) || d_ou.description
                                   ) || ' @ '::text
                             ) || d_o.description
                       ) || COALESCE
                                            ', '::text || _
                                         ) || ' '::text
                                   ) || to_char
                                         ,'YYYY Mon DD'::text
                             , CASE WHEN 
                             (c_pr.is_ongoing IS TRUE) THEN 
                                ', '::text || _
                             ) ELSE ''::text END
                 ) || 
     ) || COALESCE
'::text || array_to_string
                              SELECT array_agg
                                                                                   (r_csr.code || 
                                                                                      ' ('::text) || r_ds.name_short
                                                                                   ) || ' - '::text
                                                                             ) || r_ds.version
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || r_ds.lang
                                                           ) || 
                                                 '): '::text
                                               ) || r_csr.term
                                   ) AS array_agg 
                                FROM (
                                         (clin.lnk_code2procedure c_lc2p 
                                            JOIN ref.coding_system_root r_csr 
                                              ON (
                                                     (c_lc2p.fk_generic_code = r_csr.pk_coding_system)
                                      JOIN ref.data_source r_ds 
                                        ON (
                                               (r_ds.pk = r_csr.fk_data_source)
                               WHERE (c_lc2p.fk_item = c_pr.pk)
                             ,'; '::text
                 ) || ';'::text
) AS narrative
, c_pr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, c_pr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, cep.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, c_pr.pk AS src_pk
,'clin.procedure'::text AS src_table
, c_pr.row_version 
                 (clin.procedure c_pr 
                    JOIN clin.encounter c_enc 
                      ON (
                             (c_pr.fk_encounter = c_enc.pk)
              JOIN clin.episode cep 
                ON (
                       (c_pr.fk_episode = cep.pk)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (c_pr.fk_org_unit = d_ou.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_ou.fk_org = d_o.pk)
WHERE (c_pr.fk_hospital_stay IS NULL);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_reviewed_items

denormalization of parent table of reviewed items

v_reviewed_items Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
src_schema oid
src_table name
pk_reviewed_row integer
is_technically_abnormal boolean
clinically_relevant boolean
reviewer text
comment text
pk_review_root integer
pk_reviewer integer
SELECT pg_class.relnamespace 
  FROM pg_class 
 WHERE (pg_class.oid = rr.tableoid)
) AS src_schema
, (
SELECT pg_class.relname 
  FROM pg_class 
 WHERE (pg_class.oid = rr.tableoid)
) AS src_table
, rr.fk_reviewed_row AS pk_reviewed_row
, rr.is_technically_abnormal
, rr.clinically_relevant
, (
SELECT staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.staff 
 WHERE (staff.pk = rr.fk_reviewer)
) AS reviewer
, rr.comment
, rr.pk AS pk_review_root
, rr.fk_reviewer AS pk_reviewer 
FROM clin.review_root rr;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_substance_intakes

v_substance_intakes Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_substance_intake integer
pk_patient integer
soap_cat text
brand text
preparation text
substance text
amount numeric
unit text
atc_substance text
atc_brand text
external_code_brand text
external_code_type_brand text
started timestamp with time zone
intake_is_approved_of boolean
schedule text
duration interval
discontinued timestamp with time zone
discontinue_reason text
is_long_term boolean
aim text
episode text
health_issue text
notes text
fake_brand boolean
is_currently_active boolean
seems_inactive boolean
pk_brand integer
pk_data_source integer
pk_substance integer
pk_drug_component integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
row_version integer
xmin_substance_intake xid
SELECT v_brand_intakes.pk_substance_intake
, v_brand_intakes.pk_patient
, v_brand_intakes.soap_cat
, v_brand_intakes.brand
, v_brand_intakes.preparation
, v_brand_intakes.substance
, v_brand_intakes.amount
, v_brand_intakes.unit
, v_brand_intakes.atc_substance
, v_brand_intakes.atc_brand
, v_brand_intakes.external_code_brand
, v_brand_intakes.external_code_type_brand
, v_brand_intakes.started
, v_brand_intakes.intake_is_approved_of
, v_brand_intakes.schedule
, v_brand_intakes.duration
, v_brand_intakes.discontinued
, v_brand_intakes.discontinue_reason
, v_brand_intakes.is_long_term
, v_brand_intakes.aim
, v_brand_intakes.episode
, v_brand_intakes.health_issue
, v_brand_intakes.notes
, v_brand_intakes.fake_brand
, v_brand_intakes.is_currently_active
, v_brand_intakes.seems_inactive
, v_brand_intakes.pk_brand
, v_brand_intakes.pk_data_source
, v_brand_intakes.pk_substance
, v_brand_intakes.pk_drug_component
, v_brand_intakes.pk_encounter
, v_brand_intakes.pk_episode
, v_brand_intakes.pk_health_issue
, v_brand_intakes.modified_when
, v_brand_intakes.modified_by
, v_brand_intakes.row_version
, v_brand_intakes.xmin_substance_intake 
FROM clin.v_brand_intakes 
UNION ALLSELECT v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_substance_intake
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_patient
, v_nonbrand_intakes.soap_cat
, v_nonbrand_intakes.brand
, v_nonbrand_intakes.preparation
, v_nonbrand_intakes.substance
, v_nonbrand_intakes.amount
, v_nonbrand_intakes.unit
, v_nonbrand_intakes.atc_substance
, v_nonbrand_intakes.atc_brand
, v_nonbrand_intakes.external_code_brand
, v_nonbrand_intakes.external_code_type_brand
, v_nonbrand_intakes.started
, v_nonbrand_intakes.intake_is_approved_of
, v_nonbrand_intakes.schedule
, v_nonbrand_intakes.duration
, v_nonbrand_intakes.discontinued
, v_nonbrand_intakes.discontinue_reason
, v_nonbrand_intakes.is_long_term
, v_nonbrand_intakes.aim
, v_nonbrand_intakes.episode
, v_nonbrand_intakes.health_issue
, v_nonbrand_intakes.notes
, v_nonbrand_intakes.fake_brand
, v_nonbrand_intakes.is_currently_active
, v_nonbrand_intakes.seems_inactive
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_brand
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_data_source
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_substance
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_drug_component
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_encounter
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_episode
, v_nonbrand_intakes.pk_health_issue
, v_nonbrand_intakes.modified_when
, v_nonbrand_intakes.modified_by
, v_nonbrand_intakes.row_version
, v_nonbrand_intakes.xmin_substance_intake 
FROM clin.v_nonbrand_intakes;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_test_orgs

v_test_orgs Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_test_org integer
organization text
unit text
comment text
test_org_contact text
pk_adm_contact integer
pk_med_contact integer
pk_org integer
category_org integer
pk_org_unit integer
category_unit integer
pk_address_unit integer
xmin_test_org xid
SELECT c_to.pk AS pk_test_org
, d_o.description AS organization
, d_ou.description AS unit
, c_to.comment
, c_to.contact AS test_org_contact
, c_to.fk_adm_contact AS pk_adm_contact
, c_to.fk_med_contact AS pk_med_contact
, d_o.pk AS pk_org
, d_o.fk_category AS category_org
, d_ou.pk AS pk_org_unit
, d_ou.fk_category AS category_unit
, d_ou.fk_address AS pk_address_unit
, c_to.xmin AS xmin_test_org 
     (clin.test_org c_to 
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (c_to.fk_org_unit = d_ou.pk)
LEFT JOIN dem.org d_o 
    ON (
           (d_ou.fk_org = d_o.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_test_panels

v_test_panels Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_test_panel integer
description text
comment text
pk_test_types integer[]
modified_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by name
pk_generic_codes integer[]
row_version integer
xmin_test_panel xid
SELECT c_tp.pk AS pk_test_panel
, c_tp.description
, c_tp.comment
, c_tp.fk_test_types AS pk_test_types
, c_tp.modified_when
, c_tp.modified_by
      SELECT array_agg
           (c_lc2tp.fk_generic_code) AS array_agg 
        FROM clin.lnk_code2tst_pnl c_lc2tp 
       WHERE (c_lc2tp.fk_item = c_tp.pk)
     , ARRAY[]::integer[]
) AS pk_generic_codes
, c_tp.row_version
, c_tp.xmin AS xmin_test_panel 
FROM clin.test_panel c_tp;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_test_results

denormalized view over test_results joined with (possibly unified) test type and patient/episode/encounter keys

v_test_results Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
pk_test_result integer
clin_when timestamp with time zone
unified_abbrev text
unified_name text
unified_loinc text
unified_val text
unified_target_min numeric
unified_target_max numeric
unified_target_range text
soap_cat text
comment text
val_num numeric
val_alpha text
val_unit text
conversion_unit text
val_normal_min numeric
val_normal_max numeric
val_normal_range text
val_target_min numeric
val_target_max numeric
val_target_range text
abnormality_indicator text
norm_ref_group text
note_test_org text
material text
material_detail text
abbrev_tt text
name_tt text
loinc_tt text
comment_tt text
name_test_org text
contact_test_org text
comment_test_org text
is_fake_meta_type boolean
abbrev_meta text
name_meta text
loinc_meta text
comment_meta text
episode text
health_issue text
reviewed boolean
is_technically_abnormal boolean
is_clinically_relevant boolean
review_comment text
last_reviewer text
last_reviewed timestamp with time zone
review_by_you boolean
review_by_responsible_reviewer boolean
responsible_reviewer text
you_are_responsible boolean
modified_by text
modified_when timestamp with time zone
row_version integer
pk_item integer
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_test_type integer
pk_intended_reviewer integer
pk_request integer
xmin_test_result xid
pk_test_org integer
pk_meta_test_type integer
pk_health_issue integer
pk_last_reviewer integer
SELECT cenc.fk_patient AS pk_patient
, tr.pk AS pk_test_result
, tr.clin_when
, c_vtt.unified_abbrev
, c_vtt.unified_name
, c_vtt.unified_loinc
     ) = ''::text
(tr.val_num)::text ELSE CASE WHEN 
(tr.val_num IS NULL) THEN tr.val_alpha ELSE 
                 (tr.val_num)::text || 
              ' ('::text) || tr.val_alpha
           ) || 
) END END AS unified_val
     , tr.val_normal_min
) AS unified_target_min
     , tr.val_normal_max
) AS unified_target_max
     , tr.val_normal_range
) AS unified_target_range
, tr.soap_cat
, tr.narrative AS comment
, tr.val_num
, tr.val_alpha
, tr.val_unit
, c_vtt.conversion_unit
, tr.val_normal_min
, tr.val_normal_max
, tr.val_normal_range
, tr.val_target_min
, tr.val_target_max
, tr.val_target_range
, tr.abnormality_indicator
, tr.norm_ref_group
, tr.note_test_org
, tr.material
, tr.material_detail
, c_vtt.abbrev AS abbrev_tt
, c_vtt.name AS name_tt
, c_vtt.loinc AS loinc_tt
, c_vtt.comment_type AS comment_tt
, c_vtt.name_org AS name_test_org
, c_vtt.contact_org AS contact_test_org
, c_vtt.comment_org AS comment_test_org
, c_vtt.is_fake_meta_type
, c_vtt.abbrev_meta
, c_vtt.name_meta
, c_vtt.loinc_meta
, c_vtt.comment_meta
, epi.description AS episode
, chi.description AS health_issue
           , 0
)::boolean AS reviewed
, rtr.is_technically_abnormal
, rtr.clinically_relevant AS is_clinically_relevant
, rtr.comment AS review_comment
, (
SELECT staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.staff 
 WHERE (staff.pk = rtr.fk_reviewer)
) AS last_reviewer
, rtr.modified_when AS last_reviewed
     (rtr.fk_reviewer = 
            SELECT staff.pk 
              FROM dem.staff 
             WHERE (staff.db_user = "current_user"
     , false
) AS review_by_you
     (tr.fk_intended_reviewer = rtr.fk_reviewer)
     , false
) AS review_by_responsible_reviewer
, (
SELECT staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.staff 
 WHERE (staff.pk = tr.fk_intended_reviewer)
) AS responsible_reviewer
     (tr.fk_intended_reviewer = 
            SELECT staff.pk 
              FROM dem.staff 
             WHERE (staff.db_user = "current_user"
     , false
) AS you_are_responsible
      SELECT 1 
        FROM dem.staff 
       WHERE (staff.db_user = tr.modified_by)
     ) IS NULL
     ('<'::text || 
     ) || '>'::text
SELECT staff.short_alias 
  FROM dem.staff 
 WHERE (staff.db_user = tr.modified_by)
) END AS modified_by
, tr.modified_when
, tr.row_version
, tr.pk_item
, tr.fk_encounter AS pk_encounter
, tr.fk_episode AS pk_episode
, tr.fk_type AS pk_test_type
, tr.fk_intended_reviewer AS pk_intended_reviewer
, tr.fk_request AS pk_request
, tr.xmin AS xmin_test_result
, c_vtt.pk_test_org
, c_vtt.pk_meta_test_type
, epi.fk_health_issue AS pk_health_issue
, rtr.fk_reviewer AS pk_last_reviewer 
                 (clin.test_result tr 
               LEFT JOIN clin.encounter cenc 
                      ON (
                             (tr.fk_encounter = cenc.pk)
         LEFT JOIN clin.episode epi 
                ON (
                       (tr.fk_episode = epi.pk)
   LEFT JOIN clin.reviewed_test_results rtr 
          ON (
                 (tr.pk = rtr.fk_reviewed_row)
LEFT JOIN clin.health_issue chi 
    ON (
           (epi.fk_health_issue = chi.pk)
, clin.v_test_types c_vtt 
WHERE (tr.fk_type = c_vtt.pk_test_type);

Index - Schema clin

View: v_test_results_journal

formatting of v_test_results for inclusion in v_emr_journal

v_test_results_journal Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_patient integer
modified_when timestamp with time zone
clin_when timestamp with time zone
modified_by text
soap_cat text
narrative text
pk_encounter integer
pk_episode integer
pk_health_issue integer
src_pk integer
src_table text
row_version integer
SELECT vtr.pk_patient
, vtr.modified_when
, vtr.clin_when
, vtr.modified_by
, vtr.soap_cat
                                                                                                                                         (vtr.unified_name || 
                                                                                                                                            ' ('::text) || vtr.unified_abbrev
                                                                                                                                         ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                                                                     (' [#'::text || vtr.unified_loinc) || ']'::text
                                                                                                                                   ) || 
                                                                                                                         '): '::text
                                                                                                                       ) || vtr.unified_val
                                                                                                                 ) || ' '::text
                                                                                                           ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                     ) || ' '::text
                                                                                               ) || COALESCE
                                                                                                               '('::text || vtr.abnormality_indicator) || 
                                                                                         ) || '
                                                                                   ) || _
                                                                                   ('Range: '::text)
                                                                             ) || COALESCE
                                                                       ) || ' - '::text
                                                                 ) || COALESCE
                                                           ) || ' / '::text
                                                     ) || COALESCE
                                               ) || COALESCE
                                                              ' ('::text || vtr.norm_ref_group) || 
                                         ) || '
                                   ) || COALESCE
                                                     ('Assessment: '::text) || vtr.comment
                                               ) || '
                             ) || COALESCE
                                               ('Context: '::text) || vtr.note_test_org
                                         ) || '
                       ) || COALESCE
                                                                       ('Review by '::text) || vtr.last_reviewer
                                                                 ) || ' @ '::text
                                                           ) || to_char
                                                                 ,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'::text
                                                     ) || ': '::text
                                               ) || CASE WHEN vtr.is_technically_abnormal THEN 
                                                     ('abnormal'::text) || 
                                                  ', '::text
                                               ) ELSE ''::text END
                                         ) || CASE WHEN vtr.is_clinically_relevant THEN 
                                               ('relevant'::text) || ' '::text
                                         ) ELSE ''::text END
                                   ) || COALESCE
                                                   '('::text || vtr.review_comment) || 
                 ) || _
                 ('Responsible clinician: '::text)
           ) || vtr.responsible_reviewer
     ,'faulty clin.v_test_results_journal definition'::text
) AS narrative
, vtr.pk_encounter
, vtr.pk_episode
, vtr.pk_health_issue
, vtr.pk_test_result AS src_pk
,'clin.test_result'::text AS src_table
, vtr.row_version 
FROM clin.v_test_results vtr;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_test_types

denormalizes test types with test orgs and meta types

v_test_types Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_test_type integer
abbrev text
name text
loinc text
conversion_unit text
comment_type text
name_org text
comment_org text
contact_org text
unified_abbrev text
unified_name text
unified_loinc text
is_fake_meta_type boolean
abbrev_meta text
name_meta text
loinc_meta text
comment_meta text
pk_test_panels integer[]
pk_test_org integer
pk_meta_test_type integer
pk_org_unit integer
pk_adm_contact_org integer
pk_med_contact_org integer
xmin_test_type xid
SELECT c_tt.pk AS pk_test_type
, c_tt.abbrev
, c_tt.name
, c_tt.loinc
, c_tt.conversion_unit
, c_tt.comment AS comment_type
, d_ou.description AS name_org
, c_to.comment AS comment_org
, c_to.contact AS contact_org
     , c_tt.abbrev
) AS unified_abbrev
     , c_tt.name
) AS unified_name
     , c_tt.loinc
) AS unified_loinc
, (c_tt.fk_meta_test_type IS NULL) AS is_fake_meta_type
, c_mtt.abbrev AS abbrev_meta
, c_mtt.name AS name_meta
, c_mtt.loinc AS loinc_meta
, c_mtt.comment AS comment_meta
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (c_tp.pk) AS array_agg 
  FROM clin.test_panel c_tp 
 WHERE (c_tt.pk = ANY 
) AS pk_test_panels
, c_tt.fk_test_org AS pk_test_org
, c_tt.fk_meta_test_type AS pk_meta_test_type
, c_to.fk_org_unit AS pk_org_unit
, c_to.fk_adm_contact AS pk_adm_contact_org
, c_to.fk_med_contact AS pk_med_contact_org
, c_tt.xmin AS xmin_test_type 
           (clin.test_type c_tt 
         LEFT JOIN clin.test_org c_to 
                ON (
                       (c_to.pk = c_tt.fk_test_org)
   LEFT JOIN dem.org_unit d_ou 
          ON (
                 (c_to.fk_org_unit = d_ou.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.meta_test_type c_mtt 
    ON (
           (c_tt.fk_meta_test_type = c_mtt.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_vaccination_courses_in_schedule

v_vaccination_courses_in_schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
vaccination_schedule text
is_active boolean
pk_recommended_by integer
comment_course text
comment_schedule text
pk_vaccination_course integer
pk_indication integer
pk_vaccination_schedule integer
SELECT cvs.name AS vaccination_schedule
, cvc.is_active
, cvc.fk_recommended_by AS pk_recommended_by
, cvc.comment AS comment_course
, cvs.comment AS comment_schedule
, cvc.pk AS pk_vaccination_course
, cvc.fk_indication AS pk_indication
, cvs.pk AS pk_vaccination_schedule 
FROM clin.vaccination_course cvc
, clin.vaccination_schedule cvs
, clin.lnk_vaccination_course2schedule clvc2s 
     (clvc2s.fk_course = cvc.pk)
   AND (clvc2s.fk_schedule = cvs.pk)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_vaccination_definitions4course

vaccination event definitions for all courses known to the system

v_vaccination_definitions4course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_course integer
indication text
l10n_indication text
course_comment text
is_active boolean
pk_vaccination_definition integer
is_booster boolean
vacc_seq_no integer
age_due_min interval
age_due_max interval
min_interval interval
vacc_comment text
pk_indication integer
pk_recommended_by integer
SELECT vcourse.pk AS pk_course
, vind.description AS indication
, _
(vind.description) AS l10n_indication
) AS course_comment
, vcourse.is_active
, vdef.id AS pk_vaccination_definition
, vdef.is_booster
, vdef.seq_no AS vacc_seq_no
, vdef.min_age_due AS age_due_min
, vdef.max_age_due AS age_due_max
, vdef.min_interval
) AS vacc_comment
, vind.id AS pk_indication
, vcourse.fk_recommended_by AS pk_recommended_by 
FROM clin.vaccination_course vcourse
, clin.vacc_indication vind
, clin.vaccination_definition vdef 
     (vcourse.pk = vdef.fk_course)
   AND (vcourse.fk_indication = vind.id)
ORDER BY vind.description
, vdef.seq_no;

Index - Schema clin

View: v_vaccines

A list of vaccines.

v_vaccines Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_vaccine integer
vaccine text
preparation text
atc_code text
is_fake_vaccine boolean
route_abbreviation text
route_description text
is_live boolean
min_age interval
max_age interval
comment text
indications text[]
l10n_indications text[]
external_code text
external_code_type text
pk_indications integer[]
pk_route integer
pk_brand integer
pk_data_source integer
xmin_vaccine xid
SELECT cv.pk AS pk_vaccine
, rbd.description AS vaccine
, rbd.preparation
, rbd.atc_code
, rbd.is_fake AS is_fake_vaccine
, cvr.abbreviation AS route_abbreviation
, cvr.description AS route_description
, cv.is_live
, cv.min_age
, cv.max_age
, cv.comment
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (cvi.description) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
          ON (
                 (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
 WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
) AS indications
, (
SELECT array_agg
     ) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
          ON (
                 (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
 WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
) AS l10n_indications
, rbd.external_code
, rbd.external_code_type
, (
SELECT array_agg
     (clvi.fk_indication) AS array_agg 
  FROM (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds clvi 
        JOIN clin.vacc_indication cvi 
          ON (
                 (clvi.fk_indication = cvi.id)
 WHERE (clvi.fk_vaccine = cv.pk)
) AS pk_indications
, cv.id_route AS pk_route
, cv.fk_brand AS pk_brand
, rbd.fk_data_source AS pk_data_source
, cv.xmin AS xmin_vaccine 
     (clin.vaccine cv 
        JOIN ref.branded_drug rbd 
          ON (
                 (cv.fk_brand = rbd.pk)
LEFT JOIN clin.vacc_route cvr 
    ON (
           (cv.id_route = cvr.id)

Index - Schema clin

View: v_waiting_list

v_waiting_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
list_position integer
waiting_zone text
urgency integer
title text
firstnames text
lastnames text
preferred_name text
dob timestamp with time zone
gender text
l10n_gender text
registered timestamp with time zone
waiting_time interval
waiting_time_formatted text
comment text
pk_identity integer
pk_name integer
pupic character(24)
pk_waiting_list integer
SELECT wl.list_position
, wl.area AS waiting_zone
, wl.urgency
, i.title
, n.firstnames
, n.lastnames
, n.preferred AS preferred_name
, i.dob
, i.gender
, _
(i.gender) AS l10n_gender
, wl.registered
, (
           () - wl.registered
) AS waiting_time
, (
SELECT to_char
                 , wl.registered
           ,'DDD HH24:MI'::text
     ) AS to_char
) AS waiting_time_formatted
, wl.comment
, i.pk AS pk_identity
, n.id AS pk_name
, i.pupic
, wl.pk AS pk_waiting_list 
FROM clin.waiting_list wl
, dem.identity i
, dem.names n 
                 (wl.fk_patient = i.pk)
               AND (wl.fk_patient = n.id_identity)
         AND (i.deceased IS NULL)
   AND (n.active IS TRUE)

Index - Schema clin

Table: vacc_indication

definition of indications for vaccinations

vacc_indication Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

description of indication, eg "Measles", note that this does not have to be a scientific diagnosis, it is simply intended to be an agreed-upon, medically-comprehensible unique identifier for the indication
atcs_single_indication text[]

The ATC codes for single-indication vaccines for this indication.
atcs_combi_indication text[]

The ATC codes for poly-indication vaccines including this indication.


vacc_indication Constraints
Name Constraint
vacc_indication_sane_combi_atcs CHECK (((atcs_combi_indication IS NULL) OR (array_upper(atcs_combi_indication, 1) > 0)))
vacc_indication_sane_single_atcs CHECK (((atcs_single_indication IS NULL) OR (array_upper(atcs_single_indication, 1) > 0)))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: vacc_route

definition of route via which vaccine is given, currently i.m. and p.o. only but may include "via genetically engineered food" etc in the future

vacc_route Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
abbreviation text UNIQUE NOT NULL
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccination

holds vaccinations actually given

vaccination Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk_item integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('clin_root_item_pk_item_seq'::regclass)
clin_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
encounter.pk fk_encounter integer NOT NULL
episode.pk fk_episode integer NOT NULL
narrative text

Used to record a comment on this vaccination.
soap_cat text DEFAULT 'p'::text
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_provider integer

Who administered this vaccination.
vaccine.pk fk_vaccine integer NOT NULL
site text

The site of injection used in this vaccination.
batch_no text NOT NULL

The batch/lot number of the vaccine given.
reaction text

Used to record reactions to this vaccination.

Table vaccination Inherits clin_root_item,


vaccination Constraints
Name Constraint
clin_root_item_sane_soap_cat CHECK (((soap_cat IS NULL) OR (lower(soap_cat) = ANY (ARRAY['s'::text, 'o'::text, 'a'::text, 'p'::text, 'u'::text]))))
vaccination_sane_narrative CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(narrative) IS TRUE))
vaccination_sane_reaction CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(reaction) IS TRUE))
vaccination_sane_site CHECK ((gm.is_null_or_non_empty_string(site) IS TRUE))
idx_clin_vaccination_fk_encounter fk_encounter idx_clin_vaccination_fk_episode fk_episode

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccination_course

holds vaccination courses defined at a techno-medical level for a single indication and will in many cases represent a part of a "recommended multi-epitope schedule", note that one organization can indeed recommend several courses for one and the same indication - which then only differ in their constraints, PostgreSQL does not currently offer the best tools to enforce such constraints

vaccination_course Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_recommended_by integer

the source/organization which defined this course, can be used to differentiate several locale-dependant courses for the same indication and yet tell them apart
vacc_indication.id fk_indication integer NOT NULL

vaccination indication this course is targeted at
is_active boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true

whether this course is active or not, if False: do not newly *start* patients on this course
comment text

a free-text comment on this vaccination course

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccination_course_constraint

holds constraints which apply to a vaccination course

vaccination_course_constraint Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
description text UNIQUE NOT NULL

description/label/name of the constraint

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccination_definition

defines a given vaccination event for a particular course

vaccination_definition Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
id serial PRIMARY KEY
vaccination_course.pk fk_course integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

course to which this event belongs
is_booster boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false

does this definition represent a booster, also set for quasi-booster courses such as Influenza
seq_no integer UNIQUE#1

sequence number for this vaccination event within a particular course, NULL if (is_booster == true)
min_age_due interval NOT NULL

minimum age at which this shot is due
max_age_due interval NOT NULL DEFAULT '01:32:35'::interval

maximum age at which this shot is due, if max_age_due = "5555 years": no maximum age
min_interval interval

if (is_booster == true): recommended interval for boostering id (is_booster == false): minimum interval after previous vaccination, NULL if seq_no == 1
comment text


vaccination_definition Constraints
Name Constraint
numbered_shot_xor_booster CHECK ((((is_booster IS TRUE) AND (seq_no IS NULL)) OR ((is_booster IS FALSE) AND (seq_no > 0))))
sensible_min_interval CHECK (((((min_interval IS NULL) AND (seq_no = 1)) OR (((min_interval IS NOT NULL) AND (min_interval > '00:00:00'::interval)) AND (is_booster IS TRUE))) OR (((min_interval IS NOT NULL) AND (min_interval > '00:00:00'::interval)) AND (seq_no > 1))))
vaccination_definition_check CHECK ((((max_age_due >= min_age_due) AND (max_age_due <= '150 years'::interval)) OR (max_age_due = '01:32:35'::interval)))
vaccination_definition_min_age_due_check CHECK (((min_age_due >= '00:00:01'::interval) AND (min_age_due <= '150 years'::interval)))

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccination_schedule

This table holds schedules as recommended by some authority such as a Vaccination Council. There will be numerous schedules depending on locale, constraints, age group etc. These schedules may be single or multi-epitope depending on their definition. A schedule acts as a convenient handle aggregating possibly several vaccination courses under a common name.

vaccination_schedule Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY

name of the schedule as defined by some authority
comment text

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccine

definition of a vaccine as available on the market

vaccine Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
vacc_route.id id_route integer

route this vaccine is given
is_live boolean

whether this is a live vaccine
min_age interval

minimum age this vaccine is licensed for according to the information by the manufacturer
max_age interval

maximum age this vaccine is licensed for according to the information by the manufacturer, use "5555 years" to indicate "no maximum age"
comment text
fk_brand integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

The brand of this vaccine, can be a fake entry in ref.branded_drug.


vaccine Constraints
Name Constraint
vaccine_sane_max_age CHECK (((max_age IS NULL) OR (max_age < '150 years'::interval)))
vaccine_sane_min_age CHECK (((min_age IS NULL) OR (((max_age IS NULL) AND (min_age < '150 years'::interval)) OR ((max_age IS NOT NULL) AND (min_age <= max_age)))))

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

idx_c_vaccine_id_route id_route

Index - Schema clin

Table: vaccine_batches

vaccine_batches Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
vaccine.pk fk_vaccine integer NOT NULL
batch_no text UNIQUE NOT NULL

serial # of a batch of a given vaccine that is awaiting usage in the fridge

Index - Schema clin

Table: waiting_list

aggregates all the patients currently waiting for an encounter

waiting_list Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
pk_audit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('audit.audit_fields_pk_audit_seq'::regclass)
row_version integer NOT NULL
modified_when timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()
modified_by name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"()
pk serial PRIMARY KEY
fk_patient integer NOT NULL

the waiting patient
registered timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now()

when did the patient arrive (enter the waiting list, that is)
urgency integer NOT NULL

relative urgency, used by practices as they see fit, 0 - "standard" urgency < 0 - less urgent > 0 - more urgent
list_position integer UNIQUE NOT NULL

the currently assigned position of this patient on the waiting list
comment text

a free comment regarding this entry, NOT THE RFE !
area text

an arbitrary value by which filtering waiting patients into zones becomes possible


waiting_list Constraints
Name Constraint
non_empty_area CHECK ((btrim(area) <> ''::text))
waiting_list_list_position_check CHECK ((list_position > 0))

Index - Schema clin

Function: add_coded_phrase(text, text, text)

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

	_term alias for $1;
	_code alias for $2;
	_system alias for $3;
	_tmp text;
	select into _tmp 1 from clin.coded_phrase where
		term = _term
		and code = _code
		and xfk_coding_system = _system;
	if found then
		return True;
	end if;
	insert into clin.coded_phrase (term, code, xfk_coding_system)
		values (_term, _code, _system);
	return True;

Function: f_del_booster_must_have_base_immunity()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	msg text;
	-- do not worry about booster deletes
	if OLD.is_booster then
		return null;
	end if;
	-- any non-booster rows left ?
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = OLD.fk_course and seq_no is not null;
	if FOUND then
		return null;
	end if;
	-- *any* rows left ?
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = OLD.fk_course;
	if not FOUND then
		-- no problem
		return null;
	end if;
	-- any remaining rows can only be booster rows - which is a problem
	msg := 'Cannot delete last non-booster vacc def [' || OLD.pk || '] from course [' || OLD.fk_course || ']. There would be only booster definitions left.';
	raise exception '%', msg;
	return null;

Function: f_fk_reviewer_default()

Returns: integer

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_staff integer;
	select pk into _pk_staff from dem.staff where db_user = current_user;
	return _pk_staff;

Function: f_ins_booster_must_have_base_immunity()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	-- do not worry about non-booster inserts
	if NEW.is_booster is false then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- only insert booster def if non-booster def exists
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = NEW.fk_course and seq_no is not null;
	if FOUND then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	raise exception 'Cannot define booster shot for course [%]. There is no base immunization definition.', NEW.fk_course;
	return null;

Function: f_protect_clin_root_item()

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

protect from direct inserts/deletes which the inheritance system cannot handle properly

	raise exception 'INSERT/DELETE on <clin_root_item> not allowed.';
	return False;

Function: f_upd_booster_must_have_base_immunity()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	msg text;
	-- do not worry about non-booster updates
	if NEW.is_booster is false then
		return null;
	end if;
	-- after update to booster still non-booster def available ?
	perform 1 from clin.vaccination_definition where fk_course = NEW.fk_course and seq_no is not null;
	if FOUND then
		return null;
	end if;
	msg := 'Cannot set vacc def [' || NEW.pk || '] to booster for course [' || NEW.fk_course || ']. There would be no base immunization definition left.';
	raise exception '%', msg;
	return null;

Function: get_hints_for_patient(integer)

Returns: SET OF auto_hint

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_identity ALIAS FOR $1;
	_r ref.auto_hint%rowtype;
	_query text;
	_applies boolean;
--	_exc_state text;
--	_exc_msg text;
--	_exc_detail text;
--	_exc_hint text;
--	_exc_context text;
	FOR _r IN SELECT * FROM ref.auto_hint WHERE is_active LOOP
		_query := replace(_r.query, 'ID_ACTIVE_PATIENT', _pk_identity::text);
		--RAISE NOTICE '%', _query;
			EXECUTE _query INTO STRICT _applies;
			--RAISE NOTICE 'Applies: %', _applies;
			IF _applies THEN
			END IF;
			--WHEN insufficient_privilege THEN RAISE WARNING 'auto hint query failed: %', _query;
			WHEN others THEN
				RAISE WARNING 'auto hint query failed: %', _query;
				-- only available starting with PG 9.2:
				--	_exc_state = RETURNED_SQLSTATE,
				--	_exc_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT,
				--	_exc_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
				--	_exc_hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT,
				--	_exc_context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT;
				--RAISE WARNING 'SQL STATE: %', _exc_state;
				--RAISE WARNING 'MESSAGE: %', _exc_msg;
				--RAISE WARNING 'DETAIL: %', _exc_detail;
				--RAISE WARNING 'HINT: %', _exc_hint;
				--RAISE WARNING 'CONTEXT: %', _exc_context;
				-- workaround for 9.1:
				_r.title := 'ERROR checking for [' || _r.title || '] !';
				_r.hint := _query;

Function: move_waiting_list_entry(integer, integer)

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

Move row with logical position $1 into logical position $2. If another row exists with position $2 it will be moved to position $1 in the process. Fails if there is no row with position $1.

	_wl_pos_src alias for $1;
	_wl_pos_dest alias for $2;
	_tmp_pos integer;
	_curr_max_pos integer;
	if _wl_pos_src = _wl_pos_dest then
		return true;
	end if;
	if _wl_pos_dest < 1 then
		raise notice 'clin.move_waiting_list_entry(): Will not move entry [%] before start of list [%].', _wl_pos_src, _wl_pos_dest;
		return False;
	end if;
	select max(list_position) into _curr_max_pos from clin.waiting_list;
	-- do not move last entry further down
	if _wl_pos_src = _curr_max_pos then
		if _wl_pos_dest > _wl_pos_src then
			raise notice 'clin.move_waiting_list_entry(): Will not move last entry [%] beyond end of list to [%].', _wl_pos_src, _wl_pos_dest;
			return False;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- does the source row exist ?
	perform 1 from clin.waiting_list where list_position = _wl_pos_src;
	if not found then
		raise notice 'clin.move_waiting_list_entry(): Cannot move entry [%] to [%]. Entry does not exist.', _wl_pos_src, wl_pos_dest ;
		return false;
	end if;
	-- load destination row
	perform 1 from clin.waiting_list where list_position = _wl_pos_dest;
	-- does not exist
	if not found then
		-- do not move entry beyond end of list more than necessary
		if _wl_pos_dest > (_curr_max_pos + 1) then
			_tmp_pos := _curr_max_pos + 1;
			_tmp_pos := _wl_pos_dest;
		end if;
		-- so update row to move and be done with it
		update clin.waiting_list
			set list_position = _tmp_pos
			where list_position = _wl_pos_src;
		return true;
	end if;
	-- move existing row out of the way
	select (max(list_position) + _wl_pos_dest + _wl_pos_src) into _tmp_pos from clin.waiting_list;
	update clin.waiting_list
		set list_position = _tmp_pos
		where list_position = _wl_pos_dest;
	-- move row to move
	update clin.waiting_list
		set list_position = _wl_pos_dest
		where list_position = _wl_pos_src;
	-- move back existing row
	update clin.waiting_list
		set list_position = _wl_pos_src
		where list_position = _tmp_pos;
	return true;

Function: remove_old_empty_encounters(integer)

Returns: boolean

Language: SQL

Remove empty encounters older than 1 week from a patient.

select clin.remove_old_empty_encounters($1, '1 week'::interval);

Function: remove_old_empty_encounters(integer, interval)

Returns: boolean

Language: PLPGSQL

Remove empty encountersolder than a definable minimum age from a patient.

	_pk_identity alias for $1;
	_defined_minimum_encounter_age alias for $2;
	_usable_minimum_encounter_age interval;
	-- does person exist ?
	perform 1 from dem.identity where pk = _pk_identity;
	if not found then
		raise exception 'clin.remove_old_empty_encounters(%, %): person [%] does not exist', _pk_identity, _defined_minimum_encounter_age, _pk_identity;
		return false;
	end if;
	if _defined_minimum_encounter_age < '3 days'::interval then
		_usable_minimum_encounter_age := '3 days'::interval;
		_usable_minimum_encounter_age := _defined_minimum_encounter_age;
	end if;
	DELETE FROM clin.encounter WHERE
		clin.encounter.fk_patient = _pk_identity
		age(clin.encounter.last_affirmed) > _usable_minimum_encounter_age
		NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.clin_root_item WHERE fk_encounter = clin.encounter.pk)
		NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM blobs.doc_med WHERE fk_encounter = clin.encounter.pk)
		NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.episode WHERE fk_encounter = clin.encounter.pk)
		NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.health_issue WHERE fk_encounter = clin.encounter.pk)
		NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM clin.allergy_state WHERE fk_encounter = clin.encounter.pk)
		-- new:
		NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM bill.bill_item WHERE fk_encounter = clin.encounter.pk)
	return true;

Function: trf_activate_issue_on_opening_episode()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
		if OLD.is_open is TRUE then
			return NEW;
		end if;
	end if;
	update clin.health_issue
	set is_active = TRUE
		pk = NEW.fk_health_issue
		is_active is FALSE
	return NEW;

Function: trf_announce_active_substance_mod_no_pk()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	execute 'notify "active_substance_mod_db:"';
	return NULL;

Function: trf_announce_consumed_substance_mod_no_pk()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	execute 'notify "consumed_substance_mod_db:"';
	return NULL;

Function: trf_delete_intake_document_deleted()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Document the deletion of a substance intake.

	_row record;
	_pk_episode integer;
		* into _row
		src_pk = OLD.pk;
	_pk_episode := _row.pk_episode;
	-- create episode if needed
	if _pk_episode is null then
		select pk into _pk_episode
		from clin.episode
			description = _('Medication history')
			fk_encounter in (
				select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _row.pk_patient
		if not found then
			insert into clin.episode (
			) values (
				_('Medication history'),
			) returning pk into _pk_episode;
		end if;
	end if;
	insert into clin.clin_narrative (
	) values (
		_('Deletion of') || ' ' || _row.narrative
	return OLD;

Function: trf_delete_intake_turns_other_components_into_substances()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

If a patient is stopped from a multi-component drug intake other components thereof must be turned into non-brand substance intakes.

	_pk_brand integer;
	_component_count integer;
	_pk_patient integer;
	-- did it at all relate to a drug (rather than substance) ?
	if OLD.fk_drug_component is NULL then
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- which drug ?
	select fk_brand into _pk_brand
	from ref.lnk_substance2brand
	where pk = OLD.fk_drug_component;
	-- how many components therein ?
	select count(1) into _component_count
	from ref.lnk_substance2brand
	where fk_brand = _pk_brand;
	-- only one component anyways ? (which then has been deleted already)
	if _component_count = 1 then
		return NULL;
	end if;
	-- which patient ?
	select fk_patient into _pk_patient
	from clin.encounter
	where pk = OLD.fk_encounter;
	-- delete those components which cannot be converted:
	delete from clin.substance_intake c_si1 where
		-- entries which belong to the brand in question
		c_si1.fk_drug_component in (
			select pk from ref.lnk_substance2brand where fk_brand = _pk_brand
		-- entries for this one patient only (via proxy of encounter)
		c_si1.fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
		-- which already exist
		exists (
			select 1 from clin.substance_intake c_si2
				-- as substance-only links
				c_si2.fk_substance = (
					select fk_substance from ref.lnk_substance2brand where pk = c_si1.fk_drug_component
				-- for this very patient
				c_si2.fk_encounter in (
					select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
	-- relink all other intakes into substances
	update clin.substance_intake c_si set
		fk_drug_component = null,
		fk_substance = (
			select fk_substance from ref.lnk_substance2brand where pk = c_si.fk_drug_component
		preparation = (
			select r_bd.preparation from ref.branded_drug r_bd where r_bd.pk = _pk_brand
		-- ... which belong to the brand in question
		c_si.fk_drug_component in (
			select pk from ref.lnk_substance2brand where fk_brand = _pk_brand
		-- ... which belong to this one patient (via proxy of encounter)
		c_si.fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
	return NULL;

Function: trf_ensure_one_allergy_state_per_patient()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_new_pk_patient integer;
	_old_pk_patient integer;
	-- find patient from encounter
	select into _new_pk_patient fk_patient
		from clin.encounter
		where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	if not FOUND then
		raise exception 'Encounter % does not exist !?', NEW.fk_encounter;
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- new row
	if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
		-- patient already there ?
		perform 1 from clin.allergy_state
			fk_encounter in (select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _new_pk_patient);
		if FOUND then
			raise exception 'Cannot insert second allergy state for patient % via encounter %.', _new_pk_patient, NEW.fk_encounter;
			return NEW;
		end if;
		return NEW;
	end if;
	if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then
		if NEW.fk_encounter = OLD.fk_encounter then
			return NEW;
		end if;
		select into _old_pk_patient fk_patient
			from clin.encounter
			where pk = OLD.fk_encounter;
		if _new_pk_patient = _old_pk_patient then
			return NEW;
		end if;
		raise exception 'Invalid fk_encounter update (% -> %): it would change the associated patient (% -> %).', OLD.fk_encounter, NEW.fk_encounter, _old_pk_patient, _new_pk_patient;
		return NEW;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_ins_lc2sth_fk_generic_code()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Check foreign key integrity on insert to *.fk_generic_code -> ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system.

	_msg text;
	perform 1 from ref.coding_system_root where pk_coding_system = NEW.fk_generic_code;
	if FOUND then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	_msg := 'clin.trf_ins_lc2sth_fk_generic_code(): INSERT into '
		|| TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '.' || TG_TABLE_NAME || ': '
		|| 'fk_generic_code=(' || NEW.fk_generic_code || ') '
		|| 'does not exist in ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system';
	raise foreign_key_violation using message = _msg;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_ins_upd_validate_test_type_pks()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Explicit foreign key-like check.

	_msg text;
	_func text;
	_pk integer;
	-- is NULLable
	if NEW.fk_test_types is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	_func := '[clin.trf_ins_upd_validate_test_type_pks]: ';
	-- must be one-dimensional
	IF array_ndims(NEW.fk_test_types) <> 1 THEN
		_msg := _func || 'fk_test_types is not a one-dimensional array' || array_to_string(NEW.fk_test_types, '/', '<NULL>');
		raise exception foreign_key_violation using message = _msg;
	-- must not be empty
	IF array_length(NEW.fk_test_types, 1) = 0 THEN
		_msg := _func || 'fk_test_types must not be empty (perhaps you wanted <NULL> instead ?)';
		raise exception foreign_key_violation using message = _msg;
	-- must not *contain* NULLs
	FOR _pk IN SELECT unnest(NEW.fk_test_types) LOOP
		perform 1 from clin.test_type where pk = _pk;
		if not found then
			_msg := _func || 'fk_test_types element (' || coalesce(_pk::text, '<NULL>')  || ') not found in clin.test_type.pk column';
			raise exception foreign_key_violation using message = _msg;
		end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_insert_intake_links_all_drug_components()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

If a patient is put on a multi-component drug they must be put on ALL components thereof.

	_component_count integer;
	_pk_patient integer;
	_pk_brand integer;
	_pk_component integer;
	-- any drug at all ?
	if NEW.fk_drug_component is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- get the brand we are linking to
	select fk_brand into _pk_brand
	from ref.lnk_substance2brand
	where pk = NEW.fk_drug_component;
	-- how many components therein ?
	select count(1) into _component_count
	from ref.lnk_substance2brand
	where fk_brand = _pk_brand;
	-- only one component ?
	if _component_count = 1 then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- which patient ?
	select fk_patient into _pk_patient
	from clin.encounter
	where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	-- INSERT all components
	for _pk_component in
		select pk from ref.lnk_substance2brand where fk_brand = _pk_brand
		-- already there ?
		perform 1 from clin.substance_intake
			fk_encounter in (
				select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
			fk_drug_component = _pk_component
		if FOUND then
		end if;
		-- insert
		insert into clin.substance_intake (
			fk_drug_component,				-- differentiate
			clin_when,						-- harmonize (started)
			fk_encounter,					-- harmonize
			fk_episode,						-- required
			soap_cat,						-- harmonize
			schedule,						-- harmonize
			duration,						-- harmonize
			intake_is_approved_of,			-- harmonize
			is_long_term,					-- harmonize
			discontinued,					-- harmonize
			-- preparation,					-- drug components already have preps
		) values (
			-- NEW.preparation,
	end loop;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_insert_intake_prevent_duplicate_component_links()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Prevent patient from being put on a particular component twice.

	_pk_patient integer;
	_pk_intake integer;
	_msg text;
	-- any drug at all ?
	if NEW.fk_drug_component is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- which patient ?
	select fk_patient into _pk_patient
	from clin.encounter
	where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	-- already exists ?
	select pk into _pk_intake
	from clin.substance_intake
		fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
		fk_drug_component = NEW.fk_drug_component
	if FOUND then
		_msg := '[clin.trf_insert_intake_prevent_duplicate_component_links]: drug component ref.lnk_substance2brand.pk=(' || NEW.fk_drug_component || ') '
			|| 'already linked to patient=(' || _pk_patient || ') '
			|| 'as clin.substance_intake.pk=(' || _pk_intake || ')';
		raise exception unique_violation using message = _msg;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_insert_update_intake_prevent_duplicate_substance_links()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Prevent patient from being put on a particular substance more than once.

	_pk_patient integer;
	_link_count integer;
	_msg text;
	-- any substance at all (rather than drug component) ?
	if NEW.fk_substance is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- which patient ?
	select fk_patient into _pk_patient
	from clin.encounter
	where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	-- more than one link ?
	select count(1) into _link_count
	from clin.substance_intake
		-- for this substance
		fk_substance = NEW.fk_substance
		-- in this one patient
		fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
	if _link_count > 1 then
		_msg := '[clin.trf_insert_update_intake_prevent_duplicate_substance_links]: substance ref.consumable_substance.pk=(' || NEW.fk_substance || ') '
			|| 'already linked to patient=(' || _pk_patient || ') ';
		raise exception unique_violation using message = _msg;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_invalidate_review_on_result_change()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	is_modified bool;
	is_modified := False;
	-- change of test type
	if NEW.fk_type != OLD.fk_type then
		is_modified := True;
	end if;
	-- change of numeric value
	if NEW.val_num != OLD.val_num then
		is_modified := True;
	end if;
	-- change of alpha value
	if NEW.val_alpha != OLD.val_alpha then
		is_modified := True;
	end if;
	-- change of unit
	if NEW.val_unit != OLD.val_unit then
		is_modified := True;
	end if;
	if is_modified is True then
		delete from clin.reviewed_test_results where fk_reviewed_row = OLD.pk;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_normalize_proc_is_ongoing()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	if NEW.clin_end is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	if NEW.clin_end > clock_timestamp() then
		NEW.is_ongoing := TRUE;
		NEW.is_ongoing := FALSE;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_notify_reviewer_of_review_change()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_pk_patient integer;
	_pk_type integer;
	-- disallow change of referenced row
	-- for cleanliness this really *should* be in another trigger
	if NEW.fk_reviewed_row <> OLD.fk_reviewed_row then
		raise exception 'Attaching an existing review to another test result is not allowed (fk_reviewed_row change).';
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- change of last reviewer ?
	if NEW.fk_reviewer = OLD.fk_reviewer then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- review change ?
	if (NEW.is_technically_abnormal <> OLD.is_technically_abnormal) or
	   (NEW.clinically_relevant <> OLD.clinically_relevant) then
		-- find patient for test result
		select pk_patient into _pk_patient
			from clin.v_test_results
			where pk_test_result = OLD.fk_reviewed_row;
		-- find inbox item type
		select pk_type into _pk_type
			from dem.v_inbox_item_type where
			type = 'results review change';
		-- create it if necessary
		if not found then
			insert into dem.inbox_item_type (
			) values (
				(select pk from dem.inbox_item_category where description = 'clinical'),
				'results review change'
			select pk_type into _pk_type
				from dem.v_inbox_item_type where
				type = 'results review change';
		end if;
		-- already notified ?
		perform 1 from dem.message_inbox where
			fk_staff = OLD.fk_reviewer
			and fk_inbox_item_type = _pk_type
			and ufk_context = ARRAY[_pk_patient];
		-- nope, so notify now
		if not found then
			insert into dem.message_inbox (
				fk_staff, fk_inbox_item_type, comment, ufk_context
			) values (
					_('results review changed for patient') || ' [' || vpb.lastnames || ', ' || vbp.firstnames || ']'
					from dem.v_basic_person vbp
					where vpb.pk_identity = _pk_patient
		end if;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_sanity_check_enc_epi_insert()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_identity_from_encounter integer;
	_identity_from_episode integer;
	-- sometimes .fk_episode can actually be NULL (eg. clin.substance_intake)
	-- in which case we do not need to run the sanity check
	if NEW.fk_episode is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	select fk_patient into _identity_from_encounter from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	select fk_patient into _identity_from_episode from clin.encounter where pk = (
		select fk_encounter from clin.episode where pk = NEW.fk_episode
	if _identity_from_encounter <> _identity_from_episode then
		raise exception 'INSERT into %.%: Sanity check failed. Encounter % patient = %. Episode % patient = %.',
		return NULL;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_sanity_check_enc_vs_issue_on_epi()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_identity_from_encounter integer;
	_identity_from_issue integer;
	-- if issue is NULL, do not worry about mismatch
	if NEW.fk_health_issue is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- .fk_episode must belong to the same patient as .fk_encounter
	select fk_patient into _identity_from_encounter from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	select fk_patient into _identity_from_issue     from clin.encounter where pk = (
		select fk_encounter from clin.health_issue where pk = NEW.fk_health_issue
	if _identity_from_encounter <> _identity_from_issue then
		raise exception 'INSERT/UPDATE into %.%: Sanity check failed. Encounter % patient = %. Issue % patient = %.',
		return NULL;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_sanity_check_procedure_episode()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_hospital_stay_episode_pk integer;
	if NEW.fk_hospital_stay is null then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	select into _hospital_stay_episode_pk fk_episode
		from clin.hospital_stay
		where pk = NEW.fk_hospital_stay;
	if NEW.fk_episode = _hospital_stay_episode_pk then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	raise exception '[clin.procedure]: INSERT/UPDATE failed: fk_episode (%) does not match fk_episode (%) behind fk_hospital_stay (%)', NEW.fk_episode, _hospital_stay_episode_pk, NEW.fk_hospital_stay;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_sanity_check_substance_episode()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_identity_from_encounter integer;
	_identity_from_episode integer;
	-- episode can only be NULL if intake is not approved of,
	-- IOW, if clinician approves of intake she better know why
	if NEW.intake_is_approved_of is True then
		if NEW.fk_episode is NULL then
			raise exception 'clin.trf_sanity_check_substance_episode(): substance intake is approved of but .fk_episode is NULL';
			return NULL;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- .fk_episode can be NULL (except in the above case)
	if NEW.fk_episode is NULL then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- .fk_episode must belong to the same patient as .fk_encounter
	select fk_patient into _identity_from_encounter from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	select fk_patient into _identity_from_episode from clin.encounter where pk = (
		select fk_encounter from clin.episode where pk = NEW.fk_episode
	if _identity_from_encounter <> _identity_from_episode then
		raise exception 'INSERT/UPDATE into %.%: Sanity check failed. Encounter % patient = %. Episode % patient = %.',
		return NULL;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_sanity_check_vaccine_has_indications()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_indication_link_pk integer;
	perform 1 from clin.lnk_vaccine2inds where fk_vaccine = NEW.pk limit 1;
	if FOUND then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	raise exception '[clin.vaccine]: INSERT/UPDATE failed: no indication linked to vaccine (clin.lnk_vaccine2inds.fk_vaccine <-(%)-> clin.vaccine.pk)', NEW.pk;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_sync_allergic_state_on_allergies_modified()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

trigger function to sync the allergy state on insert/delete

	_fk_patient integer;
	_fk_encounter integer;
	_state integer;
	_no_of_allergies integer;
	if TG_OP = 'INSERT' then
		select into _fk_patient fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
		_fk_encounter := NEW.fk_encounter;
		_state := 1;
	end if;
	if TG_OP = 'DELETE' then
		-- only run this trigger if deleting last allergy
		select into _fk_patient fk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = OLD.fk_encounter;
		select into _no_of_allergies count(1) from clin.allergy where fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _fk_patient
		if _no_of_allergies > 1 then
			return OLD;		-- still allergies left
		end if;
		_fk_encounter := OLD.fk_encounter;
		_state := 0;
	end if;
	update clin.allergy_state
			has_allergy = _state,
			last_confirmed = coalesce(last_confirmed, now())
		where fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _fk_patient
	if not FOUND then
		insert into clin.allergy_state
			(fk_encounter, has_allergy, last_confirmed)
			(_fk_encounter, _state, now());
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_undiscontinue_unsets_reason()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_identity_from_encounter integer;
	_identity_from_issue integer;
	if NEW.discontinued is NULL then
		NEW.discontinue_reason := NULL;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_unique_indication_in_schedule()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

	_msg text;
	-- is the indication already linked ?
	perform 1 from clin.v_vaccination_courses_in_schedule where
		pk_vaccination_schedule = NEW.fk_schedule and
		pk_indication = (select fk_indication from clin.vaccination_course where pk=NEW.fk_course);
	if FOUND then
		_msg := 'Cannot link course [' || NEW.fk_course || '] into schedule [' || NEW.fk_schedule || ']. The indication is already linked.';
		raise exception '%', _msg;
		return null;
	end if;
	return null;

Function: trf_upd_lc2sth_fk_generic_code()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Check foreign key integrity on update of *.fk_generic_code -> ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system.

	_msg text;
	perform 1 from ref.coding_system_root where pk_coding_system = NEW.fk_generic_code;
	if FOUND then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	_msg := 'clin.trf_upd_lc2sth_fk_generic_code(): UPDATE of '
		|| TG_TABLE_SCHEMA || '.' || TG_TABLE_NAME || ': '
		|| 'fk_generic_code=(' || NEW.fk_generic_code || ') '
		|| 'does not exist in ref.coding_system_root.pk_coding_system, '
		|| 'old fk_generic_code=(' || OLD.fk_generic_code || ')';
	raise foreign_key_violation using message = _msg;
	return OLD;

Function: trf_update_intake_must_link_all_drug_components()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

If a patient is put on a different multi-component drug ALL components thereof must be updated.

	_intake_count integer;
	_component_count integer;
	_pk_patient integer;
	_pk_brand integer;
	_msg text;
	if NEW.fk_drug_component is not distinct from OLD.fk_drug_component then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	select fk_patient into _pk_patient
	from clin.encounter
	where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	-- check the OLD brand unless it is NULL
	if OLD.fk_drug_component is not NULL then
		-- get the brand we were linking to
		select fk_brand into _pk_brand
		from ref.lnk_substance2brand
		where fk_substance = OLD.fk_drug_component;
		-- How many substance intake links for this drug have we got ?
		select count(1) into _intake_count
		from clin.substance_intake
			fk_drug_component in (
				select fk_substance from ref.lnk_substance2brand where fk_brand = _pk_brand
			fk_encounter in (
				select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
		-- unlinking completely would be fine but else:
		if _intake_count != 0 then
			-- How many components *are* there in the drug in question ?
			select count(1) into _component_count
			from ref.lnk_substance2brand
			where fk_brand = _pk_brand;
			-- substance intake link count and number of components must match
			if _component_count != _intake_count then
				_msg := '[clin.trf_update_intake_must_link_all_drug_components]: re-linking brand must unlink all components of old brand [' || _pk_brand || '] '
					|| '(component [' || OLD.fk_drug_component || ' -> ' || NEW.fk_drug_component || '])';
				raise exception check_violation using message = _msg;
			end if;
		end if;
	end if;
	-- check the NEW brand unless it is NULL
	if NEW.fk_drug_component is not NULL then
		-- get the brand we were linking to
		select fk_brand into _pk_brand
		from ref.lnk_substance2brand
		where fk_substance = NEW.fk_drug_component;
		-- How many substance intake links for this drug have we got ?
		select count(1) into _intake_count
		from clin.substance_intake
			fk_drug_component in (
				select fk_substance from ref.lnk_substance2brand where fk_brand = _pk_brand
			fk_encounter in (
				select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
		-- unlinking completely would be fine but else:
		if _intake_count != 0 then
			-- How many components *are* there in the drug in question ?
			select count(1) into _component_count
			from ref.lnk_substance2brand
			where fk_brand = _pk_brand;
			-- substance intake link count and number of components must match
			if _component_count != _intake_count then
				_msg := '[clin.trf_update_intake_must_link_all_drug_components]: re-linking brand must link all components of new brand [' || _pk_brand || '] '
					|| '(component [' || OLD.fk_drug_component || ' -> ' || NEW.fk_drug_component || '])';
				raise exception check_violation using message = _msg;
			end if;
		end if;
	end if;
	return NEW;

Function: trf_update_intake_updates_all_drug_components()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

If a drug component substance intake is updated all sibling components must receive some values thereof.

	_pk_brand integer;
	_component_count integer;
	_pk_patient integer;
	-- does it at all relate to a drug (rather than substance) ?
	if NEW.fk_drug_component is null then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- which drug ?
	select fk_brand into _pk_brand
	from ref.lnk_substance2brand
	where pk = NEW.fk_drug_component;
	-- how many components therein ?
	select count(1) into _component_count
	from ref.lnk_substance2brand
	where fk_brand = _pk_brand;
	-- only one component ?
	if _component_count = 1 then
		return NEW;
	end if;
	-- which patient ?
	select fk_patient into _pk_patient
	from clin.encounter
	where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	-- update all substance instakes ...
	update clin.substance_intake set
		clin_when = NEW.clin_when,				-- started
		fk_encounter = NEW.fk_encounter,
		soap_cat = NEW.soap_cat,
		schedule = NEW.schedule,
		duration = NEW.duration,
		intake_is_approved_of = NEW.intake_is_approved_of,
		is_long_term = NEW.is_long_term,
		discontinued = NEW.discontinued
		-- ... which belong to this drug ...
		fk_drug_component in (
			select pk from ref.lnk_substance2brand where fk_brand = _pk_brand
		-- ... but are not THIS component ...
		fk_drug_component != NEW.fk_drug_component
		-- ... this patient ...
		fk_encounter in (
			select pk from clin.encounter where fk_patient = _pk_patient
		-- ... are different in value (this will stop recursion as soon as all are equal)
			clin_when is distinct from NEW.clin_when
			fk_encounter is distinct from NEW.fk_encounter
			soap_cat is distinct from NEW.soap_cat
			schedule is distinct from NEW.schedule
			duration is distinct from NEW.duration
			intake_is_approved_of is distinct from NEW.intake_is_approved_of
			is_long_term is distinct from NEW.is_long_term
			discontinued is distinct from NEW.discontinued
	return NEW;

Function: trf_warn_on_duplicate_vaccinations()

Returns: trigger

Language: PLPGSQL

Sends a notification to the inbox of both current_user and clin.vaccination.fk_provider (if not NULL) in case a new or updated vaccination falls within 1 week of another vaccination with (even partially) overlapping indications.

	_NEW_pk_patient integer;
	_NEW_vaccination record;
	_NEW_vacc_label text;
	_prev_vacc_loop_record record;
	_prev_vaccination record;
	_prev_vacc_label text;
	_indication_collision integer;
	msg text;
	_pk_current_provider integer;
	-- find patient for NEW vaccination
	select fk_patient into _NEW_pk_patient from clin.encounter where pk = NEW.fk_encounter;
	-- load denormalized vaccination corresponding to NEW vaccination
	select * into _NEW_vaccination from clin.v_pat_vaccinations where pk_vaccination = NEW.pk;
	-- generate label for NEW vaccination
	_NEW_vacc_label := to_char(_NEW_vaccination.date_given, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
		|| ' (#' || _NEW_vaccination.pk_vaccination || '): '
		|| _NEW_vaccination.vaccine
		|| ' (' || array_to_string(_NEW_vaccination.l10n_indications, ', ') || ')';
	-- loop over ...
	for _prev_vacc_loop_record in
		-- ... vaccinations ...
		SELECT * FROM clin.vaccination cv
			-- ... of this patient ...
			cv.fk_encounter in (select ce.pk from clin.encounter ce where ce.fk_patient = _NEW_pk_patient)
			-- ... within 7 days of the vaccination date ...
			cv.clin_when BETWEEN (NEW.clin_when - '7 days'::interval) AND (NEW.clin_when + '7 days'::interval)
			-- ... not the vaccination we just INSERTed/UPDATEed
			cv.pk != NEW.pk
		select * into _indication_collision from ((
			select fk_indication from clin.lnk_vaccine2inds where fk_vaccine = NEW.fk_vaccine
			select fk_indication from clin.lnk_vaccine2inds where fk_vaccine = _prev_vacc_loop_record.fk_vaccine
		)) as colliding_indications;
		if FOUND then
			-- retrieve denormalized data corresponding to that previous vaccination
			select * into _prev_vaccination from clin.v_pat_vaccinations where pk_vaccination = _prev_vacc_loop_record.pk;
			-- generate label for that previous vaccination
			_prev_vacc_label := to_char(_prev_vaccination.date_given, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
				|| ' (#' || _prev_vaccination.pk_vaccination || '): '
				|| _prev_vaccination.vaccine
				|| ' (' || array_to_string(_prev_vaccination.l10n_indications, ', ') || ')';
			msg := _prev_vacc_label || E'
' || _NEW_vacc_label;
			select pk into _pk_current_provider from dem.staff where db_user = session_user;
			-- create inbox message for current user
			insert into dem.message_inbox (
			) values (
				(select pk_type from dem.v_inbox_item_type where type = 'review vaccs' and category = 'clinical'),
				_('Two vaccinations with overlapping target conditions recorded within one week of each other !'),
			-- create inbox message for vaccinating provider if known
			if NEW.fk_provider is not NULL then
				-- and not identical to session user
				if NEW.fk_provider != _pk_current_provider then
					insert into dem.message_inbox (
					) values (
						(select pk_type from dem.v_inbox_item_type where type = 'review vaccs' and category = 'clinical'),
						_('Two vaccinations with overlapping target conditions recorded within one week of each other !'),
				end if;
			end if;
		end if;
	end loop;
	return NEW;

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